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Club Manhattan: Parts One and Two

Page 12

by Jennifer Louise

  “Chloe don’t listen to him. These two men act all macho and tough, but they still know a thing or two about romance.” Crystal was adoringly staring into the eyes of her man. Grayson had proposed to Crystal at the “I Love You Wall” in Paris. Talk about romantic.

  I saw how adoringly Crystal and Grayson looked at each other and I hoped that Aidan and I would have a tenth of the love that they had.

  Aidan leaned in to whisper into my ear. “We have what they have too you know. You just can’t see it yet. But I will not stop showing you until you do.”

  He loves you Chloe.

  That’s a thought that I will never get used to hearing but I know it’s true. Aidan is now the only one that consumes my thoughts. I don’t know what I would have done without Aidan by my side. He has been my source of strength and support since the day I met him. He has washed away most of my insecurities. Some of them are still hiding deep within, but I’m working on that with his help, strength and determination.

  Aidan restored my faith that love is possible and rebuilt the walls around my heart so that there is room for both of us. He has shown me how to love and how to be loved. For that I will be eternally grateful. Indebted to him that he could rebuild my faith that there are good… no great men out there. Great men who know how to treat women with respect and shower them with affection.




  (Part Two)

  Part Two: Restoring

  Chloe’s faith in love has been restored by the man who taught her that a forever love does exist and that she deserves to have it in her heart.

  Just when Chloe thought that nothing and no one could come between them, another figure from her past comes back to cast a shadow on her light. She is once again confronted with the knowledge that her world and Aidan’s are so very far apart.

  Love is like holding your breath and trying to survive, yet you somehow find the strength to keep it alive. Chloe and Aidan endured more than one couple should but they were able to rebuild and restore what was evident from the start.

  This book is intended for mature audiences due to language and adult situations. (18+)

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  Chapter 1


  These past few months have been a crazy roller coaster of a ride. I met the woman of my dreams and fell in love. I never thought that was something I was looking for, and yet here I am… engaged.

  From the moment I met Chloe at Club Manhattan, I knew she was it for me. I can’t explain it really. She has this unassuming quality about her, that just drew me in. She wanted to be in control of her future, yet she didn’t quite have a handle on her past.

  After all that we went through, with her asshole of an ex, she was still the humble girl from Georgia. The girl who didn’t know she had a dirty, kinky side to her. One that I was all too happy to bring out in her.

  When Chloe finally confided in me about her upbringing and the life that she led, I was that much more endeared to her. Chloe and her grandmother truly had to struggle to make ends meet, but she made the most out of her situation and was that much more determined to beat the odds.

  She had originally put herself through college to become a teacher. She set out to shape the young minds of the kids who needed that escape from their own homes like she did. When she found the strength to leave that abusive fucker that she called her fiancé, she changed her careers and became a lawyer. An advocate for women who needed someone on their side, who had the compassion and understanding to believe in them when they needed it the most.

  My upbringing was quite different from hers. My parents gave me anything and everything that a young boy could want. I went to college but was too interested in partying and seeing how many times I could score to be as focused as I should on my studies. I did, though. I was also determined to beat the odds. The rich kid from an old money family crashes and burns. I may have started off down that path, but that is not where I ended up.

  My parents, James and Addison Montgomery were all about social trends, notoriety, and parties. At least my mother was. My father was just happy to have his poker games and golf outings to keep his life sane from the endless galas that my mother would drag us to.

  I have had my share of one-night stands and a few long-term relationships, but nothing that I wanted to see last until marriage, until Chloe. What she and I have is once in a lifetime. She has quickly become my everything and I will not let anything stand in the way of that.

  My mother. I have been avoiding her calls at all costs. I just didn’t want to hear the disappointment in her voice. Disappointment for not calling to tell her and my father our engagement, and to explain it all to them before they heard it in the news. My parents haven’t officially met Chloe yet because I have been putting off that awkward meeting.

  It’s not that my parents and I have an estranged relationship. I regularly golf with my father and have lunch with my mother on occasion, but we just aren’t that close. That may sound strange if you are used to having a tight bond with your family. But I grew up with my parents ushering me through life like I was their friend, rather than having a nurturing child and parent bond. We spent quite a bit of time with other families, going on vacations and tours around the country, so much so that I considered my friends' mothers more of a mother figure than my own. It was her own upbringing that wired her that way.

  While I love my parents dearly, we’re just not the type of family to confide all our secrets and spew sappy emotions. As I grew older, went to college, and started my own business, I’ve done well with my own life and have been successful at being independent.

  My parents knew Chloe existed, but I didn’t want to pressure her with what would be the barrage of questions, from my mother, about where our dating life was headed. My father fully supported whatever decisions I made regarding Chloe and I keeping our distance. He understood all too well how meddling my mother can be.

