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Sutton's Choice (Hudson Boys Book 1)

Page 13

by C. A. Harms

  Shifting back to face me, I fist my hand at my side, and the other grips the edge of the bar tightly when I think of reaching out to grab her and pull her close. "Your dad said you’re moving." She seems surprised by the mention of her father.

  "When did you talk to my dad?"

  "About a week ago, we're expanding the kitchen for your mom."

  Sutton worries her lip and looks down, playing with the straw in her cup. "Bennett said you thought about moving too."

  "Still thinking about it," I confess, and she looks up through her long eyelashes at me. Immediately I feel that familiar ache in my chest return. I've never in my life wanted something so bad but kept myself from taking it until now. Sutton isn't a possession. She isn't a truck or a favorite pair of boots, but damn it; I feel like she was mine from the start. Distance and time haven't changed that.

  "Why don't we make a deal?" She takes a step closer, and when she touches my forearm, my body twitches not because of dislike but pure need. "I'll stay if you stay."

  Without attempting to stop myself, I slide my hand around her waist and pull her in closer. Then, taking her glass from her, I set it on the bar and motion to the redhead to get Sutton another drink.

  Looking back at Sutton I find her staring up at me, unsure of what happens next.

  "Can't stay here and pretend I don't want you," her eyes light up with my confession.

  Bennett showed up at my place earlier today, which surprised me. He told me to get my head out of my ass and get the girl. He also told me I was a prick and that if I ever hurt her, he'd break my neck and bury me beneath three tons of concrete which made me chuckle.

  So, it's time I do what he said, and get the girl.

  "I've wanted you from the very second I glanced a few pumps over at the gas station and saw your hair blowing in the wind." The corner of her mouth tips up in a smile. "When you walked away, I kicked myself repeatedly for letting you go. Then later, when I saw you again walking toward me in the bar, I told myself I wasn't letting you walk away again."

  "But you did," she whispers and starts to look away. Placing my free hand along her jaw to ensure she continues to look at me. She’s worrying her lip, staring at me with those big incredible eyes that give me so much hope. I lean in to press my lips softly to hers.

  When I pull back, much too soon, and allow my forehead to remain pressed to hers, she sighs. "I was just biding my time."

  "Until what?"

  "Everything made sense," I flex my fingers against her hip as if to ensure I'm not dreaming. Weeks of wanting something so badly but keeping myself from having it has weakened my ability to remain in control.

  "Does it make sense now?"

  "Nothing has ever been clearer," I pull her body to mine and hug her close. She comes with ease, her arms wrapping around me and her cheek resting over my heart. "It was never a question of wanting you Sutton, that was never the problem. It was—,"

  "I know," she interrupts me, and I look up to find Bennett and several of the others watching us. For a second, I feel like I am once again betraying my brother, and that ache inside of me returns. But then he lifts his beer, dips his chin, and smiles. That is when I know everything is gonna be okay. Not today, not even tomorrow, but someday, we'll be who we once were.

  My brother is the better man. He is strong and loves deeper than anyone I know. Tonight, he’s giving me a gift, not that Sutton is truly his to give, but the symbolism of him bowing out gracefully drives the point home.

  He's put the happiness of us before his desire to have her, and for that, I will forever be grateful.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  * * *

  “So, you're staying?" Lexi stands in the doorway of my room with her arms crossed over her chest. The defiant look in her eyes almost makes me laugh.

  "Yeah," I roll to my side and pull the blankets up tighter around my body.

  "So, Mr. Marine snaps his fingers, and Chicago is lost?"

  "I don't know if I ever would have left," every time I thought about it I'd feel empty. "I may have attempted it, but I think we both know that I would have been back here begging for my old job back and kicking out the roommate you replaced me with."

  "First of all, let me say that you wouldn't have made it out the front door because I would have hogtied you to the kitchen island, and second, I never planned on filling your room with someone else."

  She still looks irritated.

