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Cruel King: A Royal Elite Book

Page 16

by Kent, Rina

  “Like a sister, you mean.”

  He bursts out laughing, but it’s completely humourless. “If he looks at you like a sister, then I look at you like you’re a fucking nun.”

  “God damn it, Levi! Just because you want to fuck me doesn’t mean everyone else does. Stop being a caveman.”

  “A caveman, huh?”

  “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you today, but you’re hallucinating and overreacting.”

  He slams his hand on the hood of the car near my head, and I jump at the bang.

  I fight the tears of helplessness and anger blurring my vision. I hate him for making me feel like I’m at fault when I didn’t do anything wrong.

  It’s so similar to Dad and I swore I’d never let anyone belittle me anymore.

  “What is wrong with you?” My voice raises.

  “You!” He growls. “You’re what’s wrong with me!”

  He grips my chin between his thumb and forefinger and squeezes hard enough that it hurts. “You are mine so stop acting otherwise.”

  “I never agreed to be yours, King. You don’t own me, no one does.”

  “Oh, but I do, princess.” He slaps my thighs apart and cups me through my jeans. “I own every part of you and soon, that won’t only be in theory.”

  His touch awakens my body, getting it all worked up, and I loathe him for it.

  “And if I refuse?” I lift my chin up.

  His jaw clenches as he says in a cool, non-negotiable tone. “You might think you have a choice, but you don’t. You will bow to me.”

  “I’m glad you showed your true face, but then again, this has always been you. I was just the idiot who refused to see it.” I push him away with all my might and run past him.

  Tears blur my vision as I sprint into the street, wiping them with the back of my sleeves.

  I should’ve probably went back inside for a ride with Dan, but I can’t face Zach after what just happened.

  I wander down the road with my arms hanging limply by my sides.

  The streets are crowded with people heading to local pubs and restaurants. My heart aches and I feel like an emotional mess every time a family comes into sight.

  Why the hell do I have to think about my non-existent family whenever I’m down?

  My phone rings, and I wipe my nose before answering. “Astrid speaking.”

  “Miss Clifford,” the deputy commissioner says in a friendly tone. “I hope you’re doing well.”

  “Thanks.” My muscles lock as I stand near a tree with my back to it. “Is there something new about the case?”

  “Yes and no. We found new evidence in the soil that could be damaged surveillance videos. Our forensics are working to recover it.”

  My heart picks up pace as I listen to the deputy explain how this can change everything about the case. He tells me that when they have suspects, I might have to identify them. After I talk to my father of course.

  “What do you mean, after I talk to my father?” I ask.

  There’s a pregnant pause before the deputy commissioner clears his throat. “Lord Clifford is against you identifying suspects. We were hoping you could convince him.”

  This must be the reason for the argument between him and the commissioner the other day. It doesn’t matter. I’ll be eighteen in a few days and by then, Dad won’t have any guardian power over me.

  But why would Dad be so against me identifying suspects? Isn’t that the point of the entire case?

  My head hurts from all the drama with Levi and this new thing with Dad.

  It’s like being caught in a cross-fire that’s none of my making.

  I text Dan to pick me up — without Zach.

  Instead of Dan’s car, a red Ferrari trails me from behind. I stop on the pavement, throwing a curious glance at it.

  Aiden King.

  He steps out of his car, wearing dark blue jeans and a plain grey T-shirt that complements his eye colour.

  I fold my arms over my chest, not knowing how I’m supposed to act near him.

  Aiden is as much of an enigma as his cousin — if not more soulless.

  “May I help you?” I ask.

  “You might.” He leans against the passenger door of his car, facing me with his hands in his pockets.


  “I thought you might want to know a few things.”

  My brows scrunch. “Like what?”

  “The words you said earlier.”

  “You heard that?”

  He lifts a shoulder. “It’s not my fault that you were too caught up in your little argument to notice me.”

  “So what? Are you here to gloat about your eavesdropping skills?” I hate being on the defensive, but this is Aiden King and I don’t have a good track record with the King bloodline.

  “I just told you. It’s about what you said.”

  “What did I say?” I ask.

  “Insane. Hallucinating. Overreacting.” His eyes turn steel metal. “It’d be in everyone’s best interest if you don’t repeat them in front of Lev again.”

  My arms drop on either side of me. “Why?”

  “He doesn’t react well to those.”

  “Why not?”

  His head tilts to the side like Levi when he’s contemplating something. “You’re not stupid. Surely you noticed something.”

  “I did, but it doesn’t make much sense.” I pause. “But you do know, don’t you?”

  “Even if I do, why should I tell you?” he asks in a completely indifferent tone like I’m wasting his time.

  “You’re the one who came to inform me that I shouldn’t be saying those words. You’re supposed to tell me why I shouldn’t be saying them.”

  “Not really. All you have to do is refrain from saying anything about mental stability.” He pauses. “Oh, and stop provoking him. The more you push, the harder he pushes back. The more you run, the faster he chases.”

