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Faith's Crossing

Page 6

by Carrie Carr

  She shook her head and inclined it Amanda’s direction.

  “Amanda?” He took off his hat and scratched his gray head. “Well, I’ll be damned. What did you use? A two-by-four?”

  The young woman blushed and looked down at Lex. “Umm, no.” She felt her lover grasp her hand, which had been resting on Lex’s shoulder. “I, uh, kicked him.”

  Anna Leigh joined in. “That’s right. Mandy took karate lessons one summer when she stayed with us. I had no idea she still remembered any of it, though.”

  “Remind me never to make you mad.” Charlie watched as the deputies pulled a groggy Rick to his feet and out of the room. “I know he’s a jerk, but do you have any other charges to press? I’ll need something to put down on the report.”

  Amanda spoke quietly, and with a touch of anger, with her eyes still on Lex. “Assault. He hit Lex in the side, unprovoked.”

  Lex shook her head. “No. I’m not pressing charges.” Still in agony, her words were hard to hear.


  “No, Anna Leigh.” Lex turned her pain-filled eyes to the sheriff. “Tell him if he’ll leave Mrs. Cauble and Amanda alone, I won’t press charges.”

  Charlie nodded. “Gotcha.” He looked closely at her pale face. “You gonna be okay?”

  “Yeah, fine. Do you need me to sign something?”

  “Nah. I’ll handle everything. Take care of yourself, Lex.” He moved toward the door, donning his hat, then turned and tipped it to Anna Leigh and Amanda. “You ladies just give me a holler if you need anything.”

  Anna Leigh walked over to him and shook his hand. “Thank you, Sheriff. I certainly appreciate your quick response. Let me walk you out.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Cauble.”

  Amanda watched them leave and then squatted down beside Lex. “Are you feeling any better?” She was relieved to see the color returning to Lex’s face.

  “I’m doing fine. I just didn’t know you could pack such a wallop.”

  “I really don’t know what came over me. I saw you go down, and then he was coming toward Gramma.” She pulled Lex’s hand up to her face. “I guess I just snapped.” The idea that I could easily take down someone that size without thinking scares me. “What kind of person am I to do something like that?” she whispered aloud.

  “A very brave person, who will stand up for their family and friends when they’re being threatened,” Lex answered. Not getting a response, she tried a different approach. “But damn, Amanda. You’re something else. Wanna be my bodyguard?”

  That did it. Amanda finally broke out of her contemplative mood. “Oh, Lex.” She laid her head down on her partner’s lap and wrapped both arms around Lex’s legs.

  Anna Leigh walked back into the room, then stopped next to Lex’s chair and placed one hand on the seated woman’s shoulder. “Lexington, are you certain you’re going to be okay? I’d feel a lot better if we took you to the doctor. That was quite a blow you took.”

  “I’m okay, really. Just sort of got my attention, that’s all.” Lex glanced down and watched as she ran her hand through the silken hair in her lap. The motion soothed her, and once again she thought about how lucky she was to have found this woman who held her so tight.

  As much as she hated to disturb them, Anna Leigh cleared her throat. “Mandy? Everyone is in the conference room. It’s time to make the announcement.”

  Amanda lifted her head. “Well, it’s got to be easier than what we just went through, right?” She climbed to her feet and stretched. “You want to sit in? I’m sure the boss won’t mind,” she asked Lex, then looked to her grandmother for confirmation.

  Lex shook her head. “Actually, I need to make a few phone calls, if you don’t mind me borrowing your office.”

  “My office?” Amanda was confused for a moment. “Oh, yeah. Sure. I’ll be back in a little while.” After kissing Lex on top of the head, she entangled her arm with Anna Leigh’s. “C’mon, Gramma. Let’s go harass the help.”

  Chapter Four

  AMANDA SAT THROUGH the endless congratulations with a smile on her face, but even her normally good nature began to slip as the boundary to her personal space continued to shrink. If one more person pats me on the head, I swear I’ll bark. The actual meeting and announcement only lasted about ten minutes, but the group of employees had circled their new office manager and showed no signs of leaving, even though it was almost an hour later.

