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Silver Fox & The Western Hero: Warrior Reborn: A LitRPG/Wuxia Novel - Book 1

Page 29

by M. H. Johnson

  Yes, Alex. I am here.

  “Can I give my experience, whatever energy I absorbed from the boar, to Liu Li?”

  Clarify designation: Liu Li

  “The dying girl!”

  Processing… Liu Li is part of your party. Spiritual links of accord detected. Genetic compatibility detected. Compatibility between Golden Realms Qi and Liu Li’s affinities detected.

  Yes, Alex. You may give a portion of your earned experience to party member: Liu Li. How much do you wish to give her?

  Alex swallowed “As much as I can… as much as will save her life. Not all at once, but as a steady stream.”


  And Alex was pulled out of his trance, Liu Jian gripping his hand along with Liu Li’s, whispering a desperate chant, and Alex could all but feel his Qi energies leaving his body, flowing through the old man, and pouring into Liu Li.

  “It’s not enough. God’s mercy, it’s not enough!” The old man cried.

  Then Alex felt as if he were a dam about to burst. He was struck by the sudden impulse to put his free hand on Liu Li's chest, and did not dare to hesitate.

  And the minute his hand touched Liu Li’s naked flesh, two things happened.

  Liu Li’s deathly pallor was suddenly flushed with life, and she began to scream as if she were burning in the very pits of Hell.

  Liu Jian’s eyes widened with sudden horror. “What are you doing to my daughter?”

  Alex couldn’t answer that or anything else, gripped by spasms as awful as those roaring through the dying girl, both of them shrieking as if their souls were on fire, before collapsing into blessed darkness at last.

  Your earned experience has been fully depleted.

  Your companion’s odds of survival, barring unforeseen circumstances, has increased to 76%.

  Greater Demon Boar Spirit Stone obtained. Do you wish to claim the full power and potency of this stone?


  Experienced earned. Wild Qi has been tainted by Dark Qi. Qi must be purified before it can be shared with your party.

  Spirit Link has now been severed.


  “Liu Li!”

  Alex jolted awake, gasping, his entire body aching as if he had just been tossed off his bike.

  His heart was racing as if he had just been fighting for his life, but save for soft sobs and the rustle of nearby branches in the darkness, there was no clash of battle, no mad squeals of demon boars, and then it all came back to him.

  Liu Li. Her expression of shock and horror as death raised his scythe, seeking to claim his due.

  Before Alex had risked everything, on a mad gambit that had somehow worked, castling inside a horror of a beast, sick and tainted by chaotic Qi. Dark Qi. That substance that, once purified and refined, became the most exquisite of black liquors, symbolizing all the fluid potency of perpetual motion and endless change. Yet in its present chaotic state, without Silver Fox’s techniques and a natural affinity for it, too much exposure would lead to inevitable decay, explaining why so many cultivators saw it only as waste, doing all they could to expel it from their mortal bodies.

  His eyes widened as he communed with his interface, surprised to sense the pressure of so much potential energy hovering about his soul. He could only assume that he himself, or his matrix, had spent the entire time he was lost in deathly sleep purifying the wild Qi trapped in the spirit stone into what was, for him, effectively experience.

  And he sensed a flood of it.

  Do you wish to incorporate potency earned from Greater Demon Boar Spirit Stone?

  Alex grimaced, slowly shaking his head. “Not yet. I need to check on something first.”

  Alex groaned, immediately feeling an odd painful pressure build, much like he last recalled experiencing when he had first arrived at this land.

  He forced himself up on dizzy feet, taking a deep breath until his sense of balance returned, making his way to a quietly sobbing Liu Jian, hovering over his daughter.

  Alex’s heart lurched in his chest.

  “Master Liu! Please don’t tell me she’s…” He couldn’t bear to say it.

  Then he almost collapsed in relief as Liu Li turned from her pallet to gaze at him, flashing him a tired smile. “You look like shit,” she said.

  He couldn’t help laughing, wiping away the sudden hot sting of tears.

  “Crying? You better not be crying for me, peasant boy.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he whispered, bending down, his hand gently clasping her own.

  She swallowed, giving a tiny nod, exhausted eyes smiling into his own.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  She chuckled softly. “For being a complete idiot. For breaking all the rules. For doing whatever the hell it is you did that let you gut that nightmare from the inside.” Jade eyes peered deeply into his own. “For saving my life.”

  Alex swallowed, finding it suddenly hard to speak.

  She turned her gaze back to her father. “Dad, I’m tired.”

