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Faith's Crossing

Page 20

by Carrie Carr

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “You don’t look fine.” Amanda touched the side of the tense face. “Talk to me.”

  Lex closed her eyes at the touch. “I think I’m just overtired. It’s nothing, really.”

  Not convinced, Amanda decided to let the subject drop. For now, anyway. “Do you want to just go to bed? We can always try the spa another time.”

  “No. I think this is exactly what we need.” Lex placed a quick kiss on Amanda’s lips. “Now what were you saying about swimsuits?”

  Since there were several small dressing rooms in the cabana, both were able to change at the same time, but they couldn’t see what the other was wearing until they emerged. Lex stood next to the tub in a white terrycloth robe when Amanda finally joined her, wearing a similar outfit. The California nights were getting cooler, and neither one of them wanted to catch a chill.

  “Well, aren’t we the pair?” Amanda joked, as she unbelted her robe. She removed the garment and placed it within easy reach, revealing a bright pink bikini. Reaching over the tub’s edge, Amanda traced her fingertips through the water. Assuming that Lex was following her lead, she climbed up the steps and into the spa. “Perfect.”

  You can say that again. The view of her lover’s backside disappearing into the frothy water made Lex’s mouth go dry. She had seen Amanda in—and out of—many different outfits, but she could now say without a doubt in her mind that the bikini was in the top two. Lex stood there silently, replaying over and over the enticing view, unable to move.

  “Lex? Are you coming?” Amanda waved her hand, not certain what was up with her partner. “Hello?” She stood, and the water sluiced off her body, the cool air making her nipples visible beneath the suit.

  Lex’s eyes widened at the sight, and she felt her legs go weak. She fumbled with the tie on the robe until she was finally able to get it loose and allowed it to fall to the ground, forgotten. Her shaky legs struggled up the steps, and she nearly fell as she leaped over the side of the hot tub.

  “Whoa there, Slim.” Amanda caught her partner before Lex could plummet beneath the water. “Watch your step.”

  “I can’t see anything but you,” Lex murmured, her eyes never leaving her lover’s face. “You are an absolute vision.” She lifted her hands and ran them across Amanda’s cheeks. “I’ve never seen anyone, or anything, more beautiful in my entire life.”

  Amanda sank lower in the water, bringing Lex with her. “Thank you.” Her arms went around her partner’s waist as their lips met, gently at first, then with more passion. It wasn’t long before urgent hands reached behind her and untied the top of her suit, and Amanda couldn’t help but tilt her head back when Lex broke off the kiss and followed the curve of Amanda’s throat with her lips.

  It was if she couldn’t get enough of Amanda’s skin. Lex wanted to touch her everywhere at once, yet savor each and every inch of her lover. The warm, bubbling water only served to heighten the experience, which became more heated by the moment. Lex felt the straps to her navy one-piece bathing suit slide from her shoulders as the quiet gurgling of the spa covered up their moans. They continued to explore each other in the water, and as the day’s troubles disappeared, Lex found out you really didn’t need a suit in a hot tub, after all.

  Chapter Twelve

  THE FOUR LATE-NIGHT revelers ended up sleeping in, so they spent the latter part of the morning enjoying each other’s company during breakfast.

  Frank couldn’t help but tweak the rancher. She was quiet until you got to know her, then she gave as good as she got. “So, Lex. Are you ready to go back out dancing? Maybe we can find your little friend again.”

  “Think I’ll give it a miss. I don’t want to end up bailing Amanda out of jail.”

  “Me?” Amanda said. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She tried to look innocent, but failed miserably when Lex cut her eyes over at her. “Now, stop that.”

  Choking on her coffee at her sister’s attempt to feign innocence, Jeannie couldn’t help but gasp and wipe tears from her eyes. “Mandy, you know darn good and well what Lex is talking about. You’ve still got a bad temper, though I was hoping that staying with Gramma and Grandpa would have had a positive effect on you.” She changed her focus of attention to Lex. “Has she taken a swing at you yet, Slim?”

  “No, not—” Lex shook her head, then stopped. “Well, actually, just yesterday, she slapped me.”

