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Stuck With My Best Friend: A Quarantine Romance

Page 5

by Frost, Sosie

  Hunter groaned and rubbed his face. “Are you kidding me? I’m so goddamned hard-up about this shit, I couldn’t fucking sleep.”

  Uh-oh. I bit my lip. “Second thoughts?”

  “No. Only one thought. One very persistent, very filthy thought that kept every part of me up all night.”


  Inflicting insomnia on my best friend shouldn’t have been a source of pride, but I took whatever boost to my ego I could get.

  At least this meant he wasn’t upset by the proposition.

  “Is…there anything I can do to help?” I asked.

  Hunter deftly avoided my touch, bolting from the couch with his arms up.

  “Easy with those mitts…” He paced the room. “You won’t like what happens.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “How the fuck do I phrase this?”

  Hunter cleared his throat, but the frustration remained. His stare fixed on me, so molten I feared he’d scorch the damn hardwood and then have every excuse in the world to rip it up.

  “You, a gorgeous woman, asked me for sex. No. Wait. Not just any sex. Unprotected, raw sex, in which you specifically requested that I come inside of you. Not only that…you told me that I’d be your first time. You’d give me your virginity, I’d give you a baby.”

  Well, when he put it like that, any plan would sound complicated. “Too weird?”

  “Weird?” He laughed. “For Christ’s sake, you wrapped up every man’s darkest fantasy into a neat little package, shoved it into my lap, then bounced it up and down. I don’t know what was worse last night—this couch’s spring digging into my back, or my cock impaling the cushions.”

  That’s what I feared. Last thing I’d planned was to place my best friend in any sort of awkward situation—whether it be a task he didn’t want to do or something he wanted so badly it’d ruin our entire relationship.

  “Well…about that…” I said.

  He froze. “Don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind.”

  “Oh, not at all.” I straightened my shoulders and pretended I wasn’t terrified. “If anything, I’m more determined.”

  “Not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed.”

  Poor guy. If I’d remotely understood when I was feeling, I might’ve helped him out.

  “I’m trying to think of ways to make it easier,” I said.

  And now I’d insulted him. Hunter snorted. “Believe me, Vu. It’s not quite point-and-shoot, but I can get the job done without referencing your owner’s manual.”

  “That’s not exactly what I meant.”

  I left him contained on the couch as I slipped into the den and collected the books I’d swiped from my own store. With a grunt, I hauled a banker’s box filled to the brim with every pregnancy and fertility book I could find. It’d been my hope that maybe one of them could’ve helped with this particular situation.

  I was wrong.

  While I had plenty of Chicken Soup for the Uteruses, I had nothing like Babyjacking Your Best Friend or Eggs – Scrambled, Fried, and Fertilized: How To Talk Your BFF Into IVF Over Breakfast.

  Just meant I seriously needed to expand my self-help selection.

  “Oh, Christ. You do come with instructions.” Hunter pawed through the first book on the pile, flipped to the middle, then gagged and nearly ran out the door. “What the fuck is that?”

  Here I was still planning on how to get impregnated, and Hunter had skipped to the illustrated crowning sections of the labor and delivery book.

  “Don’t count the centimeters before you’re dilated,” I warned him. “Maybe stick to the beginner chapters for now?”

  “Is that supposed to get me in the mood?”

  I would’ve pelted him with the book if I hadn’t hated when that little white crease etched into the spine.

  “These are supposed to help me conceive.”

  “Whatever happened to a six-pack and prom night?”

  “We’re about ten years too late for that.”

  He pointed to the books. “Well, you’re not gonna jump into bed reading that. I think I’ve got a Playboy in the truck. There’s gotta be something to rev your engine in there. Or do you need more heaving bosoms and throbbing members to get you hot and bothered?”

  “You’re doing an excellent job of bothering me now. I’m not looking at a Playboy.”

  “Why? These books look even dirtier.” He opened another book to a full-paged illustration of a couple…coupling. “At least mine is artistic.”

