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Releasing Keanu

Page 21

by Davis, Siobhan

  I examine the ring on my finger in closer detail, marveling at the little amber flecks underneath the green stone. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I already love it. I cup Keanu’s face. “I don’t need a big, expensive diamond. I love this ring. Even more so because you chose it for me.”

  “A queen deserves an engagement ring fit for a queen, and you’re my queen, Selena. I’m buying you a new ring.” He pins me with a determined look. “We can get a replica of this ring if you like it that much, but you’re getting another one.”

  “How did you even manage to get this?” We haven’t spent much time apart since we got here, so he must’ve been sneaky.

  “Remember that morning last week I said I had to help Kev with something?” I nod. “We went ring shopping. He helped me choose it.”

  “You both have great taste. It’s stunning.”

  “That settles it. We’ll get a replica of this one,” he says with finality, holding my hand and running his finger over the top of the ring.

  I could argue, but Keanu can be stubborn when he fixates on something. And I’m too Goddamn happy right now to risk anything bursting my bubble. I shrug, smiling. “Whatever you want.”

  A radiant smile graces his gorgeous mouth, and I can’t believe this beautiful, thoughtful, selfless man is going to be my husband.

  He rests his hands on my waist, and we’re grinning at one another like idiots, but I couldn’t care less. “I was thinking we could get married here,” he says. “As soon as we can arrange it, and then, we can plan another wedding back home, whenever we feel the time is right.”

  I circle my arms around his neck. “I love that idea. But what about your family? Will they be mad?” Keven obviously knows, and I’m betting he told Cheryl Keanu was planning to propose. It’s only natural they’ll be in attendance. But will the rest of his family be pissed? What about Keaton and Kent? I don’t want to cause problems for him.

  “Nah.” He shakes his head. “They’ll be happy for us. And Mom’ll be cool once we let her design your dress and help us with the planning of the Boston wedding.” He runs his hand up and down my back. “What about your mom? If you want her here, I’ll make it happen.”

  “I would love her to be here, but it’s not going to work. She won’t be able to get time off from her job on short notice, and if that monster is watching the house, it’s too risky. He could track her to here.”

  Keanu scrutinizes my face. “I’m desperate to make you my wife, but we can wait if—”

  I press my fingers to his lips, shushing him. “I don’t want to wait. I want to marry you as soon as possible. I’ll call Mom and tell her the good news. She’ll understand, and she’ll be happy for me. For us.”

  “You sure?” he asks, tucking my hair behind my ears.

  “Positive.” A squeal of sheer happiness emits from my mouth, and I bounce up and down. “We’re getting married!”

  “Believe it, babe,” Keanu says, grabbing me by the hips and sliding off the bed, swinging me around in his arms. “I can’t wait to call you Mrs. Kennedy.”

  * * *

  It’s amazing what money can do. If you asked me a few days ago if we could pull off even the simplest of weddings in less than a week, I would have told you you were cray-cray. But here I am. A mere five days since Keanu proposed, getting ready to walk down the aisle of the cute little chapel perched on top of the hill in Oia.

  Keanu and Keven arranged everything with the local priest. Luckily, early November isn’t a popular time for weddings, so we didn’t have to worry about securing a date, thanks to the local ruling that only permits a small number of weddings per day.

  The guys also bought our wedding rings, and they reserved a table at the best restaurant in town for after the small ceremony. Dan Evans, the Kennedy family lawyer, organized all the paperwork, using his contacts in the US to pull it off in record time.

  Cheryl came shopping with me, so we could both pick dresses. Luckily, the guys already had pants and dress shirts to wear. The local flower shop provided simple bouquets of white and pink bougainvillea, wrapped in ribbons. Cheryl has her camera, and Paul is going to record the ceremony on his iPhone so we can send it to our families afterward.

  With the exception of the crew we have here, only Kent, Keaton, and my mom know about today. Mom was ecstatic as I knew she would be. She already loves Keanu like a son. While I know she wishes she could be here, she didn’t want us holding back on her account. She made me promise to send her pictures and the video.

