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Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2)

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by A. J. Macey

  Well, if worse comes to worst, I could just go for the spring semester.

  Maybe I could work extra hours for a few months and save up some money.

  It was a sucky backup plan, but it was a plan, nonetheless.

  “I know you said you had scheduled visits, but I can’t remember if that was this upcoming weekend or the weekend after,” she stated, looking through her notes.

  “Next weekend, the seventh and eighth,” I explained. “We’re waiting until Reid’s lacrosse season is done, and his last game is this Saturday.” Ms. Rogers smiled brightly as she looked at me.

  “That’s good. Are you going to watch it? My nephew plays in middle school. I have to say it’s a pretty interesting sport to watch.” As if she spoke a different language, my brain stopped working.

  Why haven’t I gone to watch Reid play? Guilt started to settle in, despite visions of my work schedule flashing in my mind, hours at Coffee Grounds filling the slots when he usually had games.

  What kind of girlfriend am I?

  One that will surprise him at the last game!

  Thank goodness I have a later shift this Saturday.

  “I will be this time, but I usually work Saturday mornings,” I explained, feeling a little less terrible now that I had plans to go.

  “Oh, where? I don’t think we talked much about that,” she said, perking up at the easy conversation flowing between us. The more we talked, the more I felt my adrenaline slowing, and my smile growing more and more genuine.

  “Coffee Grounds. I usually work a couple nights a week, then at least one day on the weekends, depending on scheduling.”

  “Have you considered using a marketing degree for running a business like that or expanding to a management position? That is if you’re still planning on getting a business degree in marketing,” she offered. She must have seen my eyebrows raise in surprise because she chuckled. “Yeah, thinking really far into the future can sometimes be on the back burner, but keep that in mind when you visit. It’s always good to be aware of what you’re thinking of doing after college while you visit.”

  “I’ll definitely do that,” I stated excitedly.

  I may have walked into this office in a terrible mood, but I definitely left with a bright smile and hope for the future for the first time in several weeks.

  This might work out after all.

  November 27th

  America consumes almost 50% of the world’s chocolate, but after the day I’ve had, I may have to increase that statistic

  #AlmostTheWeekend #CantComeSoonEnough #WeirdnessWednesday

  “So, what’s the plan today?” I asked.

  Thank goodness it’s almost the weekend. No more stares, no more whispers, and no more Brad—at least for four days.

  “We’re officially out as soon the bell rings, and I don’t want to think about anything to do with school, homework, or work,” Reid responded with a shudder, his words muffled due to the large bit of food he had just stuffed in his mouth.

  How this boy has never choked never ceases to amaze me.

  “Don’t you guys have studying?” Kingston asked, waving between Jesse and me. It had taken a bit of time, but the fact I needed tutoring to pass the ACT was finally something I was able to talk about with them without feeling bad or ashamed. Last week had been the first time we openly discussed it.

  “Oh, duh, I forgot it was Wednesday—”

  “Miss Clark, would you come with me, please?” a familiar hard voice bit out behind me, cutting Reid off. Glancing over my shoulder, the food in my stomach turned to lead as I came eye to eye with Mr. Derosa, the assistant principal, who seemed to hate me.

  Why? I have no freaking clue.

  “Uh, yeah,” I muttered, standing up and throwing my bag onto my shoulder.

  “I can take this,” Kingston stated, grabbing my tray. I flashed him a grateful smile before taking a deep breath. When I couldn’t stall any longer, I turned and followed Mr. Derosa, purposely ignoring the many nosy and hostile stares following me. My heart thudded in my chest as he held open his office door, his stern frown and harsh glare making me want to cower, but I strode in and took a seat in one of the two chairs facing the desk, my head held high.

  His office was bland, nothing on the walls except a clock and empty whiteboard that looked to have never been used. His desk was tidy, only holding a computer and a small TV next to it. Security camera footage from around the school rotated randomly through the blocked sections on the screen.

