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The Sigma Menace Collection

Page 48

by Marie Johnston

  First up in her rebirth, stay away from Bennett to keep his scent off her while he continued his pretend womanizing with Jace and Weston’s help. Next, spend time as a wolf. A lot of time. Sarah stayed in the woods for weeks, running and hunting. Or rather, learning how to hunt as a wolf. The first jack rabbit about fell over on his back laughing at her attempt to catch him. After she left home at eighteen, she rarely changed to her other form because she needed to remain as human as possible. Before then, she was never a wolf long enough to need to eat like one. At least the blood from her kills was enough to keep her away from not only Bennett’s blood, but Bessie and Tulip’s as well. Ronnie took care of her beloved cows while he used them for his own blood needs.

  After she came back to the city to live in an apartment Jace and Dani set up for her under her new identity, the girls threw a wine and hair dyeing night for her. Kaitlyn, with her love of shopping, bought new clothes for Sarah that were opposite of her country girl look.

  Then Sarah went out one night and “happened” to bump into Kaitlyn out clubbing. The shifter pretended to never have met her and they made a show of becoming fast friends. Her new friend then dragged her around town to go clubbing for a few weekends. It was test to see if she was recognized so it would ultimately look less suspicious when she appeared at Pale Moonlight on a night when Bennett was around.

  A night out with Kaitlyn was a wild time, but the Guardian shooed off every man, human or shifter, whenever they came near. “Back off, it’s sexy bitches’ night out,” she’d shout.

  Sometimes Cassie would join them, and once, Dani met them out, but only for a couple of hours saying her boobs were on call. Sarah hadn’t gotten to meet baby Dante yet, but she heard enough stories to know that the little guy was going to keep the lodge exciting.

  Finally, she was at Pale Moonlight to run into her mate. Sigma spies could report he’d met his true mate, a shifter from her scent, and they’d leave them alone…mostly. But at least they wouldn’t target her for assignation.

  A quick inhale, told her he had arrived. She missed him so badly. Their forced separation sucked. She missed him, missed her dog, missed her cows, and missed all those little kittens. Her heart clenched, they were probably close to fully grown by now.

  Taking another drink, a gulp this time, she scanned the entrance to the club. He was already turning heads, women eyeing him, adjusting their clothing, hoping to approach him as he wove his way through the club.

  His navy blue eyes skipped over each one of them, but he kept working his way through the crowd, as if he sensed someone he wanted more.

  Running a hand through her shoulder length flaxen hair, she checked out her image in the mirror over the bar.

  Not too shabby. Her hair flared up slightly at the ends with the razor cut she’d recently had. Her new shirt fit snugly, showing off her figure without too much skin, and overlapping her first ever pair of skinny jeans.

  She felt like she looked hot, and so did a couple of other shifters who had sidled up to her at the bar and tried to use their bad pick-up lines. One asked her to look at his phone because something was wrong with it. When she asked what, he said it was because her number wasn’t in it.

  Laughing them both off, she nursed her cheap beer, waiting for him.

  Finally, the blond looked her way, his deep blue eyes intense, but slightly amused. He imperceptibly raised an eyebrow at her appearance.

  Fiddlesticks. Didn’t he like her new look?

  Moving more forcefully through the club, bodies literally getting pushed out of his way, he zeroed in on her.

  Her stomach was going to flutter itself right out of her body. The strapping grace of his movements kept her mesmerized until he stood over her. Sliding onto the stool next to her, a Belgian ale was automatically set in front of him, a sign he was a regular.

  Nodding to the bartender, he took a long drink while studying her. She mirrored his motions, wondering what was running through that pretty little head of his.

  “What’s your name?” was all he asked.

  “Seriously, that’s all you’ve got?” she countered. “I’ve had two other offers tonight that put in more effort.”

  Irritation flittered across his handsome features and he glared over his shoulder, searching for those who dared to hit on her.

  “It’s Sarah,” she finally told him.