  Keanu had to tell Kent and Keaton. They’re triplets. And it wouldn’t have been right not to tell them.

  It also wouldn’t have been right for Keanu to get married without them by his side. Which is why, with Keven’s help, I arranged for them to be here as a surprise. The look on Keanu’s face yesterday when he opened the door to Kent and Keaton was priceless, and I’m so glad I went behind his back to do it.

  In order to hide their travel plans, we had them fly from Boston to London and from London to mainland Greece. Then, they were transported here between cars and boats. Neither of them complained, understanding the need for subterfuge, and I can tell they’re as happy to be a part of this as Keanu is to have them here.

  “Any cold feet?” Cheryl asks as we stand outside the wooden door to the chapel.

  “Definitely not.” I smooth a hand down the front of my plain white dress. We found it in a small bridal boutique in Fira, Santorini’s capital city. It’s a simple design, but it’s exactly my taste, and I knew this was perfect the second I spotted it on the rack.

  It’s a halter-style dress that flares out at the waist, and it’s cut out at the back, showcasing some skin. The only embellishment is a silk sash that ties around my middle that’s held together at the front with a small gold, patterned metallic strip. Strappy gold sandals, with a low heel, complete the look. We found a white chenille wrap in another store, which I’ll use after the ceremony. Although it’s still warm for November, it tends to get a little chilly in the evenings and at night.

  “You look stunning, Selena. Keanu is a lucky man.”

  “You look stunning too,” I truthfully admit. Cheryl choose a light-green silk dress that hugs her gorgeous curves. It dips low in the front, and it’s cinched at the waist. The material is delicate, and it sways with her body as she moves.

  “Thank you for helping with my hair and makeup.”

  I’ve also kept that simple, and my hair is styled in soft waves cascading down my back. Cheryl did my eye makeup with rich golds and browns and lashings of black mascara which make my lashes appear longer and fuller. The light-pink blush on my cheeks matches the delicate pink gloss on my lips.

  “It was my pleasure.” She gives me a careful hug. “Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day,” she adds, fanning her face as tears prick her eyes. “I think what you are doing is beautiful.”

  I squeeze her hand. “Thank you.” I draw a brave breath as butterflies flutter in my chest.

  “Ready to get this show on the road?” she asks.

  We’ve broken with tradition, and no one is giving me away today. I’m walking up that aisle by myself, with Cheryl at my rear, because I’m the one giving myself to Keanu today of my own free will, and nothing feels more empowering.

  I nod, letting a natural smile break free. “Let’s do this. I don’t want to make my man wait a second longer.”

  Cheryl opens the door, stepping aside so I can enter first.

  Traditional Greek music accompanies us up the short aisle, performed by a guy on a guitar and a woman with a sweet, lyrical voice. The six bodyguards turn around in their seats, in the second row, smiling as we approach. Paul is holding up his iPhone, capturing every moment, just like he promised.

  Keanu waits in front of the marble altar with Keven, Kent, and Keaton by his side. The celebrant stands on the altar, book in hand, smiling warmly as we make our approach.

  My husband-to-be is wearing a crisp white long-sleeved b
utton-down shirt and khaki pants. But it’s the awestruck expression on his face and the naked emotion in his eyes that draw my attention. My eyes remain locked on his as we walk.

  Keven leans in, kissing me on the cheek as Cheryl takes my bouquet, and they both take seats in the first pew. Keaton and Kent kiss me on the cheek next, smiling warmly as they claim seats beside Cheryl.

  The whole time, my eyes haven’t strayed from my groom.

  “You take my breath away,” Keanu says, clasping my hands and drawing me in close to his body.

  “I love you,” I say, my voice thick with emotion, my eyes brimming with tears of joy.

  “Love you too.”

  We face one another and hold hands throughout the ceremony. The priest speaks in Greek, and I don’t have a clue what he’s saying, but it’s okay, because I doubt I’d hear the words even if they were spoken in English. I can’t take my eyes off my groom, and my heart is fit to burst.