  “Miss Clark,” he started, his gruff words making me jump in my seat. “Do you know why I called you in here today?”

  “Nope,” I stated quietly.

  “Well, it has come to my attention, Ms. Rogers’ has filed a student conduct complaint against Brad Warland for harassment.”

  My blood ran cold, seeing the raised brow and pursed lips on Mr. Derosa’s judgmental face. Well, I guess I know where this is going. Don’t back down, Em, even though you know, it’ll fall on deaf ears.

  “That’s because he was,” I challenged. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. His eyes hardened, and he smashed a button on his keyboard roughly, turning the screen so I could see.

  “According to this, it looks like you had no problem having a conversation with Mr. Warland,” he countered smugly. I watched the video and Brad’s opportunistic sneer when he saw me coming down the hall. It had been a coincidence we were in the same place together, but he didn’t let the opportunity slip by him as he stepped up to me, towering over me. I could see the agitation and fear on my face, my lips thinned, and my eyes wide as I crushed the call slip in my hand. It was only a few moments before Ms. Rogers was dealing with Brad, but it was long enough, even a day later, I felt my skin crawl.

  “Well, as you could clearly see, he stepped out in front of—”

  “I don’t want your excuses, Miss Clark. I just want you to remember, you will not cause trouble in my school,” he barked, cutting me off.

  “I wasn’t!” I exclaimed, anger radiating through my veins as my stomach burned with acid at being accused of doing something I hadn’t done.

  “Enough! You will stay out of trouble, or I will do more than just call you into my office,” he shouted. His face was beet red, his chest heaving as he glared at me, and I couldn’t stop myself from jumping at his harsh tone.

  “Can I go to class now?” I murmured, my throat and eyes suddenly burning with the urge to cry as the haunting sound of the class bell rang through his abysmal office. I would rather face the entire collective of nosy students with a tear-tracked face than sit here being berated by Mr. Derosa.

  He didn’t speak, choosing to wave a hand dismissively toward the door. Gathering my bag from the floor, I made my way out into the hallway, pleasantly surprised to find it was empty of students. I must have missed the first bell with Mr. Derosa’s freaking yelling. I was angry and wanted to do nothing, just sit in my car for the rest of the day, but I took another calming breath and turned to go to trig.

  Time to pull up those big girl pants and be responsible.

  Kingston must have told Mrs. Hazel what was going on because when I walked in late, she glanced at me with a sympathetic smile and a head tilt to my seat.

  Then again, it might be the fact I look like I’m about to cry.

  Kingston nudged his notebook closer to me, so I could read what he had scribbled on it.

  You okay?

  I gave him a quick grin, trying to ease the worry I saw in his warm brown eyes, but when it didn’t ease, I jotted a note back. It was slow going, so I didn’t get in trouble with the teacher. She had been lenient with me coming in late, but I didn’t want to push my luck, getting caught passing notes in class.

  Mr. Derosa just being himself. Claimed I started that confrontation with Brad in the hall yesterday I told you guys about. Said I need to stay out of trouble, or he’ll get me in trouble.

  Kingston’s hands curled tightly into fists as he read my note, and a few tense
moments passed while I watched my sweet, laidback boyfriend glare harshly at the paper and take a few calming breaths. With a shake of his head, he seemed to let go of his anger, and turned back to the paper, a small smile breaking through the last remnants of tension.

  Want to go on our date? Get away from all the stress for a little while? Just you and me? How about tonight after school? Jesse explained you guys don’t have plans.

  My heart fluttered, my cheeks flaring in a rush of heat at the way his small smile widened into his usual gorgeous grin. I nodded slightly, happy butterflies and a wave of hope replacing the anger. Finally, able to focus, I tuned into Mrs. Hazel’s pretest lecture, ready to pay attention.

  I may have sucked at the ACT, but I can totally rock this trig test.