  “Very funny.” I took the book off him. “I thought it’d be easier if we came at this from a technical angle.”

  “The only angle I need is the one made with your hips,” he said. “You tell me what you want. Missionary. Doggy. Cowgirl. I’ll make it all work.”

  Oh Lord.

  I covered my face. “I don’t want it to work. I want it to be…”


  Was I actually saying these words? “I want it to be…good. Exciting. Worth it for you. I don’t know what I’m doing, what to expect, what it’ll be like, how it’ll go down, if you’ll like it, if it’ll be fun—”

  “Whoa.” Hunter interrupted my panic with a profanity. “Fuck, Vu. You don’t think I’ll like it? Sex with you? A beautiful virgin, offering me literally everything a man could desire?” He snickered. “You’re naïve, but you’re not that naïve.”

  I heaved an uneven breath. “It’s…there’s a lot of pressure on this. What happens if it doesn’t take the first time? Or the second? How many times will you want to do this with me? What if it takes forever? Or what if it happens immediately?”

  “Nothing to worry about now.”

  “Are you kidding? God, Hunter, I don’t know what I’m offering you. I’ve only ever read those trashy romance novels. What if it’s uncomfortable or hurts? What if I’m no good at it? What if it’s horrible between us? Maybe we’re like, really great best friends because we’ve never done this, but as soon as we get intimate, it’ll be the most awkward, terrible thing ever? What if we hate it…and then hate each other?”

  The anxiety swelled, squeezing into every space I’d reserved for a good, old-fashioned panic attack. My chest tightened. My stomach heaved. I was certain I sweated which was not at all attractive before the man I begged to take me to bed.

  But Hunter never had any patience for worry—not when he could so easily solve my every problem.

  He reached for me, wrapping an arm around my back and using the other to snake into my hair. He gripped me tight against him.

  I wasn’t ready for it.

  I hadn’t expected it.

  But, gosh, ever since last night—I wanted it.

  Hunter captured me in a kiss which might’ve been breathtaking if I had any air to lose. His lips nibbled, caressed, and murmured silent promises which dizzied me with possibilities.

  The man smelled of sunshine and the outdoors. He tasted of heat and brilliance. He embraced me with strength and possession.

  And I melted for him.

  The soft caress of his hand chased away the unsettled flutters, but the thick capture of his arm held me in place, offering me something permanent to hang onto while everything else in the world and my life shifted, scattered, and spiraled away.

  He pulled away, but it didn’t matter. With a single kiss, he’d brought us closer together than ever.

  “You don’t need books, Vu,” Hunter said. “And you shouldn’t worry about a damned thing. Whatever happens, happens. No matter if it takes one time or dozens. And I can guarantee you—every night will be better than the last.” His mischievous smile peeked out with dimples. “I do have a reputation to uphold, after all. And, since I’ll be taking you to bed, I’ve gotta make it perfect.”

  I didn’t let him release me. My fingers curled into his shirt, and he gave me all the courage I needed.

  “It doesn’t have to be perfect,” I said. “I just don’t want it to go wrong.”

  “All you’ve gotta do is trus
t me.”

  Well, that was easy. “I’ve always trusted you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Believe me, Hunter. You are the only man I trust with this.”

  His eyes flashed with a spark of endless blue. “If you’re serious about that…”


  “I want you to listen to me. If we want this to…take, you’ve gotta be comfortable with me and with your own body…and all the things I’m going to do to your body. The problem is…we only have two days to ensure that you’re gonna be ready.” His voice turned as slick as the mess between my thighs. “Fortunately, I have some skills regarding those sorts of procedures. We only have a little time to get you prepared, so it’s best to start now.”

  My mouth dried. “Now?”

  He didn’t answer. Instead he tugged me close, capturing my lips with his. The flick of his tongue was an instant ignition to a new and thrilling sensation to my once dormant core.