  “Go back to sleep, my little fox,” he whispered. “We will watch over you while you do.”

  She flashed a tired smile and immediately drifted off to sleep.

  Alex gazed down at her for long moments, heart in throat, feeling strangely naked and vulnerable before the man now gazing so intently at him.


  “Yes, Master Liu?”

  Soft brown eyes peered intently into his own.


  Alex flushed. He lowered his head, having no idea how to put the flood of emotions he felt into words.

  An endless silence stretched. A powerful hand patted his shoulder.

  “Is it true?”

  “Is what true, Master Liu?”

  Another pause as the older man tilted his head, before getting up to go over to the crackling fire nearby.

  Alex’s nostrils dilated, only then noting the exquisite smell of ham hocks and bacon as the alchemist returned with a plate of piping hot juicy meat.

  A ravenous Alex found himself devouring mouthfuls of tender victuals like a ravenous beast, his mouth exploding with flavor, suddenly realizing he had never felt so hungry in all his life, nor so ravenous as he was now. And no sooner did he finish one plate than his hands were filled with another, stacked even higher with tender victuals, and Alex continued to eat his fill under the solemn gaze of the man who had taken him in.

  “Are you Silver Fox’s disciple?”

  Alex coughed, spitting out a half-chewed piece of meat.

  He gazed thoughtfully at the older man.

  “I don’t know.”

  Master Liu smiled. “An honest answer.”

  “I hope so. I just… honestly, I don’t know. I think maybe he saved me from a fate worse than death. Or maybe it was just death. Or maybe I’m just a pawn he put into play, so many years ago. Or maybe he just took advantage of me being in the right place at the right time.”

  “But the tales and legends you dance around. You’re saying that mysterious Ruidian last seen centuries ago… he was you?”

  Alex shrugged. “Honestly, I couldn’t say. The tales that they told in the marketplace, back when I used to enjoy getting my lunch there before Lai Wei tried to kill me, about WiFu the inspector and his strange Ruidian companion solving citywide mysteries and bringing criminal consortiums to justice, so reminiscent of Sherlock and Watson stories from my own world... those wild stories are nothing like my own tale, enjoyable as they were to listen to."

  Liu Jian nodded. “But the tale of the Ruidian who destroyed that ancient galleon, who was almost cut down by corrupt officials before WiFu himself intervened… the boy who warned Lady Jin Yu about the invaders, whose gifts allowed him to point out the enemy ships cloaked by alien magics, so her men could strike them down with the lord's righteous weaponry. That tale is true?"

  Alex flushed, lowering his head. “Honestly? I’m not sure. My memory of it was different. I pointed ou
t the enemy ships to WiFu. Then I saw the Fox goading a pair of gods to strike him down, though they never could hit him, and the battle they waged became a violent lightning storm that destroyed all of those enemy vessels waiting for the signal to invade.

  “Yet at the same time, somehow it was Lady Jin Yu who gave the orders to fire, knowing exactly where the ships were to be found. After the battle was over, she gazed at me and knew right away that I was a pawn of her father’s. Then I sort of went into hibernation, plants grew over me, and I woke up a couple months ago in a strange tomb.”

  Alex raised his head to meet the gaze of the man peering so intently at him. “And you know the rest of the tale yourself.”

  He turned to gaze at a sleeping Liu Li. “Will she be okay?”

  Her father sighed. “Her meridian gates were strained by the flood of wild Qi you poured into her system. But… yes. I think she will live. But we will need to spend some time recuperating in safety. Perhaps days, perhaps weeks, with Liu Li in quiet meditation. If fortune favors us, she will heal and be stronger than ever. If not...”

  Alex gazed down at her, a gentle smile upon his features. “We’ll protect her no matter what.”

  Her father swallowed, jerking a nod. "Yes, we will. And Alex?"


  “Thank you.”

  Alex swallowed down the lump in his throat, and kept silent vigil alongside Liu Jian, watching over the girl they both adored.

  And when morning came and a bright, weary smile flickered across Liu Li’s lips, Alex’s heart rejoiced, knowing that, one way or another, she was going to be okay.

  Her delicate brows furrowed, however, when her father explained their plan.

  “Are you serious, Father?”

  Her father had nodded solemnly. “You know where our cottage is. A single day’s trip, and the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy is as calm and docile as anywhere I’ve ever explored. It’s why I established the shelter there, encased within inviolate Mother Earth. And it’s best we get going soon. Something wild and dangerous has effected the environment nearby.”