  Amanda looked shocked. “I did no such—” She paused, then rolled her eyes. “Oh, for God’s sake. You deserved that by scaring me half to death, chasing after that guy.” She glared at Lex. “And I’ll do it again, if you ever pull another stupid stunt like that.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Lex teased, then sobered. She ran gentle fingertips over the purple bruise on her lover’s face. “How’s that feel today? Looks like all of the swelling is gone.” She barely controlled the urge to lean over and kiss the contusion.

  Capturing the hand with one of her own, Amanda happily leaned into the touch. “Fine. It doesn’t even hurt today.” Of course, soaking in a hot tub doesn’t hurt, either.

  Jeannie sighed. They are just so cute together. “Well, I hate to leave such wonderful company, but I promised Mother that I’d go by and check on the gallery.” She tossed her napkin onto the table and touched her husband’s arm. “Are you ready, darling?”

  “Sure. I’ve got a couple of last-minute things to pick up before the dinner tonight, anyway.”

  Lex gave Amanda a look. “Yeah, I still have to get something, too, I guess.” She missed the wink her partner gave Frank.

  Beverly stepped quietly into the dining room, with a subdued tone in her voice. “Miss Amanda, I’m terribly sorry to interrupt you, but your father has requested that you join them in the library.”

  “Our cue to run.” Jeannie hooked her arm with Frank’s and moved to the doorway, waving a hand. “Good luck, guys.”

  Amanda smiled at the maid, to show her that she didn’t blame the messenger. “Thanks, Beverly. We’ll be right there.” As the woman turned to go, Amanda added, “What kind of mood is he in, or dare I even ask?”

  “That’s just it, Miss Amanda. He’s in a really good mood. It’s very strange.” Beverly tipped her head in acknowledgment and then left the room quietly.

  Amanda frowned. She certainly didn’t want to subject her lover to whatever games her family was playing, and she was afraid that Lex would have enough of her parent’s bitterness and leave. “I don’t think I like the sound of that. You sure you want to go with me?”

  “I’m with you, sweetheart, for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “Forever sounds pretty good to me, at least to start with.” Amanda leaned in and covered Lex’s lips with her own, sharing a kiss full of love and promise. Releasing a heavy sigh, she forced a smile. “Let’s go ‘visit,’ then we’ll go shopping, okay?”

  “Right.” Lex stood up, then brought her friend into a strong hug as soon as Amanda got to her feet. “One for the road. I love you, Amanda.” She spoke quietly, savoring the moment. “With all my heart and soul.”

  Amanda felt her partner tremble slightly. “I love you too, Lex.” She returned the embrace, kissing the collarbone that peeked through the v-neck of the shirt Lex was wearing. “And I always will.”

  “COME IN AND have a seat, you two.” Michael motioned the two of them into the library. Elizabeth was comfortably perched on the loveseat, while he stood at the bar, holding a sheaf of papers in his hand.

  Amanda brought Lex to the sofa, which was at a 90-degree angle from the loveseat, and directly across from the bar. She sat down next to her, close enough to touch if she needed to. “Good morning, Mother.”

  “It’s almost afternoon, Amanda. But I hear you had a late night last night.” She gave Lex an almost civil look. “Lex.”

  Lex tipped her head slightly. “Mrs. Cauble.”

  Michael interrupted. “Coffee? Oh, I’m sorry Lex.” He raised a decanter filled with amber liq
uid. “I hear whiskey is more to your liking in the mornings.” He poured a glass. “I’m afraid that all I have right now is scotch, but we can send one of the servants out for something a bit less civilized, if you would prefer.” Michael watched with hidden glee as his daughter’s face showed confusion.

  “What are you talking about, Daddy?” Amanda turned to face her lover. “Lex?”

  Lex stared at her feet with a resigned look on her face. Then, taking a deep breath, she looked up and locked gazes with Amanda’s father. “No thank you, Mr. Cauble. I haven’t drunk hard liquor in years.” She turned and met her lover’s eyes. “Remember I told you about Linda?” she asked softly.

