Faith's Crossing

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Faith's Crossing Page 2

by Carrie Carr

  Lex sighed and grimaced slightly as she took her place on the padded table. “It’s probably just a waste of your time, Dr. A., but—”

  Ignoring her protests, he turned to the young woman who stood by the door. “Come over here and sit down, honey.” He cocked his head at her, trying to remember if they’d ever met. “I don’t believe we know each other, do we?” he asked, holding out a wrinkled hand.

  Amanda grasped the offered hand, faintly surprised at the strength in it. “No, I don’t think so. I’m Amanda Cauble.”

  The doctor held her hand in both of his. “Jacob and Anna Leigh’s little Amanda?” Seeing her blush and nod, he laughed. “That’s grand! They speak of you all the time. They are so proud of you, my dear.” He allowed her to sit down, then turned his attention back to his patient. As he checked the clipboard his nurse had left in the room, he asked, “Well, then. What have you gotten yourself into now, Lexie?”

  Amanda grinned at the fatherly way the doctor treated Lex. When Lex furrowed her brow at Amanda, she cleared her throat and pretended to be paying attention to the medical posters on the wall.

  Dr. Anderson laid the paperwork on the stool and adjusted his glasses. “Broken ribs and a gunshot wound?” The doctor held the end of his stethoscope to warm it up a bit. “I’ll bet you really set Martha off with that one!” He waited patiently while Lex unbuttoned her shirt, then he gently placed the listening device to her chest. “Did you make her mad?” He began to palpate the area over Lex’s ribs. “You look like you’ve lost a bit of weight.”

  “No, just been real busy. Martha will fatten me up again in no time.” Lex flinched when he probed the bandage on her side.

  “Hurts, huh?” He shook his head. “Got a nasty scrape here, too.” He poked the muscular side gently. “Why aren’t your ribs wrapped up? It’d probably hurt less, even though they’re just bruised. I’d hate for you to injure them further and risk another punctured lung.”

  Neither of them noticed Amanda’s reaction to the doctor’s question. Her face paled as she considered Lex’s propensity for injuring herself. While she was quickly resolving to do what she could to keep Lex from more pain, the old man pulled the taped bandage from Lex’s side.

  “Ow!” Lex skittered sideways on the table and reached to steady herself against the wall to keep from falling off. “Could you please leave me some skin?”

  Ignoring his patient’s complaints, the elderly doctor finished removing the gauze and let out a low whistle. “That doesn’t look good at all,” he mumbled, shaking his head in dismay.

  Amanda rose from her chair and moved to stand next to him. “What? What’s wrong?” She peered around the doctor, trying to see where he was looking.

  Running a hand down his face, Dr. Anderson pushed Lex onto her back, then helped her raise her legs until she was lying flat on the examining table. “Might as well get comfortable, girl. We’re going to have to open it back up to take care of the infection.” He patted her leg. “Let me go get Laura, because she’s going to have to help me.” He left the room to search for his nurse.

  Amanda took a close look at Lex’s side. She could see that the area around the wound was very swollen, and the skin had an unhealthy red shine to it. The bruising on her chest was fading, only showing mottled yellow and light purple, and the gash she received in the creek was almost completely healed. Lex was lying still with her eyes closed. Not knowing what else to do to soothe her lover, Amanda brushed the dark bangs off her forehead. “Are you in much pain?”

  Lex opened her eyes to meet Amanda’s concerned gaze. “No, that’s what’s so strange. It’s only a slight ache.” She captured the hand running through her hair and brought it to her lips. “Is this where you tell me, ‘I told you so?’” she asked, trying to get a smile from the worried young woman.

  “No, Lex. This is where I say, ‘I wish I wasn’t right’ because I hate seeing you go through this.” Amanda looked at the wound again. “That looks really bad. I can’t believe it’s not hurting you because I hurt just looking at it.”

  Doctor Anderson came back in the room, followed by a young woman about the same age as Lex. “See?” he told the waiting women. “I told you we wouldn’t be long. Laura, this is— ” he was about to introduce Amanda when the small red-haired nurse spoke up.

  “Amanda? How’s your grandfather?” Laura walked over and gave Amanda a hug.

