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Page 13

by Romi Hart

  She enticed him closer until his dick touched her engorged slit. Nothing stopped him from entering the holy gates of her syrupy pussy, but still he hesitated. How could he be worthy to experience such rapture?

  She locked her feet behind his back and heaved herself up to swallow him. Before he could stop her, she surrounded him in her sugary goodness. He whined letting his eyes drift closed and his world cracked. Everything he knew crumbled before him sinking into the vacuous depths of her pure, golden channel.

  She bucked her hips stroking him out of control. He couldn’t sustain this, but she didn’t stop. She writhed under him crying louder and faster. Her eyes rolled up toward the ceiling. Her countenance spasmed and she bared her teeth.

  He concentrated all his power on maintaining his sanity. He buried his face in her neck, but when he shut his eyes, he found himself spinning into an overwhelming tide of rising passion. Against his will, he wound back his cock and stabbed. He plunged into her depths pounding for all he was worth.

  She craned her neck aside and bit his ear. Her teeth fired rockets into his brain and whipped him into madness. He braced his elbows and smashed into her with all his might. She screamed in high keening excitement. The drunken mania of completion took hold and he poured every droplet of his sweat and blood and essence into her. He would never get it back and he didn’t want it. It was hers. It was all hers as it should be.


  Finn shook hands with Lincoln outside the hut. “I really appreciate your help.”

  “Anytime, man. Mi casa es su casa. You know that.”

  Finn clapped him on the shoulder. “I owe you one for this.”

  Lincoln shot a glance at Claire standing a few feet away. “Are you sure there’s nothing else I can do for you?”

  “Naw, man.” Finn turned away. “This was enough.”

  Finn marched out of the village. When he came level with Claire, she pivoted to fall in at his side. They walked out of the village together.

  From the outside, this moment might look the same as the last time they left the village together. Finn could never make that mistake. Everything changed between them here. Neither of them could pretend to return to the way things were before.

  Finn trekked several dozen yards into the woods and stopped Claire. She rotated around. “What’s wrong? Aren’t we going home?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Home? Where is that? You’re going back to your father’s house and I’m going to Ogru-Kuche.”

  She swallowed hard. “Come back to my house. I’m sure Daddy wants to talk to you before you go back to Ogru-Kuche.”

  He inclined his head to examine her. “How do you know that when you haven’t talked to him since you left Anarock?” She shrugged, but before she could answer, he blurted out, “Have you been home since then? You shifted and flew home. You talked to your daddy since we came here.”

  She swung her blue eyes around to meet his gaze. “I didn’t go home, Finn. I’ve been here with you the whole time. I haven’t been back to Anarock since we first met out here.”

  “Then how do you know he wants to talk to me?”

  “Call it a guess. I know him well enough. You sent Dorian home alive and well. Dorian will have told him what you did. Just come home with me and talk to him. That’s all I ask. Then you can go back to Ogru-Kuche.”

  Finn narrowed his eyes at her. “You promise none of your people will try any funny stuff?”

  She held up her right hand. “On my honor.”

  “All right. I’ll come, but then I have to go back to Ogru-Kuche. It’s been too long since I checked in with Victor. I have to tell him everything going on out here.”

  She peeked up at him. “You’re really going to tell him about us, aren’t you?”

  “I have to. We’re negotiating an alliance between our Crests. I would be betraying my own people if I hid it from them. I explained all that and you agreed”

  She lowered her gaze to the ground. “I guess so.”

  He couldn’t keep away from her when she looked like that. He might be the only man alive who understood her vulnerability. He drifted close to her and slipped his hand behind her back. “Hey! It’s gonna be okay. Someone would have to spill the beans eventually. You didn’t do anything wrong by telling me and I won’t be doing anything wrong by passing it on to my superiors. This is how allies behave with each other. You and I behave this way with each other and our Crests will behave this way with each other from now. It’s the foundation of everything.”