  Amanda frowned, thinking. “Yes. But what does that—”

  “After that, I got a little wild for a while, but Martha straightened me out.” Lex felt the reassuring presence of Amanda’s hand on her leg. “I’ll tell you all about it later, I promise.”

  “I’m not worried, love.”

  Michael frowned, and from the look on his face, Amanda knew things weren’t going as he had planned. “My mistake, Lex.” He conceded the point to his daughter’s lover, although he was obviously far from finished. “So, do you have family back in Texas, Lex?”

  Confused by the sudden change in topics, Lex nodded. “Yes. I have an older brother, Hubert.”

  Stepping away from the bar, Michael sat next to his wife on the loveseat. She took a sip from a China cup as he asked, “How about your parents?” He leaned over and poured three more cups of coffee, keeping one for himself and offering the others to Lex and Amanda.

  Lex accepted the offering politely, even though the thought of ingesting anything right now made her stomach cramp. “Thank you.” She balanced the cup and saucer on one thigh. “My mother died when I was four, and my father…travels a lot.” No lie there, but I guess I could just say he’s a drifter who would rather wonder where his next meal is coming from than have to look at his daughter.

  Elizabeth’s face was calm and unreadable. “And does your brother work with you at your ranch?”

  “No, ma’am. He’s an accountant in town. He’s not much for the ranch life.”

  “A professional, then. I'm sure you're very proud of him.” Elizabeth gave her daughter a look. Much more suitable than a common cowhand. “You only have one sibling? Must have been lonely growing up.”

  Lex swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “I had a younger brother, but he died…about nine years ago.” She felt Amanda grasp her hand for support.

  “I’m terribly sorry to hear that. It’s always so tragic when a child dies.” Michael shook his head sadly. “Especially when it can be avoided. Wait, I seem to recall a boy named Walters that was killed at the lake around that time.” He looked at Lex, trying to convey understanding on his handsome face. “That was your brother, wasn’t it?”

  “Louis.” Lex nodded, trying to keep her emotions under control. Almost ten years ago, and it still hurts as much as the day it happened. Why can’t I get past this?

  Michael adjusted his glasses slightly and looked down at the papers in his hand. “That’s what I thought. If I recall correctly, there was a boat full of kids, and they were hit by another boat, right?” Seeing the quiet woman nod slightly, he continued. “Absolutely horrible. The whole affair could probably have been avoided with the proper adult supervision.” Seeing Lex pale, he went in for the kill. “Don’t you agree, Lex?”

  “That’s it!” Amanda stood up. “Let’s go, Lex.” She pulled the silent rancher to her feet. “We’ve got things to do, if you’ll excuse us.”

  Lex allowed Amanda to lead her through the doorway, her mind a million miles away. He’s right. I should have been there. If I had been driving the boat, maybe the entire accident could have been avoided. Numbly, she followed Amanda, feeling a small amount of comfort in their linked hands. The cool breeze on her face brought Lex back to her senses. Looking around, she found herself standing in the garden under Amanda’s favorite tree.

  “Come here and sit down, love.” Amanda took a seat under the Eucalyptus and patted her leg. She waited patiently until the blank look faded from Lex’s face, and then she held out her arms. “Please?”

  Forcing a weak smile to her face, Lex dropped down in front of Amanda and stretched out. She ended up lying on her back between Amanda’s legs, her head resting against her lover’s chest.

  Amanda gently ran her fingers through the thick, dark hair, her motions finally causing Lex to relax. “I’m calling the airline. We’re going home on the next flight out.”


  “Yes! Dammit, Lex, there’s nothing here worth putting you through this. I’m tired of defending my actions to them, and having them try to get to me through you.” She absently straightened the bangs on Lex’s forehead, a gesture that not only calmed her lover, but Amanda as well.

  Lex turned slightly so she could look into Amanda’s face. “Don’t let them win, sweetheart. They’ll never let you live it down.” She had been around bullies of one sort or another most of her life and knew how they worked. The last thing she wanted was for Amanda to succumb to her parents’ whims, when it wasn’t in her best interest. She raised a hand and caressed the side of Amanda’s jaw that wasn’t bruised. “I can handle this. They just kind of caught me off guard.”