  "Are you gonna come in here and lay down, or do you plan on scowling from the doorway all morning?" I watch her strength slip, and after she attempts to regain it a few times, she gives in and walks toward my bed. Lifting the covers, I wait as she crawls in and faces me. Both of us snuggle in beneath my extra-large-king-sized comforter that dwarfs my queen bed.

  "Bennett seemed good last night," she confesses, and I let her talk. I know she has feelings for him and watching him struggle with Brantley and I couldn't have been easy on her. "I heard him tell Adley that he thinks he felt more threatened by the idea that you and he wouldn't be friends anymore, more than a loss of the possibility of ever being more."

  I wish there were something I could say to her. I know that Bennett feels something for her too, but Bennett is a lady's man. I don't think he's quite ready to be with just one girl. Had anything ever taken place between him and I, I can honestly say that I believe Ben would have somehow messed it up. He's the world's biggest flirt.

  "So, what happened with you and Brantley last night?"

  "Nothing really," she narrows her eyes at me like she thinks I'm lying, and I laugh. "Honestly, we talked and listened to the band."

  “And, after the two of you left together?"

  "He brought me home, walked me to the door, and kissed me goodnight."

  "Seriously?" This time I laugh at her obvious disappointment in the way my night had ended.

  "There's no timeline Lex, no reason to rush." She rolls her eyes. “And, we're going out to dinner tonight."

  My announcement seems to please her. "Where are you going?"

  "He left it up to me," which I am terrible at making those types of decisions. "I thought I'd keep it casual, and he doesn't strike me as the kinda guy that wants to dress up in some stuffy clothes. You know me, I prefer cut-off jeans and sun dresses over heels and blouses."

  I'm the kind of girl that prefers to sit on the tailgate of a truck with my bare feet hanging off as I hold a beer in my hand. I don't drink wine, and I'm not afraid to bait a hook or take the fish off when I catch one. Fishy hands rinsed off in the lake and wiped off on the back of my jeans don't phase me; I'm easy to please.

  "Smokehouse," Lexi smiles, and I nod.

  "That's what I was thinking." The best barbecue in the area, cold beers, and old mismatched furniture. The place is rugged, with old roads signs anchored to the walls for decorations, boards that creak under your feet when you walk across the floor. It's perfect, music playing from an old Juke Box in the corner, and loud conversation that echoes over the entire dining area.

  "So, what are you gonna wear?" I haven't even thought that far ahead, and when I say nothing in return my best friend rolls her eyes at me.

  I can't remember the last actual date I'd gone on. However, I know that it was before meeting Bennett, and I think it was Luke, my ex. I know that not once in the entire year and a half, Luke and I were together was I ever this excited to have a night alone with him. Every second I've been within reach of Brantley, whether we were attempting to ignore one another or unable to take our eyes of the other, I've felt more excitement and joy than I'd ever experienced before.

  "Okay, up," Lexi pulls back the covers, and immediately I attempt to gather them back around my body. She, of course, just pulls them away once again and even takes my pillow from beneath my head. “It’s a full-on beauty day… Shave, hair washed, curled and applying makeup. We’re even painting your finger and toenails.”

  "No nails," I don't know what it is, but I've never liked
painting my nails. I prefer the French tip or simple, clear coat to make them shine. "But toes are fine." I don't have to see her face to know she is again rolling her eyes at me. I'm a frustrating girl; I know this. But take me or leave me; I am who I am.

  She flips on the light to my closet, and it floods throughout my bedroom. I cover my eyes with my arms and peek over at the alarm clock on my side. “Oh, my hell, it's after one?"

  "Yeah," glancing back, she gives me the wide-eyed duh look, "That's what I'm saying, girl, get up and start primping yourself up."

  "You act like I need so much work." Crawling out of bed, I look down at myself. I'm wearing boy shorts and a tank top, my standard sleeping attire.

  "If the five-day-old fuzz growing on your legs is any indication of what you're hiding beneath those shorts, I'd say you got a few hours of trimming and shaving ahead of you." I glare at her, and she shrugs with a smile. "I'm just saying if Brantley goes exploring, the last thing you want is for him to mistake you for a gorilla."

