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His Forbidden Kiss

Page 14

by Jessica Lemmon

  “Welcome to ThomKnox.” The woman didn’t respond, so Taylor kept talking. “So, if he’s in, I need to speak with him.”

  “He requested not to be bothered, but I can let him know you were here.” She pulled a pen and notepad from a drawer and looked up at Taylor expectantly.

  “This is important, so I’m going to have to insist.” Taylor wasn’t in the mood to be delayed. She was tired. She was cranky. She was pregnant. She stepped toward Royce’s office door, but the woman stood to block her path.

  “I’m the COO of this company,” Taylor told her.

  “I understand, but his instructions were implicit.”

  “Not to see me?” Taylor hoped not. That was horrifying.

  “Not to see anyone, ma’am.”

  “You’re new here,” Taylor responded with a patient smile. “You don’t understand how things work. Royce will want to hear what I have to say and it can’t wait.” When she reached for the door handle, the other woman physically swatted her hand away.

  “You will not go in there.” The woman arched a prim blond eyebrow. “Not while I’m stationed here under orders. No matter who you are.”

  Red faced, patience lost, Taylor leaned in. “What about if I’m the mother of his unborn child?” she growled. “Can I go in then?”

  At that moment, the office door popped open. Royce looked from his new assistant to Taylor, frozen in place.

  “Sir?” The woman addressed him.

  “At ease, Melinda.” His calm facade returned. He was too good at calling up that blank look when he needed it. “Taylor. Come in.”

  That wasn’t how she’d wanted him to find out, but there was no going back now. He shut the door behind her and gestured to the leather sofa in his office. He lowered into the chair across from it rather than sit next to her.

  “She’s intense.” Nervous, Taylor smoothed her hands over her skirt.

  “I guess I should have been more specific about who to exclude from that request.”

  “Would I have been excluded?”

  His brow furrowed. “Of course.”

  She supposed that was some relief. At least he didn’t hate her. “I have three positive pregnancy tests and a report from the doctor in my purse.” She took the bag off her shoulder and began riffling through the contents.

  “Not necessary.” He stayed her with a hand. “I believe you.”

  “I didn’t do this on purpose.”

  “I don’t think that,” he said calmly. He was too calm for her liking. She didn’t know what kind of reaction she expected, but it wasn’t this.

  “I’m keeping the baby. You’ll be involved in your child’s life if you want, of course. I’d never shut you out. But I understand you’re busy and I know that your new position as CEO is demanding. I’m prepared to do what it takes to continue my own position here, including working from home on occasion after the baby is born.”

  Royce blinked. “Okay.”

  “Your level of involvement is totally up to you. I won’t saddle you with a family if you’re not ready.” And according to the last visit he’d paid her on her front stoop, he wasn’t anywhere near ready.

  He dipped his head to acknowledge her. Silence fell, the only sound Melinda’s voice through the door when she answered the phone.

  The tide of emotions—anger, sadness, loss—could be blamed at least partially on Taylor’s physical state. Hormones caused tumultuous emotions, right? She refused to cry in front of Royce. Even though he’d broken her a little. Hell, maybe a lot. The fallout wasn’t complete yet. But she wouldn’t whimper in front of him like a lost puppy. She had to be strong. She’d have a family of her own soon—just the two of them if the shell-shocked expression on his face was any indication of how well he was taking the news.

  “We have time to sort out the details,” she said, hoping to prompt a response.

  “Okay,” was all he said.

  “Okay,” she repeated. “Well. I guess I’ll be going.”

  He followed her to the door, his eyes on her purse as she pulled it over her shoulder.

  “Hopefully leaving will be easier than coming in,” she sort of joked.

  “I’ll let Melinda know you can come in anytime you like,” he said. “Maybe I’ll even include Bran and Gia on that list.”

  Neither of them smiled as he pulled open the door.

  “Thanks for coming by,” he said formally when she stepped out. Hopefully he’d said that for Melinda’s benefit. Him being this distant, this cold, this unresponsive was awful.

  She was the woman who’d once drawn a response from him that was borderline out of character. She’d kissed him in a closet two months ago and uncovered a man neither of them had known existed. Not only had they not returned to the way they were before the kiss, but they’d arrived in a place they’d never been. With her as cordial and distant as he was.

  Awful. Just awful.

  Back in her office, she sat on her chair and stared blankly at the computer screen. Then she logged on and opened her email and started working.

  Maybe what they needed was time apart. Time to digest that they’d soon be parents. And judging by Royce’s reaction—time to accept that they’d be parenting apart as well.


  Time should have quelled the pain.

  It should have, but it hadn’t.

  Royce had turned over the last personal conversation he’d had with Taylor every day since it’d happened, and had arrived at the same exact conclusion every time.

  He’d blown it.

  She was pregnant and he hadn’t reacted well to that news, either. To learning he was going to be a father and could “choose his level of involvement.” Like this was a video game and he had the option to choose his starting level. In his defense, he hadn’t had time to react considering he’d had an audience—his tart assistant. Had he been eased into the news rather than overhearing it, maybe his reaction would have been more favorable. Then again, who the hell knew? He had zero experience hearing he was going to be a father before last week.

