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Casanova Killer, An SSCD Crime Thriller

Page 14

by Tallulah Grace

  “Like what?” Jerry’s pouty face lifted slightly.

  “Ummm, something shiny with lots of diamonds.” Ethan crooned in her ear.

  “That would be nice, but I still don’t like you leaving me all the time.” Jerry turned back around to face Ethan, amused by the twinkle in his eyes.

  “Baby, you know I hate being away from you, too, but it can’t be helped.” Ethan placed his arm around her and led her to another booth. “Let’s stay in tonight, make a special dinner just the two of us. What do you say?”

  “You want me to cook?” Jerry sounded appalled.

  “Of course not, sweetness. We’ll select the menu and have a chef come in to prepare the meal.”

  “Okay, but I’m still mad at you.”

  “We’ll work on that.”


  So, Bennett was leaving town. The man known as Oscar abandoned his stalking pursuit of Jerry and Ethan, as soon as he overheard Ethan’s plans. There was entirely too much to be done in such a short period of time, but his blood raced at the thoughts of making the lovely Jerry his, sooner rather than later.

  “I have to call Bennett’s office, confirm his itinerary.” Finding an open seat on a small bench, he jotted down the thought on a note pad.

  “Let’s see,” he began, flipping the pages backwards. “She always goes to yoga class, then to one of three different cafés. I’ll run into her there, offer to buy lunch. Or maybe I can ask for directions, outside of her building.” He scribbled a few more notes, then looked at his watch. “I’ll have to hurry if I want to get a new car by tomorrow.” Sighing at the thought of leaving the Mas behind, he brightened at the thoughts of a Lamborghini, or a Porsche. “Maybe I’ll even go American, buy a Corvette.” He laughed at the thought.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It occurred to Jerry on the ride home that tonight would be her last night with Ethan, until the case was solved. Spending every moment together for the past week had been amazing. She was head over heels in love, but part of her still wondered if Ethan felt the same.

  Last night, they had talked until the wee hours of the morning, covering everything from the number of kids each one wanted, to the real effects of global warming. He was so easy to talk to, and so pleasant to be around, that she couldn’t imagine him not being in her life.

  So far, their physical relationship had not progressed farther than steamy kisses, filled with decadent promise. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what was stopping her from taking the next step, but she felt Ethan’s reservations as much as she felt her own. It was probably due to the job. Crossing the line to becoming lovers was special and private, not something to remember as part of an assignment.

  “Screw that,” she whispered aloud, grateful that Ethan was conversing with Rodney, and didn’t overhear. What if this is the last opportunity I have to make love with him? She knew a rationalization when she heard one, but this time she didn’t care. She loved Ethan and she wanted to show him just how much. Assignment or no assignment.


  Ethan’s thoughts mirrored Jerry’s. The entire time he discussed cricket scores with Rodney, he imagined joining Jerry in the king-size bed, making love with her all night.

  Admitting to himself that he was in love with her had been easier than he expected, but he hadn’t yet told her how he felt. Waiting until the case was over, when they could be alone together, with no interruptions from Dylan, Nate, or anyone else, seemed like the best way to handle discussing their future together. But now, a sense of urgency came over him, one that insisted that waiting was out of the question.

  Glancing sideways at Jerry, he could see that she was deep in thought. Did she feel the same about him? His heart screamed a resounding YES, but his mind was reticent to agree. Could he really declare his love for a woman he’d known for barely two weeks? Would she think he’d lost his mind?


  “Yes sir, Mr. Bennett is scheduled to return in two weeks. I’ll be happy to make an appointment for you then.” Janice’s voice was clipped and professional.

  “Thank you, but I prefer to call back later. I may not be in town that week. Goodbye.”

  Janice replaced the receiver and smiled up at Dylan. “Well that was short and sweet.”

  “He got what he needed, even if he did change his M.O.” Dylan nodded. “Did you arrange for Ethan’s name to be listed as a passenger on a private flight to Toronto?”

