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A Phoenix Is Forever

Page 23

by Ashlyn Chase

  Luca pulled out his cell phone and made a call. “Dad, I have a situation here. Can you bring Gabe? I’m on Waverly Street in front of the dumpster across from the Dorcet Motel.”

  “What happened to the pretty bird?” Mandy asked Dawn while Luca was talking to his dad.

  “He had to fly home to be with his family. I need to buckle you in, honey. We’ll be heading home soon.”

  Luca finished up his call.

  “Okay, everything’s set. I called Dad, and he’s going to call Captain Moore with an anonymous tip. SWAT is going to swarm Keene Street Convenience.”

  “Why? What’s going on there?”

  “I’ll tell you in private.”

  He opened the passenger-side door, and she got in. As soon as he was in the driver’s seat, she asked, “What about Suzie?”

  “Joe will come with backup to haul her out of the dumpster and take her in.”

  Dawn reached out and placed her hands on his cheeks. “Does that mean this is over?”

  “I think so.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed him fast and fierce. “Oh, here’s the gun by the way. It wasn’t loaded.” She handed it to him.

  He shook his head and shoved the gun under his seat. “Let’s get Mandy and her dad reunited.”

  * * *

  Luca pulled out onto the street and drove like a maniac to the safest place he knew…

  The Fierro family home. From there, he’d call Jack.

  “What happened?” Dawn whispered as soon as they were inside.

  Gabriella came bustling out of the kitchen, bent over Mandy, and gave the girl a big warm hug. “Sweetheart. Your daddy is on his way over. He’s so glad you’re safe. We all are. Would you like a glass of milk and a cookie?”

  “Yes, please!”

  Gabriella chuckled and gave Luca a smile that conveyed relief, gratitude, and something else… Awe?

  Luca filled Dawn in on what he’d overheard in the alley behind Keene Street Convenience.

  “I can’t believe it,” Dawn said. “I mean, I can believe it, but it’s so crazy. That horrible sergeant actually had his own sister-in-law offed and wanted to do the same to his niece?”

  “I had no idea how ruthless he is. But I guess part of it is trying to save his own neck. I heard him talking to Joe the other day about his upcoming vacation to Cancun. I bet he’s looking to make a getaway and disappear for good.”

  “You mean leave his family?”

  “In order to escape jail time? I’m sure of it. Psychopaths really don’t think of anyone but themselves. He’s probably doing this one last deal to get a big cash haul.”

  “I hope they can stop him before he gets out of the country,” Dawn said.

  “Don’t worry. Someone in that gang will roll on him for a lesser sentence.”

  There’s only one problem with that…on the full moon, he’ll tear his cellmate apart.

  “What are you planning? Whatever it is, I’m going with you.”

  Luca shook his head. “No way. You are going to stay with my parents. I don’t want you in harm’s way.”

  “You can’t order me around. If I say I’m going with you, then I’m going with you.”

  Luca gritted his teeth. “I love you, Dawn, but you have it in your head that you have to save the world, and you could get yourself killed in the process. I can’t risk it.”

  “I don’t have that mindset. You do!”

  Mandy overheard the couple and poked her head around the kitchen doorway. “Don’t fight. That’s what the mean man and lady did all the time.”

  They gazed at each other, chagrinned. “We’re not fighting, honey,” Luca said. “Not really. Sometimes grown-ups both want the same thing, but they just want it to happen different ways.”

  Dawn took his hand and said, “It’s okay. I know you’re right about wanting to keep me safe. But you aren’t right about me wanting to save the world.” Then she winked. “Just my little corner of it.”

  “Tomorrow, you can get your grandma out of the hospital and bring her here.”

  “Why? Do you think they’d go after her?”

  “Babe, if it’s known that you had something to do with it, the gang might try to retaliate.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t wait…and shouldn’t you ask your parents?”

  Antonio breezed into the living room, wearing his bathrobe. “Ask your parents what?”

  “Can Dawn’s grandmother stay here until this all blows over—or until we find her another place to live?”

