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The Sigma Menace Collection

Page 81

by Marie Johnston

  He broke off the kiss. “Are you here to stay?”

  Her lips were a breadth away. “Maybe. I can’t live openly under the Lycan Council as it stands. Whether we replace the council, or come up with another form of government all together, it would depend on if it’s…adequate.”

  He swiped his lips across hers again. “If they seek to control you again?”

  “Exactly.” This time, she caught his mouth and coaxed his lips open.

  Rhys responded greedily, wanting to taste his mate, be as close to her as their situation would allow. Their tongues intertwined, their hands roaming each other’s body.

  Alex was the first to break contact, her breathing ragged. “As much as I want to continue this, we need to move while the big guy is down.”

  Alex was completely right. They had limited time and an unconscious body in the room. It wasn’t like he was trying to argue, but his body was on fire for her.

  “You hit him twice,” Rhys pointed out.

  “He’s a big dude.”

  “If you got the tranqs from Doc, he’ll be down for a while. Doc knows what he’s doing.”

  A smile tipped the corner of Alex’s mouth. “I like that old shifter.”

  Rhys nipped at her lip again. “I think he’s younger than me.”

  She looked surprised. “Really? You look so damn hot, all virile and shit, I forget you’re a few centuries old.”

  He let a stupid grin spread across his face.

  Giving him a saucy grin in return, she stood up and stepped back. He followed, so they were just as close standing as they had been sitting.

  “Are we going to try to get into the prison?” He was healing from his beating already and ready to act physically instead of dream walking.

  Rhys had never been able to break through whatever barrier the council had setup around their main prison. Except for making it into Mastiff’s dreams and coercing the male to show him memories of prisoners, Rhys almost would’ve thought there really was no prison.


  The mental void in the basement of the council’s facilities was a pretty clear indication that there was something down there that the council didn’t want others to get to.

  “I met with Demetrius,” Alex paused as a disgruntled expression crossed Rhys’ face. “Nothing happened.”

  “I know. I just don’t like him.”

  She didn’t bother hiding her smirk. “I think the feeling’s mutual. At least you two can be big boys and work together. Anyhoodles, he said when they overthrew the other Sigma chapters around the country, some prisoners died mysteriously. Like, the vampires running Sigma didn’t want them to spill any secrets about why they were imprisoned. He thinks the councils have had an ‘I’ll bite your jugular and let you bite mine’ agreement, and that maybe the shifters are holding their own people.”

  “That would explain how they found out about you.” Rhys couldn’t believe it. The councils were working together? It was hard enough for the Lycan Council to work with its own people.

  “To take care of those pesky trans-species mates.”

  Understanding dawned on him. Of course. It would appear like any other vampire-shifter hate killing, not a targeted attack. “Who would be imprisoned then?”

  “We’re hoping shifters who either found out the council ordered a hit on their loved one, or are refusing to give up information on where their human or vampire mate is.”

  With that kind of witness, bringing down the council might actually be possible. His dream surveillance could only go so far. A witness to backup what Rhys saw would seal the deal against the council. “I walked in Mastiff’s dreams. I got him to start dreaming about his job. He was torturing a female of our kind. Kept asking where her mate was.”

  “Maybe she’s still down there.”

  Rhys shook his head grimly. “The dream cut off after—” Rhys grimaced at the memory of what he saw. “I don’t think he meant to push her too far, but I got the impression she didn’t survive that round.”

  Alex looked behind her at the prone form of Mastiff. “Should I kill him?”

  “No,” Rhys said adamantly. “I don’t want to give the council any more reason to come after you. Mastiff’s not that bright. He’s the brawn behind the brain. He’ll get dealt with when we go against who’s behind all this.”

  “Let’s chain him up. He can mentally call anyone he wants, but,” she grinned wickedly, “I can fix the lock to this room so it’ll be hard for anyone to get to him.”

  Alex took the male’s feet while Rhys worked on his hands. After the male’s hands were secured, Rhys straightened, eyeing the huge body on the floor. “Do you have any more darts?”

  “Why Rhys,” Alex purred, causing his body to tighten even more, “need you ask?” She withdrew the dart gun, already loaded with two more darts and pumped them both into Mastiff. Rhys couldn’t help the pull of a grin at his lips. Yeah, all that tranq could kill the male and Alex damn well knew it.

  She looked at him like what? and shoved the gun back into its holster. “Let’s jet.”

  Rhys had no other option but to follow her, she had the layout of the building. Watching the sway of her hips in those leathers, he didn’t mind at all.

  Alex trotted cautiously into the hallway and led her mate into a side storage room where she had stashed his gear. She felt all girly to his face lighting up when he saw his stuff.

  His intense hazel eyes warmed toward her. “Thank you.”

  “Bennett wanted to make sure you got it back.” She didn’t know why she didn’t want to take credit for doing something nice and thinking about her mate. Maybe it felt too intimate, like she cared. Of course Rhys knew she cared. Maybe it was because she didn’t want to disappoint him even more if she had to take off again.

