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I Have to Have Her

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “At least you have a job,” Rhianna said.

  “Hey, don’t be sad. Your brother takes care of you. There are a lot of people who would love to have someone take care of them.”

  “You wouldn’t. It’s why you want to get out of the apartment so fast.”

  “I’m used to taking care of myself. Don’t you worry about me.” She ate her breakfast and afterward, they went shopping. Saving up for an apartment, she only watched as Rhianna shopped, while she gave her opinion on the outfits she wanted.

  As they were leaving a shoe shop, Rhianna smiled. “You’re so not getting away with not buying something.” Rhianna looked up from her cell phone.

  “Come again?”

  “Gabriel has sent me a personal request to buy you and myself each a ball gown. There’s an event this weekend, he wants us both to go.”

  “Both of us?”

  “Yep.” Rhianna frowned. “That’s strange. I normally have to order him around to include you.”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want the hassle.”

  “Or maybe my brother has found the error of his ways and realizes how awesome it is to have you around. You do cook so much, and the food’s amazing.” Rhianna draped her arm across her shoulder. “We need to find you a guy.”

  “I don’t need a guy.”

  “Then you could always date my brother,” Rhianna said.

  “Yeah, right.” It wasn’t like they were actually dating now. They were … having fun. Private fun.

  “Come on, we can fight about this later.”

  For the rest of the day, she was taken from shop to shop, forced to try on over a dozen gowns that were way overpriced. She’d never felt so uncomfortable in her life and she was thankful when Rhianna seemed content with another white gown showing off a great expanse of thigh and chest. Claire was past caring and was more than content to just cook.

  Rhianna left to make the necessary arrangements for their hair and makeup. She got stuck making meatballs with some pasta. The pasta came from the grocery store, and there was no way she was even attempting homemade today.

  Her nerves were shot.

  She was finishing up the sauce when Gabriel wrapped his arms around her waist. “I messaged you,” he said.

  She frowned. “You did?” She pulled the cell phone out of her pocket and groaned. “Sorry.”

  He kissed her temple. “I’ll have to punish you later.” He let her go just as his sister entered the kitchen.

  “You’re back early.”

  “Business is slow.”

  “Please, as if it is ever slow. I remember a time I could go weeks without seeing you. I wonder what changed.”

  “You exaggerate.” Gabriel took a seat at the counter, picking up a carrot stick and taking a bite.

  “Whatever. Anyway, I got her a kick-ass dress. It’s going to help her pick up a man.”

  “I’m standing right here and I’ve told you, I don’t need a man.”

  “For all you know, she might have a man, Rhianna. Someone who doesn’t want to be known, who is quite possessive,” Gabriel said.

  Rhianna laughed. “I know Claire and she wouldn’t be with someone who wants to keep everything private.”

  “I think we should eat now. I’ll serve up at the dinner table.” She carried the sauce to the table, followed by the pasta.

  While she sat on one side of Gabriel, Rhianna sat on the other. She’d hoped the conversation would change topics, but clearly no one who would listen to her, as Rhianna continued about her need for her to be with a man.

  Gabriel wasn’t helping matters as he played along.

  “You think she’ll find someone at this society event?” Gabriel asked.

  “Why are you going?” Claire asked. “How did you get an invite?”

  “I’m a businessman with plenty of … contacts.”

  “And how does this help you?”

  “It’s all business,” Rhianna said. “Stop changing the subject. Yes, she’s gorgeous.”

  “I’m sitting right here.”

  “And what kind of men does she usually go for?” Gabriel asked.

  “The bad ones,” Claire said, glaring at Gabriel. “The kind you don’t take home to a parent or brag about having.”

  “It’s good you don’t have any family then.”

  Gritting her teeth, Rhianna laughed. “Come on, Tony, and what’s-his-name back in high school don’t count. She likes men who are sweet, caring, or at least appear that way. It’s how Tony lasted so long. He must have had a sweet bone in his body to bring back her stuff.”

  “Don’t, Rhianna,” she said.

  “What about her other boyfriends?” Gabriel asked.

  “That’s it. No more. Not even one-night stands. She’s not into those. Claire has always been the one looking for love.”

  She’d heard enough. Pushing her chair back, she left the table without a word. She stormed into the kitchen, scraped her food into a bowl, and left it to cool down before she put it in the fridge. Staring at the dishes, she was tempted to wash them but decided they could do it.

  After going to her room, she picked up the paper where two more apartments had been advertised.

  Claire expected her door to open. She had hoped it would be Rhianna; that would have been nice. However, Gabriel’s shoes came into her line of vision.

  “Say what you’ve got to say and then leave.”

  “This is my place. This is my room.”

  She dropped the paper. “I’m trying to find another place to stay.”

  “And it’s going badly for you.”

  “How do you even know that?” She glanced at the paper then back at him. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re the reason I’m struggling.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t lie.” She growled and stood up, pacing the room and stopping in front of him. “Why?”

  “You’ve only been with two men.”



  “You answer my question. Why have you stopped me from finding a place? You didn’t want me to be here and now you’re stopping me, why? What the hell, Gabriel?” she asked.

