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The Sigma Menace Collection

Page 17

by Marie Johnston

  Kaitlyn whooped and threw her flowers in the air. Jace’s buddy and fellow bartender clapped him on the back. Both friends were asked to stand next to the couple as their witnesses. Jace grabbed Cassie around the waist and lifted her for the sealing kiss, wishing they could get away together and soon. Instead, they were waiting before taking some time off, since she had just gone back to work after her medical leave. As long as she came home to him every night, he didn’t care. He would continue to do books for Christian while training someone new, but eventually he would belong to the Guardians—both his brain to help with the books and body for fighting. Kaitlyn kept giving him shit since he’d have to do some form of their training, and she’d no longer be the newbie.

  Joining the Guardians wasn’t an easy decision, but he wanted to be more useful to his species than to just keep the club running smoothly. A life lived in obscurity, fading into the background, was his mother’s wish, not his. Sigma went after his mate. His primary concern was keeping her safe, then keeping the shifters in and around West Creek safe. After all, his mom and sister were still out there, and maybe they’d want less to do with a Guardian for a son and brother, but he’d be damned if they became targets. He’d made a vow to destroy Sigma, and Madame G along with it.

  Cassie was content to move to the lodge, into a cabin of their own, and was happier being closer to Kaitlyn. Okay, she was thrilled and he’d endure Kaitlyn’s high-pitched shriek of delight at the news all over again to make Cassie happy.

  “Mr. Doctor Stockwell!” Bennett boomed, Cassie laughed. “Where’s the free beer?”

  Bennett was still attending therapy sessions with Cassie and agreed to go with her to interview her committed patient after the mating ceremony was completed. Cassie had gone back to her notes about the day she had him committed and brought what he’d said during his ravings to the commander. If there were any truth to them, Sigma’s threat was greater than previously thought. Maybe he could give the Guardians information on the specific reasons behind Sigma’s experiments.

  A few of Christian’s pack had asked about her job. Mental health services had never been an option for shifters before. Historically, they fought it out, but modern times and millions of cell phones with video was making that more difficult. That, along with the uniqueness of the troubled souls drawn to West Creek seeking Christian’s authority, brought much interest in Cassie and her profession.

  “Yeah, man. You promised us beer. Otherwise, I could sit at home and clean guns,” Mercury chimed in, and probably wasn’t joking. He’d been loosening up more around the group. Bennett was worried about him, since he didn’t blow off steam at the club like he did with Mercury now that he was working with Cassie. Without Bennett to deal with any social interactions, Mercury quit going, too. With Kaitlyn around to needle him to try to get him to lighten up, or take out his excess aggression in the gym, he hadn’t regressed.

  Mercury had started running with Cassie on the woodland trails to watch out for her when Jace was training. Said he felt guilty “cuz your human almost died when we blew her off before.” Jace was afraid she’d chafe under the extra security, but she said with Agents out there, she couldn’t afford to be headstrong. Besides, Jace knew she seldom saw Mercury when he shadowed her, and when he did chat with her, she found his unwitting bluntness refreshing.

  “Meet down at the club in an hour. Give the newly-mated time to consummate,” Christian said. He winked at the happy couple. Jace’s gaze devoured Cassie while a pretty stain touched her cheeks. “I closed it for the night. It can finally serve one of the main purposes it’s meant for—a gathering spot for our pack and its Guardians for celebration and revelry.” His former boss and pack leader looked out, his dark eyes taking in the small group of club employees—all part of his pack and the Guardians, before finally settling on his mate.

  Mabel turned to the group and in her soft, southern twang said, “So y’all need to start finding some mates.” The group, mostly male, suddenly became quiet while they studied the ground like there was alien life and avoided eye contact—with anyone. Mable burst out laughing, “Never mind. Let’s go party y’all.”

  Jace kept Cassie swept up in his embrace as the mating party filtered through with their congratulations and made their way to their vehicles to head to the club. Master Bellamy hung back, intent on talking with the couple privately.

