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Cruel King: A Royal Elite Book

Page 18

by Kent, Rina

  He walks away after a slight push from Ronan.

  “Losing her,” I repeat with a bitter laugh. He said I lost her.

  Fuck him.

  Fuck anyone who thinks that Astrid is no longer mine.

  My gaze strays to where the bastard who will soon be dead is offering her a drink.

  Even though she made her grand entrance, some of the other kids are still murmuring at her back. She pretends she doesn’t notice them as she laughs along whatever the dickhead is saying, but I recognise all her tells.

  The way her upper lip twitches. The way she grips the cup tighter.

  The princess might think she’s over me, but we didn’t even fucking get started yet.

  “Let me go,” I tell Aiden in a calm tone that wraps all the rage inside.

  “You won’t stir trouble?” he asks with a suspicious voice.

  “No. I’ll do this the calm way.” I breathe in and out to wean down the raging storm brewing inside me.

  By the end of the night, everyone at school will know their fucking places.

  Astrid included.



  Your time is over. I’m not your subject anymore.

  * * *

  One would think that changing into a pretty dress and heels would change my perceptive about my image.

  It doesn’t. Not as much as I wanted it to, anyway.

  When I decided to come here, I wanted everyone to see me strong. It’s my birthday, and I don’t even like this day, but no one will bully me into running away and hiding like I did this morning.

  I wasn’t born to bow.

  Zach stays by my side and Dan joins us every now and then. Even with them around, I feel as if I’m strolling around naked in a room full of people.

  The back of my neck itches as I take a sip from the watered down drink Dan gave me. I know he is watching me.

  I caught a glimpse of Levi on my way inside although I refused to look in his direction.

  If I do, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up this facade. I don’t think I’ll be able to continue my strong act.

  I close my eyes for the briefest bit and draw in a long breath. I will not let Levi King ruin this night for me.

  I’m not the same Astrid who caved in every time he touched me.

  This time, I’ll flip him off in front of everyone.

  Zach and I are talking about a conference he’s attending next week when a bull barges between us.

  Jerry Huntington. The judge’s son, the one Levi fought.

  He’s swaying on his feet, already drunk and the party has barely started.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “The same thing everyone here wants but are afraid to ask.” He licks his lips, swinging in my direction. “Your pussy, babe.”

  Zach lunges forward, but I beat him to it.

  I slam my fist into Jerry’s face so hard, pain explodes in my knuckles.

  He steps back, shaking his head and I punch him again. “Talk to me that way again and I’ll ruin your face.”

  He growls and lunges at me. People gather all around us, gasping. I keep my ground, ready to give him a piece of my mind.

  Daniel slams his shoulder into Jerry, pushing him to the ground. Xander and some other player from the football team drag Jerry outside as he spouts profanity.

  I lift my chin up and flip him the finger.

  “That was badass.” Zach raises an eyebrow.

  Adrenaline bubbles in my veins like a drug dose. “I want to punch some more people.”

  He laughs, offering me his hand. “How about a dance instead?”

  Whatever it Takes by Imagine Dragons starts playing, and I jump up taking his hand.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and we laugh and chuckle, goofing around on the dance floor.

  Zach whirls me around and brings me back to his arms again.

  “Does everyone always stare at you?” he asks as we adopt a slower pace.

  “Only when I’m the school’s laughing stock.” I try to hide the bitterness in my tone.

  “Well, they’re missing out.” His breath tickles my ear and I can’t help the giggle that escapes me.

  “You know… “ he starts. “I always had a crush on you, Astrid Clifford.”

  “Y-you did?”

  “Uh-huh. I only backed down because Danny would’ve smashed my face in if I hurt his best friend.”

  Okay. Wow. I never knew that. Maybe Levi was right.

  “Is this your new conquest, slut?” Chloe hisses and barges her shoulder into mine.

  I’m about to punch her like I did Jerry, but the music stops abruptly.

  Everyone stops dancing and chatter breaks out. Someone shouts to put the music back on.

  Then, as if someone pulled off a switch, the murmurs cease and the crowd parts to make way for Levi and his four horsemen.

  He’s wearing the team’s uniform and stands in the middle as if he owns the room and everyone in it.

  I look away, refusing to be sucked into his orbit.

  Daniel leaves Xander and Ronan’s side to stand by me. His harsh glare falls on his captain. The same captain he idolised for a long time.

  Most loyal best friend ever.

  Chloe smiles brightly at Levi like she’s seeing a Christmas tree. She pushes her dancing partner away as if he never existed.

  “King, I —”

  “If you’re going to call anyone a slut, start with yourself.” Levi looks down at her with dark, calm eyes. “You opened your legs for half the team and swallowed for the other half.”

  Oooh’s and Aaah’s break in the audience. Everyone gathers around us like we’re the entertainment of the night.

  Chloe’s face goes red. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish, but she says nothing.

  Levi’s gaze narrows on Nicole who comes to stand on Chloe’s side. “If you have any slut remarks to say, you might want to start with how you beg for it on your knees.”

