Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2)

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Misters & Mochas (High School Clowns & Coffee Grounds Book 2) Page 15

by A. J. Macey

  “This is the sweetest thing ever, you guys,” I exclaimed, flipping through the little booklet. They had made me a coupon book, ten coupons for each of them. I saw a back rub on a couple, my choice of a date with no complaints, even two where it was my choice of movie―sappy ones included―from Reid. “I can’t wait to use them.”

  “Now, photo time.” I jumped up to grab my camera and set it on the TV stand after setting the timer. My boys corralled onto the couch, Reid’s arms open and waiting for me. Chuckling, I darted into the collection of guys. The shutter sounded, and I hopped back up to check the photo. “Perfect.”

  “Yes, you are,” Reid piped in with an impish grin. My cheeks heated, the tingling of three sets of eyes on me quickly flaring over my skin as they moved back to their seats.

  They wanted to treat me like a queen.

  They’re definitely succeeding.

  December 25th

  Not sure what it’ll be like seeing Mom after all the chaos with Dad. Hopefully, the holiday cheer outweighs any of the themes of today’s entry

  #HereGoesNothing #ITotallyGotThis #WeirdnessWednesday

  I was warm, nestled in Kingston’s embrace as he curled around me. His arm shifted, leisurely rubbing soft circles over my stomach. I sighed happily as I felt his beard brushing against the back of my neck, his nose buried in my hair.

  “Merry Christmas, Babydoll,” he murmured, his musical voice making my toes curl and my blood surge as his fingers crept south.

  “Merry Christmas, King,” I whispered, a tiny gasp accompanying my greeting as his fingers slipped under the hem of my pajama shorts.

  “Want another present?” he teased, my face pressing into the pillow to stop the moan wanting to escape. Nodding, I pressed my butt back into his hardening length, my body waking quickly as he kissed my neck.

  “We have to be quick, we’re supposed to leave in ten minutes,” I mumbled, shaking my hips so he would keep going, my panties quickly wetting as he ran a finger over the edge of the lace.

  Biting the puff of the pillow, I let go, letting Kingston’s fingers slip under the fabric to unhurriedly tease me. A warm chuckle filled my ears as I bucked against his hand, his palm grinding onto the sensitive nub, a finger slipping inside me.

  Holy crap, he’s got quite the knack for this without any experience.

  I can’t wait to see what else he’s good at.

  He peppered my neck and shoulder with lingering kisses and little nibbles, his pace picking up when he felt me panting. He slowed slightly as I shuddered, but when I reached down and nudging his hand, he continued. My skin was electrified, my blood pounding, my core tightening as he tentatively slipped in another finger. I was on the very edge of release when I reached down, guiding his hand until he was rubbing small circles with a calloused palm on my clit. As soon as he did that, I was lost, spasming in his arms as he made me come.

  When I was finally able to think, I turned, his hand slipping out of my shorts and panties in the process. His gaze was hesitant, the skin around his eyes tightening as I shifted, but when I smiled, his tension eased. Leaning forward, I gave him a kiss, my own hand coming between his legs. He groaned, his body shivering as I ran my hand over his erection, my lips quirking up at the guttural sound. Wanting to give him a present too, I took a steeling breath and slipped my hand into his boxers.

  It wasn’t as though I hadn’t given a hand job before, but this was the first time I had for any of my boys, and I couldn’t help the surge of nerves that built in the pit of my stomach. Kingston’s tensing jaw and soft moans pushed me onward, his hand coming to cup my jaw as our kisses turned more passionate.

  “Babydoll,” he groaned breathlessly, his hips bucking as I sped up my pace over his hardened length. “I’m so close.”

  Moving faster, it only took a few more pumps before he spasmed in my hand, his cum spurting onto my palm, his boxers, and skin. We were silent for a few moments, Kingston catching his breath, and my heart rate finally settling. His fingers traced my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ear.

  “You didn’t have to do that, Babydoll.”

  “No, but I wanted to give you a present, too,” I murmured. “I know you said at my birthday party you hadn’t gone farther than a kiss, so I wanted you to know I appreciate you letting me experience that with you first. You’re the first I’ve done that with between you guys.”