  He stepped closer to her. “You know why I’m not letting you go and now it’s time for you to answer my question.”

  She stood her ground this time, not allowing him to scare her off. “What does it matter?”

  “Two men.”

  “And both of them were assholes. Like I said, I have the worst taste in men.” She went to pass him but he gripped her arm, stopping her. “Don’t think too much into it. I wasn’t a virgin when I entered into this thing with you.”

  “You were a woman who hadn’t been shown what could be,” he said.

  She lifted her head to look him in the eye. His eyes were dark, sinful. She loved to drown in them. Whenever they were alone, being in his arms, his cock inside her, she forgot everything and just allowed him to dominate, to take over, to flood her world, and she loved every minute. There was nothing he did that she hated.

  Even now as he grabbed her, controlled her, she enjoyed it. She didn’t know how it had happened, but she’d gotten Gabriel’s attention. Part of her was afraid of what that meant exactly, but another didn’t care. She liked the edge of not knowing, the surprise.

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back. His gaze was on her lips. “You’re not going to be with anyone else but me.”

  “I know.”

  “Good. Remember that when you’re at the party with me. You’ll be on my arm. No other man will know who you belong to, but I will know. At the end of the night, Rhianna will be taken home, and you, you’re going to come with me.”

  Chapter Seven

  Claire looked stunning. There was no other word for it. She lit up the entire room. Gabriel couldn’t look away.

  “Tell me again why all the press are here?” Rhianna asked.

  “It’s an event with a lot of political and business people. If they weren’
t here, it would be a problem.”

  “Tell me why you’re so important.”

  “I’m a businessman, Rhianna. Play nice. I don’t want to have to send you home looking all miserable because you couldn’t do as you’re told.”

  His sister proceeded to stick her tongue out and then walk off as if she owned the place. No matter how much he tried to keep her reserved, she seemed content to simply do her own thing. “You haven’t spoken since we got here,” he said, looking at the gorgeous woman on his arm.

  He was going to have to kill his sister. The dress, well, any man within a mile of his woman was going to be drooling. Maybe he should convince his sister to do something in regard to fashion? It was a possibility, and then he wouldn’t have to worry or deal with her being in his life every second of every day.

  “I don’t have a lot to say,” she said.

  Her hands were clenched at her sides. She looked nervous. Taking her hand, he threaded it around his arm with a smile. “Don’t be nervous. They can always tell if you’re nervous.”

  “I really shouldn’t be here, Gabriel.”

  “You’re here to make me look good.”

  “I’m going to make a fool of myself.”

  “You’re not. I won’t leave you alone. How about that? I’ll keep you at my side all night?”

  She nibbled on her lip, still seeming nervous. He squeezed her hand.

  “No, it’s fine. I can handle this.”

  Gabriel moved her to an alcove. Placing one hand above her head, he cupped her thigh. “You don’t have to handle anything while I’m around,” he said. “I’ll take care of you.” He slid his hand beneath the fabric of her skirt and wished they were back at his place. There was no way in hell he was going to analyze why he considered it their place. It was his place. She was merely his plaything.

  She tilted her head back and he stared at her full lips. They’d look so good wrapped around his dick. With the way he held her, he couldn’t touch her face, and with their audience, there sure as fuck was no way to push her to her knees. Later tonight though.

  “Gabriel, I can’t rely on you. Our time is running out.” She pressed her body against his. “And right now, you need to back up before someone thinks something that’s not the case.” She moved away from him.

  Her shoulders were square and she looked tense. Out in the room, she had an air of authority, confidence. She was faking it for all of them. This wasn’t her domain but like a true survivor, she wasn’t going to show any weakness.

  He just wanted to take her to the nearest room and fuck her until she screamed his name. As a waitress passed, he took a glass of champagne. The woman stopped, giving him the eye that told him he’d be in for a good time with her, but he wasn’t interested. The only woman he wanted had taken her own glass and stood in the center of the room, watching, listening, and looking stunning.

  Rather than invade her air of confidence, he kept her in his sights. It wasn’t long before he was approached by a budding politician. So far, the man in front of him had only made his political intentions in private but if he was willing to fund him, he’d make sure his life would run smoothly for any business venture he needed. Gabriel had dealt with a lot of men who wanted his money. It was all with an agenda and the only way he parted with cash was to make his life easier.

  Greed was easier to deal with.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone he didn’t recognize approach Claire. Rhianna had also joined her. He gritted his teeth as the man placed a hand at the base of Claire’s back and walked her onto the dance floor.

  That was his back, on his woman, and no one should be touching her but him. Another man danced with his sister. Finishing off his champagne, he left the conversation going on around him midway through. He wasn’t interested in whatever they had to say. The man with Claire had his hand way too close to her ass and if he wasn’t careful, he was about to commit murder. No one touched his woman.

  “Leave,” he said, wrapping his arm around Claire’s waist and glaring at the man.

  “Let the lady decide who she wants to dance with,” the fucker said.