  She nodded, and when she lifted her gaze to meet his eyes, he witnessed that delicious fragility that made her so sweet to him. Even the hesitant smile twitching her lips gave him a thrill in his guts. “Finn?”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “We’ll be together when this is over, won’t we? I mean, how could we be?”

  He studied her mouth close enough to kiss. “How could we be together? Is that what you mean?”

  She nodded. She opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out and she cast her gaze to the ground again.

  Now he really did lean in and kiss her. He had to. He couldn’t leave her hanging like this. “I don’t know how, but we’ll work it somehow. I’ll…..well, I don’t know what we’ll do. I’ll talk to Victor about it and you’ll talk to your daddy, but I don’t really see Bernard letting you go live at Ogru-Kuche. Do you?”

  She didn’t look up and she didn’t answer. She kept her head down. She drooped before him in abject despair. He didn’t want to think about what Victor or Bernard would say about Finn and Claire being together. He got too depressed when he did.

  He bent down and kissed her on the cheek. He nuzzled under her jaw and took one deep inhalation of her neck before he straightened up. “Come on. Let’s get back and take it from there.”

  He took one more step back and jumped. He extended his arms high and let his soul take flight. His dragon self blasted out of his face and stretched longer and longer into the east. His neck lengthened. His being grew to an impossible size streaking through the clouds. He raced down the wind. That wind was Claire. The brisk icy air in his nostrils was her.

  He rocketed over the sea-green Quag to where the New Orleans skyline came into view. Lights pricked the dusk falling into night. Claire could fly straight to her father’s house on St. Charles Avenue. He had to find a way to get back there without being seen.

  He took careful aim and tucked his wings against his back. He elongated his neck and narrows his eyes. He tilted at a dangerous angle and plummeted at terminal velocity out of the sky. He measured his trajectory down to the iota and adjusted his aim.

  He dove out of the heavens on an unerring course for Audubon Park. He twisted to his right and plunged head-first into the lagoon with a bone-shattering crash. He streaked deep into the cool water and paddled along the muddy bottom to the curve closest to St. Charles Avenue.

  He crawled out in full dark and shifted on the bank. He waited until the murky water stopped running out of his boots and trekked the rest of the way to Bernard’s house.

  He paused in the driveway and studied the house. He knew exactly what he would find in there. The place held no dangers for him. Claire told him that first day that her family considered him a friend. Now he knew it was true. It was true in ways he didn’t believe until now.

  He cared about these people. Maybe he had to learn their most closely-guarded secret to fully embody his own power. He stood on the same level with them. They were all New Breed and that made them equals.

  The house looked even more like a haunted mansion with shadowy moss dripping from the trees and ghostly lamps shining from the windows, but it didn’t scare him. All the old doubts and insecurities evaporated to nothing.

  He became aware of an unmistakable female presence behind him, but he didn’t turn around. He felt her through the air. Was that her power sensing him or was it just the unbreakable link holding them together? It didn’t really matter anymore.

  She br
ushed his elbow and they started up the driveway together. They advanced up the steps and entered the house. He didn’t even worry about trekking his muddy boots on the spotless checkerboard tile. He had every right to be here. No one could tell him otherwise.

  Claire guided him down a hall to a different sitting room toward the back of the house. Bernard, Conrad, Damien, Lucy, and Pablo lounged on the couches talking and tapping their computers and phones.

  Bernard shot out of his seat the minute the pair walked in. “There you are! I’ve been worried sick! Why didn’t you come back with Dorian?”

  Claire looked around. “Where is he?”

  “He went home to his parents. Where did you think he was? He had no reason to stick around here.”

  Damien snapped his laptop shut. “We sent word over to Ogru-Kuche as soon as Dorian showed up,” he told Finn. “Victor knows you were in the village with Lincoln.”

  “If you know that much,” Claire returned, “then you know I was in the village with Lincoln, too.”

