Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2)

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Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2) Page 14

by A. J. Macey

  “There’s this one? It’s late, but it’ll work,” I heard Kingston say. “We can pick her up.”

  “I’m sure she doesn’t want to field questions from her mom at almost one in the morning after going through the day from hell,” Jesse countered.

  “I meant we could bring her here, then take her home whenever she’s ready. We’re going to my house for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, anyway, and you know my mom will throw a fit if she doesn’t come,” Kingston explained.

  My heart warmed, the vise-like grip around my chest, the shock of the day slowly easing.

  “I would love that,” I said. “I don’t really want to talk to my mom or anyone. Not until I have some time to really process everything. I mean, if it’s okay that I come to the cabin with you?” I tacked onto the end, my statement going up like a question.

  “Of course, it is.” Reid scoffed. “We think we found a flight, but it doesn’t leave until later, so you need to find a place to chill until then or hang out at the airport for like five or six hours.”

  “I don’t mind doing that—” I started, then felt someone’s eyes on me. Looking back out over the shop, I found the one person I hadn’t wanted to see on this trip.


  “Oh, awesome,” I murmured sarcastically as he started toward me.

  “What?” Jesse asked, his voice low, picking up on my tone. Sighing, I started to collect my things, typing quickly on my phone to order a Uber. Oh, of course, they wouldn’t be here for at least five to ten minutes. Deciding to grab a coffee, I put the phone back to my ear, pretending I didn’t have time to talk.

  I mean, I was actually doing something… not that he would listen, I’m sure.

  “Emma?” Tyler’s voice made my already frayed nerves jolt.

  “Tyler,” I greeted flatly. I heard Reid and Jesse grumbling on the line after figuring out what was happening.

  “Kara said you were here,” he explained, hitching a thumb over to nothing in particular. “I figured I could stop by and say hi.”

  “Ah, figures she did,” I sighed. “I’m actually about to leave, but it was good to see you,” I lied through my teeth. Turning, I ordered a cup to go, mentally chanting that Tyler would get the hint and leave me the heck alone.

  But of course, no such luck.

  Did I break a mirror? Walk under a ladder?

  Why was karma being such a witch with a b lately?

  “Because of your dad’s fiancée and her kids?” Tyler asked after I finished my order.

  “My, my, Kara is quite the jabbermouth,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “Babydoll, remember what we talked about.”

  Kingston’s smooth, melodic voice was the life preserver among the anxiety, nerves, and blaring anger threatening to drown me. Right. I took a deep breath, remembering the boys’ advice in my mind—shut down any unwanted conversation quickly, and if possible, leave the situation. I glanced at my phone. Five minutes until my ride was here. I can totally make it for five minutes.


  “Uh, yeah,” I finally answered Tyler, gratefully taking my cup from the barista and quickly grabbed my bags from the table. “My ride should be here soon, actually.”

  “I could give you a lift. I assume you probably can’t get a flight for today, so if you need somewhere to stay, you know you can stay with me,” he offered. I raised a brow at him.

  “Last I checked, your parents didn’t exactly like me,” I challenged, but before I could tell him I did, in fact, have a flight home, he laughed.

  “I have my own place now,” Tyler explained, “you can stay tonight or however long you need, Emma.”

  “Oh, hell no,” Reid snapped. “Give him the phone, Cali girl.”

  “No, Reid,” I answered, listening to him grumble on the other end. Tyler’s lips thinned, finally realizing I was on the phone.

  “Reid, your friend from Nebraska?” Tyler asked, irritation littering his words.

  “Boyfriend, actually,” I stated simply. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Tyler, my ride is almost here.”

  “Emma, I miss you. Can we at least talk? Without your boyfriend listening?” Tyler huffed, following me out of the coffee shop into the sunny California weather.

  I sighed, the urge to rub my eyes overwhelming. This was always the issue with Tyler—what I said went in one ear and out the other.

  “No,” I said firmly. “I told you months ago if you wanted to be friends, we could try, but all you’ve done is overwhelm me with messages and ‘I miss yous.’ I have boyfriends I’m happy with, Tyler, can’t you respect that?”