  Antonio nodded gravely. “She can stay here as long as she likes. You too, of course, Dawn.”

  Dawn threw her arms around Antonio’s neck and spoke through a throat thick with tears. “Thank you.” Then she turned to Luca. “We have to catch them.”

  “We will. I promise.”

  * * *

  The doorbell rang.

  Luca answered it, and Dawn was happy to see Jack Richardson on their doorstep.

  “Is she here?”

  “Yes,” she and Luca said at the same time. They didn’t have a chance to say another word before Mandy came running, yelling, “Daddy! Daddy!”

  The man dropped to his knees in front of his daughter and burst into tears. He pulled her into a tight embrace and held her as if he’d never let her go. She was holding onto him just as tightly.

  Gabriella waited until they had pulled apart, sniffling, and handed them both some tissues. “Let me make you some coffee, Jack.”

  “No, thank you. I just want to get my little girl home—where she belongs.”

  “That’s completely understandable.”

  Jack rose, lifting Mandy and resting her on his left hip as he stuck out his right hand to Luca. “I can’t thank you enough.” After shaking his hand, he turned to Dawn and shook hers. “And you… You’re amazing. I don’t know how you found her, but I’ll be forever grateful.”

  Dawn shrugged. “I’m just glad I could help.”

  They all said their goodbyes and ushered the happy reunited family out the front door.

  As soon as the door was closed and locked, Antonio shouted, “You both could have been killed!”

  “Dad, I told you over the phone, we’re fine.”

  “Well, I was saving my yelling until now.”

  “Shh…” Gabriella tucked her hand in the crook of her husband’s elbow. “I think he knows you were worried. We both were. But please take a moment to tell our son how proud you are of what he did.”

  Antonio hung his head. “I’m sorry. Yes, what you did, Luca, rescuing that child, was…miraculous. I’ve rescued plenty of kids, but they weren’t in the same kind of danger, and neither was I.”

  “Yes,” Gabriella breathed. “Who knows what would have happened to that precious little girl if you hadn’t acted.”

  “I just hope I don’t get in trouble for not following protocol.”

  “Son,” Antonio said, “even if you get fired, you did the right thing.”

  “That’s what I believe too. But it wasn’t all me.”

  Then he gave Dawn a look. She was beginning to interpret his subtle body language.

  “I’m afraid if anyone messed up the investigation, it was me. I saw an opening and rushed in, grabbing Mandy without even thinking about any protocol that should be followed.”

  “And I’ll bet you’d do it again if you had to.” Gabriella smiled.

  “Yup. I’m afraid I would. And now I have to rescue my own grandmother. I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.”

  Antonio’s cell phone beeped, and he pulled it out of his pocket. After a few short responses, Antonio thanked the caller and hung up. “Joe wanted you to know he picked up that woman in the dumpster and hauled her to jail.”

  “Great. Now hopefully Captain Moore and half the BPD are on their wa
y to arrest Butts and Ice,” Luca said. “In the meantime, we need to get Annette. Carla is still out there, and she could do something dangerous to save her skin.”

  Hearing that broke Dawn’s heart, but Luca had a point. She had been colluding by looking the other way. Who knows what Carla had participated in knowingly?

  Dawn was on pins and needles all the way to the hospital. They might have to sign Annette out AMA—against medical advice—but if that was what it took to keep her gran safe, so be it. Luckily, there was a young nurse on duty, and Luca worked his charm while Dawn went into Annette’s room to wake her up.

  She was scheduled to be released the next day anyway, so she was just leaving a few hours early. Dawn found a wheelchair in the hall and took it into her grandmother’s room while Luca distracted the night nurse with his tales of working the streets at night. It sounded as if he’d been on the force for years, not weeks.

  “Gran, wake up.”

  Annette opened her eyes and stared at Dawn in surprise. She glanced at the clock on the wall. “What are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

  “We have to leave. I need to take you to Luca’s parents’ house. Antonio is in the car, and Luca’s just outside at the nurses’ station. It’s not safe for you here.”

