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The Four Tales

Page 80

by Rebecca Reddell

“I would love to help, but I don’t know if I can,” he told them.

  Maezy watched as Maleficent’s eyes narrowed and glowed. Her lips turned down, and Maezy knew this was a very bad sign. Clearing her throat, she tried to catch her mother’s gaze and shook her head.

  “Brandalfr?” Maezy turned to the warlock. “Can you stay long enough to help fortify mother’s spells? Then I’ll help you find your father.”

  “Find his father?” Maleficent broke in before Brandalfr could answer. “Osvaldr is missing?”

  Wren nodded while Brandalfr stood rigid, arms crossed over his chest, and lips compressed. Staring at them, Maezy had the strangest notion. She wondered what would happen if she kissed him? He really was beautiful to look at and –

  “Maezy!” her mother screamed.

  “Huh? What? Oh, yes, that’s right. Brandalfr’s father is missing. That’s why he was helping King Ingvar in the first place. Father told him you would knew where Osvaldr was and would tell him once captured.”

  “What?” Maleficent shouted.

  Sparks sizzled through the air around her. Eyes glowing incandescent, she seethed while clouds formed in the sky above her. Pacing back and forth before them, she muttered incoherent phrases causing Brandalfr and Maezy to look at each other with raised brows.

  “When?” she yelled, coming to a stop before them.

  “You should know,” Brandalfr baited her.

  “Little boy, I wouldn’t annoy me too far. I have held my tongue so far since you’ve helped Maezy, but don’t push me!” Thunder crashed in the air and Maezy jumped, but Brandalfr barely moved a muscle. They stood a few feet apart glaring at each other.

  Maezy watched as both of them had a staring contest. Thunder reverberated loud enough to rumble through the ground. Lightning echoed the thunder and pulsated through the air with repeated energy strikes.

  It took Maezy a few seconds to detect her mother and Brandalfr were using the weather to intimidate each other. Both pulled out their best thunderclaps and fire bolts across the blackening sky. Sighing, Maezy shook her head as the rampage continued.

  “Are you two finished wasting time yet?” she screamed.

  The noise stopped at once, and the sky began to clear as both turned to look at her with petulant looks on their faces. Shaking her head again, Maezy sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

  “So, what are we going to do about keeping daddy dearest from kidnapping me again, and how do we find Osvaldr? Planning needs to commence this instant before elves start popping out of the woodwork.”

  Blinking, her mother’s eyes turned back to their warmer green, and the black clouds disappeared. Brandalfr, relaxed his stance and lost his frown, but his arms stayed crossed in front of him. Both looked from her to each other and back to her.

  “We fortify the spells first. If we do so, then we can start searching for your father. However, I have a feeling I know where he is.” Maleficent crossed her own arms and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. In this relaxed pose, she gave this startling piece of information.

  “What?” Maezy hollered at the same time Brandalfr roared the word.

  “When did your father disappear?” Maleficent asked.

  “The same day he said he was meeting you,” he accused.

  “I was afraid you’d say that.”

  “Mother?” Maezy was becoming angry.

  Maleficent sighed. “I told him not to go. I knew he wouldn’t listen to me.”

  “Go where?” Brandalfr leaned forward, his arms dropping to his sides with fisted hands.

  “Gorgóna Limnothalássa,” she told them.

  Maezy sucked in a breath, while Brandalfr cursed under his breath and said, “Then we might be too late.”


  “Gor-go-nuh Lim-no-thal-assa?” Maezy stretched the word out trying to pronounce it correctly and sighed. “Are you sure, Mother?”

  Maleficent tilted her head down and to the right and narrowed her eyes.

  “She’s sure,” Maezy turned to Brandalfr and confirmed.

  “Why would he go there? What was he thinking?” Brandalfr fumed.

  “He wanted to find the one weapon to defeat Ingvar. Osvaldr met with me and warned me your father had found out about you,” Maleficent nodded her head toward Maezy. “Ingvar asked for Osvaldr’s assistance in locating you. Osvaldr told me he’d refused, but Ingvar threatened his family. He was going to do it, but he wanted to warn me and give me as much help as possible.”

