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Christmas with the Billionaire ; A Tiara for Christmas

Page 25

by Niobia Bryant

  “You sound like you’re the correspondent.” Kimber pursed her lips. Lexi began to laugh. Her shoulders bounced up and down. “Maybe I shouldn’t sing that single version of ‘Jingle Bells’ to you.”

  “Oh, I’m still single,” Kimber assured her. A chill crept through the air.

  “Did you not see how cute Marvin has become? And how he’s trying his new name?”

  “Not interested, Lex,” Kimber warned.

  “Anyway,” Lexi goaded, pushing Kimber’s forearm. “How did Marvin get you away from Dario and how did Dario allow you to go out with someone else with him standing right there? He never liked having to share you when you came home from college.”

  “Why would Dario have an issue? He’s made it clear he wants to be friends.”

  “Oh, Kimber,” Lexi sighed and sat back in her chair. “I was half teasing about the Marvin part. I get that you were just a teen then. But now, honey, you’re too smart to be that blind.”

  “Blind about what?” Kimber had looked for the signs. If Dario were the jealous type, she didn’t see it.

  “Kimber, you may have your uncles fooled but you know you never conned me since the day we met.”

  “Ever?” Kimber asked. “How about the time I took your dress or the time I ended up being here because Philly won Miss Peach Blossom at the fair and got you as her pageant coach?”

  “Not funny,” said Lexi. “I know more went on between you and Dario.”

  Heat crept up Kimber’s neck. “I—I...”

  “Don’t go into details with me, dear,” Lexi laughed. “I just want you to know that I know exactly when it happened.”

  “What? Shut up. No, you don’t.”

  Lexi nodded. “Last year, shortly after Charlotte and Richard got engaged. The Christmas party at the elementary school.”

  Impressive, Kimber thought.

  Lexi went on. “That boy has been lovesick since the day he laid eyes on you, but you wouldn’t give him the time of day.”

  “We were the best of friends,” Kimber defended herself, crossing her arms over her chest. “He was busy hooking up with all the single ladies. He’s a player. If eye daggers were real, I’d be dead right now. You should have seen the way his groupies looked at me.”

  “I’m pretty sure Dario was getting the same daggers. You were quite the player yourself,” said Lexi.

  “Oh shut up,” Kimber gasped. “Not you too.”

  “I just call it like I see it, sweets.”

  “Well, you may flip your lid when I tell you who we’re going to go with for the photographer for the pageant.”

  The ice in Lexi’s glass fell against her mouth as she drained her drink. “Who?”


  Kimber sipped on her tea while her aunt had the giggles.

  “I’m glad you find this funny.”

  “It’s like your own version of boyfriends of Christmas past.”

  Except Dario was never her boyfriend. It had been three whole days since she offered a perfect arrangement for them to get through the holidays and he showed no sign of being interested.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Lexi wiped tears from the corners of her eyes. “Tell me about Philip. What’s he been up to since graduation?”

  Kimber filled Lexi in on what she’d learned over hot cocoa the previous afternoon. Philip had been hired as the head coach at Peachville High during the football season and he worked for a local photography agency, a craft he’d learned in college. As expected, Philip never wanted to go into the NFL. What Kimber did find shocking to learn was that he’d married but was now divorced after three years, and that he had a four-year-old daughter he wasn’t going to see this Christmas. Regardless of their past history, Philip’s portfolio spoke for itself.

  “What is it you want from him?” Lexi finally asked. “Or do I need to clarify whom I’m speaking of?”

  “Aunt Lexi,” Kimber whined, “why are you picking on me?”

  “Put your big girl panties on. This is your doing. No one told you to leave town after what happened between you and Dario. You hightailed it right out of here.”

  “I waited until Christmas.”

  “Leaving that boy heartbroken,” Lexi scolded.

  Kimber sighed heavily with sarcasm. “Uh, yeah, I think he’s over it. As a matter of fact, he and I are back to being the best of friends again.”

  This time Lexi mocked Kimber’s sigh. “Girl,” she cackled, “if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.”