  “I’m seriously so freaking nervous,” I murmured, my mind going a thousand miles a second as my body buzzed with jittery excitement. Throughout the rest of the day, I had been able to keep the sensation at bay, but now that the final bell had rung, everything I had held back came pouring through me with a vengeance.

  “First solo date with Kingston?” Aubrey asked, her hands going up to tighten her loosening ponytail. I nodded, my fingers fiddling with my backpack straps as we walked through the halls.

  “I’ve known Kingston since I was little, and I’ve never seen him as smitten as he is with you. All three of them, actually,” she said with a tiny shrug. “I’m sure he’ll have something fun planned for you guys.”

  “I know,” I groaned. “It’s just... my last boyfriend wasn’t sweet or caring, and we never did anything like actually going on dates. I mean, we went out, but it was usually with our friends. I’m not sure I know what to do on a real date, like a romantic one. Well, Jesse and I had an impromptu date last week when we had coffee, but not an actual, pre-planned date date,” I rambled nervously.

  “Sounds like you totally upgraded then,” Aubrey teased. I laughed, nodding as I looked at her.

  “Upgraded is an understatement. I mean, freaking look at this! Even after almost three months, he still won’t leave me alone.” I pulled out my phone, showing her the long, long string of texts I got over the time since my forced relocation. Even when I didn’t respond, he still tried.

  You would think by now he would have given up!

  “Holy cow, he really needs to learn to back off,” she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she scrolled. “Yeah, definitely upgraded,” she nodded, handing my phone back as we pushed the front doors open. Kingston waited near his car, a bright smile forming as we walked toward the lot.

  “Good luck! I want all the details this weekend, so don’t forget to text me.” With a wave, she broke away from me toward Zoey, who was waiting over by their cars. Taking a deep breath and giving myself a quick pep talk, I walked to where Kingston waited.

  “Ow, ow!” Reid hollered with a whistle from several cars down the line. His antics had my face burning as students looked at Kingston and me, but I couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled out at his ridiculousness. “Have fun.”

  “Hey, Babydoll, ready?” Kingston questioned, opening the passenger door for me. When I went to take my bag off to put it at my feet, he snatched it from my hands with a smirk. “I got this.”

  “Alright.” Sinking into the warm car, the seat was still chilly through my jeans, sweater, and coat, but quickly dissipating.

  Kingston was quick, placing my bag in the trunk and climbing into the driver’s seat. The drug-addled butterflies continued to flutter in my stomach as he reached across the center console, wrapping his hand around mine. We didn’t talk as we drove to wherever he was taking us, my eyes darting around, trying to figure it out.

  “Are you cold?” His question surprised me, making me shake my head quickly and look at him with a scrunched expression. He must have seen the confusion. “You’re shaking like a leaf, Babydoll. What’s up?”

  “Uh,” I stuttered, “I may be a bit nervous.”

  “Why?” he asked, his expression full of genuine curiosity.

  “I haven’t really been on a proper date before,” I mumbled under my breath, my lip worrying between my teeth as I glanced at him. His shocked face melted into a warm laugh.

  “Me either, so hopefully, I did okay.” Before I could reassure him, I knew he had, he pulled the car into a parking lot, and my attention was immediately redirected.

  “Roller skating?” I perked up, excitement overshadowing the nerves. Once Kingston parked, he shrugged, two pink patches blooming on his cheeks in a bashful blush. “I love roller skating. I’m not that great, though, so I’ll try not to fall all over you,” I explained as I climbed out of the car and gave him an excited hug.

  “That’s what you have me for. I’ll hold your hand the whole time,” he whispered, his whiskers rubbing against my temple. Kingston’s side was warm, his coat soft against my cheek as I curled into him.

  “I wouldn’t expect any less,” I murmured, squeezing his trim waist as we stepped up to the counter. Kingston, unsurprisingly, paid for our tickets, and we got our skates before making our way over to one of the empty couches.