  When it comes to the vows, the celebrant speaks in broken English, and it’s so unique and romantic. The others chuckle under their breath, and we smile. I know I will cherish this moment for the rest of my life. We repeat our vows, and my hands tremble as I slide the platinum wedding band on Keanu’s finger. His eyes shine with love as he slides a matching wedding band on mine.

  Our lips collide in a passionate kiss when the celebrant pronounces us man and wife, and I cling to my husband, my heart overflowing with emotion.

  After the ceremony concludes, Cheryl takes a ton of photos, and then, we make the short journey to the restaurant, accompanied by our bodyguards.

  The guys reserved a gorgeous private alcove which overlooks the sea. A couple bottles of champagne are already chilling on the table, and Keven pours six glasses as the security team takes positions at a table next to us. As they are on duty, they are all sticking to water, but they’ll share the same meal we’re having.

  Keanu picks up a card from the table as he wraps his arm around me.

  Kent hands me a glass of champagne. “Thanks.” I graciously accept it from my new brother-in-law. I don’t usually drink, but I’ve let down my guard a little here. Firstly, it’s legal, and secondly, Keanu is here to make sure I’m safe and that nothing happens to me. So, I feel comfortable relaxing. Although I haven’t gone overboard, sipping one glass of sangria at night. This is my first time tasting champagne, and the crisp, amber-colored bubbly glides effortlessly down my throat. “Oh, wow, this is yummy.”

  “It’s from Ray, Paul, and the other bodyguards,” Keanu says, passing me the card.

  I read their kind words with a lump in my throat. “That’s so sweet.”

  We smile and raise our glasses at the guys.

  “This is from the four of us,” Keats says, gesturing at Kent, Keven, and Cheryl, as a waiter brings a small two-tier wedding cake to the table. It’s covered in white icing with a pink bow around the base of the top layer. An edible rendering of a man and woman embracing rests on top of it. I hope it tastes as yummy as it looks.

  “It’s just a token gift,” Kent explains. “We’ll give you your main present when we get back to the US.” Kent, Keven, and Keats exchange a conspiratorial smile, and I wonder what they are planning.

  “Thank you so much.” I hug all of them, and Keanu slaps the guys on the back and kisses Cheryl on the cheek.

  “These are from your mom,” Cheryl says, handing me a massive bouquet of blue, pink, and purple flowers.

  I bury my nose in the delicate, fragrant scent, inhaling deeply.

  “I need to call her,” I say, but Keanu is already handing me his cell. I press my lips to his. “Love you, husband.”

  “Love you, wife,” he says, hauling me against his warm body. His hands land on my waist as he lowers his mouth to mine. He deepens the kiss while his brothers and the table of bodyguards whoop, holler, and break out in a round of applause.

  We separate eventually, and my husband laughs at my fire-engine-red cheeks. I swat his arm. “Don’t start.”

  We call my mom and Denise in between drinking champagne and eating the delicious food they bring out. Then we FaceTime James and Alex and break the news to them. Their obvious delight is clear to see, and I feel Keanu relax beside me. Despite his protests, he was concerned how his mom would react. But Alex is thrilled for us, and, as expected, she instantly offers to make my wedding gown, and I happily accept. It won’t be a chore. I’ve always loved that woman’s designs.

  Then we call the rest of Keanu’s brothers and my friend Kelly, ensuring everyone knows to keep the news private. We don’t want anything leaking to the press in case that bastard finds out where we are. But I also want to enjoy this time with my husband without any media intrusion.

  “So, how does it feel to be a married woman?” Keaton asks after we’ve polished off the delicious wedding cake.

  “Pretty damn awesome,” I truthfully reply, grinning as I stare at my gorgeous husband. Keanu is deep in conversation with Kent, Keven, and Cheryl, completely oblivious to my ogling.

  “I can see that.” Keaton clinks his glass against mine. “I’m so happy for both of you. I’ve always known you were the one for my brother. He’s only ever had eyes for you.”