  “Really?” Kingston perked up, his lip curling. I tried to enjoy the happiness in his eyes, but all I could focus on was the quickly cooling cum on my skin.

  “Yes, but I’m covered in stuff, and it’s sticky, so I’m going to go wash my hand.” Kingston’s laughter followed me as I rolled out of the warm bedding and stepped quickly to the door. I cracked it open and looked both ways. When I saw no one was in the hall, I darted into the bathroom, quickly rinsing my hand and grabbed a spare towel.

  Definitely going to need to do laundry before this week is over if this is going to be a repeated thing with my boys.

  I can’t wait to see what else this holiday break has in store.

  “Ready, Em?” Jesse asked me a few hours later, his fingers brushing against my arm. I took a steadying breath, staring at my mom’s car in the Kingston’s driveway. Nodding, I hopped out with the boys and started inside.

  Have to talk to her at some point.

  “Emma, boys! Come on in, how was the cabin?” Stella called out cheerfully. The scent of breakfast permeated the air—bacon, eggs, and pancakes, all swirling with the freshly brewed coffee. I had to stop myself from moaning at the heavenly smell, my stomach grumbling in anticipation for our Christmas brunch.

  “Hi, Stella, Mr. Bell,” I said, giving her a quick hug, chuckling at Kaleb’s “three more times.”

  “Your mom is in the bathroom. If you want some time alone with her, you can head to the living room,” Stella murmured in my ear. I gave her a grateful smile and nodded. “So, how was it? The boys perfect gentlemen?”

  “Of course, Stella, when have you ever seen me be anything but?” Reid pushed, waving his hands in mock offense. She rolled her eyes and shook her head before looking at Jesse and Kingston.

  “It’s good, Mom,” King stated, giving his mom a hug before doing the same to his dad. Jesse and Reid quickly followed as Stella made her way around the group. A movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention, pulling my focus from the guys.

  “Merry Christmas, Mom,” I murmured with a smile, stepping up to her as she walked into the living room.

  “Merry Christmas, sweetie,” she whispered, holding me tightly. “I’m sorry about everything with your dad.”

  “Honestly, it makes sense now, why he was so quiet or always busy,” I explained, taking in her soft rose perfume.

  “I didn’t realize everything that was going on. I knew there was someone else,” she choked out, squeezing me harder, “but I didn’t realize it was like that.”

  We clung to each other, my fractured heart sewing itself further together, the longer we hugged. I understood now why my mom had chosen to move and leave everything behind. Well, I was sure there was more to their divorce, but for now, I was content to leave it as it was. My mom was here, no work distracting her, and I could finally spend more than a few tense moments together with her and my boys.

  “Other than that, how was Cali? Run into any of your old friends?” she asked, trying to turn the depressing topic to something cheerful, but all it did was make my frown worse. “I always did like them and Tyler. Maybe one or two of them could come out and visit,” she suggested.

  Yeah, Mom’s ability to “read the room” was never great.

  “Uh, we’re not really friends anymore,” I tried to explain, shrugging. It had been so long since I had talked to her about anything other than menial day-to-day goings on, I wasn’t sure how to anymore. “Kara was just trying to get me to drop her name to Tanner,” I ground out the name. “Tyler and I broke up before we left Cali. We tried to be friends, but it didn’t really work, ya kno
w?” My mom nodded, her hand rubbing my back soothingly, but the doorbell ringing throughout the main floor pulled our focus to the main entryway hall.

  “Oh, that should be your parents, Reid,” Stella said from the kitchen, her voice carrying through the dining area and over the back of the couch to us in the living room. Figuring our conversation was over, my mom and I started toward the rest of the party. Making her away around the island, Stella glanced at Reid.

  “Want to go get them with me?”

  “Sure,” Reid agreed. Hopping up, he accompanied King’s mom into the entryway. The conversation at the front of the house filtered to the kitchen in a jumble as Reid and Stella greeted his parents. Pulling away, I grabbed one of the mugs of hot chocolate Kaleb held out for my mom and me, gave him a soft ‘thank you,’ and sank onto one of the open barstools.