  He turns to leave and I clutch the sleeve of his T-shirt stopping him in his tracks. “Wait.”

  His bored look greets me as he waits for me to speak.

  Swallowing, I let go of his T-shirt. “Tell me something. Anything.”

  “What would I gain from that?”

  I suppress an inward groan. He’s Levi’s cousin all right. After a second of thinking, I say, “You came for a reason. You know I can help or that I’m already helping. You think I’m of value or you wouldn’t have come to find me.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “One question. I’ll answer one question.”

  “Does he… have a mental disorder?”

  “Not him, but if he keeps going down this lane, he’ll end up in the same path.”

  “Whose path?”

  “One question.” He strides to the driver’s door. “Bring me something else of value and I might answer a second question.”

  I stare at his car as it gallops in the distance. Is he even a seventeen-year-old kid?

  On the flip side, I found my source of information on Levi.



  Madness doesn’t ask for permission and neither will I.

  * * *

  I hit the bag in the gym over and over until my knuckles bruise and ache. I don’t stop.

  If I do, I might turn into that other dark version again. I might tear through the streets and go find her. I might do things I’ll regret.

  Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.

  I continue hitting the bag until I have nothing left in my lungs. Until my body nearly collapses.

  With one last shove at the bag, I let my body flop against the mat as harsh breaths tear out of my lungs.

  The world spins around me like a fucking fog.

  After what seems like half an hour of staring into the distance, I stagger to my feet and take a quick shower in my room. I throw my jersey and team clothes in a bag and stuff a cigarette in my mouth.

  I won’t stay at Uncle’s house before a game. The first thing I’ll do as soon as I get my inheritan
ce is to buy a house as far away from him as possible.

  Maybe in Scotland.

  “Leaving again?” Aiden calls from the corner of the lounge area.

  He sits in front of the glass chessboard, playing against himself like a weirdo.

  I blow a cloud of smoke. “Tell Uncle I have practice.”

  “Or I can just tell him the truth. You don’t want to see him.”

  I lift a shoulder. “That works, too.”

  I’m about to continue my way when he speaks again. “I had a talk with your girl.”

  The cigarette almost falls from my lips as I whirl around. “What the fuck did you just say?”

  “I told her what you wouldn’t.”

  I’m at his face in a second, pulling him by the collar. “You stay the fuck away from her, do you hear me?”

  “I would’ve if you stopped acting like a grouchy dick all the time.” He pushes me away and sits back. He takes the queen’s piece between his thumb and forefinger. “Those who don’t play chess think the king is the strongest piece because the game ends when he dies, but they don’t stop to think that if the queen dies first, the king doesn’t have a chance to survive.”

  I narrow my eyes at the meaning behind his words. Both of us have been raised on chess, but he has a different perspective. He wouldn't admit it, but Aiden is just like Jonathan. They don't care who they have to crush to get what they want.

  Aiden kills the bishop with the queen, leaving his white king vulnerable. I move the black king to the right.

  “Even a king can kill a king.” I stuff the cigarette back in my mouth. “Checkmate.”

  On my way out, I retrieve my phone and stare at the text from Daniel saying he went to pick Astrid up.

  After the stunt with his brother, I don’t trust him as much.

  I pause near my car remembering how her eyes fluttered with fear and disappointment.

  Fuck that.

  Fuck her trust issues.

  I’m done waiting for her to accept this.

  If I have to use force, then so be it.



  A pawn isn’t supposed to play the king’s game.

  * * *

  Monday is my eighteenth birthday.

  I’m not celebrating. I stopped celebrating my birthdays after Mum’s death.

  Her funeral was on my birthday.

  And my day starts like a funeral.

  Instead of sneaking off, as usual, I find Dad waiting right outside my room.

  I had to have breakfast with the ‘family’ and face Victoria’s snobbish face and Nicole’s glares.

  I have a wild guess that she’s the one who slipped the ‘stay away, bitch’ note under my door last night.

  Not that I care who she sleeps with.

  After the agonising breakfast with Victoria jabbing her fingers in my wound about missing the museum exhibition, I finally head to the door.

  I texted Dan to pick me up since Levi has disappeared for the entire weekend.

  Well, not exactly disappear. The team went to Kent and returned with a draw. The spirits weren’t so good according to Dan.

  Unlike his previous away games, Levi didn’t send his usual taunting, yet seductive texts. He didn’t talk dirty to me then ask if I were blushing.

  Not that I wanted him to text me. I’m still mad as hell about the scene he caused on Friday. However, I couldn’t help thinking about what Aiden said. Levi and I need to talk — after he stops being a dick.

  Still, I can’t help the void I felt. Since the day Levi barged into my life uninvited, we haven’t spent two days without seeing each other. He’s been slowly creeping into becoming a constant and his absence feels strange.

  Okay, I might have tried to stalk him on social media, but he made that hard, considering he doesn’t use them.

  Aiden does have an Instagram account. The only thing he posted over the weekend is a black and white picture of a queen’s chesspiece fallen against a blank board. The description: Long Live the Queen.