  Anna Leigh heard her granddaughter sigh for the third time in the past five minutes. I think it’s time to save Mandy from our well-wishing friends. She stood up and cleared her throat, getting everyone’s attention immediately. “Everyone, I realize how excited we all are, but let’s give your new boss a break.” Accepting the grateful smile from the young woman, she continued. “With all that has happened in the past week, I’m still going to insist that my granddaughter take another week or two off to get some things settled. I know I can count on you all to continue on without her for a little longer.” Agreeing murmurs were heard, and the happy employees began to file out of the room.

  Amanda stood and stretched, then stepped over to Anna Leigh and wrapped her arms around the older woman. “Thank you. I know they meant well, but the walls were beginning to close in on me.” She pulled back to look her grandmother in the eye. “Are you sure you want me to take more time off? I don’t really need to.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Honey, you’ve been through more in the past week than some folks handle in years, and I think you need an extended vacation to sort through it all.” Anna Leigh kissed Amanda’s forehead and pulled her into another hug. “You have a lot of issues to work through, even if you don’t realize it.”

  Amanda’s thoughts went back to the phone call with her mother, and she felt her elation sink. “Yeah, I know. I guess the first thing I need to do is go back to LA, pack up all my stuff, and get it shipped here.”

  “What’s the rush?” Anna Leigh kept an arm looped around Amanda’s waist. “It’s been there for over six months. What difference would a little longer make?”

  Amanda allowed her grandmother to escort her out of the conference room and back to her new office. My office. That’s going to take some getting used to. “Well, after my last couple of conversations with Mother and Father, I wouldn’t put it past them to either throw it all away, or give it to charity. They’re pretty upset with me.”

  They were at the open office door when Anna Leigh asked, “So, when are you leaving for Los Angeles?”

  “Probably next week.” Amanda didn’t see the stricken look on Lex’s face as she stood up from the desk. “Lex, did you get your phone calls taken care of? I’m sorry we took so long, but I thought we’d never get out of that meeting.”

  “Yeah.” Lex gazed around uncomfortably. “Umm, I’ve got a couple of errands to run.” She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “Do you want to stay here for a little while and get settled?”

  Amanda looked at her quizzically. Her lover appeared pale and shaky. What’s up with her? She stepped a little closer and put her hand on Lex’s arm, causing Lex to jump slightly. “Okay. But when you get back, I have something to talk to you about.” When she felt the arm under her hand tense, Amanda looked up into Lex’s face. “Are you okay? You’re not looking too well.”

  Taking a breath to speak, Lex shook her head. She’s right. I heard the tail end of the conversation and panicked. “Sorry.” She stared down at the floor unable to meet either woman’s eyes. “Did I hear right? You’re going back to California?”

  Amanda mentally slapped her forehead. Idiot! She’s already shook up, and then she hears that? Getting inside Lex’s guard, Amanda snuggled up to her. “Yes. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you feel up to taking a trip with me sometime next week? I want to go get the rest of my stuff packed up and shipped back here before my parents throw it out.” When she felt the body she was holding relax, Amanda knew she had said the right thing.

  Unsure, Lex asked, “You want me to go
to your parents’ house with you? Do you really think that’s such a good idea?”

  When she heard the office door close quietly, Amanda smiled to herself. Gramma always seems to know. She leaned back slightly and then threaded her hands through Lex’s hair, so she could pull her head down. “I want them to meet you, so that they can see why I love you.” As she brushed Lex’s lips with her own, Amanda felt her lover tremble. Enjoying the moment, she deepened the kiss until a warmth spread throughout her own body.

  Strong hands wrapped around her waist slowly migrated downward, pulling Amanda nearer. Groaning into Lex’s mouth, Amanda squeezed closer, until their bodies melded almost into one.

  Breaking off the kiss to breathe, Lex nuzzled Amanda’s ear. “You’d better stop now, or your new office is going to get more of a christening than you can imagine.” She felt the body she held shake with laughter.

  “Oh, God, Lex. I think that would be a little hard to explain, don’t you?” Small chills ran down her spine as Lex nibbled on her earlobe. “Uhhh…L…Lex…ah….you’d better stop, or you’re gonna….mmmm…end up on my…ah…desk.”