  A half-smile tilted his lips. “I’m Bennett, but my friends sometimes call me Benji.”

  She was about to go on making small talk when he interrupted her. “If I had a nickel for every time I saw a woman as beautiful as you, I’d have five cents. Did it hurt…when you fell from heaven? Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back. Know what’s on the menu? Me ‘n’ you.”

  Sarah giggled and held her hand up for him to stop. “Okay, Bennett, you get an A for effort.”

  Bennett’s eyes twinkled as he took her in. “You look good.”

  “Thanks,” she said, unconsciously fluffing her hair.

  His voice dropped low. “You look delicious.”

  Heat filled her at his tone. It’d been too long since she’d felt him close to her.

  “Want to head out of here with me? Maybe grab something to eat?” Bennett almost looked nervous, like she would turn him down.

  Their time apart during her identity change caused him to worry she’d reject him, being reminded of his promiscuous past now that any choice of future was open to her. She’d get him over that insecurity tonight and remind him that she didn’t have just a shifter’s scent, but also understood their increased sex drive.

  “Don’t you usually take your women to the back?” she asked, innocently batting her eyes. People around them who were regulars of any sort attempted to listen intently to their conversation, and she was going to make it look real.

  Bennett actually flushed, his eyes flicking to the back where Kaitlyn had holed up with Weston after informing Sarah, “Dude’s going to take the edge off for me.”

  “I don’t get the impression you’re that kind of girl,” he said, almost stammering over the words. Poor guy thought he’d insult her honor if he took her back there.

  “And what kind of girl do you think I am?” Sarah flirtatiously flipped her hair and passed him a questioning look.

  “My girl. You smell like my girl.”

  A guy two stools away choked on his beer, sputtering over the bar top, coughing. The bartender stopped pouring his drink and stared at them, mouth hanging open. Sarah didn’t get the impression much shocked the seasoned bartender. A few female shifters, close enough to have caught the conversation, frowned in disappointment. Bennett just officially announced they were mates.

  “I thought you smelled like you had good taste.” Sarah smiled, wanting to jump into his arms.

  “What do you say? Should we find somewhere to get to know each other better?”

  Sarah had a plan and it might not be a part of Bennett’s, but it was vital to help him accept her acceptance of all he was. “No. I think I want to go check out those rooms with you.”

  Now the bartender was smirking at Bennett. The other shifters had gone quiet waiting to see if he’d take his mate to The Den.

  “You’re too good to go back there.” Bennett said, quietly serious.

  “Aww, you’re sweet. But you see, Bennett,” Sarah turned on her stool so her legs were inside of Bennett’s and leaned on his thighs, her hands dangerously close to the impressive bulge straining against his pants, “I’ve heard about you, and if you’re really mine,” she walked her fingers up his solid biceps and wrapped her hands around his neck, pressing her knees into him, loving the heat in his eyes, “I want to see what all the fuss is about before I bring you home. Because as I see it, we’ll have too many new places to fuck to come here again.”

  At her use of a bona fide cuss word, he picked her up and stormed through the crowd to the back rooms. Sarah would’ve laughed with glee at getting her way, but her own desire was rising, and now that he had his
arms locked onto her, and she’d felt his arousal, she just wanted him to hurry the heck up and get them in a room.

  Finding where a door was open and no moaning could be heard, Bennett carried her in and kicked the door shut behind him.

  He was leaning down to kiss her and pull her shirt up when she laid a hand on his chest, stopping him.

  “I want you to take me like you usually do when you’re here.”

  Confusion filled his features, followed by disgust—with himself. “Why? You don’t deserve that. You deserve so much better than me.”

  There it was. She could feel the last few months had been hard on him. It had been demoralizing pretending to be like his old self because then he could actually see the detachment he’d felt, watch as the girls were so easily fooled because he’d had so little to do with them in the first place. They scratched an itch, beyond that, he hadn’t cared about any of them, not even enough to get their name.