  I pick up the pillow off the floor and toss it and hit her in the back, making her fall forward into my clothes. I can hear her laughter, and I feel lighter than I have in weeks. There was a point when I thought I'd never feel the weight on my chest lift. First, I'd hurt Bennett even though I'd tried so hard not to. Then there was Brantley, the guy that I'd thought of almost constantly but couldn't have.

  "This," Lexi turns around, holding a red dress. It has always been one of my favorites. "With your boots and your hair down."

  I don't even attempt to argue with her. The dress is casual, surplice neck ruffle with a belted hem that hits just above my knees. Not too fancy, but sexy.

  "Your boobs look great in this." Lexi tosses it onto the bed before grabbing my boots out of the bottom. "Brant's been back for weeks now. From what I've been told, he hasn't once glanced at a girl besides you. So the guy must be suffering from a massive case of blue—,"

  "Do not finish that sentence," Lexi has been spending far too much time with Adley, it seems.

  "I'm just saying," with a shrug, she walks toward my dresser and opens my jewelry box. "Where's that necklace that you have to hide from Sophie all the time for fear she'll steal it?"

  "She stole it," I declare.

  With a huff, Lexi leaves my bedroom, and a few seconds later, I can hear her talking on her phone. My guess, she is calling Sophie about my missing pendant that I'll admit will be the perfect match up to the dress she chose.

  Walking toward my bed, I pick up the dress and walk toward the corner's full-length mirror. My heart races as I hold it in front of me and imagine the look on Brantley's face when he comes to pick me up.

  I'd be lying if I say I'm not nervous. I've never wanted anything to work out more, than I want this thing between Brantley and I.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  * * *

  I walk out the backdoor of my parent’s house as Bennett pulls his truck in the driveway next to my own. My body immediately grows tense, knowing that he’s most likely heard that I’m taking Sutton out tonight. Nothing stays secret in Hudson; you tell one person you may as well have shouted it in the center of town while everyone gathered.

  All the people in this small town have to do is gossip.

  I pause at the edge of the gravel drive as Ben climbs out of his truck and walks towards me. Holding my stare, I wait for him to speak first, still unsure of how this is gonna play out.

  “Big night,” he says, pausing only a few feet away and rolling his hands together in front of him.

  “Yeah,” there isn’t much else to say. Or at least nothing I feel comfortable sharing with Ben. I’m not the kinda guy to throw anything in anyone’s face, especially my brother.

  “You can talk about her, ya know,” he arches his brow. “It’s what brothers do, right, share shit?” I nod, feeling a knot form in my throat. “I won’t fall apart if you say that you’re taking Sutton out, and I won’t hit ya again if you kiss her,” he smirks. “She’s a good kisser,” his eyes widen a little, and I don’t even realize it, but I snarl, which makes Bennett chuckle. “I like that; you’re protective, that’s good.”

  The asshole proves his point. He’s got one up on me now. Sutton is a weakness, but I’ll accept that.

  “Do me a favor,” he adds as he steps around me.

  “What’s that?” I don’t turn to look at him.

  He is still close, most likely watching me for my reaction. “Just treat her right,” his voice is low, and I can’t bring myself to make eye contact. “She’s sweet, kind, and fun. She deserves a guy that’s gonna love everything about her. Even the annoying shit, because she knows how to do that too, and once she finds your weakness, she uses it as her weapon.”

  “You have my word,” I finally look over at him. “I know right now you may not think it’s worth much, but I do love you, Bennett. What you think of me means more to me than I could ever explain.”

  “I know,” he says and places his hand on my shoulder, offering a little squeeze. “I know.” And with that, he walks inside, leaving me in the driveway feeling raw and emotional.

  I texted Sutton and told her that I’m running a few minutes late, taking a long way around to settle myself after talking to Bennett. Although I know he said that this was okay with him, that he’d deal, it still leaves me feeling like an ass that he even had to. I need a little time to ease the ache in my chest; I don’t want my shit cloudin’ up the night with Sutton.

