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The Four Tales

Page 85

by Rebecca Reddell

  “It won’t take much work to find them.”

  “But you haven’t yet? Curious. Your Seekers must be a bunch of laggards,” Maezy baited.

  “Enough! Take her!” her father commanded the guards.

  Several moved forward to surround her and Brandalfr and grab hold of them. As soon as they got within three feet, they went flying backward.

  “What?” Her father’s surprise was lovely to see. “Get her!” he shouted.

  They kept coming but were thrown back into one another. Soon piles of bodies were stacking around the circle. Some were stabbed by arrows as they flew backward into each other. Cries of pain, anger, and confusion rose up around them.

  “Stop it!” Her father took two steps forward and threw his finger out in front of her face. An electric sizzle filled the air, and he jerked it back with a shake. “End this now. It’s only a matter of time before I have you for good. I can outlast this.”

  “You can’t outlast it if we go away. And no one can get within three feet of us.”

  An arrow hit the force field around them and bounced off onto the floor. If it had succeeded, it would have gone through Brandalfr’s head.

  “See. We can walk out that door any time we want. Are you ready to listen?” Maezy placed her hands on her hips and grasped her sword hilt.

  She waited for her father to realize his position. She also began praying to whatever God was out in the universe to help Brandalfr keep the spell in place.

  “Fine,” he said. Placing his hands behind his back, her father took a step back and gave the impression he was ready to negotiate.

  “Good,” Maezy kept her hand on her sword but relaxed her stance. “I’m willing to help you. I’ll do what you need me to do. I won’t fight or run away.”

  “If?” he asked.

  “If you help me save my mother.”


  He laughed for two minutes straight. She timed him. Shaking her head, Maezy tried once more to get his attention. He just held up a finger to indicate he still needed a minute and continued to chuckle. Apparently, it was so funny he needed to take out his handkerchief to dry his eyes.

  Exhaling long and hard, Maezy crossed her arms and hoped Brandalfr was holding on. Not daring to turn around and look at him, she snapped her fingers in front of her father’s face.

  “Snap out of it! This isn’t for your amusement. I don’t want to be here. I wouldn’t be if my mother didn’t need your help. Believe me, you’re the last person I want to ask for assistance.”

  “Maleficent is the most powerful witch I have ever met. She’s a force of nature. The only being equal to her is him,” he pointed to Brandalfr, “and his father. Even the Seekers, who are ancient and deadly in their own right, had a very hard time keeping her under their control. How could I even begin to help her?”

  “You can go to the place where she’s being kept. I’m sure if you go and talk to them, they’ll listen to you.”

  “Kept? What has she gotten herself into now?” he chuckled.

  Irritated, Maezy frowned so hard her forehead began to hurt. “She’s stuck in Gorgóna Limnothalássa.”

  That shut him up. Straightening, her father quit laughing. His jaw hung open, and his eyes widened. He reminded her a bit of a gecko.

  She’d seen one a long time ago on an expedition with her mother. It wasn’t pretty. In fact, she’d thought it was disturbing. Good to know Brandalfr’s spell was still working.

  “Gorgóna Limnothalássa? Have you lost your senses, girl? Such a place is not to be entered lightly. Those sirens are not to be engaged. Why in the world would she go there?”

  Maezy was ready for this question. “Well, uh, she had her reasons.”


  “What reasons?” he questioned.

  Maezy shrugged and waited.

  “Maezy, I won’t help you at all if you are not forthcoming. Why would Maleficent go there?”

  Looking down, to the left, avoiding his intense blue regard, Maezy attempted to give the impression of hesitation.

  “Maezy?” his tone was hard.

  “Fine, she went there to find someone she thought could conquer you.”

  “Conquer me? Someone in Mermaid Lagoon? How amusing.”

  “I don’t find it amusing,” Maezy countered, her hands back on her hips.

  “No one in their right mind would go there. Maleficent is not as smart as I thought she was, if that is the case. You haven’t convinced me of any deal yet.”