  “Yes, he’s all set to leave in the morning.” Janice made a note to double check the flight. “Where will he really be going?”

  “He’ll fly around in circles for a while and then slum it with the rest of us at the motel. Can’t take a chance that the doorman, or anyone else in the building, sees him. We don’t know how thorough the unsub likes to be when it comes to making sure the companion is out of town.”

  “Makes sense. So Jerry will be all alone in the condo?”

  “That’s the plan.”


  The man called Oscar removed the towel from his hair and admired the deep shade of red he’d selected for his new persona. “Dusky Auburn,” he mumbled to his reflection, it fits. Perhaps I’ll use it as my new moniker.” Laughing, he moved into the spacious master bedroom to select his wardrobe and his new identity.

  “Mmmm, who shall I become for sweet Jerry? Elliott, James, Carson…” he mulled over the names, then smiled at his genius. “I’ll be Elliott Carson James, loyal British subject, man about town.”

  Within minutes, he was dressed and ready for photos. Shortly thereafter, he opened his encrypted email and sent the images for Elliot Carson James to his forger.

  The phone call to the luxury car dealer went as smoothly as he expected. Purchasing a Lamborghini, with an immediate cash transfer, ensured a level of service few persons enjoyed. Fortunately, he was one of them.

  Deciding to enjoy a leisurely lunch as he awaited delivery of Elliott’s driver’s license and passport, he strolled onto the terrace with his Caesar salad and sparkling water. He never tired of the hilltop view, not that it compared with the views from his villas in Europe, but it would do.

  All in all, he was well pleased with the turn of events. Although he preferred watching the women for more time before he actually made contact, everything was falling into place so well that he knew it must be right.

  Thinking of Jerry, he felt a longing for her company deep within his soul. It was always this way, when he found someone new. The feelings of love and admiration he had for Beth always resurfaced when he entered a new relationship. As amused as he was by the nickname the European press had given him, ‘Casanova Killer’, he had to admit there was some truth to it. His feelings for his so called victims were genuine, right up to the time when he slit their throats.

  Had he listened to his old psychiatrist, he would have recognized the symptoms of his delusion, would have known that transferring his unrequited feelings for Beth to any other woman was futile, and would never result in the closure he craved.

  But this moment, this special time just before he made contact with someone new, was like a honeymoon period. He could imagine the possibilities, plan the romance and look forward to the joys of a new love.

  Thoughts of Jerry excited him in ways that he didn’t experience with the last few women. They had all fallen at his feet, eager to impress and be impressed, by his obvious charms. No, he sensed that Jerry would be different, more of a challenge, more like his Beth.

  He would let her play it safe, he decided, let her be as coy as she liked. He’d overheard the cad Bennett telling her that he would only be gone for a week, but his secretary clearly stated that the man would be away for two. It gave him more time to romance sweet Jerry, just as she deserved, whether she knew it or not.


  “I thought you mentioned something about a chef,” Jerry teased, as she came into the kitchen to find Ethan prepping vegetables.

  “Something wrong with your eyesight? He’s here, Chef Barne
s, at your service.” Sticking the butcher knife upright into the cutting board, he took a bow.

  “Ah, you’ve been keeping secrets. You never mentioned that you could cook.” Jerry grabbed a slice of cucumber from the board.

  “A man must retain a bit of mystery,” Ethan grinned at her. “You’d be amazed at the things I can do.”

  A shiver ran along Jerry’s spine; she intended to unearth a few of his hidden talents tonight. “Promises, promises.” She chanted, pouring them both a glass of white wine. “So what’s on the menu, Chef Barnes?”

  “So glad you asked,” Ethan wiggled his eyebrows. “Tonight’s entre is a specialty of the house, Osso Buco.”

  “Whoso whatko?” Jerry asked, perplexed.

  Ethan laughed. “It’s an Italian dish made with fresh veal and vegetables. Thanks to our fruitful trip to the Farmer’s Market this morning, this Osso Buco is also one hundred percent organic.”