  Dan wasn’t so helpful either. He posted a selfie with Ronan, Xander and three girls stuffed between them.

  He found his real tribe with Ronan and Xander. They’re like his spirit animals when it comes to partying and girls.

  Once I get to the park, I get out my sketchpad and try to capture a beautiful scene of an elderly couple walking with a toddler, but I can’t get the lines right.

  My mind is filled with my routine in the park these past few days. I’ve gotten used to running alongside Levi. It feels funny to be here all alone now.

  Dan sends a text that he’s right outside.

  As soon as I get into the car, the first thing I notice is the stone-cold expression. Dan is the fun type who doesn’t let anything bring him down. He’s the joker, the player, and the party animal.

  I can count the number of times I’ve seen him so serious.

  Even his uniform is dishevelled as if he were just kicked out of bed.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, carefully. “Did something happen at home?”

  He shakes his head. “You didn’t check Snapchat?”

  “I don’t have Snapchat.”

  “Oh, right.” As if possible, his frown deepens. “Astrid, you know I love you, right? I’m here for you no matter what.”

  Okay, shit is really hitting the fan if he’s using my name.

  “You’re scaring me, Dan. What the hell is going on?”

  “Okay, yeah.” He retrieves his phone with hesitant fingers. “This means nothing, okay? It’ll blow over soon.”

  “Show me already!”

  He continues hiding his phone, but I snatch it from his grip. A gasp falls from my lips when I see the collage of two pictures.

  In one picture, my legs are wide open, my head is thrown back, eyes shut, and my mouth is in an ‘O’.

  Levi’s face between my legs is all dark and blurred, it’s impossible to recognise him.

  That day at Ronan’s party.

  The second picture is taken from the side. I’m against Levi’s car with his hand between my legs.

  Once again, Levi and even his car are blurred.

  The caption is: Royal Elite’s slut is taking more jobs.

  My cheeks burn and tears blur in my eyes as I face Dan who’s watching me with the same furrowed brows. “Everyone at school saw these, didn’t they?”

  He winces and I get the answer I need.

  “It’s nothing, Astrid. Don’t let it get to you.”

  So what if the entire school saw my orgasm face or me being manhandled?

  So what if this goes viral and ruins my entire freaking future?

  I’m shaking, teeth almost chattering as if I’m coming down with a cold. Tears stream down my cheeks, but I don’t feel them. I don’t feel the shame.

  I’m turning numb like after Mum’s accident.

  Shock. That’s what Dr Edmonds called it.

  “Come here, you.” Dan gathers me in a hug and I sob into his shoulder as the phone falls to my lap.

  “W-what if Dad finds out? He hates me already.”

  “Stop thinking about him or anyone. Fuck whoever did this, okay? Don’t let them bring you down.”

  I try, I really try to, but as soon as we get into school, it’s a complete shit show.

  Everyone seems to have eyes for me. I think I’m strong, but I’m not when half the school hates me and the other half judges me.




  Similar murmurs break everywhere I go, despite Dan’s glares. If he weren’t by my side, they would’ve attacked me full on.

  “Hey, Danny!” A senior calls. “Pass over the slut once you’re done, would you?”

  Dan swings at him with his hand in a fist. I pull him back at the last second, tears blurring in my eyes.

  I won’t cry. I will not cry.

  “I’ll go home,” I tell Dan.

  Dan’s been working so hard to have the
score for engineering in Cambridge. I don’t want him to get in trouble because of me. And that’s exactly what will happen if someone else provokes him.

  He clutches my shoulder. “Are you going to let them submit you into feeling weak?”

  “Well, it’s not like I can stop this from going viral or go back in time and stop it from happening…” I trail off.

  You might think you have a choice, but you don’t. You will bow to me.

  Levi’s words explode into my brain like destructive firecrackers.

  It’s not a coincidence that he was blurred while my face was clear for the entire school to see.

  This can’t be happening.



  I fly out of the school with tears blurring my vision and my heart breaking into a million pieces.



  No one messes with what’s mine and lives to talk about it.

  * * *

  On late Monday morning, I’m on my way to my car when Aiden, Xander, and Cole block me.

  “What is it now?” I massage my temples against the pounding of the hangover.

  The weekend was basically all about addictions. First, the high of adrenaline during the game, then alcohol and cigarettes.

  I might have gone too far in the shots battle with Ronan. He better be feeling worse than I do.

  Coach will kill me if he sees the hangover face.

  “You didn’t see?” Xander asks.

  What a fucking shit show on a Monday.

  “He doesn’t have social media,” Cole jabs Xander.

  “Is any of you dickheads going to tell me what’s going on or do I need to start punching first thing in the morning?” I pat my back pocket for my cigarettes.

  Seems I burned through my last stash yesterday. Another addiction spiralling out of control.

  Fucking perfect.

  “Promise that you’ll remain calm,” Aiden says.

  I nod absentmindedly. I’m in the mood to say fuck the school and go back to sleep.

  “Here goes nothing.” Xander holds his phone for me.


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