  Annette nodded. If there was one thing about her grandmother, it was how smart and alert she was. Given her background and her experiences in her lifetime, she was no fool when it came to danger. Dawn helped her grandmother up and quickly packed up her bag, then helped her into the wheelchair and wheeled her out while Luca still talked with the night nurse.

  “Thank you,” Annette said to Antonio when she’d been helped into the family’s SUV. “For looking after my granddaughter and now me! I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Don’t look at it like that. We don’t,” Antonio assured her. “Besides, my wife loves having people to cook big Italian meals for—and I benefit too!” His big grin reassured her.

  By the time they got back to the Fierro house, Luca’s brother Gabe and his wife, Misty, were up with their toddler, Tony. Apparently, he had decided to wake up early—or perhaps the chaos woke him.

  They were in the dining room, chowing down on the huge breakfast Gabriella had set on the table.

  “Welcome, Annette.” Gabriella wrapped her arms around Annette and gave her a warm hug. She helped her sit on a chair with a cushion added and offered her some tea or coffee.

  “Oh, I’d love some coffee. Thank you.”

  “I thought I’d make up the sofa bed in the living room for you, just until you can go up the stairs to our guest room. You’ll be very comfortable.”

  “Thank you, dear Gabriella. I hope I’m not causing too much of an inconvenience.”

  “Not at all. We’re used to family staying here whenever they need or want to. Your Dawn is part of our family now, so that means you are too.”

  “I’m so grateful.” Annette’s eyes watered, then she cleared her throat and said, “My, those muffins look delicious.”

  Gabriella quickly put one on a plate and placed it in front of Annette. “I adapted the recipe, based on the Italian spumoni cake Antonio’s mother used to make.”

  Annette took a bite and groaned in delight as she chewed.

  Dawn and Luca told her what was going on. Annette shook her head and wiped her eyes when Dawn told her about Carla.

  “What’s the next step?” Gabe asked.

  “There’s something I have to tell you, Dad,” Luca began. “But we need to talk about it privately.”

  “I’d like to come too,” Gabe said.

  Antonio grabbed a muffin, rose, and said, “To the man cave!”

  * * *

  Before he’d even had a chance to get comfortable, Luca told his father, “Dad, when I was watching Sergeant Butts and one of the gang argue, Butts shape-shifted into a wolf.”

  “Holy shit!” Gabe said. “Will a regular jail cell hold him? And what about the full moon? Do you know anyone who might know what to do, Dad?”

  “I have an idea. Something that Butts will never expect,” Luca said. “We’ll need a little help from an unusual source, and I think we’ll get a unique brand of justice.”

  Luca glanced at his dad, whose eyes were gleaming. “I think I know what you’re getting at, Son,” Antonio said. “Besides, I promised her I’d report any violations of her rule number one. Never reveal your paranormal identity to a human—outside of the human wives, that is.”

  “Oh no,” Gabe said. “You’re not talking about who I think you’re talking about, are you?”

  A whirlwind sprang up in front of them. Gaia appeared, wearing a white toga belted with a green vine. “I hear you need a kick in the Butts.”

  Antonio shot to his feet. “Mother Nature. Welcome!”

  Chapter 16

  “Five cruisers pulled up to the Keene Street Convenience store.”

  Joe was on the phone, describing the scene Luca had missed soon after he left. “The officers rushed in and dragged out Ice Spider and Butts along with several other Keene Street Gang members. Gulliver and Captain Moore were the first ones in. You would have loved it, kid.

  “Ha, Butts thought he was smart,” Joe continued. “Picking the time during shift change, when most officers were back at the precinct. Only instead, it seems as if both shifts were busting up his operation. Captain Moore personally read Butts his rights and handcuffed him. Butts yelled, ‘You bitches. You think you can get me? I’ll be out on bail in an hour.’ Then Captain Moore said, ‘Butts, for once in your life, shut the fuck up,’ as she put her hand on his head and shoved him into the back of the cruiser.”

