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Wolf Of The Past: Family Lost - A Werewolf Romance (Spirit Of The Wolf Book 1)

Page 24

by A. D. McLain

  Ominously, the door swung open as she knocked.

  “Meg!” She called out but got no response. Nicole stepped into the apartment cautiously. There was a light shining in the bedroom, so she headed in that direction, listening for sounds.

  When she looked into the bedroom, she saw Meghan lying on the floor, unconscious. Nicole took a step forward to check on her friend and an arm clamped around her chest, holding her arms down to her side, and prohibiting any other movement. Another hand held a cloth to her face. Nicole struggled for as long as she could, but the room quickly faded into darkness.

  Nicole jerked awake. Her hair was dripping wet, and her face was freezing. Rodney Steagel stood in front of her, smiling wickedly. He held a bucket in his hands. “Sorry about the cold water, but I wanted you to be awake for this. You see, I’m going to burn down the company building, and you’re going to have a front row seat. I’ve disconnected the sprinkler system and added a few stacks of newspaper and other flammable materials in various strategic places, and I’ve poured gasoline all around, so the fire should spread nicely.”

  “You’ll never get away with this.” Nicole cringed even as she repeated the clichéd line. Now she understood why people in the movies always said it. “The police know you caused the explosion. They’ll tie you to this too, and you’ll spend the rest of your life in prison.”

  His eyes were wide, crazed. “Don’t you see? Burning down this place will provide the distraction I need to get out of town. Besides, they never figured out that it was me who got rid of those two scientists. You remember them, don’t you? I believe they were your parents.” He barked out a hysterical laugh. “You know, it’s somehow fitting that you should all die for the same cause, don’t you think?”

  “What?” The color drained from Nicole’s face, and she thought she was going to be sick.

  “Yeah, it was a shame you kept coming after me. I thought taking care of the two of them would get the rest of you off my back. Guess I was wrong.”

  “You killed my parents?” She couldn’t believe it. First, she found out her real parents had been murdered by her uncle, and now this. She didn’t know how many more shocks she could handle.

  “All I did was arranged a little distraction on the road. They were good enough to have the wreck.” He laughed again, the sound maniacal. “No more time for talk. I’ve got to get to work.”

  Rodney picked up a container of gasoline and emptied its contents around the room. Nicole would have known, even without his earlier words, that this wasn’t the first time Rodney had done this. The place reeked of gasoline and the fumes were giving her quite a headache, super-healing abilities or not. When he’d finished, he retrieved a packet of matches from his pocket and lit one, holding it in front of him. His eyes focused on the flame as if he’d become momentarily entranced. Abruptly, his attention snapped over to Nicole again, and the grin reappeared. “Later… or not.” He started laughing as he dropped the match and hurried out the door.

  The match hit the floor, instantly lighting the gasoline with an audible whoosh. Nicole stared into the flames as they began to spread. The colors danced around the room, creating a truly sublime scene. This was nature at its most beautiful and its most deadly. She desperately tried to free her hands, but they were tied too tightly. The rope was cutting into her wrists as she struggled. She coughed, smoke filling the room and her lungs. It was already difficult to see through the thick haze.

  “Help!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, praying someone would hear her. The plea ended in a hacking cough, the lack of oxygen bringing black spots to her vision.

  The only response to her screams was crashing sounds as parts of the ceiling began to collapse and dropped to the floor. Burning ashes and smoke were displaced into the air, swirling around above where the ceiling struck the ground. The smoke thickened, making breathing more difficult. Remembering the cell phone in her pocket, she fumbled blindly to open and dial the phone, hoping she was pressing the correct buttons. Her fingers were mostly numb, now. She heard the phone dialing, but it slipped from her blood and sweat covered fingers and fell to the floor. Struggling in vain against the ropes, she was losing consciousness and losing hope.