  “That’s not true.” Nicole glares at him then at Dan as if he said the words.

  “Do you want footage to prove your extracurricular activities?” Levi cocks his head to the side.

  Nicole’s face twists in pure panic as her gaze bounces between Levi and Dan.

  My cheeks flame with rolling anger. Levi doesn’t get to do this after he set out to ruin my life.

  He looks around him as if searching for someone in specific, but he’s not. He’s just making eye contact with as many kids as possible.

  Everyone —literally everyone— either flinches or cowers away whenever he meets their gazes.

  “Does anyone else have another slut remark they’d like to grace us with?” he keeps his cool tone.

  But I know that fake coolness.

  It’s something he uses to pull everyone in just so he can destroy them afterwards.

  The best wars are won through calm, not a raging storm.

  Aiden, Xander, Cole, and Ronan are like his generals. They’re all glaring everyone down like they’re soldiers.

  It’s scary how they can make an entire party submit to them with just a few words.

  “I do.” Someone raises a beer, pushing through the crowd to make his way to Levi.

  Christopher Vans.

  He stands in front of me and spits on the ground. All I can smell is alcohol. Black circles surround his bloodshot eyes.

  “Is this the new slut you’re banging, King? Doesn’t look all that something to me.”

  Dan charges forward, but I pull him back. If anyone will put this scum down, then it’s going to be me.

  “I’m no one’s slut,” I grit out.

  “Didn’t hear you.” He laughs.

  “Are you done?” Levi’s face remains nonchalant, but a muscle ticks in his jaw.

  “What?” Christopher sways on his feet and hits him with a bottle of beer to his chest. “You’re going to call me a slut, too?”

  “At least those are useful. You’re not.” Levi straightens unti
l he’s a few inches taller than Christopher. “You’re such a fucking failure that even freshman can take your place on the team now.”

  The kids gasp.

  Like me, everyone knows how close Levi and Christopher have been for years.

  But it must be true that they grew apart since the beginning of the year.

  Christopher swings a fist at Levi, but he steps back and the drunk boy trips over his own feet and falls on his face.

  Everyone laughs and some take pictures, recording the next mess.

  “Does anyone else have something to say?” Levi asks loud enough for everyone to stop talking and breathing altogether.

  He grabs my wrist and before I can protest, he pulls me to his side with his hand wrapped tightly around my waist. He places a long, possessive kiss on my forehead then on my cheek and on my mouth.

  Murmurs break all around us, but I’m too caught in the gleam in his eyes to notice anyone else.

  There’s that blackness, but there’s also a sliver of vulnerability that I never saw on him before.

  With one last squeeze against my hip, he faces everyone. “Astrid is under my protection. Mess with her and you’ll have a personal problem with me. I’ll bury you so fucking deep, you’ll pray for death instead.”

  They start nodding, but Levi doesn’t pay them attention.

  The king has issued his decree and the subjects have no choice but to obey.

  And just like that, he places a hand under my legs and carries me in his arms bridal style.

  I yelp then try to struggle. “Where the hell are you taking me?”

  “I’m kidnapping you, princess.”



  Surviving you shouldn’t be becoming all entangled in you.

  * * *

  What are you supposed to do when someone kidnaps you?

  Kick and claw? Check.

  Hit and scream? Also, check.

  When I don’t stop screaming and hitting him every step on the way, Levi pushes me into the passenger seat of his car and retrieves a piece of rope from his glove box.

  “What are you doing?” My frantic vision bounces between him and the rope. Why the hell does he even have rope in his car?

  “Are you going to stay calm?”

  “Let me go, you arsehole, let me —”

  I cut off when he yanks both my arms behind my back, pressing his body flush against my front.

  I seize breathing when his strong scent fills my nostrils. His hard chest flattens my breasts, making me all warm and fuzzy.

  It’s only been three days since I’ve felt this warmth. Three measly days, but it’s felt like an eternity.

  While I’m distracted by his sheer presence, Levi wraps the rope around my wrists, securing them behind my back. Then he hangs the seatbelt over my chest so I’m unable to move.

  He steps back as if inspecting his handy work then taps my nose twice. “Be a good princess.”

  “Fuck you, King.”

  His eyes narrow the slightest bit, but he closes the door, hard, and I jump. I wiggle sideways, trying to free myself, but he’s already in his seat, securing the locks from his side.

  The car’s engine revs to life and we’re flying in the streets.

  I twist my wrists, but that only makes the ropes dig deeper in my flesh. “Kidnapping is a crime, you know.”

  “I couldn’t care less.”

  I groan from both frustration and anger. “So what? You think you can act like a villain and kidnap me on your black horse and I’ll have no other choice but to forgive you? Are you expecting a kiss in thanks, too?.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “I didn’t think about it that way, but that can work, too.”

  “Ugh. I hate you.”

  “You proved it by bringing that scum.” A muscle clenches in his jaw. “You’ll pay for that.”

  “You have no right to tell me what to do. I’m not and will never be one of your subjects.”

  He throws me a dark glance. “You’ll learn your place. Eventually.”