  “Let me make one thing clear for you, this will not end well. You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

  Claire tensed in his arms. She let go of the man and spun in his arms. “It’s fine. I’ll dance with you.”

  He continued to glare at the man behind her.

  “You don’t have to put up with this shit.”

  Claire glanced back and smiled. “It’s fine.”

  “She belongs to me.” Rhianna was far enough away not to hear. He hoped the bastard argued with him, made a move, did anything that would make him have to retaliate, but he didn’t. He simply stepped back and left, which annoyed him.

  “Did you have to do that?” she asked.

  “You’re mine.”

  “We were dancing.”

  “His hand was way too close to your ass.”

  She let her hands go. “He was being a gentleman, and he didn’t touch my ass. I told him I wasn’t comfortable with his hand on my bare back, so he was being polite. Ugh, I’m just a fuck to you anyway, I don’t know why it matters.” She stepped away from him.

  He counted to three then followed her. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her down the hall and found a closet.

  After slamming the door closed, he gripped the back of her neck and drew her close. He possessed her mouth, ravishing her lips. She moaned his name but he didn’t want to hear anything else. Once he’d plunged his tongue inside, he spun her around, splaying her hands flat against the door.

  “Anyone could come.”

  “I don’t care. I think you need a reminder.” He tore her panties; they were useless anyway. Then he opened his zipper and pulled out his already hardening cock.

  Claire was wet as he ran the tip up and down her slit. He heard her cry and smirked. “You know who you belong to. Who will give you what you want?”

  “Shut up, Gabriel.”

  “That’s right. It’s me, all me.” With the tip at her entrance, he slammed in balls deep, not letting her get accustomed to the width of him. He made her take it all. Pulling out, he slammed back inside, gritting his teeth as he did. Her tight cunt pulsed around him. He grabbed her hips, thrusting hard and deep, not holding back. Their pants filled the room, and when he couldn’t take it anymore, he came, filling her with his cum.

  This wasn’t nice or sweet. This was a hard fucking, reminding her who she belonged to.

  He pulled out of her and pressed her back against the door.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He covered her pussy with his hand, sliding two fingers through her wet slit. He rubbed back and forth. “Now I get to watch you come.” He moved down, filling her with three fingers, pumping inside her, feeling his cum spill out of her.


  “That’s my cum inside you. You belong to me. The only man to touch you is me. No one else gets a chance to feel how good you are. How tight this cunt is. They don’t get to hear the sounds you make.” He rubbed his palm against her before drawing his fingers up and working her clit. She moaned. “That’s right. Give me your cum.” He kissed her lips, biting into her bottom lip.

  Another whimper.

  “You’re so close.” He pushed her dress aside and her tit spilled out. He suckled the hard bud into his mouth, biting down to make her cry out. She arched up and he watched as she came.

  This woman belonged to him. He didn’t share and when it came to Claire, there was no way he was going to allow another man, polite or not, to touch her.

  She was his. Every single part of her.

  He didn’t let her stop at the first orgasm. Even as she gripped his arm, he wasn’t done. He pushed her to a second one, and this time, he swallowed her cries. Cupping her neck, he kissed her hard.

  “You ruined my dress,” she said.

  “It’s time for us to go.”


>   “I’ll get a message to her.”

  “She’s your sister.”

  “And she knows the drill.” He grabbed her hand and they left. He messaged his driver to meet them around the back. After he removed his jacket, he flung it over her shoulders, hiding his handiwork. He was nowhere near done with her, not even close.


  “How long have we been friends?” Rhianna asked.

  Claire frowned. “A lifetime and two, possibly more.”

  “I know, it has been so long, hasn’t it?”

  “Is there a point to this?” Claire sipped at her coffee, glancing around the shop.

  “I was just wondering when you were going to tell me the truth about you fucking my brother.”

  Claire choked on her drink. Grabbing a napkin, she started to press it against her face, trying to clear the mess she’d made.

  Rhianna chuckled. “I guess I shocked you with my question.”

  “I, er, I…” Should she lie? Tell the truth? Staring at her friend, she couldn’t bear the idea of hurting her.

  “Don’t lie and don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. I see the way he looks at you.”

  “Are you mad?” she asked.

  “I’m surprised, but I’m not blind. I see the way you two are with each other. When you enter a room, it’s all Gabe looks at. I think he’s in love with you.”

  Claire burst out laughing. It was just so ludicrous. She started to gain the attention of a couple of customers. Covering her lips, she tried to contain her laughter.

  “I’m not joking,” Rhianna said.

  “I’m sorry but it’s not going to happen. Me and your brother. It’s not … no, not even a little. I promise. He’s not in love with me.” She sipped at her coffee. “How did you find out?”

  “Like it was hard to see?” Rhianna rolled her eyes. “It was my brother. When he didn’t think I was looking, he’d touch you and watch you. It was like the moment you were near him, he gravitated toward you. At first, I thought it was just me seeing things, then he confirmed it the other night with that guy who was dancing with you. I’ve never seen him lose it like that. Not in a public setting with prying eyes. He doesn’t claim any woman.”


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