  If she’d been with anyone else, Kimber might have pouted at her aunt’s words, but because she knew Lexi told it like it was, she didn’t. Plus, Lexi might smack her in the back of the head. “I did offer him a friendly arrangement while I’m here.”

  “Friends with benefits?”

  Well, when Lexi said it out loud like that with an eye roll, Kimber felt foolish. She jutted her chin out while Lexi scooted away from the table. “You offered that grown man a childish game? He isn’t nineteen. Dario is a mature business man with a career. He’s looking for someone to settle down with.”

  “I don’t ever want to get married.” Kimber recoiled.

  “Settling down doesn’t mean you have to get married, but you are getting too old for booty calls.”

  “I didn’t offer a booty call.” Not really, she thought.

  “Girl, let me get out of here and check on my babies. You need to get wise before Dario finds someone nice to be naughty with.”

  Chapter 7

  After posting on her Sunday blog about the custom-made tiaras, Kimber heard back from the mother of one recipient on Monday when she was getting ready in her apartment. That woman’s daughter had received a crown in a red-and-white box before she ended her extended stay at the children’s wing. Like the father she’d heard from the previous day—same MO and no name. The designer dropped off a box of twelve the first day and then started mass-producing them for every discharge until Christmas. It was like she—or he—was a serial tiara maker.

  National Letter Writing Day fell on a Wednesday that year. Kimber had plans to visit the kids at the hospital that afternoon and write letters to Santa with Lexi’s junior tiara squad—the middle school–aged girls. But that wasn’t until later. In the meantime, Kimber spent the morning twin-proofing the upstairs rooms at Dario’s place. The morning rain kept them from venturing out. For Kimber it was a lazy day inside, getting things together while wearing a pair of gray yoga pants and a Crowne’s Garage T-shirt knotted in the front. She enjoyed working with Dario.

  It never seemed like it took an effort to be around him. She didn’t worry about having to get dressed up or throw on makeup or touch up her hair. Dario made no comment about the messy bun piled on top of her head, as if they really were just the best of friends. He hadn’t responded to her friends-with-benefits offer. Friendship. It was what she wanted, right? She was friends with her exes. Look at her with Vin and Philip. Okay, look at her and Philip. Dario was a friend. Why was this so difficult?

  Lexi’s words still echoed in her mind. Sure, maybe at one point Dario had developed feelings for her but he did not act like it now. Though they worked together during the day, in the evenings Dario went off on his own and didn’t come back for hours—not like she checked or anything. Dates? Women? Brothels? There were no brothels in Southwood. Kimber irritated herself with the curiosity, especially seeing Dario yawn and stretch like he was tired. Get a grip, Kimber.

  To distract herself, Kimber took out her phone from the pocket on the side of her leg of her yoga pants, posed in front of the bare tree and clicked it to broadcast. The red light came to life and so did she. “Hey, pageant pals out there, this is your favorite on-the-scene beauty queen correspondent.” She offered a wave to the viewers watching. “I just wanted to show y’all how far I’ll go to uncover the stories behind the mystery tiar
as.” She waved her hand up and down the tree to fan the green needles. “I’m doing manual labor just to get to the bottom of the tia...” She stopped speaking when Dario walked behind her shot in order to get to the couch. On his way he pulled his shirt over his head then flexed his muscle for the camera. The likes and hearts floated across her screen. “Okay, see the stuff I have to deal with in order to uncover the truth? Tell me your stories. Ta-ta for now.”

  Kimber crossed the room to the kitchen. A few people commented on her post who had or knew someone who had the exact tiaras she talked about. After sending each person who had a story a direct message for contact info, Kimber set her phone down on the counter and headed back into the living room.

  “I never thought babyproofing a house took so much work.” Dario maneuvered himself into the corner of the L-shaped gray couch with a yawn. His coppery-colored skin was quite the contrast, as was his heavily tattooed frame. He was inked with various cars, engines and his mother’s name and face, but Kimber’s favorite was the three-pointed crown meant for his last name, right between his belly button and the waistband of his shorts. The sculpted muscles of his thigh twitched as the fabric of his black mesh shorts hiked up. One hand covered the crown while the other supported the back of his head and showed off the bulge of his biceps.

