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Her Wicked White

Page 11

by Tammy Andresen

  Silence fell again. Normally, Chloe would fill such a void, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it again.

  Instead, they waited without talking, which was how they heard a carriage roll up the cobblestone drive. The front door opened, and footsteps echoed up the marble stairs.

  They all rose as Lord Lambford entered the drawing room. His gaze swept over them, a smile pulling at his lips.

  “Lambford,” Ben said, giving a quick jerk of his chin in acknowledgement.

  “Your Grace,” he replied with a bow. Then his gaze swept the room. “Wonderful to see all of you again.”

  Chloe gave Millie a sideways glance as Millie’s chin dropped down toward her chest. Even Lambford made Millie go silent. Chloe winced. She had to confess there was a tiny part of her that understood Ben’s point. A man would have to be exceptionally interested to look past Millie’s extreme shyness to see the woman underneath, and that could take a great deal of time.

  Not that she’d tell Ben that. She’d also been right about him being a selfish cad.

  Plastering a smile on her face, she attempted to make conversation with Lord Lambford, despite the lack of participation from the rest of the party.

  Not that Lambford noticed. He seemed perfectly content to chat with her on such riveting topics as the weather… “The sun has been lovely.” The ocean. “I don’t like the salty air. It makes me sneeze.” And the roads. “The ruts are particularly bad this year.”

  By the time they’d entered the dining room, Chloe was ready to return to her room. Ben fell into step next to her, leaning down close to her ear. “For a woman who didn’t want Millie to marry Lambford, you’re working rather hard to entertain him.”

  She sniffed. “It’s the polite thing to do.”

  “Trying to prove your worth again? That you can make a better match for Millie with your skills?”

  Her mouth fell open and then she closed it again. “Going against your wishes wasn’t my intent, actually.” She looked back at Lord Lambford who’s gaze met hers. “It’s just awkward.”

  “We should discuss what happened earlier.” His hand brushed her arm.

  She gave a quick nod. “We should.”

  “I said some things…” he grimaced.

  Chloe’s breath caught. Was he apologizing? Had he changed his mind? Even the idea of it made her head spin. She wanted this man almost more than she needed air, but she also needed to know he’d consider her feelings. “So did I.”

  “Meet me tonight in the library so we can talk.”

  She gave a tentative nod as Lord Lambford came to her other side, touching her elbow. “Miss Fairly.” He smiled. “I’ve heard you’re an accomplished pianoforte player. After dinner, might you play for us?”

  “Of course,” she replied, feeling Ben’s tension on her other side.

  “Lambford,” he said, his voice rumbling low and deep. “My sister, Lady Millicent, also plays.”

  Lambford’s brows drew together as he cleared his throat. “I’m sure she’s a marvelous player.” Then he looked back at Chloe. “But I’m most excited to hear you. I’ve heard your skill is exceptional.”

  Ben’s hand reached for hers as he placed her fingers in the crook of his arm. Chloe looked back at Millie who grinned at her in return. Something wasn’t right.

  Ben ground his teeth together, cursing himself a thousand times the fool.

  In his mind he reread Lambford’s note. The man had asked for a second chance at courting, but he hadn’t specifically mentioned Millie. And now that the man was here, it was obvious that he’d meant Chloe.

  The man wanted to court Ben’s fiancée. And Ben had agreed. Like a fucking imbecile.

  His teeth gnashed together as they took their seats. He deserved this. He’d been in such a rush to wed Chloe and see Millie settled that he hadn’t paid attention to the details.

  Distantly, he realized his father was right. Personal feelings had distracted him. But not the way his father had meant. He’d been more giving…

  He’d have told Lambford step off. And then he’d have been making plans to run his dukedom from London where Millie could participate in the next season and Chloe could help her and honestly, likely help him, too.

  Lambford rose from his chair, raising up his glass as though to give a toast. “Thank you to His Grace for allowing me to return.”

  Everyone raised their glasses as well, and, halfheartedly, Ben did the same.

  Lambford took that as his cue to continue. “I am honored to be here and excited for what the future might bring.” And then he looked at Chloe. Right at her, grinning like an idiot.

  Chloe’s cheeks flushed pink, and her gaze flew to Ben as though she’d finally figured out what he’d already realized.

  Lambford leaned closer to the woman that Ben…what did Ben feel? His heart stalled in his chest. He’d been about to say love. The woman he loved.

  Did he love Chloe?

  She was beyond kind and generous and sweet. She made him better and made him want to be even better than that.

  He stood, too, staring at Lambford. “Future?”

  Lambford continued to grin. “Of course.”

  Chloe cleared her throat. “We’re all beyond thrilled to be here tonight. Perhaps we should sit so the first course might be served?”

  But Ben did not sit and Lambford started, and then rose again, looking wildly uncomfortable. “Have I said something to offend, Your Grace?”

  “Of course not,” Chloe said.

  At the exact same moment that Ben snapped. “Yes.”

  “No,” Chloe said standing. “Please have a seat Lord Lambford.”

  “Chloe.” He looked at the woman he’d just decided was the love of his life as she defended another man. Why was it every time they moved closer, every time he had a realization, they seemed to push further apart again?