  “Many felicitations, young mates.” His small smile lent a melancholy air to his words.

  Jace finally set Cassie down as they expressed their thanks, and Master Bellamy studied them both.

  “We need you. Need you both.” Master Bellamy glanced at the dispersing Guardians, the ever present concern on his face deepening. “You show us what we fight for. Those boys haven’t witnessed a happy mating for… decades. Just like Kaitlyn is a breath of fresh air with her vitality and constant attitude, they—we—need you to keep showing us that there’s more to life than the devastation Sigma can cause.

  “The Sweet Mother blessed you with a mate so young, Jace. Your blessing is our blessing and we won’t take her for granted again,” he said, referring to how the Guardians dismissed Sigma’s threat to Cassie because she was human.

  “Be well.” And he turned to go before either one of the pair could say anything.

  Jace wrapped his arm around Cassie’s slender shoulder as they watched the distinguished trainer amble off.

  “Ready for the wild life, Mrs. Stockwell?” He offered to take her last name. I’m progressive like that, he’d told her, and started the process of becoming Jace Stockwell. It meant more as his was a general name meant to assimilate in a world he didn’t belong in. It would also confuse Sigma momentarily on her status as a shifter’s mate, giving Cassie time to work with him and Kaitlyn to learn more defensive maneuvers. She’d also agreed to learn how to handle and carry weapons, understanding the increased danger to her from now on, but unwilling to live a sheltered existence holed up in her new cabin at the lodge.

  Cassie beamed up at him, looking radiant and more importantly—happy. “We’ll do wild for the first century or two, then settle down… just a little.”


  What happens when Mercury he finds out he’s going to be a father—but he’s never met the mother. Find out in Primal Claim.

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  Marie Johnston

  For new release updates, chapter sneak peeks, and exclusive quarterly short stories, sign up for Marie’s newsletter and receive a download link for three short stories of characters from the series.

  Primal Claim

  The Sigma Menace Book 2

  Primal Claim

  Copyright © 2015 by Lisa Elijah

  Copyediting by

  Editing 2nd Edition by The Killion Group

  Cover by Mayhem Cover Creations

  The characters, places, and events in this story are fictional. Any similarities to real people, places, or events are coincidental and unintentional.

  Created with Vellum

  After losing her family to feral shifters, Dani dedicated her life to eradicating those responsible, almost reaching Agent status with Sigma. Uncertainty about the network, and questions about their purpose were plaguing her when she was tasked with a mission that would forever change her and send her running toward those she once sought to destroy.

  Mercury’s past and unique looks kept him distant from people, including those of his own species. Then he captured a beautiful Sigma recruit who claimed to need his help while her scent claimed to be carrying his young.

  Bitter enemies brought together, they must rely on each other to keep Sigma from getting their hands on Dani, or the growing life inside of her.

  To my kids. They make me feel young, yet very old, at the same time.

  Chapter 1

  “Of course, Madame G,” Dani said, head bowed, han
ds clasped in front of her. She had been elevated past the rank of being on her knees in front of the dark mistress like a recruit, but not yet promoted to Agent status. Madame G had one more mission for her. Dani formed her next sentence carefully. “I would do anything to rid the world of the shifter threat.”

  Dani resisted the urge to squirm under the menacing woman’s scrutiny. Batshit crazy. Wasn’t the first time those words rose up in Dani’s mind as Madame G stood before her in a long kimono that covered every inch of skin except for her smooth, porcelain face. It also wasn’t the first time Dani questioned her determination in the destruction of all shifter kind. Her kill them all resolve had changed to well, maybe kill just the really bad ones. But it wasn’t as if she could say, “My bad. I’m just gonna head back home.” In the Sigma Network, there was no retirement, no pension plan, no severance package. You were killed in the line of duty or by Madame G herself. Save for the random training accident, that was it—no quitting.