  “Well, you don’t know who she went to find!” Maezy blurted out, covering her mouth with one hand and allowing her wide eyes to make contact.

  Hook, line, and sinker.

  “What do you mean? Who would possibly go there that I would have to fear?”

  “Just an old friend, she said. “Someone you were already looking for anyway.”

  His brows rose high on his forehead. “Who?”

  “I don’t know if I should tell you,” she replied.

  “Then why should I help you?” he wanted to know. “This conversation is growing weary.”

  Before he could motion his guards back into action to try against Brandalfr’s shield, Maezy told him what he wanted, “She went to find Osvaldr. We found he’s hiding out there.”

  “Ahh,” his smile returned. “Osvaldr. What a coward. He went into hiding and left his wife and children unprotected? You have my sympathy.” He peered around Maezy to look at Brandalfr.

  His words were wasted. Brandalfr ignored him and kept his concentration. Maezy stepped in front of her father and cut off his access to Brandalfr. His words were harsh, and she felt a sharp pain inside her heart knowing the accusation would hurt Brandalfr, if they didn’t already know the truth.

  “We don’t need to analyze his actions. My mother went after him. They need help. I need her back. You bring her back, and I’ll help you. Deal?” She stuck her hand out toward him, registered the shield was still in place, and dropped her hand back to her side. “I suppose I’ll have to take your word for it instead.”

  “Why can’t the boy go? It’s his father. He’s powerful enough.”

  “I need him here to protect me. We discussed his going but decided he was more valuable here.”

  “To try and protect you from me?”

  “Yes,” Maezy nodded.

  “Yet, here you are, ready to become mine if I go after your mother. I have to ask, why?”

  “I need her back safe. Brandalfr is my insurance to make sure you do your part. This way, I get my mother back. Brandalfr gets his father and remains safe. You get what you want. Everyone wins,” Maezy explained.

  “I could outwait you.”

  “No, you can’t. We’ll leave now, if your answer is no. I will find another way. You were the only other powerful person I knew to ask.”

  “The Collective?” he smirked.

  “They have other duties,” she answered.

  “Ahh, yes. Protecting your mother’s realm.”

  Maezy nodded.

  “There will be no point once I have you. I don’t want your mother. What will stop her from coming after you?” he inquired.

  “It’s my decision. Brandalfr will make sure she doesn’t come after me. He promised.”

  “His interests have shifted then?” Her father leaned to look around her once more. “Is he in love with you? I already figured out he was your True Love’s Kiss. Process of elimination, you might say,” her father taunted her, stalling.

  Feeling her cheeks heat, Maezy shrugged. “His feelings are his own. You’ll have the Seekers protection. You can help me. If you get mother back, I will do what you want. Can we come to an agreement now?”

  “You could just have him help free you,” he motioned to Brandalfr. “His father and your mother will work together as well. Why should I trust you?”

  “I keep my word,” Maezy told him.

  “Why should I put my head on the line for her?”

  “It will prove to me you’re serio
us about being my father. If I help you, then give me some reason not to regret it,” she requested.

  “Of course,” he nodded, head dipping down once. “Deal.”


  “You promise?” Maezy wanted reassurance.

  “Yes, I promise. I, too, keep my word. You’re sure your mother went there? To Gorgóna Limnothalássa?”

  “I’m sure,” Maezy nodded.

  “I’ll tell the Seekers immediately. You’ll stay here then until I return?”

  “Yes,” she agreed.

  “Good. It will be nice to have a daughter about the castle. I think you’ll find it pleasant here.”

  “As long as you don’t put me in another dungeon.” Maezy’s dry tone gave him pause.

  Turning back, he sighed. “I didn’t want to do that, Maezy. I do regret it. You don’t understand though. I need your support. It’s the way the world is, and I needed to convince you of how serious I was.”

  “Consider me convinced,” she shrugged. “I just don’t agree with your methods. When you return, we can discuss my living arrangements.”

  “Delighted,” he bowed at the waist. “I will return in a moment to say goodbye, if the Seekers agree to this endeavor.”