  “Yes, Your Grace?” She emphasized his title, her eyes growing wider.

  “I need to speak with you in the hall.” Then he pushed his chair back and it clattered to the floor with a resounding bang.

  She stared at him, before her spine snapped straighter. “I’d be delighted.” And she stood, waiting for him to pull her chair out. At least that’s what he assumed she did. And as he remembered to aid her, he also took several cleansing breaths.

  By the time they reached the hall, he’d begun rubbing the back of his neck. He’d done it again. And when she rounded on him, her fists clenched, he knew he was in trouble. “Chloe,” he started.

  “What were you thinking, using my given name?”

  “We’re going to marry,” he said splaying his hands out.

  “And do you think you might have explained that to Lord Lambford with a bit of compassion and grace?”

  He winced. “Compassion and grace are not White traits.”

  Her hands came up and then slapped back down. “Then feel free to leave it to me.”

  That was an exceedingly fair point. “I shouldn’t have had him here at all.”

  “No. You shouldn’t.” She drew in a breath. “But since he is, we’ll be polite and explain the situation with some amount of decorum.”

  His arms crossed. “That’s not the man you’re marrying.”

  She shook her head. “I know, and I don’t mind that you are strong and hard, truly. I like that about you. I…” she looked down at the floor. “But I can’t always be bumping against hard edges. You have to learn to give somewhere. Sometimes.”

  “What if I can’t?” He was trying.

  She huffed a breath. “Then it appears I have another offer.”

  His gaze snapped open and he growled out his frustration. “Chloe.” It came out low and deep. Another might have taken it as a threat. But she gave him a sharp look.

  “Ben,” she said, crossing her arms. “I had no aspirations to marry a duke. I barely had aspirations to marry at all.”

  Those words made his chest ache. He knew where she was going. “I can make you happy.”
  “I want what we have.” She stepped closer. “But not if you’re going to be like him…”

  They both knew who she meant. His father. His words hit him like a punch in the gut. It was one thing for him to think that but another for her to say it. “Perhaps you should consider his offer then.”

  Her mouth pursed. Without another word, she moved around him and returned to the dining room.

  He didn’t bother to do the same. Instead, he headed for his study. But he bypassed the door and made his way down the back stairs and out the kitchen door and off into the night.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chloe’s inside twisted with regret. She’d been angry. But to compare him to his father…

  She’d seen the hurt on his face.

  Somehow, she made it through the rest of the evening. But inside, her gut churned, and she only wanted the chance to apologize.

  Had she actually insinuated she’d take Lambford’s offer?

  She’d accused him of being insensitive…

  She rubbed her temples. He’d made her angry. Angrier than anyone had in a long time. But it was just that she cared so much and… Her breath caught.

  Her love for him made it easier for him to get under her skin. In fact, she’d done exactly what she’d accused him of doing. Losing her temper and then being mean.

  She might have laughed. Did she dare hope that he’d been so rude to Lambford because he cared about her, too?

  That was all she needed. Some idea that he had enough feeling for her beyond passion that would ensure their relationship was on steady ground. That he’d give as well as take.

  But instead of saying that, she’d made a terrible accusation, and Ben had disappeared for the rest of the evening.

  Her gut churned.

  And as the evening wrapped up and Ben didn’t return, she knew she needed to speak with him. So, rather than going to bed, she made her way to the library. The hour was already late, and he might not show up, but he’d said he wanted to meet her.

  And so she’d wait.

  She curled into a chair, pretending to read a book as the candles burned. As the clock struck two in the morning, she sighed, realizing it was nearly hopeless.

  Closing the book, she rose from the chair and leaned over to blow out some of the candles that still burned. “Chloe.”

  His voice trilled down her spine and she turned to see Ben standing in the doorway. “You came.”

  He leaned against the jam, his eyes staring into the darkness. “Did you accept his offer?”

  “Of course not,” she said taking two steps toward him. “I’m sorry I said I’d consider it. I’m sorry I said a lot of things.”

  He pushed off the jam and strode toward her wrapping her in his arms. “I’m sorry, too. You were right. I was selfish.”

  He leaned down, his forehead pressing to hers. “All these years, I’ve been off on my own. I left for myself, but I left for them, too, and somewhere, I lost sight of that. Of what it meant to give to others.” He shuddered. “But if you’ll stay with me, I’ll try to be a better man.”

  Her breath caught. “Thank you. I’ll try to be better, too.”

  That made him laugh. “You? Better?”

  Her heart melted a bit. “I wasn’t kind tonight.”

  “Love,” he said, the single word dancing over her skin. Even the pet name on his lips filled her with longing. “There is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself. If you’re going to be married to me, you’ll have to put me in my place at times.”

  A giggle floated up her throat, the small sound filling the space between them. “You’re not too cross with me?”

  “No,” he said. “I love that you are forcing me to be the man I want to be, the person I was before my father started to twist everything.” He closed his eyes. “I need you, Chloe.”

  “I need you, too,” she replied. And then his lips captured hers in a searing kiss that stole the air from her lungs.