  “Of course, we knew.” Bernard flung himself back in his seat. “What I can’t figure out is why you wanted to stay out there instead of coming home.”

  She cast a glance at Finn. Finn observed the exchange from an impassive reserve. So Victor and Colonel Weeks knew where he was. That relieved the pressure to report right away.

  Bernard didn’t wait for Claire to explain. He swiveled around to address Finn, too. “My brother Julio wants to invite you over for dinner to thank you for helping Dorian. It won’t be anything fancy—maybe a hundred people.”

  Conrad snorted. “Don’t feel obligated to go. It’s a formality.”

  “It’s not a formality,” Bernard corrected. “It’s a gesture of gratitude.”

  Conrad made a face at Finn. “You don’t want to go. Believe me, you don’t want to be stuck sitting around a table in a tux listening to several dozen octogenarians talk about how things were in their day. Send your regards and your regrets and go out drinking with your buddies. You’ll have a lot more fun.”

  Finn bit back a grin. “Thanks for the tip. I’ll remember that.”

  Bernard waved his hand around the room. “So what are you doing still standing over there? Come on. Sit down.” He slapped the leather cushion next to him. “Come over here, sweetheart. I want to talk to you.”

  Finn held up his hand. “Thanks, but I gotta go. I just stopped by to make sure Claire got home safely. I have to report to Ogru-Kuche, so I’ll….”

  “Forget that,” Bernard snapped. “You’re staying here.”

  Finn’s eyes popped. “I’m what?”

  Bernard gave another expansive gesture around the room. “You’re one of us now. You’re staying here with Claire.”

  Finn whipped around to stare at her, but he couldn’t force his dry throat to make a sound. She turned her crystal blue eyes to him. “Do you want to?”

  He swallowed hard. “I can’t. I’m not one of you. I’m Prometheus Crest and I always will be. I can’t ever be a part of your Crest.”

  “Of course you’re Prometheus Crest,” Damien put in. “No one ever said otherwise.”

  “We need you with us, Finn,” Bernard added. “We need you as our representative to in the negotiations. We’re gonna need a good man to act as go-between, someone who understands the Prometheus Crest. Who knows the Prometheus Crest better than you?”

  Finn opened his mouth and closed it like a fish. He couldn’t get his head to grasp what the hell was going on. “I’m…Excuse me, Sir, but I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  Bernard leaned forward in his seat. He propped his elbows on his knees so he looked up at Finn from below. “It’s simple, Finn. We’re entering negotiations with the Prometheus Crest to form an alliance with them and we need a representative. They have a representative who understands SeamStream in ways none of their other people do. We need the same thing. We need a man of our own on the inside who speaks their language, someone we can trust. I can’t think of anyone better than you.”

  Damien spoke up from one side. “We’ve been sticking to our knitting so long we don’t really understand the other Crests, and frankly, we want to keep it that way.”

  “Using the same representative the Prometheus Crest is using only makes sense,” Pablo chimed in. “It worked out perfectly for everyone, don’t you think?”

  Finn’s gaze shot from one face to the other, but he still had to work hard to comprehend this. They were making him their representative. All at once, he couldn’t stand to look at them. He clapped his eyes shut. “Excuse me, Sir. Please don’t think me rude for saying this, but how can I represent you when I’m already representing them? How can I represent both sides? If I was representing both sides or a member of both sides, wouldn’t that make me an enemy of both sides, too?”

  Bernard hurled himself back. He drooped one meaty arm over the back of the couch and surveyed Finn. “Well, you could never be an enemy to us. You’re one of us. You proved it when you took Dorian to your village to save his life and now you show up here with my daughter. What am I supposed to think?”

  Finn glanced over at Claire again, but she didn’t look all that surprised. Her wide-open countenance invited him to accept the offer. Why shouldn’t he? When he checked the others, he beheld the same uninhibited welcome in their gazes. Even Lucy looked up at him waiting for his answer. She didn’t hold herself at a distance. She returned his gaze with the clear, unrestricted acceptance he received from everyone when he first walked into their office building.

