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China (Tails Book Six)

Page 8

by R. E. Butler

  As they passed through the remaining pride members, they were greeted with cheers and claps, and thanked for setting the pride on a new path. He hadn’t planned to change the world, but it had certainly worked out that way.

  “If you’re wondering how Craig knew to look for the book,” Teresa asked, “it’s because I told him that you two were so frustrated at not being able to find anything about interim alphas and taking over and he went to look in the library. He noticed that two books were missing, and he figured one of the elders might have taken them. He was right.”

  Oz hummed. It was a shame that the elders allowed themselves to be corrupted like they had.

  “Do you think the elders knew that Craig was next in line?” Angel asked.

  “It certainly seems so. With Benecio dead, the elders should’ve gone to our pride records and located his next closest relative.”

  “If he hadn’t had one?” Angel asked.

  “Then an alpha battle would’ve happened to secure one, but either way, Oz never should’ve been part of it.”

  “They were wrong, though. He took out three of the males on his own and was kicking ass until they ganged up on him. And then he had his mate to help.”

  “They’re quite the pair,” Teresa said, giving Oz’s mane a ruffle.

  Once they’d reached her house, he and China went around to the back and sprawled out on the porch while Teresa and Angel brought out the steaks. A platter held six large strip steaks and Oz’s mouth watered just looking at them.

  “Have at it, you two,” Teresa said.

  “Thaw one for me, Ma,” Angel said. “I don’t think they’re going to leave anything behind.”

  “You got it, honey,” she said, walking back into the house.

  “I can’t believe you’re leaving the pride,” Angel said. He sat on a wicker chair and kicked his legs out, crossing his feet at the ankles. “I’m going to miss the hell out of you.”

  Oz lifted his head and finished chewing the bite of steak.

  “Don’t look at me like that, bro,” Angel said. “I don’t want to leave. Maybe Mom and Craig will end up mated, then I’ll be the alpha’s stepson. That might have perks of the sexy-lady variety.”

  Teresa smacked the back of his head with her hand. “Keep your opinions to yourself, young man.”

  “Uh oh, she called me young man. I better be careful teasing her.”

  “Damn right.”

  Teresa turned on the grill and laid a still-frozen steak on it, then closed the lid. “I’m going to miss you too,” she said. “But we can visit each other. I’m looking forward to being a grandma to your cubs.”

  “What about mine? I’m your real son. He’s just your kind of adopted son.”

  “Get mated and then we’ll talk.”

  Angel made a face and then smiled. “I hope I meet my heart-match. I just hope I don’t have to kill someone first.”

  “We can all hope for that,” Teresa said.

  By the time he and China had eaten their fill, and Angel had scarfed down the grilled steak, it was time for them to shift back. Angel had run to Oz’s house and grabbed clothes for them.

  China followed Oz into one of the spare bedrooms and they changed back to human. The moment that they were back on two legs, they were kissing and holding each other.

  “Are you okay?” she asked in between kisses.

  “You saved my life, babe, I’m fan-fucking-tastic. Are you okay?” He dragged his lips across hers with a groan and pulled away. He looked down at her lush body, scanning for injuries and trying not to get sidetracked by how sexy she was.

  “I’m good,” she said.

  “You’re great,” he amended. “I shouldn’t have let you go anywhere alone.”

  “How could you possibly know they’d come after me like that?”

  “Because I’m your mate. Your safety is paramount to me.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Yours is to me too. Can you believe that the elders were in on it? It’s crazy.”

  “It is. I wish I’d known that Craig was related to Benecio. I guess he didn’t tell anyone because they didn’t like each other.”

  “The elders are bastards, and so are the ones who abducted me. I’m glad they’re going to be imprisoned. Where’s the jail, anyway?”

  “It’s in a small concrete building a few yards from the alpha’s mansion. I can’t remember the last time a tribunal was held for such a serious matter.”

  She turned and picked up the clothes Angel had left for them, handing Oz his.

  “I’m glad it’s all over,” she said. She stood and buttoned up her shirt. “You and I are safe, and we get to go to Kedrick, which is what we wanted anyway. I will miss Teresa though.”

  “Me too. Angel—not so much.”

  She snorted a laugh.

  When they were finished dressing and kissing on each other, he gave her a long, quiet look. “Thank you for coming for me.”

  “That’s what mates do.”

  “I’m positively crazy about you. I wanted to tell you how I really felt, and I was going to as soon as you got back from Teresa’s, and then it was too late. I love you, China. I’m so glad you’re mine.”

  She smiled broadly, her eyes shining with happiness. “I love you too, Oz. You might not be interim alpha anymore, but you’re the alpha of my heart.”

  Chapter Twelve

  China and Oz were called to the alpha’s mansion an hour after they’d changed back to human. They’d left Teresa’s home and gone to Oz’s to pack up. Angel had offered to make the drive with them so they could use his truck to haul more things. Most likely they would have to make another trip to get all of Oz’s work stuff. She didn’t mind; it would mean another visit with Teresa.