  “What happened?” Maezy questioned.

  “He told me he wanted to find the one thing to stop Ingvar once and for all. He said it was on Mermaid Lagoon. I warned him from going to the island. I knew it would be horrible idea. I have a feeling he’s still there.”

  Brandalfr kicked the ground and ran his hands through his hair. “This is just great! How will we find him? I thought the Gorgóna Limnothalássa was a myth! Mermaids? This is fantastic! How can I trust you?” He turned and inquired of Maleficent.

  “I suppose you’ll have to trust me the way you trusted Maezy when she appeared out of nowhere in Ingvar’s room. You helped her. I will help you. First, we need to reinforce my spells so we won’t be interrupted.”

  Brandalfr glanced at Maezy. Smiling at him, she nodded to let him know he could trust her even if he wavered on trusting her mother.

  Sighing, he nodded. “All right. I’ll help.”

  “Excellent. Let’s begin.” Maleficent turned on her heel and led them to the castle.

  “It’s time,” Maleficent instructed, after they had spent an hour of reinforcing and redoubling the spells. Their caution was rewarded. The Collective indicated no trespass or foreign presence seeking entrance.

  Maezy watched her mother give instructions to the Collective and watched Brandalfr next. His eyes darted between her mother and the Collective, and his hand stayed on the bow he’d slung around his chest earlier and hadn’t taken off.

  Maleficent ignored his defensive movements and concentrated on providing the Collective with the appropriate instructions. She wanted to be notified the moment any alien source broke through.

  Maezy turned from her mother and motioned Brandalfr to follow her. They exited the door to the hum of chants, and Maezy pulled him to the side of the hall. “What are you thinking?”

  “What do you mean?” he countered.

  “You’re thinking about something. I can tell. What is it?”

  “I’m thinking that it will take days before your father finds this realm. No one can break through all the spells I just weaved. Your mother’s and the Collectives’ spells strengthen the shield around here. We should be set.”


  “What do you mean ‘and’?” he avoided her question.

  “I know you’re thinking of something else. I can tell.”

  “Are you a mind-reader now, Maezy?”

  “Well, I can pick up on how people are acting as well as anyone. Especially when said person keeps his bow and quiver on him, eyes everyone as though they’re about to turn into the devil, and appears as if he’s looking for a way out. You know, your eyes get shifty when you’re about to run.”

  “I’m not going to run, and I don’t think you’re going to turn into the devil.” Taking a step back, he rubbed the string crossing over his chest. His eyes met hers, and the corner of his mouth quirked up on the right.

  “I’m happy to hear you don’t think I’ll turn into the devil. I feel really good about our friendship now.” Maezy returned the grin.

  “Our friendship? Does this mean we have moved past the ‘hating each other’ stage?”

  Maezy took a step back and bit her lip. Considering, she said, “Yeah, I suppose I can forgive your stupid plan to kidnap me.”

  He sighed and shrugged. His lips turned up again and his teeth flashed. “I’m glad you’re the forgiving sort.”

  “Yes, you should be.” Maezy smirked. “You should be glad I didn’t learn mother’s hobby, or you would be in a
lot of trouble. Maybe I could just stick a sword through you.”

  “Are you flirting with me?”

  “Nope, just threatening you.”

  “Good to know the difference.” His eyes held hers as the seconds ticked by, and Maezy refused to look away. The honey color was an orange-brown, bright and intense. They stayed steady on her, and she began to feel as though he were the one trying to read her mind.

  “Ah-hem,” her mother clearing her throat broke their gaze and had their eyes shifting to the red-haired sorceress whose brows had disappeared into her sweeping bangs. “I believe it’s time for us to find your father.”

  Maezy felt her cheeks reddening as she nodded and stole another glance at Brandalfr. His own pale cheeks were red, and he didn’t meet her scrutiny. Head nodding, he started to rub his bow string anew.

  “Then let’s proceed. Follow me,” Her mother waved a hand before her and led the way through another hall.