  “And that’s why, Bennett. Before I met you, I’ve gone out looking for a quickie just like so many others in this place and in all the other clubs I’ve ever been to. It’s what we do until we find our forever. So,” she molded herself to him, her voice dropping low and sultry, “why don’t you try me out and make sure I’m yours forever.”

  Indecision still plagued him, she could see the war inside of him. Fine, time to bring out the big guns.

  She backed away from him, moving closer to the chair in the small room, keeping her eyes on his as she shimmied her pants down. His nostrils flared and the intensity in his gaze bore into her skin where he visually skimmed her bare flesh.

  Sarah turned her back to him, kneeled, and leaned on the chair, arching her back, looking over her shoulder imploringly.

  Jaw clenched, Bennett undid his pants freeing himself. His arousal overpowered the room, making her heart beat harder and faster, anticipating his entrance.

  Kneeling behind her, his length prodded at her opening. She was more than ready for him, no need for any warming up, he could glide into her with no resistance.

  Bennett sank in and they both cried out. It felt so good, so right, and it’d been way too long she’d been without him.

  Moving in and out, he thrust over and over again, holding her hips tightly. She didn’t need extra stimulation before the impending orgasm rose and broke free. Crying out his name, hanging onto the sides of the chair, her ecstasy brought release for Bennett. He made a sound almost like a gasp before he clenched his teeth and growled through his orgasm.

  Leaning over her back, arms around her middle, they shuddered together.

  “I almost fucked that up and roared the wrong name,” he whispered into her ear. Yelling Spencer would’ve tanked their well-laid plans.

  Her breathless giggle was cut short because he was still full inside of her, and his lips by her ear sent a signal down to her center where she was still wrapped around him, informing her they were not done yet.

  Bennett ripped her shirt over her head and snapped her bra off so fast she was sure he hadn’t bothered to unhook it. Dang, she liked that bra.

  Thrusting behind her, she held onto his arms as his hands kneaded her breasts. It wasn’t long before they were both close to a second release.

  “Touch yourself,” he growled in her ear.

  A quick inhale at his suggestion and she moved one hand down to her drenched center. She could feel him, moving in and out of her. Rubbing her swollen clit, she moaned and threw her head back against his shoulder.

  Bennett’s breath came harsher, his grip on her breasts, tighter. Lowering his head to her neck, he kissed and licked the nook between her neck and shoulder.

  Knowing what was coming, Sarah rubbed harder, Bennett’s thrusts became more powerful, yet he held her closer. The first waves of orgasm began and she called out his name and heard him growl her new name before he bit down on her shoulder as he came.

  Her mouth dropped open as ecstasy poured through her body, the mating bite enhancing every tremor, every thrust, every sensation the male behind her was giving.

  Shuddering, her hands holding his tightly, she leaned back against him while he pressed forward against her. They were holding each other up, wrapped in their embrace, still trying not to tumble forward onto the chair.

  Mumbling into her neck, “Do you mind if we go back to your place before our next round? I mean, I’m sure they clean in here, but…”

  With a little giggle, Sarah agreed. “I can’t wait to claim you, but I can wait until we can roll around without worrying about leftover body fluids.”

  “Will your neighbors complain if I make you scream all night?”

  Reaching behind her to wrap her hands around his neck, she turned her head into him. “They can suck it. I won’t be living there long anyway, will I?”

  He gave her a quick kiss and nipped at her lip. “Fuck no. But I can’t wait for the drive back to the lodge to have you again, so direct me to your place.”

  She tried to dress as quickly as she could. Bennett shoved her bra into his pocket, giving her a wicked look. “I can see how much you want me through your sweater.” His low voice rumbled as he thumbed her nipples through the thin fabric.

  Slapping his hands away and biting back a grin, she bent to pull up her jeans, then straightened and took in his appearance. Rumpled blond hair, navy blue eyes lit up with desire, and his clothing in a form of disarray.

  “Has anyone ever seen you so…” She waved her hands at his appearance.