  “Well, we are in Northern California. Anything else would be a sacrilege.”

  “So true. Care to pull up an apron? You can chop celery.”

  “Sure, I can probably handle that.”

  They worked side by side in comfortable silence for a time, each a little lost in their own thoughts. Jerry broke the rhythm of chopping and slicing first.

  “How many people are you planning to feed? This looks like enough for an army.”

  “Just us, but you’ll have leftovers for several days, if you like. I could always take them to Dylan and Nate, they could probably use a good meal.”

  “It does seem fair, they’ve been eating diner food for two weeks, while we’ve been dining in the best restaurants in town.” Jerry became somber at the thoughts of Ethan leaving their nest in the morning.

  He read her thoughts like a book. “I don’t want to leave, either.” He said softly. “The sooner I go, the sooner this can be over, and we can start our lives.”

  It was the first time either one of them had come out and said that they had a future together. Jerry’s head began to spin.

  “Our lives?” her voice was slightly breathless.

  Ethan placed the knife on the counter and turned to her.

  “Yes, our lives. I think you know how I feel about you.”

  “I do?” Jerry held her breath, hoping to hear the declaration that would make all the difference.

  “I hope you do. I love you, Jerry Forbes. Don’t ask me how, or why, or when, just know that I do.” He took her chin in his hand and kissed her lightly on the lips. “I hope I’m not alone in this.”

  “No, you’re not alone. I love you, Ethan Barnes, more than I ever thought was possible.” Throwing her arms around him, she pulled him closer for a soul-wrenching kiss.

  Ethan crushed her to him, mindless of the knife she still held in one hand. Neither of them paid any attention when it clamored to the floor.

  “How is this possible?” Jerry asked when they came up for air. “We’ve only known each other for such a short time.”

  “Ever heard of love at first sight?” he tweaked her nose.

  “Thought it was an old wives tale.” She laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Apparently not. I knew you were special when you opened the door to me.”

  “You definitely got my attention then. And every moment since.”

  “I can’t tell you how many times I cursed that sofa bed, how often I very nearly came to you in the middle of the night.”

  Jerry squeezed him hard. “No sofa bed for you tonight, maybe no sleep, either.” Her throaty voice caused his blood to race.

  “Promises, promises.” He laughed softly and found her lips again.


  “That was amazing. What else can you cook?” Jerry looked at Ethan in admiration.

  “Lots of things. Both my mother and my housekeeper were determined that I should not starve, out on my own. My culinary education began at a young age.”

  Jerry dropped her eyes and tried not to remember the education she acquired at the same age.

  Ethan followed the direction of her thoughts and kept talking. “What’s your kitchen specialty? Or do you cook at all?”

  “I make a mean chicken noodle soup.” Jerry neglected to tell him that it was from a can. “We don’t have a lot of downtime, so my culinary expertise is pretty much nonexistent.” She admitted.

  “I’ll teach you. It’ll be fun.” Ethan covered her hand with his.

  “That might be difficult, with you in Europe and me in the states.” One of them needed to bring up the obvious; Jerry decided that it may as well be her.

  “I’m not sure I can live with that.” Ethan’s tone suddenly became serious. “Have you ever thought of living abroad?”

  “No, but it sounds exciting, as long as I have a job.”

  “I can put a good word in for you with Interpol. They’re always looking for talented agents.”

  “It’s a thought, but what about the language barrier? I only speak English.”

  “That’s no problem. Most civilized countries speak English.” He teased.

  “Have you ever thought about living over here? We have so many alphabet agencies that I’m sure you could land a job with one of them.”

  “I’m open to that, but I’d love to show you my country, or countries, as it were. First we’ll go to Australia, meet the fam. Then I’ll take you on an insider’s tour of England, Italy, France, Spain and Greece. You’ll love it.” Ethan’s eyes were shining.

  “Sounds wonderful, but more than a little time consuming. I do have a few weeks of vacation coming, though.” Jerry began to share his enthusiasm.