  Since Chloe and I moved quickly from dating to engaged, I didn’t want that lecture from my mother either. I wanted Chloe to experience all the firsts of how a real partnership worked and that I was dedicating everything I had into making it succeed. Holding off any pressures from my mother.

  I really am giving quite a bit of power to my mother and what I think she would say about how fast Chloe and I progressed through the dating process. I think it stems from how opinionated and vocal she was about my last long-term girlfriend. The constant nagging about when I was going to propose and settle down, was too much pressure. And when we broke up, the disappointment in me for not making it work, was just a shit storm of problems I didn’t want to have to deal with, again.

  So, I made the conscious decision to keep Chloe to myself, and let our relationship grow organically, without the pressures of parental involvement.

  But today, I decided was the day to stop ignoring her calls.

  “Hello, mother. It’s so good to hear from you. I thought you and dad were away this weekend?”

  “Aidan, sweetie. If you had bothered to answer any of my calls or texts, you would have known that our weekend was canceled. Your father had to fly out of town unexpectedly to take care of business. So… now that I’ve finally caught you, tell me what’s been going on with you?”

  Mother guilt at its finest. She is just placating me though. She knows what’s been going on. Since the whole sordid d
etails of Chloe’s ordeal with her ex-fiancé has been all over the news, I have received numerous calls and text from her. I know they are owed an explanation, but now that it is all out to the public, I feel like it’s all old news and I just want us to move past it. Hearing how disappointed she is with me again, was not high on my list of priorities. Chloe was.

  “I guess I vaguely remember that. Anyway, when dad gets back in town, I am going to bring Chloe over so that you and dad can officially meet her. What’s your schedule like?”

  “Well, that’s why I am calling actually. I would like to throw you and Chloe a dinner in honor of your engagement, here at the house in a few weeks. We can officially announce your engagement and she can meet the rest of the family and our friends.”

  The way she said “officially” tells me that she is pissed about finding out the way she did. I can’t help it if the media was outside of our favorite restaurant a few days ago and just happened to snap a photo of us leaving. I regret that they posted a picture of the obvious engagement ring on Chloe’s finger and the headline screamed, “IS ONE OF NEW YORK’S MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELOR’S OFF THE MARKET?”

  I need to reign in my anger. It really wasn’t her fault that she found out the way she did. Why do mother’s take this stuff so personally? I don’t need to clear my personal life decisions by her. I certainly don’t clear my business dealings with her. Why is this any different?

  “Mom, that would be an amazing gesture and a great first step in welcoming Chloe to our family. I can’t wait to tell her!”

  “Of course, dear. Anything for my only son and child, that I labored with for 18 hours. What kind of mother would I be if I didn’t do this?”

  I had to laugh at that comment. She hasn’t played the labor card with me in a long time. “Ok, mother. I get it. You’re upset. But let’s just let this go and plan for a great evening. Shall we?”

  “Aidan, I love you and only want the best for you. Your father will be pleased to see you too. You should call him and give him the good news.” Little does she know that I already have. He is much easier to deal with than my mother. I love her, but she can be difficult for the sake of appearances.

  “Yes, mother. Please email me what you are thinking of for the party details and Chloe and I will give our input. We don’t want you to have to plan this all by yourself.” I already know that she has most of it planned already with her “on speed dial party planner”, but this isn’t just about her.

  Once my mother and I hung up, I quickly dialed Chloe to let her in on the plans. Let’s just hope she doesn’t freak out.

  Chapter 2


  These last few weeks since we got engaged, have been a magical whirlwind of meeting Aidan’s friends. When Aidan called me to give me the details of the engagement party that his parents were throwing for us, I was rolling with emotions.

  Will they like me? Is his mother still upset about how she heard of our engagement? How much of my past do they know?

  I have gained a new sense of self-worth since I have been with Aidan and the aura of strength that he possesses has had a profound effect on me as well. He has been my source of support since the day I met him. He has washed away most of my insecurities. Some of them are still hiding deep within, but I’m working on that with his help and determination.

  Aidan restored my faith that a second chance at love is possible and he rebuilt the trust that was broken by my previous relationship. He showed me in his loving actions and words that love still exists after I thought I didn’t deserve to find it again.

  He made room in my heart for both of us. He has shown me how to love and how to be loved. For that, I will be eternally grateful. Indebted to him that he could rebuild my faith that there are great men out there. Great men who know how to treat women with respect and shower them with affection. I now have the acceptance to know that I deserve love. His love.

  Today, though. Today was the day that I am finally meeting his parents. He has assured me that I have nothing to worry about, but my nerves are a wreck all the same.

  Catching sight of my sexy man as he’s getting ready in our bedroom takes my breath away. With his roguish good looks, scruffy face, and panty-melting caramel colored eyes, he continues to make the flutters within my body take flight.

  Aidan turns to me and catching my eyes, giving me that knowing smirk. He knows I was caught checking him out.