  David stared at the burning building in horror. He dialed Nicole’s number and listened for the ring. She was close, now. Turning in the direction of the sound, he ran faster. He gave the door one good, solid kick, leaving it in splintered pieces. The smoke instantly surrounded him, but he covered his face and went inside without delay. Flames were everywhere, so he needed to watch his step but move as quickly as he could. He choked down a rush of negative emotions. Fear of losing another person he loved to fire filled him with horror. He’d often imagined what his family must have gone through that night, and he wasn’t about to let that happen to Nicole. He couldn’t lose her, not now, not when they’d just found each other. He called out to Nicole but got no response. The room was large, with burning crates and office supplies blocking the way. He raised his phone to call again, but an awareness blossomed in his chest, pulling him in one direction. He followed the feeling through the maze of obstacles and easily found her at the far side of the room.

  Nicole’s limp form was tied to a chair, surrounded by flames. He called out to her, but her head was flopped forward, and she wasn’t moving. He gathered his remaining strength and called out to her again, louder this time.

  He saw her move just a little, giving him a surge of hope. The floor between them was blocked by several pieces of burning rafter and chunks of debris from the ceiling. They didn’t have much time before the entire place was going to collapse. “Nicole!” he shouted again, forcing the word out mentally as well as aloud. Her head jerked up and she started coughing.

  David breathed a sigh of relief. She was alive, at least, but she seemed dazed. He had to find a way across to her. Judging the distance, he took a few steps back and started to run, jumping over the burning wood. He landed hard, pain shooting up through his legs, but it was summarily forgotten as he gave his attention to Nicole. He hurriedly set about untying her. Her wrists were raw and bleeding, her blood soaking his hands as he worked.

  “David, is that you?” Her voice was hoarse, the attempt at talking bringing on another coughing fit.

  “Yeah, it’s me. Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of here soon.” Once the ropes were undone, her arms fell limply by her sides and she slumped against him. The flames flared up when another large portion of the ceiling fell down, joining the growing pile of debris on the floor, and further blocking their way to the door.

  David turned back to Nicole. She was already out of it again. He shook her a few times, staining her shirt with blood. “Nicole, you have to help me out here. I can’t do this alone.”

  Her eyes fluttered open. “Huh?”

  “Nicole, we have to get out of here, but that burning wood is blocking our way.” He shook her again trying to keep her awake. “Stay with me here. I barely made it when I jumped, and now the fire is bigger. The only way to get across is to jump as wolves. Do you understand?”

  “Yeah, yes, I think so,” she slurred. “I have to change into a wolf.”

  “That’s right, and we haven’t got much time. I want you to concentrate. I know that’s hard—” he choked on the smoke. “I know that’s hard, but you have to. I want you to imagine yourself as a wolf.”

  She closed her eyes and tried to do as he said. After a moment, she shook her head. “It’s not working.”

  David turned around to face her. “Look into my eyes.” He stared deeply into her eyes, sending as much of his energy to her as he could.

  Nicole’s necklace began to glow and her head began to clear. Even the air momentarily seemed cleaner. This time, when she tried to imagine herself as a wolf, the light from the necklace grew brighter and brighter, until it outshone the fire around them. Her senses were heightened and she she was aware of movement and weightlessness. The light began to dim, until it had subdued enough for he
r to again see her surroundings.

  She was on the other side of the fire. She caught sight of the black wolf, who was jumping over the burning debris. He landed beside her and collapsed, changing into David in a flash of light. She hurried over to him, helping him get to his feet. Together, they left the building, mere seconds before before the entire ceiling caved in.


  Nicole allowed the paramedic to bandage her wrists while she watched the many people hurrying about. The firefighters had managed to keep the fire from spreading to the rest of the buildings, but the area she’d been in was almost completely destroyed.

  David watched the men fighting the fire. Another few minutes and he would have lost Nicole forever. “So, I drove over the Meghan’s place as soon as I got Mark’s call. She was just starting to wake up when I got there.”

  “Is Meghan okay?” Nicole asked when the paramedic finished up.