  “He’s doing great, thanks.” Amanda stepped back, but kept one hand on the nurse’s arm. “Grandpa talks about you quite a bit. He says you’re the best nurse he ever had.”

  Laura laughed. “That’s just because I would sneak him a milkshake every now and then.” She glanced at the woman lying on the exam table. “Lex. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Laura gave Amanda’s hand a gentle pat, and then walked closer to look at Lex’s side. “What have you done to yourself this time? Wreck a car? Fall off a horse?”

  Doctor Anderson put on rubber gloves and pulled a rolling tray next to him and Laura. “No, actually something different, this time. Gunshot.” He grinned as his nurse paled slightly.

  “Gunshot? ” Laura looked at the wound. “Dear Lord, Lex, do you thrive on trouble?” She gave the rancher’s shoulder a slight squeeze, then turned to Amanda. “You don’t have to watch. We can come and get you as soon as we’re done.”

  Amanda shook her head. “I’d rather stay for moral support. That is, if I won’t be in the way.” When she saw the look of relief cross Lex’s face, she was glad she made the offer. As tough as Lex tried to be, only Amanda knew how scared she was. Don’t worry, my love. I’m not going anywhere.

  “No, not at all.” Laura pulled on her own gloves and then pointed at a chair by her patient’s head. “You can sit right over there. Maybe with you here, we won’t be subjected to your friend’s bad language.” She almost laughed out loud at the nasty look the woman on the bed was giving her.

  “Hey, it wasn’t my fault. That needle was huge!” Lex countered, glad that Laura was helping her in the effort to distract her worried friend.

  Laura reached over to the rolling cart. “You think that one was big.” She took the protective cap off the syringe she was holding. “I get to give you three of these!”

  The doctor laughed. “Laura, don’t tease my patient.” He gave Lex a friendly pat on the leg. “Now, we’re going to give you a local anesthetic, so try not to kick my nurse, okay?”

  Rolling her eyes, Lex nodded. “Okay. But she could at least pretend not to enjoy it so much. I don’t remember you being this sadistic in school, Laura.”

  “That’s just because you didn’t know me like you do now,” the nurse retorted. “Now sit still, and I’ll see if I feel like being gentle.”

  Chapter Two

  “DO YOU REALLY think that’s such a good idea, Lex? The doctor said you should just lie down and take it easy for the rest of the day.” Amanda was driving because the shots Doc Anderson had given Lex made her drowsy. Amanda sat up straighter, straining to see over the steering wheel. She felt somewhat dwarfed by the large hunter-green customized Dodge pickup, which they had picked up before going to the doctor’s office. Her Mustang was now at the detail shop, only a block or so away from the mechanic where Lex’s vehicle had been in for a tune-up.

  Lex turned her head to look at Amanda, who was sitting with her leg tucked under herself. “My bank is on the same street as the pharmacy, and it won’t take me but a minute to go in.”

  Stopped at a light, Amanda examined her passenger. Lex was unusually pale, and her eyes appeared slightly glazed. “Why don’t you let me take you home, and then I’ll go get your prescription?”

  “I really need to get that paperwork from the bank. When I called Mr. Collins yesterday, I told him I would be in today to meet with him.” Shifting in the seat, she closed her eyes as another wave of dizziness washed over her. Damn shot. I felt better before I went to the stupid doctor.

  Amanda reached across the truck to touch Lex’s arm. “I’m sure he’d u

  “Maybe. But I won’t be able to get any rest until I can look at those papers.” Lex adjusted her arm until she was holding Amanda’s hand. “Please, Amanda. I promise to make it quick.” Seeing her friend begin to waver, she added, “You can come in with me to make sure, okay?”

  Amanda didn’t say anything, but she pulled the truck up to the bank and turned off the engine. “Five minutes, Lex. Then we’re going to pick up your prescriptions, and I’m taking you home and putting you to bed.” Seeing the smirk on Lex’s face, she hurried to amend her remark. “You know what I mean.”

  “What? I didn’t say a word.” After slowly getting out of the vehicle, Lex stopped at the entrance to the bank and held the door open so Amanda could enter before her.