  All at once, my body fluttered to life. Curious. Probing. Twisting with a sudden and unforgivable need.

  Hunter wrapped me in his strong embrace, and I followed his example, tangling my arms around his broad shoulders. His kiss deepened, more ravenous and consuming than before. I didn’t protest as he pulled me onto the couch, rested me against the soft cushions, and fell over my body.

  Within heartbeats, he had me trapped beneath his hardened muscles.

  And what a place to wind up.

  “The first thing I want is for you to get used to my kiss,” he whispered. “Savor that taste. The connection. Think you can do that?”

  Been there, done that, couldn’t wait for more.

  Only…I couldn’t find the strength to speak. I murmured over his lips, eager for another lesson. A new aching twisted deep inside of me. So surprising. I never thought I’d react this way for my best friend. But I felt so perfectly close to him, so safe in his arms, so thoroughly overwhelmed by his every movement and breath.

  Why would anyone ever do this with a stranger?

  I guess they had no choice if they couldn’t find their own Hunter.

  “What comes after a kiss?” My voice trembled with every welling emotion—fear, excitement, desire.

  Hunter braced himself over me in a one-armed pushup that he made look so easy. His free hand brushed my cheek.

  “I get you used to my touch,” he said.

  I liked the sound of that. Liked it too much.

  I’d gone to bed last night imagining that very same fantasy. In the briefest of moments that he had rolled in my sheets, his scent had remained. He personified the outdoors—the fresh, crisp smell of a man who worked hard with his hands and played harder. It’d stayed with me all night, tormenting me with beautiful, sensual dreams which made me regret waking up.

  Hunter’s fingertips grazed over my curves. Gentle. Exploring. Almost cautious, as if I’d duck away or spontaneously decide that it was too much.

  Little did he know, my flinch wasn’t out of hesitance. I feared only that one touch might never be enough.

  The heat of his hands nearly incinerated my pajamas. The thin material did little to protect me from the possession of his fingers. A trail of goosebumps followed everywhere he touched—teasing me and leading him to the promise of something far greater and much lower.

  He gripped my hips, caressed my thighs, gently brushed around my ribs. One devious smile later, and he dug in, tickling me as I lurched against the couch.

  I giggled, batting him away. “That’s not fair. I’m ticklish.”

  Hunter relented only once I had gasped a full breath of air.

  “Got a feeling I’m gonna learn a hell of a lot more about you,” he said. “And I bet I’ll love what I find out.”

  “You and me both.” I accidentally arched, pressing myself into his hands.

  He gripped the swell of my breast. I froze. So did he. And yet, I couldn’t help but wiggle.

  …And arch a little higher.

  Hunter’s voice deepened. “Once you get used to my touch…you’ll need to prepare for what comes next.”

  I was already half-panting on the couch. What could be better than this?

  “What’s that?” I whispered.

  “Getting used to being naked around me.”

  Hunter reached for my shirt.

  My courage wadded in my throat, and I struggled to swallow any hesitation back down.

  He’d already seen me naked once.

  What harm could come from this?

  If we wanted to make a baby, he deserved to see my body.

  Plus…it’d let me take another peek at him too.

  I leaned forward, bracing myself as he tugged the hem of my shirt over my head. He untangled the neck from my curls and tossed it aside.

  My breasts rose and fell—quick, nervous, excited, and every other emotion in between.

  Hunter’s eyes feasted over me. Studying me. Never realized how amazing it’d feel to be admired by a man, but, somehow, it meant so much more that it was Hunter who enjoyed the view.

  I couldn’t imagine baring myself to a more caring or compassionate man.

  After all, he was doing this all for me. Out of the blue. No questions asked.

  But it wasn’t just sex for him. Unfortunately, I had no idea what else he was thinking, what else he might’ve wanted.

  Besides me.

  And that was a wonderful feeling.

  His hands traced over my dark skin and grasped the hem of my cotton shorts. Now or never. I bit my lip as he slowly tugged them over my hips, revealing everything.