  “Ready?” I asked as soon as my second skate was tied snugly around my ankle. Standing with ease, despite being on wheels, Kingston held his hands out to help me up. I wobbled slightly, but his steady grip kept me from falling on my butt.

  Because that would be embarrassing, and no one wants to see that.

  “Just go slowly, Babydoll,” he instructed, rolling backward toward the rink. “I’ll be here to catch you, and if you do fall, we’ll just get back up.” I nodded, my heart warming at the ‘we.’

  It was a rocky start, my legs unsteady underneath me as we made our way around the rink. Kingston’s hand never left mine, and after a few laps, I was finally able to move comfortably from one foot to the other.

  Stopping though… that might be a problem.

  We didn’t talk, the music and the lights accompanying the rhythmic sway as we moved together. Stress, worry, and every negative emotion I had been feeling melted with each circle we skated. When Kingston switched hands, I glanced at him in confusion, surprised to see a very Reid-like mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “Wow,” I breathed as he effortlessly transitioned from skating next to me to facing me, skating backward with ease. “Show off,” I teased.

  “Maybe I can teach you sometime,” he offered, the white in his plaid button-up glowing slightly under the black lights on the ceiling. “But you seem to be doing well. You never give yourself nearly enough credit, Emma.”

  “Eh,” I didn’t argue, shrugging at his statement. “You never seem to either,” I countered with a smile. “This is a pretty amazing date.”

  “Well, it isn’t over yet,” he murmured, his eyes sparkling as he rotated back to face forward. “One more song, then we can go to the next part.”

  “Parts, huh? Just how many parts does this first date have?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see, Babydoll,” he stated happily, ducking down and pressing his lips to mine softly. “Reid will be so pissed if I don’t get a photo of us.”

  “Of course, he will.” I laughed as I pictured Reid’s reaction. Pulling out his phone, Kingston turned the camera to face us. I literally squealed as I leaned into him, my hand coming to rest on his chest as we coasted. “Send that to me?”

  “You got it,” he smiled. “But first, let’s enjoy this skate.”

  Speechless by Dan and Shay started, the seductive notes filtering through space, and my stomach started to flip for a different reason than its normal butterflies. A spark of heat built as I felt Kingston’s eyes on me, tracing over the planes of my face as we continued around the rink.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, almost too low, I didn’t hear it. Looking up at him, my heart thundered in my chest as a swell of emotions built, I wasn’t used to. Nervous about making a fool of myself, I opened my mouth to compliment him back when I ended up doing just that.

; “Did you know the feeling of butterflies in your stomach is because of a rush of adrenaline?” I explained. Smooth, Emma. Kingston didn’t give me an odd look or say anything along the lines of ‘why are you so weird?’ only smiled, seemingly happy I randomly spouted facts, even at the worst times.

  “Did you know slight physical contact like holding hands can help alleviate physical pain and help with stress?” he asked, squeezing my hand. “Ready to go to the next part of our date?”

  More time with my sweet boyfriend?

  Heck, yes.

  “Where are we?” I questioned, glancing around the parking lot. There were a few other cars in front of the different shops, but with the cold weather, not many were out today. There was an open area with heaters, tables, chairs, and benches. The surrounding shops hosted food, drinks, and shopping. There was a giant Christmas tree in the middle of the space, the lights flickering in the quickly setting sun. I quirked a brow at it, but seeing as how tomorrow was Thanksgiving, I didn’t think too much about how they had already decorated for Christmas.

  “I figured we could warm up before next part of our date,” Kingston explained, placing his hand against my back, directing me toward the hot chocolate and cider stand.

  “What can I get for you kids?” a rotund woman asked cheerfully, leaning forward, so her arms were resting against the window.

  “Hot chocolate for me, no marshmallows,” Kingston ordered, looking to me.

  “Hot chocolate for me with marshmallows, please.” I was nearly bouncing with excitement.

  “You got it,” she exclaimed with a wave of her hand.

  “Having fun?” Kingston asked, pulling me into his chest. I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.


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