  God. A baby. The fact that he would soon be a parent to a living, breathing human being still hadn’t sank in. Probably because he was excellent at compartmentalizing.

  The baby wouldn’t be born for months. No reason to rush to a decision. Plus, he’d told Melinda not to disturb him because he’d had a packed week ahead of him. It hadn’t been hard to fill his time with myriad tasks considering he was still wearing the CFO and CEO hats.

  Though now that he’d completed his round of interviews with three very qualified candidates for the position of Chief Financial Officer, and the follow-up interviews were scheduled with Brannon and Taylor, Royce was left with a lot of time on his hands. With nothing but quiet in his head so that he could figure out how he felt.

  How did he feel?





  Ridiculously happy.

  But that happiness was a balloon that couldn’t fully inflate, as if there was a microscopic pinprick letting out a stream of air. Arguably he was the “prick” in this case. Which pissed him off more.

  He’d funneled that anger, that rage, and aimed it directly at the version of Taylor in his mind. How dare she make plans and exclude him? She’d told him he could be involved as if it was optional. Like he would be too busy to spend time with his son or daughter?



  He’d have one or the other come winter. It was terrifying. Exciting.


  Bran let himself in without so much as a knock, interrupting a rare bout of silent time and earning a solid scowl from Royce.

  “I waited until Melinda went to lunch to sneak in.” Bran shuddered theatrically. “She’s scary.”

p; “She’s thorough. What do you want?” Royce asked, tired. “If this is about the follow-up interviews, I’ll indulge you.”

  “It’s about Taylor.”

  “In that case, you can go.” Royce was only half kidding.

  “Much as I’d like to leave you alone with your righteous anger,” Bran said as he lounged in a chair in front of Royce’s desk. “I’m going to have to call you on your bullshit.”

  “Did you misunderstand me? I don’t want to talk about Taylor with you.”

  The pregnancy was common knowledge. Not only did Melinda and anyone within earshot overhear Taylor, but Royce had immediately told his siblings. Gia was hurt that Taylor hadn’t come to her, but Royce wasn’t taking his chances where his brother and sister were concerned. The last time he’d kept a secret from them, it’d blown up in his face.

  “Taylor informed me that I can choose my level of involvement. As if my not being involved was an option,” Royce grumbled anyway, ignoring his own earlier statement that he didn’t want to talk about it. The truth was he did need someone to talk to. “How could she say that to me? Did what happened between us mean so little to her?”

  Bran laughed, which sent Royce’s anger soaring. “Do you hear yourself, man? How much could she possibly have meant to you if you dumped her on her doorstep?”

  “I did what had to be done.”

  “Listen, I’m as surprised as you are that Taylor is expecting your baby. But can you blame her for making a plan? Her life is about to change irrevocably.”

  “Well, so’s mine!” Royce roared.

  “Gia thinks you’re lucky Taylor told you at all.”

  “Oh, you and Gia are talking about it now, too? Maybe the three of you should get together, decide my part and let me know.”

  “Don’t be pissed at me. I happened to be there while Gia was ranting about what a moron you were. You know I always love a good conversation about what a moron you are.” Bran smiled, but then quickly grew serious. “Do you have any idea how miserable you’ve been lately, or have you been ignoring that too?”

  “I’m fine.” If fine felt like he’d lost the outermost layer of his skin or like his heart had been mashed into paste with a crowbar, then sure, Royce was fine.

  “You were fine when you were dating her,” Bran said. “Or didn’t you take time away from your busy schedule long enough to notice?”

  His brother picked the wrong moment to needle him. Typically, Royce was able to be the bigger man. He knew when to let things go, and when to pursue them. He was the ultimate at picking his battles. Just not today.

  “You don’t get to do this, brother,” Royce said, his voice low. “Not while I’m grappling with impending fatherhood. Not while I’m trying to hire a new CFO—a role that was mine for a decade plus. Not when I’m reeling over the woman I love not caring if I’m involved in our child’s life or not!”

  The door to his office opened and Gia stood in the doorway, wide-eyed, her hand resting gingerly on the handle.

  “Hey, sis.” Royce leaned back in his chair and threw the pen he’d been holding onto the desk. “Come on in and have a seat. Or should I call a staff meeting and announce to everybody what I’m going through?”

  She traded wary glances with Bran, and then they both turned their eyes to their older brother.

  Royce, beyond frustrated, huffed one word. “What?”

  Gia’s eyebrows rose.

  “Why are you both staring at me?” Royce tried again.

  “The woman you love,” Gia said. “You heard that, right?” She elbowed Bran’s arm without looking at him, instead studying Royce like he was a specimen in a petri dish.

  “I think I heard it. I’m stunned stupid.” Bran blinked.

  Royce didn’t know what the hell either of his younger siblings were talking about. What he didn’t need right now was either of their opinions. What he needed was for them to leave him alone so he could—


  Had he said that?

  “Oh my God,” Gia said to Bran. “I’m pretty sure he just realized what he said. Do you think he didn’t know before we pointed it out?”