  Rhys ignored the comment, and the reasons behind it, and stripped his prison shirt and pants off without shame. Alex didn’t bother looking away. The male was glorious in his nudity. Hard, sculpted muscles and—drool ran down her fangs—those little striations along the ribs that acted like a marquis for rippled abs. The muscles around his hip bones, running south, flattened as they reached the jutting member standing proudly between his legs.

  It’s not like she hadn’t seen him before, she’d just never seen him completely nude before, where she could really get a good look. So, damn, why did it have to be there? Why did it have to be now, when she didn’t know if she had to leave him again?

  “See something that interests you?” he growled low. His hooded eyes watched her reaction as he stepped into his pants.

  She cocked an eyebrow and decided not to say anything. Crossing her arms and reclining back against the wall, she took in the reverse strip show he was putting on.

  Covering up that body seemed like crime. As his bare skin disappeared under his tactical clothing, she was rewarded with watching him smoothly and capably go through his weapons. He systematically checked knives and guns, and holstered them all over his body. Gawd, the male was a stud.

  She knew enough not be insulted that he felt like he had to double-check his gear. It was what smart warriors did. She’d have done the same and she had, many times, when E would pop in with her stuff after a bad punishment session.

  Once Rhys was done, he gave her an expectant look, as if waiting for her to lead the way. She had the entire facility committed to memory. It was like a campus, and the building they were in was where the council conducted all their business. Hence, it was where they kept the prisoners. The less a prisoner had to be moved for a tribunal, the better.

  She wasn’t going to lead him anywhere. Instead, she grabbed his arm and flashed him to the closet she had remained hidden in while waiting for the guard to transport Rhys.

  Suddenly reappearing in the dark, Rhys swayed next to her, trying to adjust after the flash.

  “That’s a handy way to avoid security cameras,” he muttered, giving his head one last good shake.

  “It’s awesome. I can name a ton o
f times flashing would’ve gotten my ass out of pickle. If Mastiff can remain unconscious and dream of large women, we should have two solid hours. We need to get into the interior prison, find a witness, and get as far away from here as possible.”

  “We’ll need to free everyone.”

  He had to be joking, but Rhys didn’t do shit like that. “Depending on the shape they’re in, we’d be lucky to escape with even one witness,” she countered. If there’s even a witness to the council’s ill deeds to be found.

  “Alex,” Rhys spoke evenly, his tone leaving no room for argument, “I realize how you had to do things in the past. You had to draw the line for self-preservation. I can’t do that. My duty, my nature, is to protect my species. I can’t leave innocent prisoners behind to face the fear and wrath of the council.”

  Rhys’ words sunk in. When she was with Sigma and trying to stay alive so she could kill Madame G, her decisions had often been the lesser of two evils. He was right. If they got into the prison, discovered innocent occupants, it would be on her conscience if they met with a bitter end. Once the council discovered Rhys was missing, their prison broken into—and then out of—they might terminate those left behind in order to keep their secret.

  “Fine,” she sighed. In the dark of the storage closet, her keen eyes picked up the amusement in his. “Malcolm only knew there was a prison, but he’d never been in it. He and Harrison tried to get in there, not realizing how protected it was. Another try and the old bastards would’ve gotten too suspicious.”

  “He gave you a detailed layout of everything around the prison, though?”

  “At least we have that. I’ve found a weak point where we can make our entry.” She hesitated.

  “Is there a catch?”

  “Depends if you like tight places.” The words left Alex’s mouth before she caught her unintentional innuendo. Not that it would’ve changed what she had said. Heat flared in his gaze and his lust spiked a notch. Since there was no time to act on any of their desires, she continued. “Ductwork.”

  “Seriously?” He sounded even less thrilled than she felt.

  “Cameras and highly specified access are on every entrance. The combo of the two makes it too difficult in the time we have. There’s a ton of ductwork and it’s sizable, so I think we can get through it.”

  “Where do we enter?”

  Alex pointed up to the grate lodged high in the wall. She had already removed the front panel, so all they needed to do was crawl up inside.

  “Beauty before age,” she said sweetly, and leaped up.

  The only benefit of crawling through narrow ducts behind his mate should’ve been getting to watch her ass slither ahead of him. But with the lack of light, and their bodies incased in black, not even that show was on display. All he could do was scoot along and keep his gear from scraping on the surface and making noise.

  After at least fifteen uncomfortable minutes, she finally came to a stop.

  We’re at the main grate into the cellblock. I’ll remove the cover and identify any surveillance.

  Even his ears could barely pick up her work on the grate. Less than a minute later, the cover was off, and she was searching their surroundings.

  I can see only two cameras. This grate lies at the end of a dual row of cells.

  How many?

  Five on each side, less than half filled.

  Rhys could only scent shifters through the opening. Three shifters to rescue. Not bad.

  If they can walk. Let me go in first. I can disable the cameras. Doubt they get watched that closely.

  Alex rolled out of the grate and hung down out of the opening, not jumping to the floor. When Rhys scooted forward so he could look out, he saw why. She was swinging her body to gain enough momentum to reach the camera angled to view the cells on his right. He watched as she swung up, twisted in the air, and tapped a button on the side. As she started to fall, she flashed.