  “Erin, meet Faith and Micha, Reid’s parents,” Stella introduced. My mom stepped away from me, quickly launching into a conversation with Reid’s parents and Stella while Kaleb focused on moving the finished food to the table, decorated to match the holiday theme. Jesse and Kingston assisted him as Reid came by, trying and failing to sneakily steal one of the marshmallows from my drink.

  “Alright, brunch is ready to go,” Kaleb called out. “Come and get it!”

  We converged on the table, my mom to my right, and Kingston to my left. Jesse sat on the other side of Kingston with Reid and his parents across the table. Reid’s foot brushed against my ankles, pretending he wasn’t playing footsie. Killian came bursting into the room, his hair wet from a shower before he sank into the seat next to Stella near the right-hand end of the table.

  “Glad you could join us,” Kaleb teased.

  “Sorry,” Killian apologized with a grimace. “The water was hot, and I didn’t want to get out.”

  “That’s alright, you’re here now,” Stella said with a pat on his hand.

  “Do you mind if we say grace?” Faith asked. “It’s a family tradition for us.”

  My brow quirked slightly as I glanced at Reid, who gave an eye roll, unseen by his parents. We never really talked about religion, but I knew none of my boys were regular churchgoers, so finding out his parents were religious was a bit of a shock.

  The more you know.

  I bowed my head, holding my mom’s and Kingston’s hands to be courteous to Reid’s parent’s request, but I struggled to focus as she talked, my stomach growling at every scent that reached my nose. Finally, Faith finished her prayer, and we were able to dig in. The only sound filling the space was the soft sound of holiday music playing through the house speakers, all of us focused on dishing out what we wanted before passing the dish to the left. Kingston, being the sweet gentleman he was, served me, stopping each time I said when. My mom’s lips quirked up at the gesture but—thankfully—kept her mouth shut.

  Brunch was filled with conversation, mainly from our parents, talking about work or things they’d done that year. The boys, Killian, and I were content to scarf down our food and let them chat away, knowing we’d be opening presents and hanging out after we were done.

  “So, Erin, Emma, how are you liking Nebraska?” Faith questioned. “It’s certainly no California, I’m sure.”

  “It definitely isn’t, but I find myself enjoying it. Work takes up a lot of my time, though. The firm is expanding, and while we’re working on hiring more people for my team, my immediate supervisor and I are taking the brunt of the load,” my mom explained. Ah, so that explains why she’s so much busier here than back in Cali. “We’re aiming to have my team finalized by late-January or early February, so hopefully, I can go back to somewhat normal work hours.”

  “That would be good. Do you enjoy working for the marketing firm?”

  “Very much. My supervisor and I work well together, and we’re able to smoothly, well as smoothly as any project can go, pull off the events. How about you, sweetie? Are you enjoying it here?” My mom turned to me, and it was the first time since moving, I saw the bright smile on her face, no longer forced or tired.

  “Yeah, it’s nice. Although driving in snow still isn’t something on my list of skills,” I stated with a laugh. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to it.”

  “We’ll help you, Cali girl,” Reid exclaimed, his hand waving between Kingston, Jesse, and him. “We’ve had a lifetime of learning how, so soon enough, you’ll be a true Nebraskan. Well, if only we can get you to say pop instead of soda.”

  “Not happening,” I smarted with a smirk, shoveling another bite of hashbrowns into my mouth.

  “Not yet,” Reid practically yelled. “But it will, just you wait!”

  “Reid, hon,” Faith murmured, “you’re shouting.”

  “Sorry, Ma,” Reid said quietly, his cheeks tinting pink as he flashed her an apologetic smile.

  “Everyone finished?” Stella asked, noting we were all slowing down. “If you guys are done, you can head into the living room. Kill, you can pass out the presents.”

  “Why do I have to?” Killian groaned, getting up and moving toward the living room.

  “Because you’re the baby,” Kingston teased, patting him on the back before plopping onto the couch, which set them into a playful brotherly fight, making me laugh. Standing, I collected my plate and silverware, stacking it with my mom’s and Kingston’s.

  “You go sit,” Kaleb shooed me, trying to take the stack of dirty dishes from my hands as I turned to take it to the sink.