  Kimber tried not to stare. Looking too hard might induce some form of drool, which was easy to do around Dario and his sexy self. Hamilton grunted as well, turning three times in his Sherpa-fleece-lined bed before plopping down for a slumber. Soft snorts filled the air.

  Kimber stood at the V of the sofa to press her knee against Dario’s. “We’re not done yet.”

  “How do you know so much?” Dario complained.

  “Remember, I have baby cousins,” replied Kimber. She nudged Dario once again. “C’mon now. We have things to do this afternoon.”

  Dario sank deeper into the cushions. “My God, woman! We’ve installed locks on the cabinets, measured all the soft ornaments four feet from the ground, covered all the outlets and we ordered the Sesame Street Christmas sheets even though I think the baby shark ones are better. Let’s take a nap.” To drive his point home, Dario clapped his hands together to sing the old—and tired—“Baby Shark.”

  “Stop playing,” Kimber ordered.

  Arms still outstretched, Dario clamped his hands on top of hers. She’d known Dario was a large man. He managed to always make her feel safe. “Uh-oh...the shark has you.”

  “Boy, quit,” Kimber laughed in an attempt to avoid the tingle of electricity bolting through her veins. She yanked her hand back. In turn, she stumbled. With quick reflexes, Dario reached and pulled her forward. They laughed together for a moment before Kimber realized where she sat. “I should probably get up.”

  Dario’s hands fanned against her backside. “Don’t act like we didn’t fall asleep the other night on this couch.”

  Their lips were so close Kimber tasted the vanilla coffee he’d finished off that morning. She felt her chest tremble. “Falling asleep is something completely different from this and you know it.”

  “Explain what this is.”

  Oh, so now he wanted to call her bluff? Kimber pursed her lips. Dario gave her a lopsided grin. “Don’t play with me, Dario,” she warned him.

  “Because you don’t want to get wrinkled up for seeing Dr. Vin? And here I thought you didn’t get excited over him.”

  “I wouldn’t wear this for him,” Kimber said, rolling her eyes. Pleasantly trapped by his arm, she didn’t move.

  Dario cocked his head to the side and checked her out. “Good. This look is too sexy for him.”

  “Oh please,” she groaned.

  Within the gentle restraint of his arms, she adjusted the way her body rested on his. She pulled her knees into the couch, straddling him. Through the fabric of her yoga pants she felt the rise of his desire for her.

  “I’m serious, Kimber,” Dario said. Gone was the hint of laugh lines at the corners of his mouth. “Forget all the tiaras, makeup, sequined gowns and giant hair. Nothing is sexier than you wiggling around here in your pants and my shirt.”

  Kimber gulped. Dario wedged his fingers through the knot at the front of the shirt. The palm of his hand pressed against the space between her belly button and the swell of her breast. Her nipples hardened beneath the fabric. She shivered but didn’t move, determined to have the upper hand in this situation.

  “You’ve got goose bumps,” Dario said, moving his free hand. His used the side of his thumb to trail a line along her upper arm. He cocked his head to the side. “Are those for me or for your date later?”

  “It’s cold,” Kimber whispered, dismissing the fact she’d offered herself to him just the other day. Dario leaned up to press his lips against her neck. She questioned everything she’d done with him since being back, including her offer. Why did it matter who initiated what could be considered the second round of great lovemaking in her life? She needed to just go with the flow. And appreciate how easy it was to relax her body against his, especially when his tongue snaked out from between his lips. Dario’s hands moved over her body, slow and seductive. Juices within began to flow at his mere touch. She curved her hips against the undoubtedly hard erection beneath his shorts then ground them back and forth.