  He looked across the row of small, narrow cells lining each side of the room to the camera kitty-corner on the far wall. Completely impressed with his mate’s skill, he watched her reappear in the air right next to the far camera and tap another button before falling the rest of the way to the floor. She landed in a silent crouch and peered up at him.

  I couldn’t do any more than shut them off, so we might not have much time.

  Rhys rolled out and landed lightly on his feet. The shifters in the cells eased toward the bars. They had scented Rhys and probably caught Alex’s movement.

  “Let’s make it quick,” Alex said in a low voice. “Who are you, and why are you here?”

  On Rhys’ right, a dark-haired female peered out of the bars in her cell. Straight across from her in consecutive cells, were two male shifters—one who appeared older than Rhys and one younger. Rhys’ anger spiked. The only reason the males were in the cells directly across from the female was probably to violate her privacy. There was nothing she could do that would remain hidden from the two across from her.

  “I’m Sylva.” The female’s voice was shaky. Rhys recognized her from Mastiff’s dreams. She had been under the male’s fists more than once.

  “Don’t answer them,” the older male cut in. “We don’t know who they are or what they want.”

  “We can help you.” Rhys stepped forward so they could inspect him.

  “Guardian.” The sneer on the younger male’s face told Rhys a lot.

  “Chill dude.” Alex moved forward also. “This male pissed the council off, so he’s on Guardian hiatus. Now answer me.” Her voice left no room for argument.

  But argue, the young male did. “Or what?”

  Alex’s ice-cold green eyes landed on the young male, causing him to shrink back.

  “I-I killed my mate.” The young female stammered, afraid for the male arguing with Alex.

  “Sylva!” The younger male looked frantic for Sylva.

  “Did he deserve it?” Alex’s bluntness and the shifter’s shock at her question made Rhys’ lips almost twitch into a smile.

  Sylva’s eyes fell to the floor. “No, of course not.”

  “That sounded like what the council wants to hear. I’m guessing he did deserve it.”

  Sylva nodded, her limp black hair swinging slightly with the motion, and she finally raised her gaze to meet Alex’s. “He coerced me into a mating ceremony by bribing my father. I could’ve forgiven him for that, but not for the way he treated me.”

  It was a story Rhys had heard time and again during his years as a Guardian. Older unmated shifter afraid of going feral forces a mating. It rarely ended well, for either mate.

  Alex and Rhys turned their attention to the males. They were in separate cells, but it was easy to see that the two males were related.

  “Clock’s ticking boys.” Alex’s foot tapped, her fingers were hooked over her tactical belt.

  The older male spoke first. He tipped his head toward the cell next to him. “This is my son, Damon. I’m William.”

  “I won’t be calling you anything as I get the fuck out of here because you two are taking too long.” Alex paused to assess the mutinous look on Damon’s face.

  Rhys decided to prod things along. By his furtive glances, William was waiting on his son, but Damon didn’t plan on saying a word.

  “Either one of you have a vampire mate who suddenly got killed or disappeared?”

  Damon’s head snapped up. “How did you—” He realized he was going to confess something and snapped his mouth shut.

  “We are being detained until we tell the council where Damon’s girlfriend is,” William filled in.

  “So she’s still alive?”

  Damon’s jaw clenched.

  William wrapped his hands around the bars. “Damon was on the phone with Lily when he heard her getting attacked. He rushed over there, calling me on the way. I was the only one that knew about them.”

  “I thought Dad turned me in.” The tone of his voice sounded like he regretted doubting his father’s innocenc

  “Damon has plenty of friends who could’ve noticed he kept running off to see a female he never brought around them. It would’ve been easy for them to smell vampire on him.”

  “This Lily was attacked, but she’s still alive?” Alex’s sharp eyes pinned Damon again.

  Damon got a faraway look in his eyes. “I think so. She was bleeding so much. I got there just in time. Two shifters were after her, Guardians, and I distracted them. I almost didn’t make it, but Dad showed up.”

  “We helped her flash away,” William clarified. “She wouldn’t have made it far, but it was enough that they couldn’t sense her. Now we’re here.”

  “Do you know what pack the Guardians were with?” Rhys asked.

  “They’re here, the council’s pack.” Damon’s look was dark. “The big one who keeps trying to beat me until I lead them to her, and another guy. I haven’t had a trial, or a hearing of any kind. No one knows we’re here, and we’ve been here for months.”

  He exchanged a look with Alex, who bobbed her head slightly. “Listen up, bitches. I’m gonna flash y’all out of here, but I’m starting with Damon. You, my boy, get to be our witness against the council.”

  William shifted. “So this has happened to others? Wait. You can flash?”

  Alex pointed to herself with both thumbs. “Hybrid. We gotta go.”

  She reached out for Damon’s hand, who snatched his back. “I’m not helping you find Lily.”

  “No, you’re going to help me take the fucking council down.”

  Rhys jumped in with an explanation after realizing the male had been incarcerated for a while and didn’t realize what was going on in the world. “The vampires are involved in a civil war. Their people found out what they’ve been doing. Seems both councils had the same idea when it came to vampire and shifter matings.”

  “Kill them?” William didn’t sound surprised, not after what his son experienced.


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