  Just as Maleficent had said, all of the servants, families, and friends who had taken refuge in her previous realm, Collective Refugium or Collective’s Refuge and the only home Maezy had ever known, were all here. The new realm, Imperium Sanctus or Sanctuary Realm, was full of their people.

  Tucked in corners whispering and completing jobs while watching from the sidelines, several familiar faces were spotted as Maezy walked past them. She smiled to a few and waved to others. Each smiled and waved back. Relieved they had been saved from her father, Maezy wondered how many had perished against his army.

  Taking a moment to remember the fallen, Maezy paused and closed her eyes. The warm weight of a hand took her own. Opening her eyes, she saw Brandalfr had come back to her side and was no longer following her mother.

  “Are you well?” His concerned frown made her lips tilt upward.

  “Yes. I was just thinking of those who were lost in the battle against my father’s army. Many good men died because of him. You were abducted yourself. Your family was taken. Is it wrong to wish my father to whatever realm which is the equivalent of Hades?”

  “No.” His answer and head shake were instantaneous. “I think it’s fair to have such a desire. He has hurt many people and will continue to hurt others unless we stop him.”

  “Do you think we’ll be able to stop him?”

  “Yes, I do.” His confidence was reassuring.

  “How will it end though?” Their eyes held, and Maezy waited for him to respond to her question. She was worried her fears would be confirmed. Biting her bottom lip, she held her breath.

  “I th-ink,” Brandalfr began, “it will turn out the way it’s meant to turn out.”

  “If this is your way of being serene and tranquil and positive, you have lost the definition of those words entirely.” Maezy’s eyes widened, as she shook her head and bit her lip again.

  “In my defense, I am atrocious at lying.”

  “I have a feeling you’re lying right now,” Tilting her head and quirking a brow upward, she waited for his reply.

  “You might have a point,” he returned.

  “Will you two get in here already?”

  Leaping backward, their hands dropped. They turned to locate the screaming voice. Maleficent stood in the doorway leading through to another hallway. Two viridescent flames radiated right where her eyes were supposed to be, and Maezy knew it was an unpleasant sign.

  “Right! Coming!” Maezy hurried forward with Brandalfr on her heels.

  The room they entered next was concealed toward the back of the hallway Maleficent had dashed down with them sprinting to catch up. Maezy wasn’t surprised to find this hidden chamber was a library. In any home they’d ever lived, within any realm her mother found or created, there was always a library. Smiling and feeling right at home, she walked over to one of the sofas in the middle of the room and plunked down.

  What are we doing?” The first question popped out of her mouth as Brandalfr sat opposite, and her mother closed the door and moved to the desk.

  “Finding Osvaldr,” the rejoinder was short and to the point.

  “I figured. I meant how?”

  “Maezy, do you have to ask?”

  “Y-e-s. You haven’t mentioned how this is going to go.”

  “You’re an adult, Maezy, and therefore, you should be able to understand there’s only one way we are going to be able to locate him.”

  Two sets of eyes gawked at her. Each had a vivid, are-you-really-this-thick glow to their stare. Maezy sighed, and her shoulders fell. She should have known. She did know. A small part of her didn’t want to know.

  “Locator spell? Seemed to work for Brandalfr,” she mentioned. Just as soon as the words were out of her mouth, she slid a side glance his way and found his gaze on her already.

  Both ducked their heads, and her mother sighed. “I thought there might be a better way to find information and not go in blind.”

  “Are we sure this is the right course of action? Can I die in a realm walk?”

  “Maezy!” Maleficent turned toward her and shook her head.

  “What?” Brandalfr examined first her mother and then her. “Wait? Can she die doing this?” His tone was alarmed as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him.

  “No! It’s preposterous to even think such a thing!”

  Maezy wasn’t convinced by her mother’s tone. The slight high pitch at the end of her sentence was a give-away. Of course, it could just be her mother being frustrated with her. She wouldn’t be surprised if her mother was feeling a bit upset. Twice Maleficent had caught her making googly-eyes at Brandalfr, which was a little embarrassing, and it might have made her mother realize she was growing up.