  We got them. Luca breathed a sigh of relief. “Did your guys get the Tyler Street Dogs too?”

  “Yup,” Joe replied. “The stash of coke was in a false bottom in the trunk. They might help implicate Butts.”

  “What about Carla?”

  “We got her just as she was trying to get through security at the airport.”

  “Joe, I owe you a beer or two.”

  “You got it, buddy. And look, I know you’re a rookie, but you are one damn fine cop.”

  “Thanks, man.” As he hung up, he felt like he’d achieved what he was meant to do.

  A short while later, Luca peeked into the living room and saw Annette sleeping on the pullout sofa. Dawn was watching from the dining room table.

  “How’s Annette doing?” he whispered.

  “She’s sound asleep.” Dawn suppressed a yawn, and Luca wrapped his arms around her.

  “You should be sound asleep too. Why don’t you get some rest?”

  “I’m not going to bed until all this is done.”

  “This one is just like your mom.” Antonio grinned, lifting his chin at Dawn. He carried a full coffeepot out of the kitchen and set it on the dining room table’s trivet.

  “Who’s just like me?” Gabriella strolled out of the kitchen with a tray of mugs and spoons, plus cream and sugar.

  “Dawn is as stubborn as you are.” He softened his statement with a kiss to her cheek.

  “Good,” Gabriella replied, winking at Dawn. “We need to be that way to handle the Fierro men.”

  Dawn chuckled at their banter. Luca hugged her even tighter. It was good to hear her laugh.

  “What about Butts?” Dawn asked Luca.

  “He’s been arrested along with Ice and Carla. He was calling himself Blue Wolf as a code name.”

  “He’ll be out on bail and on a plane to Mexico by tomorrow morning,” Antonio added.

  “We can’t let him get away with it! He’s going to escape.” Dawn’s eyes were wide with alarm.

  “It’s okay,” Luca said in a reassuring voice. “We have a little surprise for him when he gets to his destination.”

  “A surprise?” Dawn tilted her head, a gleam beginning to flicker
in her eyes. “What sort of surprise?”

  “I’ll tell you later,” he whispered.

  “You know what I just realized?” Antonio said.

  “What?” Dawn and Luca asked together.

  “The blue sheep just took down the blue wolf.”

  Luca rolled his eyes, then couldn’t help laughing anyway.

  * * *

  Two days later…

  “Room service. How may we help you make your dreams come true?”

  “I’d like a deep tissue massage, and make sure you send in the same girl as last time. Then in one hour, I’d like another bottle of champagne, a steak rare, and a slice of your chocolate mousse cake.”

  “I’m sorry. The masseuse you had last time is off. I have someone else you’ll like just as much.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “All right then. Send her up.”

  “Right away, Mr. Mooney.”

  Butts grinned at the use of his pseudonym. He hung up and stretched out on the king-size four-poster bed. He picked up the remote control and flicked through the channel selection, landing on an adult film site.

  He’d been coming here on vacation for the past five years. He was here for one more quickie before heading to a country where there was no extradition treaty with the United States. He had a stash of money, a luxury condo picked out, and would soon find a hot mistress who would satisfy his needs for the rest of his life.

  He unbuckled his pants and chuckled in pleasure as he watched three buxom women cavorting in a hot tub with a pizza delivery guy.

  Ice and Carla would no doubt rot in jail, while he would bask in the sunshine, sitting on his terrace with an ocean view. Luckily, he knew the judge personally, and his bribe had worked to get him bail. He’d had to turn over his passport of course. No problem, since he had two other passports under different names. His suitcase had been packed and ready.

  If he never saw his wife again, it would be too soon. Damn woman was like a nun. As for his daughter, well, she was already engaged to a congressman’s son with a tidy prenup. He’d made sure that if the prick broke the engagement, and he no doubt would after hearing of Butts’s arrest, Lisa would get a cool million. That would keep her satisfied until she found another idiot to marry. And he was sure she would. She’d inherited her father’s instincts.


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