  “I’m not sure. Let’s watch and see what happens.” Bran folded his arms and stared at his brother. Royce’s collar felt hot. His bow tie, usually nestled comfortably in that collar, was strangling him. Cutting off the blood supply operating his brain.

  He hadn’t been using his brain during that outburst. He’d been speaking from his heart. And his heart had definitely not consulted his brain before those words had exited his mouth.

  “I’m in love with Taylor,” he said for the first time out loud. Admitting it to himself while admitting it to his brother and sister. “I’ve been miserable without her. I felt like... Like I was sinking, with cinder blocks tied to my feet. No matter how hard I struggled to pull myself to the surface, the weight kept pulling me down.”

  “Sounds like love to me,” Gia said softly. Her saying anything softly was a rarity, so Royce paid attention. “I felt like that after my divorce. I’d like to tell you it gets better. I want to tell you that the sinking, drowning feeling fades. I don’t think it does. I think you just learn to think about it less often. To grab little bits of air when you can.”

  “Meanwhile, I wish I could tell you that you deserve this. That you entered territory you shouldn’t have gone anywhere near.” Bran shook his head. “But I can’t. Taylor did something to you. She changed you. In a good way. Even though I’m the one who suggested you break up with her.”

  “You ass!” Gia punched Bran in the arm.

  “Ow! I know, okay?” Bran rubbed his arm, grumbling about Gia’s pointy knuckles before turning back to Royce. “My point is that a baby...a baby is a big deal. And if you’re in love with the woman carrying your baby... Royce. You’re going to be a father.”

  “You’re going to be a daddy,” Gia sang in a syrupy voice. “I’m going to be an aunt. I was upset Taylor didn’t tell me about the pregnancy tests at first—that I had to hear it from you, of all people.”

  “Hey.” Royce frowned.

  “I was being selfish,” Gia continued. “This isn’t about me. Taylor dealt with the news the best way she knew how. You should be glad she isn’t cutting you out of your life.”

  “That’s Taylor. Selfless,” Bran said, and Gia nodded her agreement.

  “Putting herself last,” Royce added. “She was trying to make this easy on me. I didn’t deserve it.”

  “That’s true,” his sister said. “But you can always make it up to her.”

  “Have you decided what you want?” Bran asked Royce. “Taylor’s letting you choose your level of involvement. Did you?”


  He had compartmentalized. He’d ignored everything but work. He hadn’t dealt with it. And he clearly needed to deal with it. He’d had no idea what was in his head or his heart until his outburst.

  “I need the room.” Royce stood and walked to the door. “Please.”

  Bran and Gia filed out, Bran slapping Royce on the shoulder as he left. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Royce would figure out something. He wasn’t sure what yet, but there was no way he was living his life without the mother of his child. Without the woman he loved. He would figure out a way to win her back—to erase this painful memory and replace it with only good ones.

  His cell phone chirped a reminder for the advertising conference call starting in five minutes. The last of the details before the launch. Horrible timing. Every time he turned around, he was putting his life on hold for ThomKnox.

  There was a tired argument in the back of his mind about how this was his legacy and how he had to be here, that without him, ThomKnox would go belly-up. Only now it sounded like one excuse on top of another. Royce despised excuses.

  Despised that he was making them.

; “Fuck it.” He tossed his phone onto the desk and shut his office door, locking it behind him.

  “Where are you going?” Bran asked as Royce blew by.

  “Not here.” He stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.

  Bran caught the doors before they closed. “What about the conference call?”

  “Handle it. I have to do something.”

  Royce would never forget the look on his brother’s face as long as he lived. Pride stretched Brannon’s smile as he moved his hand away, his last gesture a nod of confirmation as the doors slid shut.

  Royce was through making excuses.

  Through living without the woman he loved.

  A plan formed as the elevator slid down the shaft and by the time he exited into the lobby of ThomKnox, his mind was racing along with his heart.

  He didn’t know if his idea would win her back, but he had to try. His last thought as he climbed into his car was, I’ll try anything. Everything.

  Taylor belonged with him. It was past time he told her so.


  Taylor loped into her mother’s house for dinner, weighed down by everything life had thrown at her over the last month. Not only had Royce been further ignoring her, she’d felt a chill coming from Gia.

  Taylor hadn’t meant to exclude her friend in the announcement of her pregnancy, but even Gia should understand why Taylor had gone to Royce first.

  Gia would come around. Bran had been keeping his opinions to himself and Taylor hoped it wasn’t because he’d chosen sides. She wanted her baby to be born into a family overcome with love for their new addition, not upset over how the news was announced.

  She’d been battling morning sickness lately too, so when she stepped into the house and the smell of garlic and grilled fish hit her nostrils, her stomach did a barrel roll. She sprinted to the half bath and emptied her lunch into the toilet, gripping the sides of the porcelain bowl.

  “Good gracious, Tay!” Her mother rushed in and snagged a decorative hand towel from the ring, wetting it under the sink. Deena helped Taylor to her feet only to push her down on the now-closed lid as she flushed. “What on earth...?”


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