Faith's Crossing

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Faith's Crossing Page 1

by Carrie Carr

  Faith’s Crossing

  Copyright © 2003 by Carrie Carr


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Other books in the


  Other Carrie Carr titles

  Other Yellow Rose titles you might enjoy:


  Faith’s Crossing


  Carrie Carr

  Copyright © 2003 by Carrie Carr

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The characters, incidents and dialogue herein are fictional and any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  ISBN 1-932300-12-0 (eBooks)

  eBook Conversion February 2010

  *This story was initially published, along with the story Destiny’s Bridge, under the title Destiny’s Crossing. Some parts have been changed from the original version.

  Cover design by Donna Pawlowski

  Published by: Regal Crest Enterprises, LLC 4700 Hwy 365, Ste A, PMB 210 Port Arthur, Texas 77642

  Find us on the World Wide Web at

  Published in the United States of America


  So many people have helped me with this book, and I hope they all know how grateful I am. I would like to thank a few of them personally, though. My editor, Day, whose hard work has been invaluable, as well as fun and educational. The talented Lori L. Lake, and her selfless acts of teaching me new writing skills every day, while still creating her own wonderful novels. Cathy, whose patience and understanding allowed me to hone my craft, while also allowing me to live my dream. And my wonderful AJ, who also gave up long nights and weekends while I edited and rewrote so much of this book. Thank you all.

  This book is dedicated to:

  My parents, because without their example of love, I'd never be able to write about it.

  My brother, who no matter what, has always stood beside me, lending his love and support. Be loved and be happy, K.

  And, of course, my AJ. The woman who I get to spend the rest of my life loving, and being loved by. I will gladly marry you again and again, sweetheart. Forever and always.


  Faith’s Crossing


  Carrie Carr

  Chapter One

  LEXINGTON WALTERS WOKE at her usual time—before the sun had the opportunity to rise. Groaning at the early hour, she used her right hand to rub her weary eyes, while she mentally debated with her more practical side that told her to get out of bed. Just when she had decided to listen to that annoying little internal voice, she felt the body draped across hers snuggle closer. Lex sighed. Not like I have a good reason to leave this. Her lips turned upward into a small smile. Not like I’d leave this even if I did have a good reason.

  The blades of the ceiling fan rotated at a leisurely pace, sending just enough of a breeze to cause the window's lace curtains to billow gently. The same soft breeze caused a slight chill to the woman stirring in Lex’s arms. Lex lovingly caressed her partner, easing her awake. “Morning,” a sleep-roughened voice grumbled, before soft lips kissed Lex’s throat. “I’ve got to figure out a way to make you sleep in until at least sunrise, just once.”

  Lex worked her hand under the soft material of her lover’s sleep shirt, gently scratching Amanda’s back. “I dunno if you can, but it will certainly be fun watching you try.”

  Amanda eased up the relaxed body until their faces were inches apart. “You’re on.” She dropped her head slightly and brushed her lips against Lex’s. When she felt strong hands run underneath her shirt, along her spine, Amanda deepened the kiss, and the body under hers trembled. “Mmm. Cold?” She loved the way her lover responded to her touch, just as she responded to Lex’s in much the same way.

  “N…n…no…not…at all,” Lex stammered, unable to control her voice when she felt Amanda’s hands exploring under her shirt—hands that had already come to know the right places to touch, leaving behind an almost electrical charge. “Amanda,” she cleared her throat, “we shouldn’t.” But her body happily rebelled by arching upward. “Your, ah, grandparents.” She lost the battle as a gentle touch traced down her stomach, closely followed by insistent bites and small licks. “They might…oh, God.”

  “Shhh. It’s okay, sweetheart. They’re at the other end of the hall, and won’t be up for hours.” Amanda slowly worked the shirt up Lex’s quivering body. “Besides, the risk of getting caught is half the fun.” Then she stopped talking, having found something much more enjoyable to do with her mouth.

  CONTENT, LEX FOLLOWED Amanda down the stairway a couple of hours later. It had taken all of her considerable willpower not to climb into the shower with Amanda after their predawn activities, especially after her lover went into great detail as to what she would be missing. She is such a little tease. She was unable to take her eyes off the gently swaying hips in front of her. So engrossed in her perusal, Lex didn’t realize when Amanda stopped, and she had to grab the railing to keep them both from falling when she bumped into the lithe form.

  Amanda turned around to peer into her lover’s eyes. “Hey, there. Everything okay?”

  The question brought Lex back to reality, making her a little embarrassed that she had been caught daydreaming. “Yeah, sure.” Her brows creased into a questioning gaze when Amanda put her hands on her shoulders and directed her to stand on the step below her on the landing midway down the staircase. “What?”

  With a mischievous smile, Amanda leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Lex’s neck. “Much better.” She looked directly into her partner’s eyes before she captured Lex’s lips for a sweet moment.


  Breaking off the kiss reluctantly, Lex slowly turned around to find the source of the interruption. “Busted.”

  At the bottom of the stairs stood a cheerful Anna Leigh. “Good morning, you two.” Seeing her granddaughter wrap her arms around Lex did her heart good. She couldn’t remember ever seeing Amanda so happy. “I trust you both slept well.”