  “But to rid the world,” Madame G purred cryptically, “what if you needed to first bring one into the world?”

  “What?” Dani’s head whipped up, but once she looked into the cold, black depths of the head mistress’s eyes, she immediately bowed her head again. “My apologies. I’m only seeking to understand.”

  “I need a shifter’s baby and I have a good feeling about you. I think you may just have it in you to conceive and carry one to term.”

  Dani swallowed hard. Her? Have a baby? A shifter’s baby?

  “I—wha—how?” She stuttered, eyes intent on the floor but seeing nothing.

  “Oh my dear. Worry not. We have obtained the seed and prepped it for insemination.” Madame G cooed before the steel returned to her voice. “I want it done tonight.”

  “Tonight?” Dani echoed.

  “Yes. Drink this, my dear.” Madame G’s pale, elegant hand shoved a chalice under Dani’s nose. It smelled like wine, but with her mistress, nothing was as it seemed. When she offered food and drink, it was for her benefit only. And you never, ever wanted Madame G to offer you anything to ingest.

  “Drink,” she commanded again, her voice dropping a chilling octave.

  Fear drove Dani to grab the glass, avoiding any skin-to-skin contact with the dark lady, and down it before any thoughts brought further hesitation. Delay would only make the inevitable more painful.

  The acrid wine burned its way down Dani’s throat, her mind reeling. She handed the cup back to Madame G as she bowed her head again. The brief moment her eyes hit Madame G’s face, she took in the smug greed that filled it. A baby? She was supposed to be inseminated and somehow conceive. Tonight? Who even knew where she was in her monthly cycle? What would happen to her if she didn’t conceive?

  Madame G snapped her fingers and the door open behind Dani.

  “Enter, Agent T.” Footsteps approached upon Madame G’s command.

  Well, this didn’t make the situation any better. Agent T was a douche. Dani avoided him as much as possible, managing to get other Agents to help her carry out her vengeance against shifter kind. It was over and done with, really. She had personally hunted down and disposed of those responsible for her family’s violent and tragic deaths. Hence her personal dilemma of remaining with Sigma, after seeing how their definition of justice differed from hers.

  The few times Agent T was in charge of Dani’s training, she felt like she needed a shower after being in his presence. He used any excuse to touch her, his fingers lingering past the awkward stage. Not to mention she knew his habits outside of missions. He liked visiting the seduction-training ladies, but claimed they bored him. He could often be found when he was off duty, trolling the clubs and bars looking for new conquests. One day he showed up with two black eyes. Rumor was that he had hit on Agent X. Dani smirked every time she imagined how that played out.

  Dani’s stomach roiled, the wine wasn’t settling well at all. Or whatever was in the wine wasn’t settling well. Her body flushed and burned hot all over. What was in that wine?

  “Daniella.” Madame G never used her nickname. Dani had wondered what letter she’d be assigned when she became an Agent and with the death of the last Agent D, she thought maybe “D” would be hers. Would Madame G still insist on calling her Daniella? She really hated hearing her full name on that woman’s lips. “You should be in your fertile state, but just in case, I had the lab refine the hormone dose we use to boost fertility.”

  Awww, hell. Dani heard about the fertility booster Madame G was developing. A couple of months ago, it had been used on a shifter’s mate. It may or may not have boosted her fertility, but reports came back that the recipient had gone from being on fire with desire, to tossing her cookies, repeatedly. Dani was hot now, her stomach upset, her head starting to swim, leaving little room for any desire to set in.

  “Go with Agent T now. I asked him to make sure you enjoy it, it might help your body accept the seed.”

  Dani was about to turn and run, damn the consequences, but her reflexes were slowing, her vision blurring. Agent T grabbed her arms and hauled her out of Madame G’s luxurious office.

  “Let me go,” Dani managed to slur. She heard the bastard chuckle at her efforts.

