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The Sigma Menace Collection

Page 85

by Marie Johnston

  Alex put her hand on her hip. “I think we’re lost,” she called back over her shoulder. “We’re supposed to get mated by the council this afternoon.”

  Rhys heard the two Guardians behind them move like they were drawing weapons. He spun at the same time Alex did, their own guns raised, and they fired simultaneously. Each guard was hit with a red-tipped dart. It wouldn’t knock them out instantly, so both Rhys and Alex lunged for the pair, diving to dodge the impending bullets.

  The female fired a shot before she stumbled, the tranquilizer quickly taking effect. The male was already slumping against the wall, dropping his gun as he slid to the floor. The gun clambered to the floor and went off.

  Rhys flinched, hoping a ricochet didn’t get him in the head. Alex slid, nabbed the female guard’s weapon and deftly caught her body before the Guardian slammed face first onto the hard floor.

  “You hit?” Rhys asked in the sudden silence. He did a quick assessment of himself when he stood, then went to the fallen male Guardian.

  Alex was already up and patting down the female, ridding her of any other weapons, which were considerably less than Rhys’ own Guardians carried.

  “Just a graze.” She deposited her cache by the wall and dragged the unconscious guard to the room where Rhys had spent many interrogations.

  Rhys stopped what he was doing to assess his mate. “Just a graze” to Alex could be anything. She didn’t seem slowed in the slightest as she dumped her load in the room and held the door open for Rhys to do the same.

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Just because we’re having sex doesn’t mean I’ve gone all soft in the field.”

  “I know.” He picked up the male, hauled him to the room, and dumped him next to the female. He turned to face her. “But I worry about you because I love you.”

  She blinked at his confession, then smiled. “Loving a hot dude doesn’t make me any less of a bad ass.”

  He grinned like fool. Of course, they’d been in love with each other forever, but to be at a point where they could profess it…amazing. Too bad he couldn’t bask in the glow.

  They both took off down the hall, steadily making their way to the main chamber. Malcolm had told them that when the council was holding a session, most of the facility’s staff sat in to watch. It was an easy get-out-of-work-free card.

  Rhys switched to mental communication. We’re right around the corner from the chamber’s entrance. Malcolm?



  It’s on.

  Rhys turned his mind speak toward Bennett. It’s time.

  With everyone ready, Rhys and Alex turned into the main chamber, dart guns raised. The entrance appeared unmanned, but Rhys smelled two males.

  From each side, two shifters lunged for them. The Guardians must have either sensed them approaching or the two Rhys and Alex had encountered had gotten off a mental warning before passing out. Then there was the highly inconvenient gunfire.

  Rhys threw an elbow out at the shifter attacking him, while using his other arm to bring down the butt of his gun on the male’s head. His elbow was deflected, but Rhys heard a satisfying grunt from his other hit. The male bent down, shoving a shoulder into Rhys’ gut, so Rhys brought up a knee once, twice. The Guardian got his arms around Rhys and tried to throw him into the wall. Rhys kept pounding the butt of his gun into the male.

  His back hit the wall. An “oomph” was cut off when Rhys’ head jerked back and hit the solid surface. He shook off the pain shooting through his skull as he was dragged forward again, and turned the barrel of his gun into the male’s ribs. Rhys flew back with even more force than before, so he pulled the trigger and braced himself.

  Thudding back into the wall, he kept from slamming his head again and brought his knee up to the male’s ribs. The arms around his torso loosened. The guard fell to his hands and knees. Rhys kicked him in the ribs to keep the male from pulling any weapons at the last minute. The downed male fell over onto his side, his eyes closed and head lolling.

  Thank Doc and his home brew tranquilizers.

  Alex had already subdued the Guardian who had attacked her. He was pressed face first into the floor with her knee in his back. A red dart stuck out of his shoulder. Alex held him down until the tranq took effect.

  Both Rhys and Alex were reloading their dart guns when Rhys detected a familiar scent. He spun just in time to see the large blond Guardian who had given him more pain than anyone in his life come flying around the corner.