  Bernard straightened up and slapped his thighs. “Well, you two have had a crazy week. You go upstairs and change your clothes and get some sleep. We’ll meet back at the office tomorrow and hammer out all the details with Victor and Colonel Weeks.”

  Claire’s slender hand slipped into Finn’s grasp. In a daze, he let her draw him toward the stairs. He floated a foot off the ground to the same corridor she showed him the first time he came to this house.

  He blinked and found himself in the room overlooking the western gardens. Central City was right over there beyond the trees, close enough to touch. He scanned the exquisite furnishings, but he couldn’t see anything, not really. “Is this…is this your room?”

  She sidled up behind him and glided those arms around him the way she did before. “No. It’s yours.”

  Her immaculate lips grazed his neck and that electric sensation jolted to his crotch. A heavy stone dropped into his stomach and strained around his nuts. His room? He had a room in this house?

  He couldn’t think about that with her holding him from behind like this. He could only descend to the impossible depths of her heart where she waited for him. Her breasts collapsed against his shoulder blades. Her golden head rested on his arm and her hot breath seeped through his shirt.

  She was alive and warm and sweet and responsive behind him. If he turned around and kissed her, she would whine in naked lust. She would seethe in his arms and ripple her luscious form against his hardness. If he pulled up her shirt and took her beautiful pink nipple in his teeth, she would squirm and moan and bleat. She would rub his head crushing him into her softness. She would breathe into his hair and her milky thighs would part to let his blackness penetrate between her white legs.

  He knew all that, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He wanted to savor this moment and the agonized bliss of her embrace. She made him unbearably happy so he couldn’t break away. He didn’t want to do anything to shatter this feeling, not even if it meant taking her and owning her and filling her with himself.

  He swayed on his heels swimming in the drunken rapture of feeling her right there, right next to him. She breathed against his back pressing herself into him. She quivered with barely suppressed passion. The tiny hairs along her forearms crackled with it. Her very breath shuddered on the ragged edge of eruption.

  Before he could stop her, she ducked under his arm and burrowed around to his front. She didn’t release her hold on him, but now he cou
ldn’t ignore her rubbing her glorious body against his chest and stomach and crotch.

  Her mouth closed over his and he submerged into the maelstrom of drowning insanity that was her. Her tongue curled into his mouth and sucked him to his destruction. Rockets blasted in his brain and her heat burned a fiery path to his nuts.

  His cock swelled against his fly until it hurt. She slipped her knee between his thighs and rubbed her honeyed pussy against his leg while she devoured his mouth. She held nothing back. She let her aching desire burst forth so he had no choice but to answer.

  He plunged into the dark waters of her craven ecstasy. He didn’t fight it. He let her envelop him. She nudged him harder and he didn’t try to stop her. She would take him to completion. She would fulfill him with no reservations. She wouldn’t leave him to twist in the wind. He never had to worry about her betraying or manipulating him against his own interests.

  He wasn’t here as her toy or an attachment to her. He was her counterpart. Everyone in the Novak clan knew that as well as he did. He was here as the Prometheus Crest’s representative, but he was also her partner, her complement, her match. No one questioned that, not even himself.

  She tore off his mouth and backed away. Her fuming sapphire eyes held him in their sway. She pulled him toward the bed and scooted back on it while he crawled over her on hands and knees. That smoky hot glare set his blood boiling. His manhood strained to get inside that delicious tight pussy of hers where he belonged.

  She leaned back on her elbows hugging her legs around his waist. She hauled him down between her thighs. His cock pulsed in agony grinding into her crotch. She attacked his belt yanking the leather to set him free.

  He reveled in kissing her while she ripped his pants open. She ducked her little hand inside before she got them down. She found the slab of meat buzzing to get at her. Her cool slender fingers closed around it and impossible sensual delight flooded through him.


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