  Mind on autopilot, Kimber tilted her head to the side and kissed his firm jawline. Bristles of chin hair from his skipping this morning’s shave tickled her lips. Their mouths found each other. Familiarity of touch flooded back. Dario was a firm kisser. Not aggressive but determined. Kimber cupped his face with her hands. His fingertips traced a line down her spine then around her rib cage. The move didn’t tickle as much as it compelled her to deepen the erotic thrust against his cock. Just when she was at the brink of a dry-hump orgasm, Kimber’s cell phone shrilled through the sexual tension hovering in the air.

  “Don’t get it,” Dario broke the kiss to order.

  “It’s a regular ringtone,” Kimber said. Like that made sense to anyone else. The phone rang a third time. Kimber pulled against his light restrain. “C’mon now, it could be someone calling about the tiaras.”

  Dario licked her neck and followed it up with a kiss just at her lower ear.

  “Or M-MET calling.”

  With that, Dario held his hands up in surrender. Kimber slid across his lap. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the bulge tenting his shorts. What was she about to do? She felt the wetness on her panties. Her body screamed for relief or a cold shower.

  A deep thump pounded between her ears. This could be it. This could be the call she’d been waiting on from MET. How ironic to be in the same position as last year. Kimber found her phone next to the remote control for the flat-screen TV hanging on the wall. Shaky fingers pressed the green talk button. The area code was local, not from Florida where MET made its home or even in the Atlanta area. “Hello?”


  “Vin?” Kimber asked, staring at the number.

  Dario banged the back of his head against the cushions of the couch. The feeling was mutual at this being the interruption of their interlude. Kimber tucked a stray hair behind her ear. “Hey, what’s up? Is everything okay for this afternoon?”

  “Yeah, I just finished speaking with Nicolette.”

  “Is she okay? She’s not due for a few more weeks.”

  Vin’s chuckle came over the line. “Yes, she’s fine. She and I were talking about your mysterious tiaras.”

  “Oh really?” The moment of truth. Kimber sat down on the barstool at the counter to turn her back on Dario. A pig themed calendar hung on the wall by the utility table in the corner of the kitchen, and she grinned at the thought that Hamilton would ever sit still long enough for a photo shoot. “What do you have for me?”

  “I think this is a story that needs explaining face-to-face.”

  “Sounds serious,” Kimber said. “I could
be ready and over there within the hour.”

  “Great, I look forward to seeing you again, Kimber.”

  “Same here,” Kimber blurted out before disconnecting. When she turned around to tell Dario, she found herself alone in the open floor plan. Upstairs, she heard the water turn on. A little devil appeared on her shoulder, urging her to finish what they’d started while a little angel reminded her that getting the story behind the tiaras would not only give her a good segment to show MET, but also allow her to get her request in to have a spectacular tiara made for Lexi.

  Oh, what the hell, she told herself, trotting up the staircase. She found the door to Dario’s room open. His shorts were on the floor by his bed. Kimber cracked open the bathroom door. Since his place was customized, Dario had more luxurious fixtures than she did. For starters, the man had a walk-in shower with a ceiling head. No steam rose over the top of the door, making the glass doors clear as day.

  Water darkened Dario’s hair and ran down his back. His head was bent, his back turned, which gave her the perfect view of his firm behind. Dario’s right hand moved down by his hip. Something guided Kimber inside the bathroom. Her bare feet sank into the beige rug by the brown granite vanity. Eyes transfixed by the gush of water flowing over every inch of him, it took Kimber a moment to realize what he was doing. The attempt to get out of there quickly and quietly failed. Kimber’s hand hit something on the counter and the cup holding his toothbrush and toothpaste spilled into the sink.

  “You alright there?” Dario asked.

  Shoulders hunched, Kimber closed her eyes. “Sorry! Sorry!”

  “Turn around, Kimber,” he ordered.

  Eyes still closed, Kimber spun around.

  “Open your eyes,” he demanded with a softer tone.

  She did as she was told. Dario faced her, his full erection in his hand. Her mouth went dry. It was one thing to fantasize about it at night with her battery-operated boyfriend. It was something else to straddle it with clothes on. But now. Right in front of her, in all his magnificent glory, he was spectacular.


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