  Rhys met Mastiff head on, both males diving at each other with fists flying.

  Mastiff’s size was almost a drawback. He pulled back a beefy fist, but Rhys let a left hook and right hook fly, before the male could even finish his move.

  “It’s different when your victim isn’t chained down.” Rhys taunted the male through gritted teeth.

  Mastiff shook off the hits and kicked out. Rhys danced out of the way and used the advantage of his speed to come back at Mastiff. He grabbed the male’s head and slammed it down as he was bringing his knee up. The blow to Mastiff’s head disorientated him, making him slow. Rhys kept whaling on him. Fists, knees, boots to the shins. Whatever it took to drop the massive Guardian.

  With a roar, Mastiff pushed Rhys back and rose to his full height, which was a good four inches taller than Rhys. Rhys didn’t waste any time. If he got hit with one of the male’s beefy mallets, it would slow him down too much and give Mastiff an advantage.

  Rhys went at the male like a freight train, slamming him into the wall, while he pummeled the male’s body. Mastiff used his size to get an arm around Rhys and spin him, locking him in a choke hold.

  Now that Rhys was turned around, he could see that Malcolm and Harrison had made it into the building. Damon and William were watching over Sylva, warily eyeing Mastiff in case he came for them next.

  The twins and Alex were trying to break into the locked chamber. They were using anything that wasn’t bolted down to hit the sturdy wooden doors.

  And didn’t that give Rhys an idea. He was losing air. Mastiff’s hold was unrelenting. Rhys’ face grew hot, was probably changing colors. He let his weight give a little, let Mastiff think he was winning.

  Away. From. The door. Rhys’ mental commands were hitched. He needed to act. Now.

  The path to the door cleared. Before his strength drained away with his oxygen supply, he grabbed onto Mastiff’s arms. The male probably thought it was to try to pry him off. Instead, Rhys held tight and used every scrap of power he had left to lunge toward the door.

  The strategy caught Mastiff off guard. It was perfect timing. Rhys dragged Mastiff ahead, and just as the male was going to put up resistance, Rhys switched tactics. With the door five feet away, he doubled over and twisted. The move sent Mastiff flying over Rhys’ head. The male’s chokehold held Rhys firmly, so both males went flying into the doors, but Rhys was protected by Mastiff’s larger frame.

  The sounds of wood groaning and splintering as the doors broke apart under the assault, filled the stunned chamber.

  Tumbling through the opening, Mastiff finally released him when the male’s head hit the floor of the chamber with a resounding crack. Rhys landed on top of the unconscious goliath and rolled off, gasping in lungfuls of air.

  The rest of the shifters and Alex came pouring in after him, guns raised. Only this time, all the guns used bullets, not darts. Rhys drew his own 9mm, and before he could turn to assess the situation, all hell broke loose.

  The five council Guardians in the chamber had been holding Bennett and Mercury at gunpoint, but had turned at the sound of Mastiff being thrown through the door. When Alex and the others entered, it provided Bennett and Mercury the opening they needed.

  Bennett dived for the Guardian in front of him, while Mercury lunged to right. To add to the chaos, Mercury sent a buffet of wind though the chambers to disorient everyone. It was part of the plan and the twins and Alex were prepared. Damon and William were also prepared, but from their gaping
mouths and darting gazes, Mercury’s talent of manipulating wind unnerved them. Sylva cowered in the doorway, tentatively holding her gun, glaring at the unconscious Mastiff, who Rhys stood over.

  Gunshots echoed through the chamber. The staff, there to observe the proceedings, were screaming and cowering beneath their seats. Three of the council members were sneaking out the back exit. Rhys wanted to go after them, but a council Guardian was trying to sneak up behind him.

  The burn of a bullet tore through his shoulder.

  Bastard. He spun on the male, who had already fired off another shot. The bullet lodged into his thigh. He didn’t want to shoot indiscriminately in the chamber, but he didn’t have time anyway. The other Guardian was on him.