  “How long are you going to keep me? A day? A week? A month?” I taunt. “As soon as I escape, guess who I’ll be going back to? Here’s a hint. His name starts with a Z.”

  He steps on the brake so hard, I almost topple over and hit my head on the windshield.

  My space is crowded by his body and his face that’s breathing menace in my face.

  He clutches my chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing me to look straight into those pale eyes.

  There’s so much intimacy in this moment; walls falling down and others pulling up.

  I just don’t know whether those walls are his or mine.

  “You can be upset and angry all you want, but don’t bring another man in my presence again.”

  “Or what?”

  “I’ll end them. Every last fucking one of them.”

  My lips part. “You… you wouldn’t.”

  “Try. Me.” His breath tickles my skin and he darts his tongue out to lick the shell of my ear before he murmurs in dark, hot words. “I dare you to fucking try me, princess.”

  I want to think he wouldn’t do such a thing, but he can be damn crazy. He’s proved time and again how abnormal he is.

  Hell, if I didn’t stop him, I don’t know how far he would’ve gone with Jerry all those weeks ago.

  “You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” His lips hover against the corner of my mouth and my breathing turns into choked gasps. “So how about you be a good little princess and stop fucking everything up?”

  I want to curse and shout at him. I want to tell him that he’s the one who fucked up my life, but I don’t trust my anger. I feel like I’ll say something that will only backfire on me. Besides, he’s too close, it’s impossible to concentrate.

  He starts the car again and I decide to ignore his existence. If words didn’t work with him, then the silent treatment will have to do.

  I stare from the car window, pursing my lips. Soon enough, the city’s loud life and the bright lights disappear until the road turns deserted.

  The way to the Meet Up.

  I recognise the road even before we pull over in front of it.

  Levi steps out from his side of the door and opens mine. I look in the opposite direction.

  He holds my chin, trying to make me look at him, but I keep my vision on the side.

  “As you wish, princess.” His words are barely out when he yanks me from the passenger seat and carries me in his arms — with my wrists bound behind my back.

  My breasts brush against his chest, creating a maddening friction. His strong arm against my naked thighs shoots tingles straight to my core.

  Nope. I’m not going there.

  The house is dark, but as soon as we’re inside, a white, automatic light turns on.

  Levi carries me up the stairs and down two halls with his face stone cold. I breathe harshly both because of the sensations he’s illicing in my body and because I need him to know my displeasure.

  Either he doesn’t notice or he doesn’t care.

  My bet is on the second.

  He swings open the door leading to a medium-sized bedroom with a large bed and crisp white sheets. There’s a small desk and a closet, and that’s it.

  Levi throws me on the bed and I crawl to the other end, my throat closing.

  All my courage from earlier is completely gone now. We’re all alone here. My shoulder blades snap together at the realisation.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  He doesn’t answer.

  Instead, he removes his jacket, throws it on the table and rolls the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows. “You’re speaking to me now?”

  “Let me go, Levi.” I blend with the headboard, my heart thumping so loud, it fills my space.

  “You’re calling me by my name, too.” His voice is calm. Too calm. It’s frightening. “That’s progress.”

  “Is this another one of your games? Are you trying to scare
me?” I hate the tremor in my voice. It only proves how much his plan is working. “Go right ahead. Make me hate you for good.”

  “Don’t you already?” The bed dips as he crawls towards me with black, impenetrable eyes.

  “I do.” I fight the tears blurring my vision.

  “You do, huh?”

  “Did you think I’d run back to you because you stood up for me? Newsflash, King. I’m not a damsel in distress. I don’t need saving from what you caused in the first place.”

  He grabs both my legs and pulls me towards him. I yelp when I fall against my bound hands and slide forward.

  My legs spread open on each side of his strong thighs and my dress bunches up until my underwear peeks out.

  He grips both my hips in his merciless, strong hands until I’m half-straddling his lap.

  “The pictures aren’t my doing,” he says with fake calmness on his face.

  Tears blur my vision as anger and shame roll off me in waves. “Don’t lie to me. I deserve at least that.”

  “I never lied to you, princess. If I do something, I own up to it.”

  “Yeah, sure. Then why was your face and even your damn car blurred?”

  “I don’t know yet, but I’ll find out and whoever did this will pay.”

  Every word coming out of his mouth is so sure and confident, I’m starting to doubt myself.

  But isn’t that what he wants me to feel?

  Isn’t it his purpose to reduce me to a mindless being?

  A hand remains at my hip while his fingers snake up the hollow of my waist. I suck in a stuttering breath at the sensuality in his touch.

  I can fight, but then what? He’ll just have me back exactly where he wants.

  And maybe, just maybe I’m tired of fighting.

  “You’ll also pay, princess.” His voice turns deadly and so do his eyes.

  “For what?”

  “For bringing that fucker when I told you to stay away from him. What were you trying to prove, hmm?”

  I swallow as his deft fingers snake a path to the zipper of my dress, slowly pulling it down.

  “Were you perhaps trying to prove that you’re not mine?” He yanks my dress down my shoulders with one tug.


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