  Maezy swallowed and nodded. She was afraid they wouldn’t. She wasn’t sure how much they kept up with deity goings-on. If they knew of Calypso moving to Mermaid Lagoon and Atropos visiting her there, she was going to be in trouble.

  Amazingly, her father dismissed the elves. A few were on guard in visible places, but they no longer created a circle around her and Brandalfr. Several limped away with sharp glares sent in her direction. They left drips of blood and broken arrows behind.

  Unsure how Brandalfr was doing, she turned to face the warlock. Sweat dripped off his face and slid down his neck. He was covered in perspiration. His body shook.

  “Brandalfr,” she whispered. Putting her fingers around his wrists, she held onto them tight to stem the shaking. “Are you going to be able to do this much longer?”

  A slight nod was her only response.

  “What can I do?” she inquired.

  He blinked. She took it to mean there was nothing. His lips recited chants she couldn’t hear. Her own body started to shake with his.

  Terrified, she held his arms up and watched his mouth form the foreign words, she began to decipher their pronunciation. Repeating the words after him, she attempted to help keep the spell going.

  “He can stop now. With our agreement in place, he doesn’t need the shields up. I will honor my word.” Her father had returned.

  Jerking, she pulled Brandalfr toward her. Knocking him off balance, he bumped into her but didn’t quit chanting. Without turning, Maezy held onto Brandalfr and told her father, “He will continue until you return with my mother.”

  Seeing her father out of the corner of her eye, she didn’t like the look on his face. “Well, I suppose we’ll stay like this for a while then,” he gestured.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Well,” her father’s smirk was in place. “The Seekers and I decided it would be better if one of them went instead.”

  “A Seeker won’t be able to rescue them,” she blurted out.

  “Why is that, Maezy? You don’t think I’d be stupid enough to risk my neck to rescue your mother from a Mermaid Lagoon. Maleficent and Osvaldr are two of the most powerful beings in all of our realms. If they can’t save themselves, then how can I save them?”

  “You would have something they want!” Maezy was desperate.

  Tilting his head, he quizzed, “What do I have that a Seeker doesn’t?”

  Thinking fast, “You have enemies. You want to take over the realms. YOU can offer them an exchange. My mother and Osvaldr for your enemies.”

  She hated even suggesting such a thing, but it was all she could think to say. Running out of arguments, Maezy held onto Brandalfr as they both shook. His sweat slid down her wrists making them itch, but she wouldn’t release him.

  “A Seeker can relay the message.” He dismissed her worry with a wave of his hand.

  “He can, but he’s not you. You’re powerful and a king. They’ll want to deal directly with you. If he doesn’t return, you’ll have your answer. Mermaids don’t mess with the middle man.”

  He seemed to consider this. She added another layer, “When he doesn’t return, promise me you’ll go. They’ll listen to you. I need to know she’s safe. Please.”

  Silence. Hands quaking, body shuddering, Maezy kept eye contact with her father and endeavored to hold Brandalfr up. Her fear seeped into every tremble. There was no way Brandalfr would be able to keep this up for much longer.

  She doubted they could even make it to an elf door now. When he collapsed, they would be done for because her father wouldn’t have any reason to negotiate with them. He’d have exactly what he wanted.

  She could see it in his eyes. Maleficent and Osvaldr captured, eventually murdered, would only serve his purpose. In fact, she wondered if he’d even sent the Seeker at all.

  Swallowing, her eyes pricked. All hopes began to deflate around her.

  “Did you even send a Seeker?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  Brandalfr fell to his knees, and as he broke down, Maezy fell to her knees with him. Banging her head into his chin, she noticed he didn’t stop chanting even one word. Looking at him, she watched his cinnamon eyes turn crimson. Blood trickled from the corner of his left eye.

  “How could you?” She looked at her father. “You promised! I was prepared to do what you wanted. Why couldn’t you just save her for me?”