  “I never even thought to invite Melissa,” I blurt, suddenly realizing my faux pas. “I’m so sorry. She could have come. If you—”

  “It’s fine.” Keats cuts in, halting my words. “Honestly. She’s at college, and we don’t really see much of each other anymore.”

  “Oh.” I’m not sure what to say to that. I don’t know Keaton all that well, and I’ve never met Melissa. All I know of her is from what Keanu has said. “Do you think—"

  “No.” He shakes his head repeatedly, swallowing a large mouthful of champagne. “We’re definitely not heading down the marriage path,” he says, confirming he knew what I was going to ask.

  “Well, you’re still young. I know we’re young, but when you know, you know. Waiting wouldn’t have made a bit of difference,” I confidently exclaim.

  “I know exactly what you mean,” he cryptically replies.

  * * *

  We stay at the restaurant for hours, laughing, eating, and drinking, and I’m definitely a little tipsy as we make our way back to the villa. But the alcohol takes the edge off my nerves, which are growing in intensity the closer we get to the house.

  Tonight is the night I lose my virginity and consummate my marriage.

  I’m excited and nervous in equal measures.

  “Did you do this?” I ask, gasping as I open our bedroom door. Copious lit candles rim the perimeter of the room, and with the line of rose petals leading from the door to the bed and scattered over the bed covers, it’s the most romantic setting. Another bottle of champagne rests in an ice bucket, alongside two flutes and a bowl of chocolate strawberries, by the bed.

  Keanu reels me into his arms. “You like?”

  “I love it and you.” I hug him tightly, and I never want to let go. “I love you so much, K.” I look up at him, and I know my eyes are eager, my cheeks flushed. “Thank you for today. It was the most incredible day of my life.”

  “Mine too, wife.” He lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me to the bed, gently placing me down on it.

  I clear my throat. “Would it be okay if I got changed in the bathroom?”

  He sits beside me, cupping my cheek. “Of course. Whatever you need.” He leans in, kissing me softly. “Are you still okay with this?”

  I nod. “Yes. I’m just a little nervous.”

  “Me too,” he admits, stroking his thumbs along my cheeks. “But I’m going to take good care of you, Selena. You’re in safe hands.”

  “I always know that.” I kiss him again before standing. “I’ll be back in a few.”

  I dart into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, reaching for the bag I stashed in here earlier. I remove my dress and hang it up on the back of the door. I shimmy my panties down my legs and slip off my sandals. Then, I pull the s
exy lace nightie on, staring at my glowing face in the mirror.

  I inspect my hand, loving the new additions to my ring finger.

  I’m married.

  To the man of my dreams.

  Life doesn’t get much better than this.

  I smile at myself in the mirror, feeling more content and more me than I have in a long time. And that’s all thanks to the amazing man patiently waiting outside to make love to me.

  I quickly remove my makeup, clean my teeth, and take care of business. I spray some perfume on my neck and my wrists, and I give myself one final pep talk. I’m scared, but I know Keanu will make this good for me. And if I’m not enjoying it, I know he’ll stop if I ask.

  But I’m determined to relax and enjoy his touch, because this is the part where my life truly begins.

  And I’m going to embrace it fully.



  My jaw slackens when my wife walks out of the bathroom in this sexy, white lace number that clings to her delicate curves, leaving little to the imagination. Her rosy pink nipples are taut, poking through the flimsy material, causing blood to rush straight to my dick. She leans against the wall, her cheeks flushed, looking nervous as hell.

  “Wow. You look so beautiful and so sexy.” I stand. “I love you, Mrs. Kennedy.”

  “I love you too,” she says, giggling. “And I love hearing that. I can’t wait to change my name.”

  I know lots of women like to keep their own name, and I wouldn’t have held it against Selena if she did, but I was overjoyed when she told me she had every intention of changing her name as soon as possible. I grab the small glass of champagne I poured for her, walking toward her. She’s consumed a couple glasses over the course of the night, and while I think the alcohol will help her to relax, I want her to be fully cognizant and aware of everything we do. I don’t want to make love to my wife for the first time if she’s drunk. “Let’s toast,” I say, handing her the flute while I pick up mine.


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