  I walk up the path toward her door more than fifteen minutes late and crack my neck to ease the tension as I lift my hand and knock on the door. When I approach the door I can hear music, or maybe it’s the television playing. It quickly quiets, and after a minute or so, the door opens, and Lexi greets me with a smile.

  “I thought Marines or whatever were always so punctual?” She cocks her hip and arches a brow. All the girls around here are sassy, and the ordinarily quiet Lex is no exception.

  “I was talking to Bennett,” her irritation quickly fades, and she crosses her arms over her chest.

  “He okay?” Treading lightly, I know that Lexi has a little crush on my brother, and though he tries playing it off like nothing, I also know he has a soft spot for her too.

  “He is,” I assure her. “Maybe you should give him a call and order a pizza or something.

  “What makes you think I don’t already have plans?” Her sassiness quickly returns.

  “Pretty girl like you, I’m sure they’re lined up around the corner,” when her cheeks redden, I know I’ve found the quiet, shy girl hidden inside. I’m just about to say more when I catch a flash of red and look up to see Sutton standing at the end of the hall. My mouth is immediately dry, and my heart races.

  Slowly I scan over her from head to toe and then back up to meet her knowing smile.

  That’s right, girl; you look damn good.

  “You’re drooling,” Lexi laughs and steps to the side. When I move past her, I nudge her with my elbow, and she pinches my side. I don’t even deny her words because it wouldn’t surprise me if they were true. Sutton looks terrific, the curve of her hips, legs for miles peeking out from beneath the red dress that hits her mid-thigh. But it’s the smile she wears that has my knees feeling weak.

  “I was beginning to think you’d changed your mind.” She is walking toward me, and before I know it, I’m moving across the living room to meet her. Without a second thought, I hook her waist and again take the opportunity to scan over her.

  Blonde hair hanging over her shoulders in long wavy curls, the ends are tickling my palm when I cup her jaw. “Not a chance, pretty girl,” I whisper before I press my lips to hers. “I’ve been waiting for this night since the first time I saw you.”

  “Sweet talker,” she mumbles against my lips, and I can’t help but return her smile. Fuck, this girl got to me. Within seconds I’m bursting at the seams.

  “Y’all are making me nauseous.”

  Sutton pulls out of our ki
ss and places her forehead to my chest as I glance back at Lexi. I might have believed her if she wasn’t smiling happily while looking at Sutton and I.

  Reaching out, I link my fingers with hers, and she glances up at me. “You ready to go?” When she nods, I lead her out of the apartment and toward my truck. Opening the passenger door, I’m guiding her up inside, when she pauses, and looks back over her shoulder. Again, her smile lights up the night, and I feel a rush of adrenaline race through me.

  Right then and there, I make a promise to myself that I swear I’ll never break. Sutton is a Goddess, and I’ll make sure she feels that every chance I get. In addition, I’m gifted with the company of a beautiful woman; that’s a gift worth cherishing.

  I know if I ever screw up, not only will my brother be waiting on the sidelines to kick my ass, but I’m also sure Mr. West will be right alongside him to pick up the slack. Then there are her friends, and that alone terrifies me; one of them drives a tow truck and has access to some heavy machinery and power tools.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  * * *

  I sit at Brantley's side, our joined hands resting on the center compartment between us. His thumb has been toying with mine, in between the slow glide over the palm of my hand. It is soothing. Neither of us spoke, only listening to the music as he drives along.

  Dinner is perfect, and the conversation is easy. He tells me about Japan and Hawaii, even shares stories of a few of his friends he met along the way. We both freely talk about Bennett. At first, it's awkward, but that quickly fades.

  When he asks me if I'm ready to go home and I tell him no, he seems pleased with my response. Fifteen minutes later, we're driving through the country roads just outside of Montgomery, somewhere between there and Hudson. I don't even care where we're going, as long as I'm with him.


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