  A short heavyset man in an expensive suit met them just inside the door. “Ms. Walters, what a pleasure to see you again.” He grabbed her hand and began to shake it wildly. “Please, come into my office.” Pausing, he looked at the woman standing next to one of his favorite customers, and it didn’t matter to him what people said about the Walters woman. “Oh, excuse me, miss…?”

  Lex turned and motioned to Amanda. “ Forgive my lack of manners, Mr. Collins. This is a very good friend of mine, Amanda Cauble.” She gestured at the banker. “Amanda, this is Mr. Collins, the president of this fine institution.”

  The introduction brought a blush to the banker’s features. “That is too kind of you to say, Ms. Walters.” He led them to a glassed-in office in the corner of the building and waited for them to step inside. “Please, have a seat.” After Lex and Amanda each took a chair, the slightly balding man closed the door and sat down behind an ornate oak desk. “I received your email, Ms. Walters and personally gathered up the information you requested. And,” he pulled out a small attaché case from under the desk, “not only was I discreet in my research, but I put everything in this case for you.” His pudgy hands shook slightly. “You don’t believe that anyone here at the bank would be involved in any illegal activities, do you?”

  Lex waved a hand in the air to cut him off. “No, of course not, Mr. Collins. I just felt that the fewer people who knew about this, the better off we would all be.”

  The bank president visibly relaxed. “Ah, that’s fine. Just fine. We will do anything to keep one of our best customers happy.”

  Amanda cleared her throat discreetly to get Lex’s attention. Now that they had what they had come for, she was determined to make her lover keep her end of their deal.

  Struggling to keep a smile from her face, Lex slowly stood up and extended her hand across the desk. “Mr. Collins, it’s been a pleasure doing business with you, but I’m afraid I have another appointment.” And a girlfriend to appease. Besides, Amanda’s right. I feel like I’m about to fall asleep standing up.

  “No problem, Ms. Walters. You have my home number if you need anything else, right?” Unaware of Lex’s recent visit to the doctor, Collins pumped her hand enthusiastically.

  Lex winced, then disentangled her hand from the beaming banker’s grip and picked up the attaché case. “You’ll be the first one I call, Mr. Collins.” Before Amanda could “remind” her again, Lex led her partner from the room and out of the bank.

  AMANDA RUSHED OUT of the pharmacy as soon as she was given Lex’s prescriptions. Absorbed in her thoughts, she didn’t see the large man about to go through the door. “Ooof! Excuse me.” Stumbling back, she glanced up and saw who it was.

  “Well, well. Hello there, sweet thing,” a deep voice drawled. “Fancy meeting you here. Did you come in to pick up your birth control pills?” Rick Thompson, the manager from the realty office where she worked, blocked her exit by standing in front of Amanda with his thick arms crossed over his chest. “No, wait. I guess you don’t need to worry about that sort of thing anymore, do you?”

  Why do I have the sudden urge to go home and shower? Yuck! “It’s really none of your business, Rick. So if you’ll excuse me, I have someone waiting for me.” She tried to edge past him, but was halted again when Rick grabbed her arm.

  “Wait! I just want to talk to you for a minute. When will you be coming back to work?” Rick let Amanda wriggle out of his grasp, confident that she wouldn’t go anywhere. He was having so much fun with the confrontation that he decided to see just how far he could push her. “So, have you had a nice vacation?”

  Amanda pulled her arm back and slapped him, hard. “You sonofabitch!” Knowing that he had sent her out to Lex’s ranch as a cruel prank, and nothing more, brought out Amanda’s anger. She had come to care for the rancher a lot, and the thought of the man in front of her trying to hurt the woman she loved set her off.

  Rick had actually been knocked back a step. “Why you little bitch. You’re going to wish you’d never done that.” He lunged forward and reached for Amanda, only to be stopped by a strong grip on his shoulder. Rick spun around, ready to pound on whoever had decided to interfere. “What?”

  Bloodshot and angry eyes glared into his. “Problem?” Lex inquired coolly, even though it took all she had not to knock the an into the middle of next week.