  “But you cooked,” I argued, turning so he couldn’t get the dishes. “At least let me put the dirty dishes in the sink.”

  “You are the sweetest thing,” Stella cooed, patting me on the back as I set the plates and silverware gently into the deep basin. “Kingston hit the jackpot with you. You tell him if he tries to break it off with you, he’s not allowed.” I couldn’t hold back a laugh at her playful finger wag and ridiculous statement, shaking my head, at a loss for words.

  “I can hear you, Mom!” Kingston hollered from the living room, still wrestling Killian on the floor. “Don’t worry, though, I don’t foresee that happening.”

  “Boys,” Kaleb called out, his two sons stopping their playful fight. “Presents. Both of you.”

  “Ugh, fine,” Kingston huffed, seeming unconcerned he was roped into helping hand out presents. They made quick work of passing out the pretty wrapped boxes and bags to the group as I made my way to sit on the floor next to the armchair my mom was sitting in.

  “Here, Em,” Jesse moved, tugging on my sweater sleeve. “There’s plenty of room up here, you don’t need to sit on the floor.”

  “It’s not a problem, I don’t want to take your spot,” I countered, but Jesse just gave me a small smile, scooting closer to the arm of the love seat, so there was a space between Kingston and him. Sighing at his persistence, I got up and squished between the two of them, my lip curling at the sweet gesture.

  Thankfully, knowing I wasn’t ready to tell my mom about us yet, we were close enough, Jesse’s leg pressing into mine didn’t look unusual to anyone in the room, even though I knew it was his way of showing his affection. Everyone busied themselves, opening their gifts, excited gasps and emphatic thank yous filling the room as people worked their way through their small piles.

  I finished up my last gift, smiling as I looked over the few gifts I had received. Since the boys and I had already exchanged presents, there were only three, one from each of our parents. Reid’s parents had gotten me a gift card to Sephora and a pre-recorded card of Reid singing Jingle Bells while Stella and Kaleb had gifted me a big gift basket of self-care items. Looking through it, I couldn’t wait to dig into it later that night, the whole cute pink tub calling my name. Lastly, was from my mom, an empty album, the front decorated with motivational quotes and a pink heart painted in the middle. It was a struggle to keep my rampant emotions at bay, but I managed.


  As the present opening finished, Stella had our parents move back into the kitchen for homemade hot coc
oa, mimosas, and mulled wine along with a few boozy desserts Kaleb had pulled from the garage refrigerator. The rest of us were given the go ahead to put a movie on or head to the basement to play games.

  “What do you want to watch, Babydoll?” Kingston questioned, flipping through the channels. “Sappy? This is the only time we get sappy, so take it while you can,” he teased with a smart-ass grin. I snatched the remote, quickly turning to the Hallmark channel. I had kept up with some of the new holiday movies they’d aired, but I had missed a good chunk, so I was damned if I would miss the ones on Christmas day.

  Especially if it was the only time, I could get my boys to watch them with me.

  Killian tried to grumble about the girly romance, but after Kingston threw balled up leftover wrapping paper at his head, he quieted. Surprisingly, all four of the boys were engrossed in the movie when I got up to get some hot cocoa a little while later. I kept my chuckle to myself as I stepped into the boisterous kitchen, Reid’s mom telling a grand story about one of their flights for work, Micha content to stand silently next to his wife. Stella, Kaleb, and my mom’s eyes were glued to Faith during her story, so they didn’t see me come and go.

  I happily settled between my boys, loving the homey feel of the holiday, knowing in a few hours, we would be heading back to the cabin to bake cookies and decorate gingerbread houses. Merry Christmas to me. Smiling, I tuned back into the movie.

  Couldn’t have asked for a better day, even if I tried.


  December 31st

  I’m going to break today’s theme because I just have to say that today, life is good.

  #HappyNewYear #Hello2020 #NOTTickedOffTuesday

  “I can’t believe it’s already the end of the year,” Jesse stated, looking at the TV where the ball was hanging out at the top of the building for the countdown. “Where does the time go?”

  “I can think of one reason time has passed so quickly,” I started with a grin. “There are these three boys who hog all my attention. They’re sweet and funny, and I can’t get enough.”


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