  “Agent T, remember my warning,” Madame G intoned.

  “Yes ma’am,” he said, dragging Dani into the elevator.

  Dani passed out in the elevator. She regained consciousness briefly to Agent T carrying her down into the bowels of the building. The lower levels of Sigma’s Freemont training center were below ground where they housed the Agents, training facilities, and part of Madame G’s laboratories. Her lab-based testing was on one of the above-ground floors, but her specimen-based testing was underground where it could be secured better. And where noise, like screaming, could be muffled from the outside.

  Agent T carried her into one of the smaller rooms that contained nothing but a sink, a syringe, and an examining table.

  Struggling weakly only increased her dizziness and she passed out again.

  Cool air wafting over her breasts brought Dani around again. Fuzzy-headed, she looked down to her bare chest and stomach. Someone lifted her legs into the stirrups attached to the examining bed.

  Kicking out, she freed one leg, only for it to fall with a clang against the table.

  A man’s soft snicker brought her head up as much as she possibly could. Her body felt like lead, like molten lead, it burned so hot.

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  “Sssh, I’ll make it feel good.” Agent T captured her leg again, bringing it up into the stirrups.

  “No!” She struggled, as strongly as a newborn kitten. “Don’t touch me!”

  “But that’s all I can do or Madame G will burn my junk off. She wants no doubt about paternity.” Agent T finished restraining her ankles and slid a stool over to sit between her legs. “But you’ll enjoy being inseminated. Trust me.”

  A wave of revulsion coursed through her, her stomach heaved, and she used all her might to try to push herself off the table, only to make her head swim and lose consciousness yet once more.

  “What’s wrong, Merc?”

  Mercury shook his head, sweat droplets flying through the air.

  “I don’t know. I just feel…” He shook his head again and turned toward Bennett Young, his partner, and continued sparring. Bennett lunged for him while another Guardian came up from behind to grab him in a chokehold. Which was completely successful because Mercury stopped to gaze northeast again, toward where Freemont sprawled across the river. They couldn’t see it from where their headquarters lay south of West Creek. The lodge was settled deep into the woods and that was where the Guardians lived and trained.

  “Distracted as hell?” Jace Stockwell finished for him as he released his hold on his neck. Bennett loved giving Jace shit for taking his human mate, Cassie’s, last name. Jace argued that his last name was a generic filler so it fit him, while Bennett argued that shit like that just wasn’t done in his day, which was quite a
long time ago. Mercury didn’t have a last name, unwilling to carry a generic moniker that didn’t mean anything. If his name wasn’t so fittingly descriptive, it’d have no meaning to him, either. When Master Bellamy found him all those decades ago, he had to call him something, and with his silver gleaming black hair and black eyes that reflected silver pools, “Mercury” it was.

  “I just feel…” Mercury drifted off again, looking northeast, searching for anything that would give him an answer. “Like I’m needed somewhere.”

  “The Den?” Bennett asked sarcastically.

  Mercury shook his head. He’d pretty much given up that outlet. It’d been months. Bennett quit going, trying therapy with Cassie instead. Jace’s mate was a psychologist they’d rescued, along with her best friend Kaitlyn, who was also a Guardian now. The Guardians had known Jace from his bartending gig at Pale Moonlight and were eyeballing him for recruitment when Sigma captured him and his mate. Once they were rescued and reunited, Jace joined the Guardians and Cassie became part of their odd family.

  “No, just like… someone needs my help.” Who could that be? He didn’t have anyone outside his Guardian circle. His past made it difficult for him to socialize and associate with people. He didn’t fully understand social nuances, said what was on his mind, and was accused of being too blunt. Bennett hated that he picked up the dialogues and sayings of the times and in Bennett’s words “abused the hell out of them.”

  Bennett shook his head in confusion. “Who?”

  “Yeah,” was all Mercury could say. He stripped down. “I gotta run.”


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