  Kissing the tip of Amanda’s nose, Lex grinned, then backed off. “Don’t tempt me.” She took a deep breath, pleased to note that her ribs didn’t seem to have been damaged in the earlier scuffle, and the wound the doctor had cleaned had settled down to a dull ache. “So, when are we leaving?” she asked, seeing a smile cover her companion’s face.

  “Really? You’ll go?” Amanda wrapped her arms back around Lex’s body exuberantly. Hearing the sharp intake of breath, she let go quickly. “Oh, no, Lex. Your ribs! I’m so sorry—“

  “Ssh, they’re fine. Just a little tender.” Lex brought Amanda close again. “And of course I’ll go. Do you actually think I could stand to be without you for what…three, four days? Nope. You’re stuck with me, sweetheart.” She lightly kissed the top of Amanda’s head.

  “Cool. I think I can handle that.” Amanda was about to say more when a knock on the door interrupted her. She gave Lex one final quick kiss on the lips before backing away a step. “Come in.”

  Anna Leigh poked her head into the office. “Sorry to disturb you, Mandy, but Elizabeth is on the phone asking for you.” The older woman gave her granddaughter a somewhat disgusted look. “Sounds like your mother is in another one of her little ‘moods.’”

  “I’m sorry, Gramma. You might as well send her on through.” Amanda went over and sat down behind the large desk as Anna Leigh left the room again.

  “I’ll give you some privacy.” Lex started for the door.

  “No,” Amanda almost shouted. “Please stay? For moral support?” she begged, as the phone buzzed. She waited until Lex was seated in the chair across from her before she picked up the handset. “This is Amanda. Hello, Mother.”

  “Amanda Lorraine Cauble! I’ve been calling all over town looking for you,” Elizabeth’s pinched voice whined.

  “I’m fine, thank you for asking.” Annoyed with her mother’s attitude, Amanda decided to get right to the point. “Is there something I can do for you, Mother?”

  “Don’t take that tone with me, young lady. I’m still your mother, even though you never bother to call me anymore,” Elizabeth berated. “When are you coming home? I fail to see how you can be happy in that horribly small town. They don’t even have a proper museum.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes. Well, we do have the Texas Oak Tree Museum, but I guess she’s probably not interested in that. “Mother, believe it or not, the world does not revolve around museums and the cultural arts.”

  Elizabeth gasped. “Dear Lord! Don’t say things like that. I do believe that living with your grandparents has completely ruined you. They’ve never appreciated the finer things. I have no idea how your father turned out the way he did.”

  “I’ve often wondered that myself,” Amanda muttered under her breath. “Is there a reason you called, other than to belittle Gramma and Grandpa?”

  “See? You made me so upset I almost forgot the reason I was looking for you. It’s very important that you come home next week. We are having our annual Fall Dinner for your father’s business associates, and he would like for you to be here.”

  “Mother, I have a job and responsibilities here. I can’t just drop everything to fly halfway across the country for a dinner party!” Even though she was planning on going back next week, Amanda did not want to give her mother the satisfaction. Needing some comfort, she crooked a finger at Lex.

  Lex raised an eyebrow, but rose and walked behind the desk. Amanda stood, then pushed the lanky form of her lover into the chair, sliding into Lex’s lap. Being wrapped in Lex’s arms calmed her, and Amanda was able to listen to her mother’s ranting without getting upset.

  “I think we’ve been too lenient with you, Amanda. You didn’t used to act this way with us.” Her mother’s tone was harsh. “I told your father that it was not a good idea for you to spend so much time down there.”

  Amanda tensed. “Why? Because I’m actually thinking for myself?” Lex gave her a squeeze, and her anger dissipated, replaced by an aching sadness. “I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment to you, Mother.”

  “Amanda dear, it’s not that you’re a disappointment, you’ve just gotten so headstrong. What happened to my little girl?”

  She’s still in Los Angeles, working in the gallery. Jeannie was always her little girl. I was always her disappointment. “I guess I grew up.”

  “Thank God,” Lex whispered in her ear. She was so close to Amanda that she could hear what Elizabeth said, and it took all she had not to take the phone and give the woman a piece of her mind.