  “Chloe don’t be nervous about today. They’re just my parents.” Just his parents, he says.

  Addison and James Montgomery are anything but the ordinary parents. They were both born into wealth and therefore provided Aidan with everything that money could buy. Sure, Aidan is successful in his own right, but the philanthropic generosity and funds donated from their family over the years are astronomical.

  “Aidan, I’m just worried that they won’t like me. What if I say something stupid, or trip and fall on my face or something?”

  Aidan is entertained by my discomfort. “Babe, you are a fierce lawyer that can out-talk the best lawyers in this state. You are not going to say something stupid. Now, as far as tripping and falling, well….”

  In shock, but amused by his comment, I quickly picked up the pillow from the bed and chucked it at him, missing him by a mile! “See, I can’t even throw straight!” I am whining so bad right now that I don’t even know who I am anymore.

  Aidan walks over to the bed, stands in between my legs that are dangling over the side of the bed. He places both hands on either side of my face. “I love you. Don’t ever doubt that, ok?” I nod and bite my bottom lip like a pouty child. He bends down to kiss my bottom lip until I release its hold. “I would never let anyone make you feel uncomfortable or unwanted, and that goes for my parents. Do you trust me on that?”

  I nod my head again. Just by seeing the love that is radiating from his beautiful, soulful eyes, I am instantly calmed. “Ok, I can do this.”

  “That’s my girl!” He pulls me up from the bed and lovingly swats my ass as I sashay into the closet to find something suitable to wear. What does one wear to say, “Hi. I know we’ve never met… I have a crazy fucked up past… I was stalked by my ex and he’s now in jail... and I plan on marrying your son!” I dig into the back of my closet and find the most non-descript, LBD that I can find. It’s a dinner party so I need to fit the part, or at least appear that I do. I pair it with a pair of silver, strappy sandals but not too high of a heel. I’m seriously klutzy. When you pair that with nerves, watch out!

  As I am adding the finishing touches to my outfit, Aidan comes up behind me and our eyes lock in the floor length mirror. His hands ever so gently graze my hips and they come around to my front. He pulls me tight against his remarkable body, rocking his hard cock against my lower back, making its presence known. “Aidan…”

  His name was meant as a warning but came out as a breathy moan. “Aidan, we don’t have time for….” My thoughts trail off as he places open-mouthed kisses up and down my neck and exposed collar.

  He knows how to play my body and is intensely aware of which erotic zones to explore. Especially the ones that will make my body melt.

  His large, warm, and comforting hand lovingly encircles my neck, holding me tightly to his taut body. His other hand skims ever so softly down my left arm and over my breast, causing tingling across my body. I inhale sharply.

  He enjoys prolonging my gratification and feeling my body tremble.

  When he reaches under the hem of my dress, his fingers flutter over my lace covered pussy, putting just enough pressure to center my nerves as he holds me tight against his body. My head lolls back against his strong chest, with my senses too heavy and lust filled to keep upright. He takes advantage of the position and kisses my exposed neck, behind my ear, nipping at my flushed skin. My eyes roll back with immense pleasure when my panties are pushed aside, and his fingers thrust inside me.

  I gasp at the intrusion, but keep my eyes shut as his fingers plunge in and out, while his
hand grenades and dances across my most intimate place. The buildup is electric as my body urges take over and I writhe against his strong grasp.

  “That’s it, baby. Take what you need from me.” Aidan growls the words into my ear as he continues the rhythmic strumming on my bundle of nerves. He speeds up as my body starts to quiver. My lips are parted, but there is no sound. I’m in a total out of body experience and in awe of how he can rev me up so fast. I groan out a body shattering release. My legs feel weak, but Aidan is right there holding me so that I don’t fall. His breath is hot and panting on my neck as if he experienced every quake of the orgasm with me.

  I inhale a stuttering lungful of air as my vision returns, and I glance at him through half-lidded eyes. “Aidan… that was… wow!”

  I don’t have the words to articulate what I want to say, but I don’t have to. He knows. He nods in agreement. “I know.”

  After he rights my clothes, I turn around to face him. He gives me a sheepish grin and I fall a little bit more in love with him at that moment.

  “How did you know that is what I needed? You are always there for me, taking care of me, and anticipating my every need.”

  Aidan dips his head down low as if to whisper his words to me. “I would do anything and everything it takes, whatever you need, always and forever. You look sexy as fuck in this dress and I just couldn’t help myself. You feel calmer, though, right?”

  I did. I felt like a load of tension was released from my body. “Yes, I do… but what about you?”

  “Chloe, if I let you touch me right now, we will never make it out of this house tonight!”


  In the car ride over, Aidan kept a hold of my hand and lazily traced patterns on the back of it. He would, on occasion, pull it to his lips and kiss the back of my hand, ever so lovingly. He knows what it takes to keep me grounded and calm, especially after the mind erasing orgasm he gave me before we left.


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