  “Her apartment was the first place I went, after Mark warned me Steagel had escaped. She seemed okay physically, but she was quite distressed. Apparently Steagel threatened her with a knife to force her to call you. After she did what he wanted, he knocked her out with chloroform. Meghan was with the paramedics when I came searching for you.”

  “How did you know where to find me?”

  “Your phone called me. I just kept dialing it back, so I could hear the ringing, until I got close. Then, I could sense where you were, through our connection.”

  “It’s a good thing you did.” Nicole flashed him a grateful smile. “It seems as if you’ve saved me again. I’ll have to think of a way to repay you.”

  David grinned. “Oh, really? And what have you got in mind?”

  The sound of a throat clearing behind them caught their attention. Officer Stevenson stood there, and he was smiling at them. David smiled back. “Hey Mark.” The two men clasped arms before David spoke again. “You know, I never have properly introduced you two. Nicole, this is Mark Stevenson, one of my closest friends, and Mark, this is Nicole Cameron, the woman I love.”

  Nicole’s cheeks got warmer. She held out her hand to Mark. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you properly.”

  Mark nodded. “I’m glad you two are okay. Just wanted to let you know, we caught Steagel trying to board a bus and he’s back in jail. You won’t have to worry about him anymore.”

  “That’s great news.” A weight lifted from Nicole’s shoulders. “Oh, you should know Rodney confessed to causing my adoptive parent’s deaths. He said he created some kind of distraction so that they would wreck their car.”

  Mark frowned. “I was afraid of that. I’ll add that information to the report.”

  “Nicole!” Meghan shrieked as she ran up to Nicole and wrapped her in a fierce hug. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry I called you. I didn’t want to do it, but…” A sob burst from her throat.

  “Don’t worry about that. Are you okay?” Nicole placed a comforting hand on Meg’s shoulder. She’d rarely seen Meg this upset before. She knew the incident would be traumatic for her friend, but Nicole hadn’t realized it would be this bad.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m only relieved he didn’t hurt you.” Meg hugged her again, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.” Meghan wiped the tears from her eyes and sniffled. “Are you okay?” Nicole asked again, meaningfully.

  Meg met her gaze, knowing Nicole understood exactly what she was going through. Nicole was the only one in the world who could possibly understand. Anyone else would blame Meg, chastise her for putting Nicole’s life at risk, but not Nicole. She knew. “Yeah, I’m okay now.” She realized people were looking at her and pulled herself together. She couldn’t let everyone see her like this. Once she’d established some semblance of control over herself, she glanced across at David and Mark. Her eyes focused on Mark. “I don’t believe we’ve met. My name’s Meghan Freeman.”

  “I’m Mark… Mark Stevenson.” His breath caught when she looked up into his eyes.

  Nicole watched the interaction between Meg and Mark for a minute, before she turned back to David. “I’m really tired. Could you take me home?”

  “Sure. You don’t need anything else, do you Mark?”

  “Huh? Uh, no, you can go.” He turned back to Meg. “How about you Miss Freeman? Do you need a ride anywhere?”

  Meg smiled warmly. “Yeah, that would be great.”

  Nicole and David watched Mark and Meghan walk off together before they walked to David’s car.

  “Looks like those two have taken to each other.” David smiled and turned the key in the ignition.

  Nicole grinned, glad someone was taking Meg’s mind off recent events. “Yeah, sure does. Is Mark…he’s like us, isn’t he?”

  “Yes. He’s actually considerably older than I am.”

  “How did you two meet?”

  “I met him at the same time I met your father.” David felt a little weird discussing this with Nicole, but she wanted to know, so he’d tell her. He wasn’t intending to keep any more secrets from her. “He was with Richard, the night I tried to break in. They had been friends for some time before I met them, and Mark has taught me a great deal over the years. He was one of the people I left to watch over you, in case anything happened.”

  Nicole arched one eyebrow. “How many more people have been watching me?”