  “I’m sorry, what was that, Mother?”

  “I said, it would mean a lot to your father and me if you could make it back for this dinner.” Elizabeth paused, then added, “You can even bring your new friend if you want to. We’d really like to see you, dear.”

  Lex’s voice tickled Amanda’s ear again. “Oooh, an invitation. I guess I’d better starch my jeans.”

  Amanda slapped the hands resting on her stomach. “Actually Mother, that would work just fine. I need to come and pack up the rest of my stuff anyway.” She leaned back as soft lips nibbled lightly on her neck. “What night is the dinner?”

  Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. “Next Friday. Could you come a day or two early? Jeannie and Frank will be staying at the house next week, and I know they would love to see you.”

  Turning slightly, Amanda sent a questioning glance Lex’s way, and was rewarded with a nod. She gave Lex a light peck on the lips. “Mother? We can fly out early Wednesday, but I have to be back here on Sunday, all right?”

  “Four days? Well, I suppose that it’s better than nothing. Call us Tuesday with your itinerary, and we’ll have the driver pick you up.”

  “No, that won’t be necessary. We’ll just rent a car.” Amanda hated the limousine and all that it stood for. Her parents each had their own vehicles, but whenever they went someplace where they might be seen, they always took the limousine for appearance sake.

  “Fine. I won’t bother to do anything for you.” Elizabeth muttered. “Your father would feel better if you acted more to your upbringing. We worked very hard to get where we are, and I really don’t want you to embarrass him by acting so lower class. At least rent a decent car, not like that old junker you drive now.”

  Oh yeah, they worked terribly hard—waiting until certain family members died to get at their inheritance. “Yes, Mother.” It was hard to stay angry with Elizabeth while Lex kissed the back of her neck. “I’ll see you on Wednesday.” She hung up the phone before any further complaints came her way. “Dammit, she’s so infuriating!”

  Lex squeezed her tighter, and then kissed her on top of the head. “Mmm. Just think of it this way. You’ll get your revenge when you show up with me.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Amanda turned so they were looking into each other’s eyes.

  “Well, I don’t think I�
��ll fit in too well. But don’t worry. I’ll try not to spit on the floors or anything.”

  Amanda ran her fingertips along Lex’s jaw. “Do you actually think I would be ashamed or embarrassed by you?”

  “No, I don’t think you would feel that way, but I can’t help but feel a little ‘common’ around folks like that.” Lex hated admitting something so personal, and decided to try and change the subject. “I guess this means I'll have an occasion to wear my new boots.”

  “Honey, people probably could call you a lot of things, but common certainly isn’t one of them. Gorgeous, sweet, funny, wonderful—”

  Lex covered Amanda’s mouth with her hand. “Hush. I get your point; but I don’t have anything to wear to something like that. I’d do anything for you, you know. It’s just that,” she lowered her gaze, and a slight blush covered her face, “I hope I don’t have to wear one of those slinky-looking numbers. I haven’t worn a dress since I was four years old.”

  Amanda waited until Lex looked back up into her face. “Sweetheart, I would never ask you to be something you’re not. You can wear cutoffs and an old dirty tee shirt, and I’d still be proud to walk in with you.”

  Lex laughed. “Now that would be a picture.” She gave Amanda a light kiss. “But I think I should probably find better clothes to wear. I really don’t have anything but jeans. Would you mind going with me to pick something out?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’d love to. Shopping is my favorite hobby. Gramma and I go for hours, looking and trying on clothes, but rarely buying anything.” Amanda gave Lex a sexy grin. “Well, it was my favorite hobby, until recently. We’ll pick up a new outfit when we get to L.A. There are some great places to shop.” She climbed off Lex’s lap and offered her a hand up. “Let’s go eat. All this talking has made me hungry.”

  “Me, too.” Lex knew the matter wasn’t completely closed, but she trusted Amanda. She just hoped she’d be able at least to be civil to her girlfriend’s parents, when all she wanted to do was slam their heads together and see what kind of sound it made. Probably like a couple of hollow logs. I’m so not looking forward to this trip.


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