  Amanda propped her chin on the shoulder in front of her. “Oh, yeah. Like a baby.” She tugged Lex closer. “But, then again, I had a pretty good nap on the sofa last night.”

  Lex leaned back into the embrace and entwined her hands with those splayed across her torso. “Well, you looked so peaceful that I didn’t have the heart to disturb you.”

  “Yeah, but you could have made me get up, instead of carrying me up the stairs.

  Knowing the good-natured argument could go on forever, Anna Leigh waved to the couple. “Come on. I was just on my way up to tell you breakfast is ready.”

  “Mmm. I was hoping that’s what the great smell was.”

  Lex began her descent again, but was bypassed by Amanda, who skipped down the stairs as she said, “Great! I’m starving.”

  Anna Leigh laughed as Amanda darted past her, and headed for the kitchen table. Then she quipped, “You'd better hurry, too, Lexington. No one cooks a better breakfast than my Jacob, and we Cauble women are known for wielding a mean fork!”

  Lex and Anna Leigh entered the kitchen laughing, causing Jacob to turn around at
the counter from where he was pouring a cup of coffee. “Good morning, ladies.” He pulled two more mugs from the cabinet. “Coffee?” Hearing affirmative answers, he filled the cups, then turned back toward the women and set the mugs on the table.

  “Good morning, Grandpa Jake.” Amanda slipped her arms around his waist, squeezing tight. Snuggling her face into his chest, she released a heavy sigh. “I’ve really missed this.” Closer to him than even her own father, Amanda needed the physical assurance that Jacob was really recovered from the automobile accident that had almost taken him from the family months prior.

  Jacob enveloped her in his arms, returning the hug and kissing the head beneath his chin. “Me, too. Did you sleep well?” He looked to Lex and Anna Leigh. “Have a seat, ladies. Breakfast is ready.” With a final hug and kiss to his granddaughter, Jacob turned back to the stove. “Wanna help, Peanut?”

  Lex gazed at Anna Leigh, wondering if she should offer to help with the final preparations. Even though she wasn’t very good at it, she felt bad just standing there while Jacob did all the work.

  Anna Leigh shook her head. “Better do as he says. Sit down, or he’ll never serve us.” She pointed at a chair opposite her and watched as Lex sat down gingerly.

  While she and Lex seated themselves at the table, Jacob and Amanda brought over platters of food. Fluffy eggs filled with vegetables covered one plate, while crisp strips of bacon and sizzling sausage links were on another. Before sitting down, Amanda topped off Lex’s steaming cup of coffee and gave her shoulder a tender squeeze. “Here you go. I hope you’re hungry. Grandpa makes the best omelets I’ve ever tasted.” She winked at Jacob as he sat down next to his wife.

  They spent the majority of the meal talking of the events occurring over the past week at the ranch, with both of the elder Caubles expressing their shock and concern. While driving over Lex’s bridge during a storm, Amanda’s car had been tossed into the swollen creek, and Lex dived in to save her. Then, a few days later, while they were riding on horseback in the remote sections of Lex’s property, they came upon a group of cattle thieves. The men started after them, and only after a frightening chase did Lex and Amanda get away from them.

  “…and then, after we get back to the house, Martha and I discover that tough-stuff over there,” Amanda pointed at Lex with her fork, “got shot sometime during all that running and never said a word to either one of us.”

  Lex set her coffee mug down on the table. “You’re telling it all out of proportion.” She gave Jacob a pleading look, hoping he’d understand and intervene on her behalf. He looked calmer than the Cauble women, whose faces had both paled as the story progressed. “I really didn’t notice anything until later. It barely grazed me.”

  Amanda gave her companion a dirty look. “Yeah, right. A scratch that even now, several days later, still bleeds. Which is why we’re going to see Doctor Anderson right after breakfast, right?”

  Rolling her eyes, Lex let out a heavy sigh. “Amanda.”

  Anna Leigh looked across the table at Lex. “Is that true? Lexington, you run the risk of infection with a wound like that, if it’s not infected already.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her, but she’s just so darn stubborn.” Sensing another ally in her ongoing battle with Lex, Amanda added, “She wouldn’t even let me change the dressing on it this morning.”

  Lex gave one more pleading look to Jacob, who simply shrugged his shoulders as if to tell her she might as well give up right now. When he didn’t come to her defense, Lex tried to change the subject. “Mr…ah, Jacob, do you know of a good detail shop around here?”

  “Sure, Lex. Shuman’s on Fourth does excellent work. Why?” Jacob had finished his breakfast and was leaning back in his seat, one arm casually draped across the back of his wife’s chair.

  Amanda pushed her chair back and stood up. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t see the driveway from here. Since everyone’s finished eating, why don’t we go out front, and we’ll show you.” She took Lex’s hand, helped her from her seat, and led the group through the house.

  Also hand in hand, Jacob and Anna Leigh followed the younger couple outside, stopping in shock when they saw the Mustang sitting in the driveway, muddy, but whole. “Oh, my.” Anna Leigh placed her free hand over her heart. “How—”

  Jacob turned to look at his granddaughter. “But I thought you said it was lost?”