  I’d given him a pretty good look at me yesterday. Especially since I hadn’t been the most graceful while tumbling from the bed and splaying my legs open for the world to see.

  But this time, he appraised me with such amazement and awe that my awkward fears immediately dissolved as he breathed in silent praise.


  He’d called me beautiful before…as a friend. And he’d offered the occasional sure, you’re fine, get your shoes on so we can go see the movie.

  But now?

  He admired me as a man surveying a naked lover, waiting and wanting beneath him. He moved between my legs as if he’d done it a hundred times before, pulling my thighs apart. The cool air tickled against my sensitive slit.

  Should I have been embarrassed to be so brazenly wet?

  Hunter didn’t mind. In fact, his eyes darkened with hunger as he stared at me, slit and all, memorizing my every secret.

  Was this what it felt like to be desired? A thrill washed over me. I’d never imagined being so feminine and delicate before.

  My slick petals opened to him, and my budded nipples peaked against my mahogany dark breasts. I offered everything to him, every last inch of me.

  Should I have been so easily comforted by his stare? I trembled, naked and unsure, and yet…nothing had ever seemed so right before.

  “Do you trust me?” Hunter asked.

  What a silly question. “Of course.”

  “Then lay back, close your eyes, and keep on trusting me.”

  I did as I was told, unsure what to do with my hands until he plucked my wrists in his and pinned them above my head. Oh boy. This might’ve scared me before, but my body relaxed under his touch—more curious about the implication than frightened by his strength.

  After all, this was Hunter.

  And his comforting presence promised me everything.

  “Now…” He teased me with a sly grin. “All that’s left is to get you used to being pleasured.”

  His kisses began so slowly, deliberately tracing my lips, my neck, and across my chest. I’d been frustrated with the man before—tracking mud through the house or only ever craving a burger when we’d go out—but this…this was a new desperation.

  His heated breath inched over my skin, and I thought I’d lose myself to madness before he finally soothed my aching confusion and readied himself over my breasts.

  His blue eyes sparke
d with excitement as he plucked my nipple into his mouth.

  A sweet suckle was all it took to lose me with in rolling goosebumps. His tongue flicked over the bud, and shocks threaded and knotted across my spine. Quick. Piercing. Blinding. Every inch of my skin came to life, rocketing with the greedy pulls. The quiet tugs bolted the sensation directly to my core.

  The heat began as a prickle before erupting into a full-blown inferno.

  Fortunately, Hunter deciphered my whimpers. He descended, kissing over my stomach, navel, and lower yet. I tensed, but his reassurance was all that I needed.

  “You need to get used to me making you come.”

  Now there was a crazy idea. Something wild, reckless, and thoroughly unfathomable as of a few days ago.

  I never imagined doing anything remotely sexual with Hunter, and yet, it was all I could do to be patient and not cry out in frustration until he touched me. The anticipation destroyed me, and I wiggled, squirmed, and practically shimmied down the couch to earn the pleasure of his mouth.

  His kisses traced my curves, dazzling me with shivers. The warmth of his breath puffed against my inner thigh, so very close to that most revealing slit, slick with desire and eager for him.

  All of him.

  And whatever he’d planned to do.

  The man grunted with feral excitement as he positioned himself low on the couch, face-level with the most secret part of me.

  I stared into his eyes as his tongue flicked out and tickled a light, almost imperceptible graze against my petals.

  “Oh…” My voice wavered. “My…Goodness…”

  A series of fireworks immediately burst inside me, a crackling explosion of insanity that stole my breath and rendered me helpless and amazed.

  My legs tensed, almost pushing him away, too afraid to let him so near such a sensitive area. But Hunter lived up to his name, expertly seeking his prize. He pushed my thighs apart once more and set his hand heavy on my midsection. All the encouragement I needed to realize I had nothing to fear from his amazing attentions.


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