  “Mind your own damn business, Walters.” Rick tried to pull away from Lex. “The little whore deserves whatever I want to do to her. She slapped me!” His tirade ended when Lex grabbed two handfuls of his suit coat, and got right in his face.

  “So? From what I saw, you started the whole thing. Wanna try picking on someone your own size?” Although close to the same height, the realtor outweighed Lex by sixty pounds or more. She wasn’t worried because she knew Rick was basically a coward. Not to mention how much she’d enjoy taking him down a peg or two.

  “Why? What’s it to you?” With his bravado fading, Rick’s tone turned more wheedling.

  Lex could feel her heart pounding in anger, which in turn caused her newly stitched wound to throb painfully. “She’s a friend of mine, asshole.”

  Amanda took the opportunity to step around Rick, and moved to stand behind her agitated lover. Placing one hand on Lex’s back, she whispered, “Let it go, Lex. He’s not worth it.”

  Only for Amanda’s sake, Lex released her hold on Rick’s jacket, then stepped back and took a deep breath. When she saw the big man begin to smile, she moved forward until they were inches apart. “If I ever hear of you speaking about her that way again, they’re gonna have to use glue to put your sorry carcass back together.” Believing she made her point, Lex allowed Amanda to escort her away from the scene.

  Three passersby had stopped to stare. “This ain’t over yet,” Rick yelled halfheartedly. “Not by a long shot!” He aimed a fist at the departing women. “You’d better be careful who you’re threatening around here.”

  Neither woman turned around, but Lex raised a hand over her head and waved it in the air. “Yeah, right.” She followed Amanda back to the truck and climbed inside.

  Amanda closed her door and leaned against the steering wheel. She looked over at Lex who was slumped in her seat with her eyes closed. “Are you all right?”

  Lex pulled herself together and sighed. “Yeah, but that jerk has always been able to yank my chain.” She turned her head and did a quick visual inspection of her friend. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “Nah.” Amanda gave her a strained smile and then started the truck. “Only the palm of my hand when I slapped him.” She flexed her hand to ease the stinging, and then pulled the vehicle out of the parking lot. “Let’s go home, so that I can tuck you into bed.”

  “Mmm, I think I can handle that.” Lex’s eyes closed and her head fell back against the seat, almost against her will. “Damn, Laura must have given me some sort of sedative. I can barely stay awake.”

  “Yeah, she did say she was going to give you something to help you relax.” Amanda quieted when she saw Lex had fallen asleep. She felt a strong protective urge come over her. Rick’s real lucky he didn’t start anything with her, or I would have done more than just slap him. She drove the rest of the way home in contemplative
silence, taking her time and avoiding the main streets and their potholes. The last thing she wanted was for Lex to be jarred anymore than necessary.

  Amanda saw her grandparents walking out to their Suburban as she pulled up into their driveway. She got out of the truck and met them halfway.

  “Mandy.” Anna Leigh embraced her granddaughter in a loving hug. “We were getting concerned since you’ve been gone for hours.” She looked to the truck, barely able to make out the still form in the passenger’s seat. “Is Lexington going to come inside?”

  Jacob joined the two of them. “You just caught us on our way to the car dealership. They called to say your grandmother’s new car is ready.” He had been driving his wife’s car when a drunk driver hit him six months before. They had waited to order her a new one until Jacob’s doctor had cleared him to drive, not seeing any sense in having an extra vehicle with only one driver.

  “Hi, Grandpa.” Amanda stepped into his welcoming arms. “I take it you’ve finally been given a clean bill of health?”


  Amanda backed off a step. “That’s great news.” She pointed to the truck and its sleeping occupant. “Lex dozed off on the drive back. They had to reopen the bullet wound because it was infected, and Laura gave her a sedative to keep her calm.”

  Jacob smiled. “How is Laura? She was such a sweetheart to me, although I think I gained a few pounds from those contraband milkshakes she kept sneaking to me.” Jacob looked at the sleeping figure in the truck. “Do you need any help getting Lex into the house?”

  Amanda followed his gaze, and her eyes softened at the picture her lover made. “No, I’ll wake her up in a minute. At least I should be able to get her to rest today.” She gave both her grandparents a hug. “You two go ahead and pick up that new car. I can’t wait to see it.”


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