  They walked into the alpha mansion and found Craig in the office. He’d replaced the large, imposing wood desk with a modern-looking glass and metal one and had taken down the curtains and wall hangings. “Come on in, have a seat,” he said. “You both all healed up?”

  “We are. Thanks,” Oz said.

  Craig folded his hands on the desk. “I wish I could make the change to the laws about you being exiled, but if I do that, I’d be unraveling every other law we have.”

  “I don’t mind it,” Oz said. “I’m happy to be joining up with China’s pride.”

  Craig nodded. “I spoke to Duke earlier and he’s fully briefed on what happened. He’s also looking forward to you joining their ranks.”

  Oz was glad to hear that. While he’d assumed that Duke would welcome him into the pride as China’s mate, membership was entirely at the discretion of the alpha and he could refuse him entrance if he wanted.

  “Good,” Oz said.

  “You weren’t worried, were you?” China asked.

  He pinched his finger and thumb together. “A little.”

  She smiled. “Duke’s a good male.”

  “Now,” Craig said, “onto the business of exile. You killed the alpha in defense of a non-pride member, which means you’re not welcome in the pride anymore. The laws state that exile occurs immediately, with the exiled lion given twenty-four hours to clear out. However, because your intervention not only saved China but also paved the way for our pride to start over with fresh leadership, I’m waiving that portion of the law.”

  “What do you mean?” Oz asked.

  “I mean, you’re not a pride member so you can’t take part in any of our hunts or gatherings, but you’re welcome back to town to not only collect your things, but to visit with Teresa and Angel whenever you want. Just give me a call and let me know when you’re coming.”

  Oz shook Craig’s hand. “Thanks. I didn’t expect that.”

  “No worries. It’s a small change to the law, so it’s not a big deal. I’m going to go through the law books one by one and bring us into the twenty-first century. It’s about time that we got rid of antiquated ideas and let our pride breathe a little. It was too restrictive for too long, with the former alphas holding onto their pow
er by terrorizing their people instead of being good leaders.”

  “You’ll be great,” Oz said.

  “So, is that it?” China asked. “He’s exiled now?”


  “How did the tribunal go?” Oz asked.

  They rose to their feet. Craig walked with them out to the foyer and onto the porch. “It went well. I led the tribunal myself, which is my right as alpha. I followed the letter of the law—every single male will serve ten years except for Drager, because he was the one who had the bright idea in the first place. He’s serving fifteen.”

  “Will you exile them when their sentences are over?” China asked.

  “Most likely. It depends on their behavior and attitudes once they’re finished.”

  “We’re going to head back to my place and finish packing up. We’d like to get going after dinner. Teresa asked us to stay and eat with her and Angel.”

  “She invited me as well,” he said.

  “She’s really pretty and sweet,” China said.

  Craig rocked on his heels, his cheeks darkening. “Yes, she is. See you tonight.”

  China hugged Craig and thanked him for his help and guidance, and then Oz shook his hand again. Oz took her hand and led her from the porch to a path that would lead to his home.

  “I can’t believe how things worked out,” she said.

  “It’s honestly amazing.” He stopped and caught her around the waist, drawing her close. “And it was all because you wanted to save your friend from Benecio. You started the ball rolling.”

  “I’m glad I did. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me too, sweetheart. I can’t wait to see what the future brings.”

  * * *

  After dinner, Teresa presented Oz and China with a large plastic container filled with cookies and brownies. “For the road,” she said, giving them both hugs. “When will you be back?”

  Oz looked at China and she shrugged. “Maybe next weekend,” he said. “It depends on how things are going.”

  “Well, let me know when you decide.”

  She’d offered to pack up Oz’s house and workshop while they were in Kedrick, and it had made China laugh at how fast Oz taken her up on the offer.

  “We will,” Oz said. “Thanks for everything. If it weren’t for your intervention, China and I wouldn’t be here.”

  “That’s what you do for family.”

  China nodded. “Thanks for the treats and for all you did for us. I really do feel like we’re family now.”

  “Me too, honey,” Teresa said. “Now get going and call me when you get there safely.”

  “Hey, why don’t I get cookies for the road?” Angel asked.

  “You get them when you get home,” she said.

  “I think I’m the favorite,” Oz said.

  “You wish,” Angel said.

  The trio left Teresa’s home. Oz held open the door to his truck for China. “Ready to go home?” he asked.

  “Very. You ready to find out what life’s like in the Kedrick pride?”


  He smiled at her and shut the door. She stifled a yawn as she buckled up.

  Oz got behind the wheel and started the truck. “Onward, love?”

  “You know it. Home’s calling.”

  He put the truck into gear and pulled away from the curb, honking twice and waving at Teresa, who stood in the doorway. It was bittersweet for China—she was excited to get back to Kedrick and her life there, excited for her life with Oz to begin. But she was also sad to be leaving Teresa and Angel. They’d become family to her really quickly.

  She called Duke’s cell and put her phone on speaker.


  “Hi, it’s China. I’m with Oz. We just left for Kedrick.”


  “Is that China?” Ree’s voice could be heard in the background.

  “Yes, love,” Duke said.