  Tears leaked from her own eyes, the sting as sharp as her failure. Sweat ran down her left temple and mixed with each tear sliding down her cheek, tickling the skin in its descent. She refused to let go of Brandalfr and wipe it away.

  “This is so much sweeter. I’m about to get everything I’ve ever wanted. You should never negotiate, Maezy. You’re very bad at it.” He shook his head.

  Walking forward with a smile on his lips, he said, “Let me know when this is over. My Seekers have almost breached your friend’s defenses. He may want to give in while he’s still alive. He’s exceptionally strong. Anyone else would have collapsed in minutes. I commend him, but defeat was always inevitable.”

  “Monster!” Maezy screamed at him, turning back to Brandalfr. “Stop, Brandalfr. It’s time to stop!”

  Blood made a thin line down his cheek leaving a bloody trail. His eyes were such a bright crimson, there wasn’t any white left. Squeezing his wrists with all her strength, she tried to get him to see her.

  “Brandalfr, give up! Stop the spell! You have to end this! It isn’t worth it!”

  His eyelids slid closed, his lips moved less and less. Words were seconds apart. His body began to convulse, he crumpled to the floor and shuddered before remaining still.

  “Oh, oh, no,” Maezy breathed, tears pouring down her face. His wrists had slipped from her hands, and she was too scared to pick them up again.

  He just reposed there. So still after shaking like an earthquake for the last several minutes. Maezy endured something excruciating skewering her insides. Her heart faltered, and her breathing constricted.

  “Maezy?” Her father’s voice was almost worried.

  Sucking in, she tried to take in as much air as she could, but it was no use. There wasn’t enough air. Her lungs wouldn’t hold onto it and exhale. Her heart and lungs were drowning in spiked pricks.

  The thought crossed her mind that she was being electrocuted throughout her nervous system. Black dots surfaced, and Maezy closed her eyes. She thought she heard her father calling her.

  There was a chance the nice voice that sent her back, told her she wasn’t finished yet, had lied. Maybe he was taking his revenge on her for escaping death. It was her last conscious thought.


  The dark was comfortable. Nothing could be seen or heard. Whatever lay beneath her was soft and smooth. To
be honest, it felt like sheets. Silk sheets. There was a twinge in her lungs, her heart paused before beating in rhythm once more.

  Was that dula? The smell of the fried vegetable made her mouth water.

  Her eyes took a few minutes to work. They slid open and focused on the canopy above her. The cloth was green and stretched across the four bedposts to make a see-through ceiling.

  Where am I?

  The answer had her sitting up and looking around. The room was definitely not a dungeon. Feeling reasserted itself in her limbs with stabbing pain as she moved. Pinpricks knifed her when she swung her legs to dangle off the bed.

  She’d been laid on top of a silk comforter. Green like the canopy, Maezy perceived the room had been prepared for her in all her favorite colors. She looked at the windows and then the door.

  There would be guards outside of her room. She knew it without bothering to peek. The window might be a good escape route. She had to find Brandalfr.

  Tears blurred her vision as she pictured him lying on the floor with blood coming from his eyes. Shaking her head to dispel the image, she got to her feet and almost landed on the floor. Her body began to shake as if she’d run a million miles without stopping.

  Hand braced on the side of the bed, she refused to sit back down. Arm crawling to the end of the mattress, she stabilized herself against the wobbling and clung to the bedpost. Gripping tight with one hand, she took a few meditating breaths before stepping out. Her legs wanted to buckle, but she locked her legs and stepped forward. Inch by inch, she made her way to the window.

  When her left knee gave out, Maezy found herself on the floor with her elbow stinging. Scared someone had heard and would open the door any moment, she crawled to the window as fast as she could. Rising up on the ledge, she peered below.

  The drop was a good ten feet, at least. Her stomach felt a bit queasy, but Maezy knew it was her only way out. She got to her feet and opened the latch.

  Air rushed in, the draft blew her bangs and whispered against her face. It felt delightful. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the smell of freedom. Her father must have felt this height would detour her from leaving. He didn’t know her at all.


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