  Leaning down until their noses were almost touching, Amanda dropped a kiss on her partner’s mouth. “Are you sure about this? We can be home before it gets dark tonight.”

  Lex raised her head slightly to make the kiss more prolonged. “Mmm.” Home. I think I like the sound of that, but we’ve got unfinished business here. I don’t run from assholes like that, even if they are Amanda’s parents. “Yeah, I’m sure. We’ve got a dinner to sit through tonight. But it won’t hurt my feelings if you decide you want to leave Saturday morning.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ll call and change our reservations.” Amanda wrapped her arms around the reclining woman and squeezed hard. “Have I told you lately just how much I love you?” she whispered into the ear next to her face.

  “You may have mentioned something about it a time or two,” Lex teased, raising up slightly to return the embrace. “I’m sorry about all that stuff with your father. I guess I should have told you about that mess before you heard it from someone else. It was just a matter of time before somebody told you.”

  “No, Lex. I don’t expect a day-by-day account of your life before you met me. What I don’t understand is how he knew so much about it.” Amanda had pulled back enough so she could look Lex in the eye and was angered by the barely hidden pain she could see there.

  “It’s a small town, and my little ‘binge’ was certainly no secret.” Lex closed her eyes at the gentle touch on her head. “I spent over a month drunk out of my mind, being thrown out of quite a few bars, and was even picked up by the law a time or two. I imagine everyone in town knows all about it.”

  Amanda continued to run her fingers through Lex’s hair, once again using the motions to calm them both. “You were young and had been terribly hurt emotionally. Didn’t anyone try to help you, talk to you?”

  “Yeah, right.” Lex looked up into her lover’s eyes, wanting to somehow make Amanda realize just what kind of person she had been. “You’ve got to understand, Amanda. It’s true that I was young, but I was so full of anger and hatred at how unfair I thought my life was, that most folks steered clear of me.” She blinked, then looked down, afraid to see the look on the other woman’s face. “Even Martha threatened to leave me because I had been so nasty to her.” She took a ragged breath. “I think the fear of losing her was what finally snapped me back to reality.”

  “Oh, sweetheart. I don’t think Martha would ever leave you, no more than I could.” She gave her partner another kiss.

  After returning the kiss, Lex’s heart felt pounds lighter for the talk. “God, I love you.” She ran a shaky hand down Amanda’s face, then let out a wry chuckle. “I don’t think she was actual
ly going to leave, either. But she did toss a bucket of muddy water on me while I was passed out on the front porch one morning.”

  “I’ll bet that went over well.” Amanda could almost picture the younger face as Martha dished out her own brand of ‘toughlove.’ “Wish I had been there to see that.”

  “If you’d been there, I wouldn’t have been in that situation,” Lex murmured, as she made a move to get to her feet. “Let’s go. I think we’ve got some shopping to do.”

  “You’re right. I need to pick up a few things for tonight.” Amanda jumped up first, then pulled Lex up with her.

  Lex kept her hold on Amanda’s hand as they walked back to the house. “A few things,” she mumbled, feeling the hand in hers tighten. “I thought you were going to help me get something more suitable to wear.” Personally, she really didn’t care what she wore, but even though she knew she was going to be a fish out of water at the affair, Lex was determined not to embarrass her lover with her choice of clothing.

  “Actually,” Amanda led the way through the house and up the stairs, “you’re all set. I have to find just the right thing to go with what you’re wearing.” She pulled Lex into the guestroom. “Just let me get my purse, and we’ll go.” She started to step away, then found herself back in her lover’s arms.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Lex asked, bringing Amanda into a firm embrace.

  Amanda unconsciously clasped her hands behind Lex’s neck, smiling up into her twinkling eyes. “Hmm. You know, you’re right. I need to grab the car keys, too.”

  “Ah. I see.” Lex ran her hands lightly up her partner’s ribs.

  Amanda giggled and squirmed. She tried to back away, but found herself suddenly lifted into the air, cradled in Lex’s arms like a small child. “Lex, stop that!”

  “Seems to me someone needs her memory refreshed.” Lex slowly carried her cargo toward the bed.


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