  Rhys might be worn out from his battle with Mastiff, but the male was no match for him. He kicked the male’s feet out from under him, and shot him on his way down. Then he slammed his fist into the male’s face, hard enough to knock him out.

  Probing his injured shoulder with his good hand, he was glad to find it wasn’t serious. His leg was on fire, but nothing major was hit and the injury could wait. When Rhys turned to find where he was needed next, he saw the other four council Guardians were already subdued. The chamber had fallen quiet.

  A lone gun blast rang through the air and Rhys tensed, waiting to see what, or who, had been hit. A staffer screamed. Rhys followed her horrified gaze.

  There Mastiff lay, in a different position than Rhys had left him, a wicked knife in the male’s hand. A red bloom streamed from his forehead.

  Rhys raised his gaze to Sylva still holding her gun, aiming it at Mastiff. She noticed everyone looking at her and hesitantly lowered it. It wasn’t a silver bullet, but it’d keep the giant down for a long while.

  “He was going for you.” Her violet eyes were defiant. “M-my mother taught me how to shoot. Just like she taught me how to take care of my heartless mate.”

  “Didn’t see that coming,” Alex muttered.

  The group of staffers who were huddled in the chamber started murmuring. The council members who had tried leaving through the back exit were marched back in, their arms raised. Behind them stalked E with a shotgun trained on them.

  Rhys grinned, but Alex’s smile was bigger. “Biggie, you stud, you.”

  Finding the former Agent hadn’t been easy. He’d chucked the burner phone, but left enough bread crumbs for Bennett to track him down. Once E heard their plan, and their job for him, he was fully on board and glad for the possibility to bring his family home.

  “Call the rest of your Guardians off,” Rhys demanded to the council members.

  They all glared at him defiantly, except for Wallace. “Done.”

  Seether gasped, outraged, and glared at his fellow council member.

  Wallace rolled his eyes. “Old man, this has been a long time coming. This,” the twin’s father gestured around him, “is what happens when you try to fill the role of deity for the people you’re governing.”

  “As I was saying before the interruption,” Bennett said, smoothly, “my pack is calling for the dissolution of the Lycan Council, citing crimes against its own people.”

  Councilman Seether was shaking. “You have no proof.”

  “Oh, but I do.” A smooth voice chimed in from the doorway. “I’ve gotten names from questioning former vampire leaders. I’ve got a vampire and her shifter mate who were targeted by the council’s Guardians, and…” Demetrius stepped gracefully over the debris in the doorway. He was flanked by the former Agents R and Z. He gave a sidelong glance to Rhys. “I have a dream walker who has dream-witnessed several accounts where Seether and Hargrath ordered assassinations of their own people.”

  Both Seether and Hargrath paled before turning red with rage. Wallace didn’t look one bit surprised, but maybe a little smug that the two older members were finally busted. The two younger council members, Demke and Ute, appeared completely taken aback by the accusations.

  “It’s a new age,” Bennett announced. “So this is how it’s gonna go. We’ve designed a new government. One formed of all the different species. Well, except for humans.”

  Seether and Hargrath turned their dark gazes on Alex. She stared back defiantly.

  “You think our people will be led by her?” Hargrath sneered.

  “As opposed to being killed by you?” she asked in a sugary sweet voice. “For the good of the people?”

  “This is how we’re going to do it, ladies and gents.” Demetrius strode up to the dais and arrogantly turned his back on the council members. Former council members. “Representing Team Vampire is myself and my trusted friend, Zohana Chevalier.” He held his hand out to present the tall female vampire who had arrived with him.

  Rhys saw Alex mouth to E. She’s still a Zitch.

  E ruefully shook his head.

  “Representing Team Hybrid, is the one and only,” Demetrius paused for dramatic effect and everyone turned to stare at Alex, “John King.” Alex smirked back at the surprised crowd.

  On cue, a tall, fair-haired male strode into the room. His facial features looked remarkably like his sister’s and he had the same bright, cunning eyes.

  The male’s nostril’s flared and his eyes scanned the room, until they landed on Bennett and narrowed. The males gave each other a small, assessing nod. It was the first time Bennett had met his mate’s father.