  “See, we’re already compromising. After our tour, we’ll decide where we’d like to live. I can tell you now, that as long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy.”

  “You always know the right things to say.” Jerry turned her hand to link her fingers with his.

  “I’m happy you think so. Let’s have brandy by the fire.” Ethan brought her with him as he stood, then led her to the cozy setup he’d arranged earlier.

  “When did you do all this?” Jerry was surprised by the pillows spread in front of the fire, along with a tray holding two snifters, and a glass decanter filled with warm amber liquid.

  “While you were having a bath. One of the wonderful things about Northern California is the possibility of cool nights, even during the summer. Makes it easy to set the stage for romance.”

  “Is that what this is, romance?” Jerry teased.

  “Yes, Ma’am, and a prelude to seduction. How am I doing?”

  “Let’s see, dinner was wonderful, your company was, and continues to be, delightful, and, though I’ve never had brandy, your thoughtfulness is noted, and appreciated.” Jerry smiled and accepted the crystal snifter from Ethan. “But if truth be told, ‘you had me at hello,’ to paraphrase an old movie.”

  Ethan flashed a devastating smile and settled in beside her. “You’ve never had brandy? It’s high time we change that. Like opera, most people either love it or hate it.” He held up his glass in the glow of the firelight. “Swirl your glass, like this. Watch the colors of the liquid flow together.”

  Jerry did as he advised, enchanted by the ritual.

  “Now absorb the aroma,” Ethan held the crystal to his nose and breathed deeply. Jerry followed suit. The heady flavors of the brandy warmed her from the inside out, before she’d even taken a sip.

  “Now taste it.” Ethan pressed his lips to the glass and tilted, closing his eyes as the amber liquid touched his lips.

  Jerry felt an instant flush spread from her core to her fingertips. Watching Ethan sip brandy was one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen. Holding her own glass suspended, she gazed at his beautiful face, mesmerized by the moment.

  Ethan opened his eyes to find Jerry staring at him, pure lust reflected in her eyes. His answering smolder said more than words, as he placed his glass on the table.

  Without taking her first taste, Jerry lowered her snifter to
the table, while keeping her eyes locked on his. The space between then was suddenly nonexistent as Ethan gathered her into his arms, and lowered her to the floor.


  Jerry woke to the feel of strong muscle beneath her cheek, and strong arms wrapped tightly around her. She’d never felt more relaxed, or cherished, in her life. Moments passed as she recalled the tenderness Ethan showed as he made love to her for the first time. Recalling how his body glowed in the light of the fire as he poised over her, made her tingle all over. She never knew that a man could delay his passion, just to prolong hers, but she’d forever be grateful that Ethan was just such a man. Grateful and determined that turn-about was fair play. He’d made her scream his name in mindless passion, repeatedly, before he gave her what she craved. She intended to return the favor.

  With a sly smile, she remembered the quick fire that took them both off guard, moments after he lay spent inside her for the first time. One clutch, one twist of her body, and he sprang to life again, taking them both over an insatiable cliff with wild abandon.

  Desire bloomed fresh once more as Jerry felt every inch of his luscious body sprawled beneath her. Fluttering her lashes, she tickled his chest and slowly ran her hand from his waist to his hip.

  Ethan moaned and tightened his grip as her fingers closed around him. “Are you trying to kill me, woman?” His voice was husky with sleep and desire.

  “Not hardly,” she whispered and trailed kisses down his torso. “You don’t even have to move, I just want to explore.” Her lips found their target, already pulsing with need. Ethan shuddered and buried his hands in her hair as she closed her mouth around him.


  “I don’t think I’ll ever move again.” Ethan lay on his back, sweat still glistening over his body. “You are a heartless vixen, sent to make men powerless.” His grip tightened around her, belying his words.

  Jerry laughed, thoroughly satisfied with her revenge. “That’s not what you said a minute ago. As I recall it went something like ‘oh…….my…….God….YES!’ she raised her voice on the last word, mimicking Ethan’s shriek of passion.


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