  “Yay! Hurry home, China, we missed you!”

  China grinned. “I missed you all too.”

  “I’ll alert the patrol to your arrival. You don’t need to check in with me tonight. How about we meet at the diner for lunch at noon?”

  “That sounds great, thanks.”

  “Safe travels. See you tomorrow.” Duke ended the call.

  China set her phone in the cup holder and leaned over to rest her head on Oz’s shoulder. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  “Oh? I’ve got some things on my mind related to that too.”

  “You mean like go straight to bed and sleep?”

  “Yes, to the first part, and eventually to the second part.”

  She tilted her face up and looked at his profile. His lips were curled up at the corners in a smile, his cheeks covered with a day’s worth of sexy stubble. “We always seem to be in sync.”

  “I think that’s what happens with heart-matches. We’re made for each other, so we balance well.”

  “I wish I’d met you years ago.” She let out a wistful sigh.

  “Me too.” He gave her a quick peck and turned his attention back to the road.

  Although she was tired from a long day of packing and Oz keeping her up with his amazing fingers and tongue half the night, she didn’t sleep at all on the drive. They talked about everything—his furniture business, her painting and cooking and a merger between them, and how their family would grow as the years went by.

  “Three kids,” he said. “That’s my final offer.”

  She let out a hard snort and then had to cough. “You’re not having them. You don’t get a vote.”

  “Come on, babe. Two isn’t enough. Let’s try for four, be happy with three.”



  “You can’t go higher!”

  He gave her a devilish grin. “I always wished I had a big family. It was hard when it was just me.”

  “I get that.” She let out a sigh and then smiled at him. He was so fun to tease. “Two and then we can talk about a third. So long as your sperm don’t produce demon children, three is on the table.”

  “You’ll be on the table soon enough,” he said with a low growl that made parts south start to tingle.

  She squeezed her legs together. “Stop growling. We’ve still got an hour until we hit Kedrick.”

  “I’ll have you know that my sperm will only produce the best, most loving and obedient children on the planet.”

  “Uh oh, I think you’re selling too hard. Were you a holy terror when you were little?”

  “Can I plead the fifth?”


  “Let’s just say I gave my parents a run for their money and leave it at that.”

  “Since we’ve decided to wait a year to start having kids, we can spend the year setting up your business and I can figure out what I want to do.”

  “Work with me,” he said. “I can’t think of anything better than you and me side by side, making furniture. At least I can’t think of anything better for us with clothes on.”

  “You’re such a horndog.”

  “The term is hornlion.”

  “Oh geez.” She rested her head against the plush headrest and grinned. “What’s first on the agenda for your business?”

  “A workshop. You have a shed in the yard, right?”

  “Yeah. It’s kind of small.”

  “Then I’ll build a bigger one for my workshop. Once I get all my tools down here and some furniture to refurbish, I can kick the website into gear and maybe even open a storefront eventually. You love painting, so you can do your own paintings plus work on the furniture too. I’d love to see what you can do when you’re set loose on something.”

  It had long been a dream of hers to have paintings for sale. As a kid, she’d painted on thick pieces of paper and put them on the fridge, hoping someday to see them in a gallery or art store. That dream, which had gone dormant in favor of a job with
actual money, could be resurrected now. Her mind spun with the possibilities.

  “How about Krane Family Furniture and Art.”

  “For what?” she asked.

  “Our business name. Right now it’s Oz’s Refurbished Goods, but I think a name change is just what the business needs.”

  “There’s just one problem with that name.”

  “Oh?” He glanced at her curiously.

  “My last name isn’t Krane.”

  “What? I didn’t ask you to marry me yet?” he asked in mock surprise.

  She stifled a chuckle. “Nope.”

  “Are you sure? I’m pretty positive I did already, and you said yes and then gave me a hummer.”

  She barked out a laugh and covered her face with her hands, her shoulders shaking as she giggled. She lifted her head and smiled at his shit-eating grin.

  “Sounds more like you’re wishing that’s how things go when you do ask me.”

  “Absolutely. So how about it?”

  “How about what?”

  “Will you marry me? And give me a BJ?”

  “You can’t ask me in the truck like that. I look terrible and I’m exhausted, plus no ring.”

  “You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I’m just teasing about the proposal. I’d never ask you something so serious like this. I promise to give you a spectacular proposal that you’ll be sharing with your five children for years to come.”


  “Three, remember? I was a saint, unlike my friend who was definitely not.”

  She sighed happily. He was so fun to talk to, so sweet and caring. She’d honestly never met a guy like him, and she felt supremely lucky to have him in her life as her heart-match.

  “I can’t wait to be married to you and have your last name.”

  “That’s the top of my list too, sweetheart.”

  In no time, they were at her home, helping Angel unload his truck so he could get back on the road to Elk Hills. She offered to let him crash on the couch, but he said he couldn’t sleep anywhere but his own bed. Ninety minutes later, he was waving at them as he backed out of her driveway and left for Indiana.

  Oz scooped her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold. Kicking the door shut, he said, “Welcome home, baby. We’ve got a date with the bed.”


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