  Their bodies melded together in a way that had become familiar, only this time…this time it was even hotter.

  As though their fight had only fanned the flames of their passion.

  And when his hands started for the buttons of her dress, she pulled at his cravat. She wanted to feel his skin. As the knot loosened, her fingers brushed along the whiskers and down over the rough shadow that stubbled his jaw.

  When she ran them down his neck and over his collarbone, she felt the groan that vibrated in his throat, and her own pulse quickened to match it. “Ben,” she moaned against his lips.

  His answer was to plunge a hand into her hair at the base of her head, scattering her pins about the floor.

  And as his mouth ravaged hers, her dress gave way, falling to a pool onto the thick carpet beneath their feet.

  He squeezed her tighter and then shrugged off his jacket. But he didn’t immediately return to their embrace. Instead, he pulled his shirt over his head.

  Her mouth went dry and she stared at the breadth of his chest, his muscles rippling down his torso. Reaching out a hand, she followed the trail of ridges down his stomach to the top of his trousers.

  He pulled her close again, his hands working the laces of her corset.

  Chloe knew they were approaching the point of no return. The moment when she gave herself to him. There was no going back. But she didn’t want to. She belonged in his arms. She loved him.

  And while he hadn’t professed his feelings for her, he’d said the words she’d needed to hear. That he’d try for her. That he’d work to be the man she saw deep within, not the hard shell his father had created.

  Her hands trailed over his back. She gasped when her corset fell away.

  With his mouth on hers, they slid to the floor, her settling in his lap.

  He slid a hand down her back and then her legs until he found the top of her stockings, tied just under her pantaloons.

  With dexterous fingers he untied them and rolled them down her legs.

  The feel of his fingers on her legs sent flames licking at her skin, an ache throbbing between her legs.

  He removed the other stocking and then, cradling her bodies, they were moving back until she landed in the soft tufts of the carpet, his weight on top of hers.

  She’d loved the feel of him when they were pressed together, but as he settled on top of her, pressing down, she’d never in her life experienced something so…right.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair. He pulled up, looking down into her eyes. “Chloe?”

  “Yes, my love?” she murmured, kneading his scalp with her fingers, her nails.

  “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  “Mmmh,” she replied. His lips were divine. She could kiss him all night.

  But rather than lean back down, he reached for the hem of her chemise and pulled it up and over her head.

  She had a moment of embarrassment, but his eyes darkened. “God, you’re so beautiful.”

  A flush of pleasure filled her cheeks and only belatedly did she realize color had flooded her face and spread down her chest all the way to her nipples.

  She cried out at the obvious display, but he only laughed and lowered his mouth, not to her lips but the peak of her breast.

  She arched up against him, her eyes fluttering closed even as her heart pounded in her chest, pleasure rippling through her.

  He kissed the other breast and until she could hardly stand the pleasure and then moved lower.

  She gasped, as she realized what he’d meant. He was going to kiss her…there.

  Ben grinned against the flat of her stomach.

  He was completely and thoroughly enjoying this interlude. Her body moved with his, their passion climbing higher than he’d ever experienced in his life.

  As his fingers found the laces of her pantaloons, he loosened them, skimming the sheer fabric over her hips. He could have left them, of course.

  The slit would have given him access, but he wanted to see all of her. The woman he’
d marry. The love of his life.

  He’d like to trace her shape with his hands, memorize every curve while he basked in the silkiness of her skin, her scent. He’d worship her now and later, too. And he didn’t just mean physically. Emotionally. It was time to allow her to teach him to love.

  She deserved nothing less, the woman who was teaching him what it meant to live with his heart.

  The pantaloons slid past her knees and he lifted up to pull them down her shapely calves and over her adorable feet. He started down for a moment, attempting to decide where he wished to kiss her first. The underside of her knee. The curve of her hip.

  She wrapped her hands around her body, starting to cover her form from view but he stopped them, gently holding her wrists in his much larger hands. “Chloe, don’t be shy, love. You’re more stunning than I ever could have imagined.”

  And then he lifted her hands above her head, bringing his lips to hers all over again as their chests pressed together.

  Her legs wrapped about his and he was thankful he still wore his trousers. He had a plan to bring her satisfaction before he took his own. So skimming his lips along her body, he settled between her legs, his fingers lightly stroking her most intimate flesh.

  She bucked against him, her fingertips digging into his shoulders even as her legs relaxed, allowing him better access.

  He stroked his thumb along the flesh a few more times before he replaced the digit with his tongue.

  She gasped even as he increased the pressure, her thighs trembling.

  Her sweet, musky scent filled his nose, even as he slid a finger in her tight channel. He wanted her pleasure far more than he’d ever wanted his own.

  It surprised him to know how satisfied he was feeling as she tightened against him, climbing higher and higher.

  And when she broke apart crying out his name, pleasure filled him. “Chloe,” he breathed her in, kissing her thigh.

  Her fingers plucked at his shoulders. “Hold me,” she demanded, pulling at him. How could he deny a request such as that?

  She ran her hands down his back and then, following his waist, they came to the falls, undoing the complicated buttons.


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