  “Give him the phone, Em,” Jesse bit out.

  “No, I’m not giving him the phone, Jesse,” I countered. Tyler’s brows shot up at the name, but he wisely kept his mouth shut. First smart thing he’s done since I’ve known him. “Now, for the second time, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to the airport,” I ground out as a car pulled up next to us and stopped. Without giving him a chance to say anything else, I tossed my bag in the backseat of my Uber without a second glance.

  Goodbye, California.

  Several hours and a second flight within twenty-four hours later, I landed back in the middle of nowhere, tired and sore. My mood was completely tanked, but as soon as I saw my three boys hanging out in the hall, right outside security, I nearly cried.

  Being a girl sucked sometimes—PMS is the devil.

  “Come here, Cali girl.” Reid pulled me into him as Jesse took my duffel, and Kingston took my backpack. Clutching him, I squeezed tightly as he dropped a kiss on my head. Stepping back, I didn’t even wait for Jesse to hold his arms out, wedging myself in his embrace. His signature mint scent soothed my rampant emotions, but I didn’t feel completely at ease until I was wrapped in Kingston’s arms.

  “Let’s go home,” I murmured against Kingston’s flannel button-up. Three happy smiles greeted me when I stepped back.

  Hello, Nebraska.

  December 23rd

  ‘Be around people who are good for your soul’ -Unknown

  #NewMe #MyStoryChapterOne #MondayMotvitation

  The sun rose slowly over the snow-covered ground, the icicles hanging from the roof sparkling in the pinks, purples, and oranges of sunrise. I hadn’t been able to sleep after returning from the airport, my body too on edge from everything that had happened yesterday to relax. So, I finally gave up after several hours of trying and made some hot chocolate before I settled onto the plush couch in the sunroom under a fuzzy blanket. My mom had finally messaged me back this morning, apologizing for my dad and everything that happened. Thankfully, she didn’t give me any crap for staying at the cabin with the guys, only saying she’d see me at Christmas brunch at the Bells.

  “Babydoll?” Hearing Kingston call out was music to my ears as he popped his head into the space. “What are you doing awake already?”

  “Couldn’t sleep,” I murmured. “Why are you up?”

  “Was going to make breakfast for everyone,” he explained, walking down the two steps into the sunroom, his bare feet plodding across the wood floor. “Want some company?”

  “I’d love some.” I held open the blanket as Kingston sank into the seat next to me, angling my legs until they were curled in his lap, and my head was lying on his shoulder. “It’s peaceful out here.”

  “Yeah, it is. It’s one of our favorite places to go during the winter, summer… basically any time. I hope to have a place like this someday. Large lot, middle of nowhere, able to enjoy the space away from the city and its stressors. Is this different from Cali?”

  “Yeah. While we had land at the vineyard, we were still close to a city. There’s really no land like this on the coast, and what there is, is extremely expensive.”

  “Think you could get used to somewhere like this?” King asked softly. I hesitated, remembering how I had felt when my mom and I first moved, but the rush of memories I had since then shone in my mind.

  “I think I already have,”
I smiled, turning my head to look up at him. Kingston’s molten chocolate eyes centered on my face, his bearded face smiling as he rubbed my back. “I expected to hate it here, in the middle of nowhere, but I think it made the people I’ve met so much sweeter. Can’t avoid people, distracted with a hundred things to do or places to go.”

  “We’re glad you like it here, Babydoll,” Kingston chuckled, hugging me tighter. “So, you’re happy, yeah?” The question was odd, so I glanced over at him with a scrunched brow, waiting for him to explain. “You say you like Nebraska, but that doesn’t tell me how you feel about us and our relationship. What we have is unique, and I want to know you’re happy with it.”

  “Oh, King,” I murmured, my heart fluttering. “Yes, I’m happy in this relationship. It might be different, but I don’t think I could ever pick between the three of you. You guys are all different but somehow fit together perfectly. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve been as happy as I am now in a long time.”