  “Quite a few. Richard was well liked and his death hurt many people. Since there had been threats made against him, everyone knew they needed to protect you. They didn’t watch your every move. Mostly, they remained nearby in case you ever needed help. There’s hardly a werewolf alive who wouldn’t have given their life for Richard, Caroline, or you.”

  Nicole pursed her lips. “Except for my dear uncle.”

  He nodded. “Artemis will be brought before a werewolf tribunal as soon as he’s found. He’ll have to answer to them.”

  They lapsed into silence for the rest of the journey home David stopped the car by the front door.

  Nicole pushed open her door and immediately became aware of the difference, as the smoke-filled air in the car was replaced by fresh night air. Their clothes stank of smoke, but she’d gotten so used to the smell she hardly noticed it. Now though, she felt filthy, grimy, and disgusting. She waited for David to unlock the front door, completely lost in the delightful prospect of a long warm bath, but before she could step inside David pulled her into his arms. Her mouth gaped open in surprise but was quickly covered by his own. Her knees weakened, the thought of a bath completely forgotten.

  “I love you,” he spoke in her mind, not yet ready to let go of her lips. He needed this kiss. He needed to be near Nicole right now, to reassure himself she was really here, next to him. He didn’t want to miss a single moment with her.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said aloud, ending the kiss.

  “I don’t ever want to lose you.” He struggled to keep from getting choked up.

  Nicole squeezed him gently. “You won’t. Look what we’ve already survived! Just finding each other was a miracle. We’re the same, two halves of the same whole. I’m never going to leave you.” She cleared her throat, the smoke starting to affect her again. “I need to freshen up a little bit and change out of these revolting clothes.”

  “Sounds like a good idea. How about we meet back down here, and I’ll cook something to eat?”

  Nicole nodded. “Okay. We can talk more then.”

  He pulled her close for another quick kiss before they headed upstairs, and he reluctantly released her at the door to her room. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Nicole went into the bathroom, splashing some cold water on her face. She left the water running and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes widened. She hadn’t realized how much blood she was covered with. Two red hand prints were visible on her shoulders. Between the blood, the dirt, and the soot, she couldn’t tell what color the shirt had bee
n originally. She looked about as bad as she felt. Her hair was a tangled mess, there were smeared streaks of soot and blood on her face, and her eyes were bloodshot. She suspected she seriously needed a vacation, away from murder attempts and bad memories.

  Nicole sighed and splashed some more water on her face before she turned off the faucet and watched the water disappear down the drain. She glanced back at her reflection and started, her breath catching in her throat.

  Artemis’ face stared back at her from over her bloodstained shoulder. She turned to face him, noticing he wasn’t wearing his sunglasses, and surprised that his eyes weren’t changing color. She suspected the color changing thing was what caused her to have difficulty remembering their encounters. It stood to reason that it had to be something he could control. If that was true, this was a good sign, because he apparently didn’t feel the need to use it on her now. If she was lucky, it would stay that way. “What are you doing here?” She struggled to keep her voice calm.

  “I just wanted to see how you’re doing. I heard you had a rough day.”

  Nicole moved past him as casually as she could, walking into the bedroom. She peeked over at the door and saw the lock had been turned. Okay, so there wouldn’t be any quick exits in that direction. She needed to think of another way to get away from him. “As you can see, I’m fine. Thank you for your concern though.”

  “What’s an uncle for? I do admit I’m a bit surprised to find you still staying here. I would have thought you’d have left before now.”

  Nicole crossed her arms. “And why is that? It’s my house.”

  “Why? Because of Mr. Coverton, of course. He’s dangerous. He wouldn’t even let me see you. You surely understand I’m only looking out for your well being.” Artemis took a step toward her and she fought to keep from stepping back. “You don’t know the man. He can’t be trusted.”

  Nicole chewed at her lip. “He hasn’t done anything to give me reason to mistrust him.” She need to stall Artemis long enough for David to come searching for her. She didn’t dare try mentally summoning him. There was no telling if Artemis would be able to pick up on it. “Oh, Uncle Artie, I just don’t know what to believe.”


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