  “Lex pulled it out of the creek and then got it running again. She gave it to me the night all the excitement happened.” The “excitement,” that Amanda alluded to so calmly occurred when the cattle thieves broke into the ranch house because the leader wanted to settle the score with Lex. The rancher had disabled their getaway vehicle, and he wanted retribution. Amanda wrapped an arm around her embarrassed friend. “Excitement” was a mild word compared to what really happened. Lex, alone on the main floor of the darkened ranch house and armed with only a frying pan, took on half of the cattle thieves after they had shut off the electricity and broken in. With Amanda and Martha hiding in the basement, she disarmed one of the men and narrowly missed being shot by another, as well as by a good-intentioned deputy. That was more excitement than Amanda cared for.

  “Didn’t do that much, really. Just let the car dry out,” Lex mumbled, not at all enjoying the attention that was focused on her.

  Jacob came up on her other side and gave her a hug. “Uhhuh. And just how did you get the car out of the creek? Whistled, and it followed?” He enjoyed the look on both young women’s faces—Lex’s, which was one of pure embarrassment, and Amanda’s, who looked as if the idea had never crossed her mind.

  “He’s right.” Amanda looked up at her lover, who wouldn’t meet her gaze. “The car was on the far side of the creek. How did—” What Lex must have done to retrieve her car dawned upon her. “You didn’t?” Although she didn’t say a word, when Lex closed her eyes, Amanda knew exactly what she had done. “You went back into that cold, heavily running stream with bruised ribs? Are you nuts?”

  Jacob limped to where his wife stood, quietly watching Amanda take Lex to task. He whispered, “I think we should go in and take care of the breakfast dishes, don’t you, sweetheart?”

  Anna Leigh nodded, and the two of them went back into the house, leaving their granddaughter and her lover alone.

  Hearing the emotion in Amanda’s voice, Lex opened her eyes to see it matched by the look of concern on her face. “I, um, it’s just that you were so sad about losing that car, and I wanted to do something to cheer you up, especially after the story you told me about how you got it.” She gazed into Amanda’s eyes, which shone with unshed tears. It took her breath away to see not just concern, but also the love Amanda had for her.

  “But, God, Lex. You could have asked me to help you, at the very least.” Amanda felt her control slipping, and then Lex’s callused hands cradled her face gently. “When did you—“

  “The day I went to get the Jeep. I used the winch on it to pull your car out of the water.” She kissed Amanda on the nose. “Piece of cake.”

  Amanda moved her arms up until they were around Lex’s neck. “Yeah, right. And just how did you attach the winch to the Mustang?” She saw Lex trying to think up a good answer.


  “How’d you guess?” Lex felt her head being pulled downward. “Not buying that, huh?” she asked, as she leaned down to meet Amanda halfway. Their lips touched, and to Lex, time ceased to matter. It was as if the sounds around them stopped, and all she could hear was the rapid beating of her own heart. A motorcycle suddenly roared by, reminding her where they were standing, so she slowly broke off the kiss.

  Amanda brought her arms down and placed one around her lover’s waist. “Don’t think for a minute that I’ve been distracted from our little discussion. We’ll finish it later.” She led Lex back inside. “But right now, we’ve got a doctor’s appointment to keep.”

  EVEN THOUGH SHE protested having to go, Lex liked Doctor Anderson. The elde
rly physician had taken care of her assorted injuries and illnesses her entire life, and he was one of the few people she trusted completely. She and Amanda arrived at his office shortly after the doors were unlocked, which made them the only people sitting in the painfully cheerful waiting room. Since Dr. Anderson was a family practitioner, his office had brightly colored scenes adorning every wall. One wall had a circus theme, making the chairs look like they were inside the Big Top, with animals everywhere. Another had a large mural of sporting events, while the last looked like a corral, complete with several horses. Lex chose to sit in the “corral” area, to her companion’s amusement.

  “Always the little cowgirl, huh?” Amanda couldn’t help but tease Lex as she sat down beside her.

  The rancher looked around and smiled sheepishly. “Uh, well actually, I just like looking at the women athletes.” She pointed to the wall across from them.

  Before they could continue their conversation, the interior door next to the receptionist’s window opened, and a small, gray-haired man bent with age stepped into the main room. “Little Lexington Marie! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it, child?” he greeted with a strong voice. “Now get yourself in here, and bring your little friend, too.” He turned and headed down the hallway, gesturing to a door on his left.

  Amanda enjoyed the chagrined expression on her lover’s face as she followed Lex and the doctor. The brightly lit hallway was almost as blinding as being outside, and the white tile floor shone as if no one had ever walked on it.

  Lex stopped at the door and waited for Amanda to enter the room, whispering as Amanda walked by, “Don’t you start.” She knew her lover was getting a little too much enjoyment out of her discomfort, and she hoped that at some point, she’d be able to return the favor.

  “Come in, come in,” the small bespectacled doctor commanded as he took his seat on a small rolling stool. “Close the door behind you. Now get over here and hop up on the examination table, Lexington.” He chuckled when she rolled her eyes. “Don’t give me that look now, or I’ll have to call Martha.”


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