  “Good,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to my temple. “You’re pretty perfect yourself, Babydoll. If I or one of the other guys ever do anything to piss you off or upset you—”

  “I’ll tell you guys, I promise,” I finished for him, making him chuckle. “You three are the main reason I don’t hate it here.”

  “Good. Wouldn’t want you to run off back to Cali as soon as you graduate.” Reid’s teasing startled me since I hadn’t heard him come into the sunroom, but I couldn’t stop my laugh.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going back to Cali. I’m ready to just live my life here. You know, not letting my parents or stupid people stop me from enjoying my life. I’ve spent my whole life going along with stuff even if I wasn’t happy, but after everything with my mom and dad, Tyler, and freaking Brad, I’m tired of being walked over. So, now, it’s me, the future, positivity, and all that jazz,” I looked over to Reid, who had plopped down on my other side, Jesse silently sitting on the arm of the couch. “Ya know?”

  “I think this is what people call a turning point, a spiritual or personal awakening,” Jesse said with a sly smile. “Or whatever they call it. An epiphany?”

  “Regardless, we’re happy you’re here,” Reid stated. “And we’ll be here through everything, Cali girl, ups, downs, loop-de-loops, and all.”

  “You guys are going to make me cry,” I murmured, my eyes watering at their sweetness. “Being so sweet when I haven’t slept, makes me all emotional.”

  “How is that different from normal?” Reid joked. I elbowed him in the side, making sure the blow was soft enough, he knew I was joking.

  “Come on, let’s make some food, then maybe you’ll be sleepy enough to get a nap in,” Kingston offered, his hand coming down to help me off the couch.

  “You let your mom know where you are?” Reid asked. Nodding, I followed King and Jesse into the kitchen, situating myself on one of the bar stools. “You know you’re more than welcome to stay here over winter break. We’re going back to Kingston’s for Christmas, but other than that, we’re hanging here.”

  “Really? I’d love that.”

  No dealing with the stress of my family for two weeks? Well, save for Christmas…

  Heck, yes.


  December 24th

  Do we really have to go back to the real world in a week?

  #IJustWantCuddles #RealWorldGoAway #TickedOffTuesday

  “Em, love.”

  Jesse’s honeyed voice pulling me from my sleepy state, my eyes cracked open as I looked over at him. The fuzzy blanket was warm, and the leather couch had molded to my body as I curled into the back cushions. I mumbled unintelligibly, wanting to go back to napping, but Jesse’s chuckling had me opening my eyes fully.

  “Want to exchange gifts?”

  “Presents, you say?” I perked up, smiling when a mug of hot chocolate appeared in front of me as Reid reached over the back of the couch.

  “Yup, present time.” Jesse smiled, his hand resting on my knee, squeezing gently.

  “My gifts for you guys are in the car—” I started until I saw Kingston coming through the front door with an armful of gift bags. “Well, they were in the car, but apparently, Kingston knew I put them in there before leaving.”

  “Here’s yours, Babydoll.” Kingston pointed to the small stack of boxes and bags next to me on the coffee table. He busied himself, adding my presents to the boys’ piles before sinking into his seat next to me on the overstuffed recliner. “Come on, dude, how long does it take to make cocoa?” Kingston called to Reid. At the mention of hot cocoa, I took a sip of mine, a wash of something different, hitting my tongue and making me shift my marshmallows around to see it was lighter than normal hot chocolate.

  “Sorry, I wanted to make sure the powder and the Baileys were mixed together well,” Reid explained, handing the last two mugs to Kingston and Jesse before reaching into the kitchen and picking his up off the counter.

  “Oh, yum, this is good,” I said, taking another sip, “I don’t think I’ve ever had something like this. How much alcohol is in it?”

  “Just a shot, maybe a little less,” Reid explained. “There wasn’t much left, but there was enough for one mug each. Now, how do we want to do this? A free-for-all?”