  “Mother?” She wanted answers.

  “I don’t know,” came the mumble.

  “What?” Brandalfr came off the cushion in an instant.


  “I don’t know, Maezy.” Looking up, she shrugged. Her mother shrugging was an even worse omen than flame-filled eyes.

  “What do you mean, exactly, when you say you don’t know?”


  “Riiiiiight.” Eyes wide, Maezy turned to Brandalfr to see his worried and confused face. For a minute, he looked paler than normal. His gaze turned darker, and he started to shake his head.

  “No,” he blurted out. “No, I’m not allowing you to go rescue my father. Not if you’re going to end up dead. I’ll go.”

  “Allow?” Maezy’s head reared back.

  “You go? How?” Maleficent interjected.

  “Mother, a minute.” Maezy held her finger in the air sending a ripple of shock through the room as she came to a stand. “Allow? You won’t allow me to go? What do you mean?”

  “I meant it’s too unsafe. You shouldn’t have to go. It’s my father. I’ll go myself,” Brandalfr offered.

  “Do you realm walk? Because if you do, then you should have mentioned the fact sooner. It would have been very helpful to know.” Maezy put her hands on her hips and frowned.

  “I don’t realm walk, but if you would listen…” He held up his hands as if to surrender.

  “It feels as though I have listened enough.” Maezy crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Please just hear me. All I meant was that I don’t want you to get hurt helping me. That’s all.” Brandalfr crossed his arms as well.

  “It sounded as if you were trying to tell me what to do,” she accused.

  “Maezy, enough!” Maleficent stepped in front of her, cutting off her sight to the young elf. Swallowing, Maezy took a deep breath and nodded. “Brandalfr, I think my daughter is a bit worn out from the last couple of days. I’m sure you can relate.”

  Nodding, he shifted his stance and said, “I feel responsible. If I hadn’t asked you to help in the first place, then we’d never be arguing over this.”

  “If you hadn’t asked me to help, I still would have,” Maezy interjected, leaning around her mother to face him.

  The look on his face showed relief. He nodded and smil
ed. “I can’t realm walk. Although, I’m jealous you can.”

  “You should be.” Olive branch offered and accepted. “So, mother, what do I need to watch out for when I find Osvaldr?” She didn’t ask if she would find him. One hurdle at a time.

  “Everything,” Maleficent informed her. “Everything.”


  “Everything? Define everything. In fact, what am I up against with these mermaids?” Maezy sat back on the cushions, crossed her legs, and crossed her arms. “Is anyone else camping out in Gorgóna Limnothalássa?”

  Maleficent paused in her page turning and looked Maezy in the eyes. “The rumors foretell the mermaids created their own realm far from Earth. They took it upon themselves to catch an elf, when they still walked the Earth, to teach them how to find doorways into other worlds. Having succeeded, many crossed over and created Gorgóna Limnothalássa.”

  Maezy caught Brandalfr’s nod out of the corner of her eye and also nodded.

  Her mother continued, “Now it is said that Calypso escaped to Gorgóna Limnothalássa. After her many love affairs, she grew weary of men leaving her. Mermaid Lagoon allows her to come and go without worry. The mermaids love her, especially since she gives them the men she has captured when she grows tired of them.”

  Maezy shuddered. No one had to tell her what it meant for Calypso to hand over these men to the mermaids. They were famous for their cannibalistic tendencies.

  “You mean my father could be stuck with her now?” The horror in his voice echoed through the room, and Maezy winced.

  “It is a possibility,” Maleficent said.

  “Why would he go there? Why would he risk it? Especially since he knew this could happen!” Brandalfr jumped to his feet and began pacing in front of the them.

  “Your father wanted to protect all of you.” Maleficent’s voice was soft.

  “He failed.” The words were cold, and Brandalfr’s face was a mask of anger.

  The comment had Maleficent jerking backward, and Maezy stepped forward. She wanted to give Brandalfr comfort. His condemnation filled every word and saturated the air.


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