  “Satisfied?” That gave her stomach a girly twirl and made her shine inside.

  “Not as put together as normal.”

  “Nope.” A smug look formed on his face and he grabbed her hand, twining his fingers through hers. “Come on. I can’t wait to show you off before I keep you locked up with your legs wrapped around my waist for days.”

  Aww, he said the sweetest things. Her inner glow would light up the whole club.

  The nerves were back as they walked down the dark hallway. She could hear the cries of passion from the other rooms, and was glad she and Bennett were walking out of that phase in their lives. The nerves were increasing as they approached the dance floor. They would have to wind through the throng of bodies and make their way through the bar before they could leave.

  “We can go out the back,” Bennett suggested softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “I’m just not used to having all eyes on me.” She hoped he’d make the connection himself that she’d been in hiding all of her life, striving to be invisible. Bennett nodded in understanding and before they entered the chaos of deep bass and flashing lights, she added, “But I can’t wait for all those lovely ladies to know you’re off the market.”

  Bennett gave her a genuine grin, one she didn’t think she had ever seen from him before. Swooning female alert: this normally gorgeous male was staggering when he truly smiled. She almost missed the dejected faces from hopeful females waiting for their turn as Bennett held her tightly, seeing her safely through the bump of gyrating bodies. For a little ego stroking, she also noticed some males disappointed that she was no longer available. But there was enough flesh to go around in this place for all the disappointed parties.

  Wrapping one arm behind her, while still holding her hand, he led her through the bar section of the club and headed toward the door. Sarah didn’t miss the shocked faces of the staff who were familiar with Bennett’s history, not just with the club, but the rumors of his past mate.

  Just before they got to the entrance, a large, imposing male stepped in front of them. A petite female came out the office door to stand next to him. Tight curls framed a delicate face, yet she radiated power like the male next to her.

  The male assessed the couple with eyes a few shades darker than his smooth skin and especially studied her. Sarah didn’t feel any threat from the couple, but she got the sense they were close with Bennett.

  “My bartender called with the news. Congratulations.” The male clapped Bennett hard on the b
ack. He held out a massive hand for Sarah to shake. “I’m Christian, the owner of this fine establishment, and this lovely female is my wife, Mabel.”

  Sarah shook hands with the couple and tried not be intimidated. They didn’t have to mention they were pack leaders, she could tell from their energy and confidence.

  “I just had to come see for myself. It’s nice to see you Guardians are collecting a fine assortment of females to keep y’all in line.” Mabel’s sweet southern accent wound its way through Sarah, settling her nerves.

  “Before you two go, I know you have unfinished business,” Christian shot them both a pointed, good-natured look, making Sarah blush to her toes, “but I need you to pass a message to Jace, and make sure Rhys hears of this also.”

  “Sure.” Bennett was all business, but he didn’t ease his hold on her.

  “A shifter from Jace’s old pack was in here, trying to dig up information on former employees of mine. I believe he was looking for Jace, but he didn’t give any indication why.”

  “And tell that boy,” Mable drawled, “it won’t kill him to call once in a while.”

  Bennett gave her a quick smile to let her know he would do so, acknowledging how much Jace had meant to the couple, and to the pack, before he left to become a Guardian.

  Saying their good-byes and nice-to-meet-yous, Bennett hugged her close and steered her toward his car. She didn’t drive herself, instead had arrived with Kaitlyn, planning to leave with Bennett.

  Sarah leaned into Bennett as they walked. She wasn’t completely free, it was possible someone would connect enough dots and realize Spencer King did not die in the fire. But for now she was as free as she could be—free to work the former land of hers the Guardians bought up, free to talk to her brother, and especially free to be with her mate.

  “Quit protecting your left side, it’s obvious it’s weaker.” Master Dane Bellamy used his staff to give Parrish’s left leg a good whack.

  He was barely breathing any harder than normal, but the young male before him was sweating profusely and wheezing as he attempted to stay out of the path of the master’s staff.


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