  “I’m good with that,” Kingston agreed as Jesse and I nodded. “Just save this one for last,” he warned, pointing to the box wrapped in a sparkly red wrapping paper and an extravagant silver and green bow. Setting my mug down on the side table between Kingston and me, I got ready to dig into the others.

  “Guess that means have at it?” I asked. With that, we leaned forward, grabbing one of our gifts from our piles.

  The first one I grabbed was a bag, small despite the hefty rectangular box at the bottom. Pulling it out, my lips parted—another jewelry box, like the one from my birthday. There was no card inside of the tissue paper, so I opened the box, finding a handwritten note inside.

  To my Em,

  I know how much you love to match. Merry Christmas, love.

  xoxo, Jesse

  A pink tourmaline heart pendant sparkled under the soft overhead lighting, the flickering flames from the fireplace showcasing all the facets of the gem. I squealed, launching into Jesse’s side with a tight hug.

  “It’s beautiful,” I murmured as I pulled back. “Will you help me put it on?”

  “I’m glad you like it, Em.” Jesse gave me a bashful smile, pulling the light silvery gold chain out of the velvet packaging. “Turn around,” he instructed. I shifted, moving my hair out of the way as he hooked the dainty necklace that matched the pink earrings he got me for my birthday.

  “It’s gorgeous,” Kingston stated, seeing the necklace. “Thank you, Babydoll. Fuzzy socks were exactly what I wanted.” He held up two pairs of patterned socks, his grin growing to a bright smile as he looked at me.

  “You’re welcome,” I said, my words almost covered by Reid’s laughter. He held up his present, a funny shirt, in front of him as he read it.

  “I love this, Cali girl. It’s perfect.” At the request from the others to read it out loud, Reid turned it—a square from the Periodic Table of Elements with an ‘Ah!’ followed by ‘the element of surprise’ printed in white on the front of the gray material. Turning back to my gifts, I opened the second one of the three I was allowed to open before the final present.

  “Aww, King,” I cooed, holding up the certificate. “Thank you! I’ve never been to a spa.”

  “You got her a ticket to go to the spa?” Reid huffed. “Well, you two just blew my present out of the water.” With that, I pulled the big box toward me, tearing open the wrapping paper quickly. The soft sweater and hat I had been eyeing during our Black Friday shopping were tied in a neat stack with a ribbon, a small card with a doodled heart and ‘love, Reid’ attached to the bow.

  “Don’t pout, babe, I love your presents,” I murmured, getting up to kiss him on the cheek. “I can’t believe you got the things I wanted from our shopping trip.”

nbsp; “Of course, Cali girl. You said you weren’t getting anything, but I saw how much you wanted them.”

  “You three are the sweetest. Now, open the rest of your presents before I open my last one,” I instructed, kissing Jesse and Kingston on the cheek briefly before I sank back into my seat.

  “Em, it’s perfect,” Jesse whispered, holding up the small set of paints and a pad of paper. After seeing how much he seemed to enjoy our impromptu painting date, I thought it would be perfect. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, but that’s not all, keep going,” I prompted excitedly, waiting for them to get to the next present so they could get to my final gift at the bottom of each of their bags. Their eyes lit up when they saw the leather braided bracelets I had made for them, each with their own unique metal charm tied in.

  A book for Jesse.

  The scales of truth for Kingston.

  And a beaker for Reid.

  After they slipped on the bracelets, they pulled out their final presents—a mini album with photos from our time together. I wanted them to know they each meant something special to me, despite our unconventional relationship, so half of each book was filled with pictures of all of us, the other half photos of just me and that specific guy, handwritten notes sprinkled between for each of them.

  “Are you crying?” I asked, startled seeing Reid wipe his eyes quickly. “Why are you crying?”

  “Happy tears, Cali girl. This is amazing,” he explained with a smile.

  “Perfect present, Babydoll,” Kingston agreed, Jesse’s hand coming to squeeze my leg as he nodded.

  “Open yours,” Jesse prompted before Reid could have another wave of happy tears take over. I snatched the small box from the table and carefully pulled the bow off before ripping into the paper.


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