  “We’ll add representation as their population grows. As for Team Shifter,” Demetrius continued, “we’ll have to hold two slots until the lot of you can decide on your new leaders.”

  A disgruntled Hargrath lunged up to the dais, the glint of a blade flashing in his hand. Gasps escaped the staffers, but Demetrius didn’t twitch.

  Before the male reached Demetrius, Agent R appeared behind him. He grabbed Hargrath, yanked him back, and took him down to the floor. With a flash of fang, R bent over the male and sank in deep. Rhys heard, more than saw, the messy conclusion to the councilman.

  “Thank you, Rourke.” The fresh scent of metallic blood saturated the air. Demetrius’ nostrils flared, his eyes reflected red. “Anyone else have anything to say?” He scanned the room. “Now then. Shall we proceed with the discussion?”


  Two weeks later…

  Alex came back from her four-legged run in the woods and padded up the stairs to the door. She flowed back into her human form and headed straight for the shower.

  Her morning runs were becoming her favorite part of the day. Sometimes, she ran her wolf, sometimes she ran with Cassie Stockwell. It was nice to run with Cassie as a friend, and not because the shrink was her target.

  She and Rhys had spent two days at the old council’s facility helping plan and set the new ruling body in place. Only one of the previous council’s members was allowed to stay, Demke. Rhys and Demetrius figured it would be an easier transition for shifters if they kept him. Sylva’s diatribe at the cabin, and aid in shooting Mastiff, earned her the remaining shifter slot. The female had more steel in her than anyone had originally thought. Alex predicted Sylva would become the most outspoken one on the council, heralding a change for the way isolated shifter colonies conducted their business.

  Alex’s brother, John, seemed comfortable with his new role. When Alex had flashed to his doorstep to tell him about their plan with the new government, he had readily agreed to help lead. He and Kenna could finally live a life out in the open, and see their children as often as they wanted. In fact, her brother and his wife had been staying at the lodge for a few days and would be leaving soon.

  The new council—they hadn’t decided yet on an official name—put Seether in prison, along with the pack of Guardians who served the former council. They had decided to wait on trials until they dealt with getting the new government accepted by shifters and vampires alike.

  Her shower done, Alex was drying off when Rhys’ voice drifted through her mind.

  What are you doing?

  A smile touched her face. Bennett had readily freed
himself of the commander title and Commander Fitzsimmons was back to overseeing the West Creek Guardians. There was even talk of incorporating vampires into each Guardian pack. It’d be a pretty radical change, but that was the direction they were heading.

  Lonely? she purred back.


  She flung her towel over the curtain rod and flashed into Rhys’ office.

  He was leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. When he saw she was completely naked, his eyes burned into her skin. He rose from his chair to prowl around his desk toward her.

  He stopped a breath away. She peered up at him through her lashes. “We’re getting officially mated in a few hours.”

  “I know,” he growled.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to wait for tonight?” She knew the answer. They had both missed a lot of time together, and he never passed up an opportunity to be nestled deep inside of her.

  “I just need to take the edge off.”

  “You took the edge off last night. And then this morning.” She was undoing his pants as he backed her into the wall.

  “Those were just to keep me sane.”

  She looked up at him and bit her lip, flashing him a little fang. His pupils dilated and he sucked in a breath. Grabbing onto him, she whipped them both around, so his back was against the wall. Sinking down to her knees, she pulled his length free.

  He watched her, his hands lovingly running through her hair. “I love seeing you like this. I love your body. I just fucking love you.”

  He also never failed to profess his love. She couldn’t get sappy no matter how hard she tried. The closest she got was during their long, lovemaking sessions was when she moaned her love for him as he made her come over and over. She was pretty sure he preferred that over poetry anyway.

  She held his gaze as she took him into her mouth.

  Alex perused the books on Rhys’ shelf. Their shelf. She had to start thinking of this cabin as hers. After tonight, it would be official, and their mating bond would be complete. She was looking forward to it. She really was. Her family and all of Rhys’ pack would be there.


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