  He glared into his surroundings. “That boar should never have been able to break through my wards. He was tainted! And the cockatrice should have been gone for months. Something has disturbed the environment. Something has changed! And until I know what that is, until you’re healed, we’re taking shelter in the safest spot I know of within these woods. And once you’ve recovered, then we can continue on.”

  “But Father, what about the Jianghu quota?”

  “The hell with it.”

  Her eyes widened. “But Father...”

  “I almost lost you, daughter. Lost you forever! Because I’ve played to fool all these years, too stubborn to leave my lifelong home, when the entire world and all the stories, all the untold wonders within, could be ours to explore.” He sighed, shaking his head. “There are other cities, my child. And I doubt Elder Ying would hold such a grudge that he would send his strikers after us. And even if we had cause to fear, a mere five thousand miles and we are in another principality entirely.”

  Liu Li swallowed, then nodded. “Alright, Father. If that’s what you think best...”

  “We’ll take it one day at a time. But for now, can you walk? Even with my wards, this land has become too perilous for us to risk staying here any longer than we have to. Best we get to safety.”

  She swallowed and nodded, and together the three of them made their way past forest and field until they came to a wooded hill, following a path only Master Liu seemed able to spot, until at last they approached the disguised entrance to a shelter carved directly into the hillside.

  The Alchemist raised his hand, bidding them halt while he strode forward, whispering odd chants. Alex could feel the waves of elemental Qi coming off him: Fire, Earth, and Metal, his elemental proficiencies. Then at last he gave a satisfied nod.

  Surprisingly, the inside wasn't cold or damp at all. Tapestries lined the walls, woolen rugs warmed their feet, and Alex could only wonder at what exotic magics kept everything in such pristine repair, the alchemist summoning forth a cozy fire in what was effectively the living room before putting meat on the impressive-looking stove.

  Alex couldn’t help grinning. “The inside is like a perfect replica of your home back in the city.”

  The older man grinned. “It is, up to and including the alchemy lab.”

  Alex whistled. "Incredible."

  The older man nodded. “Reflecting crystals and masterwork engineering assures direct sunlight graces every room, most especially the greenhouse. It took many seasons to construct, but it was worth it. And even if Elder Ying implied his men knew all our secrets, this is one that I am all but certain he will never discover.”

  Alex grinned. “And the guy could have been bluffing.”

  Liu Li chuckled. “He probably was. But Father knew better than to show any other expression besides humble awe.”

  "Probably for the best," Alex conceded. "Let the lion feel like he is king, and he's less likely to feel the need to tear your guts out to prove his point.”

  Liu Li grimaced. “Something like that.”

  Liu Jian gazed fondly at them both. “Alright. Both you children rest. Daughter? Your job for the next two weeks is to meditate, to cultivate as gently as a butterfly upon her favorite flower. Healing, not power, is the path you walk now.

  “Alex? Starting tomorrow, I will teach you everything I can about the great art. Because whether or not you’ve reached Bronze, I sense you can bend rules that most cannot.”

  Alex grinned in appreciation as Liu Li nodded in sad acceptance, and at long last, Alex’s real training began.


  Arcane Formula witnessed: Basic Cultivation Pill. 95% Comprehension achieved. - Ingredients recognized. Physical Procedure Understood. Qi Flow recognized. - True proficiency cannot be granted until you are able to replicate Qi flow.

  Arcane Formula witnessed: Enhanced Purification Pill. 95% Comprehension achieved.

  Arcane Formula witnessed: Enhanced Cycling Pill. 95% Comprehension achieved.

  Arcane Formula witnessed: Meridian Rejuvenation Pill. 95% Comprehension achieved.

  You have achieved Rank 3 in Golden Realm Kung Fu.

  You have achieved Rank 3 with Gladius.

  The next four weeks were the most grueling Alex had experienced since coming to life in this new world. Master Liu, true to his word, treated Alex as he would his own flesh and blood, if by flesh and blood one meant wayward child who had a lifetime of martial and cultivation knowledge to learn in an extremely short period of time.

  Save for that one display of gratitude, all the more powerful for the emotion displayed by the normally aloof man, Master Liu had suddenly transformed into the most unforgiving of trainers.

  What felt like just minutes after being all but personally tucked in by the older man the night before, actually squeezing Alex’s hand and promising to treat him like the long lost nephew he should have from the start, he had been literally rolled out of bed, rubbing bleary eyes to look into the unforgiving gaze of a man who saw endless room for improvement.

  “You have a long way to go before you’ll be worthy of our family name, Nephew. Now don your lamellar and bronze. Training begins in ten minutes.”

  And almost before he knew it, he found himself facing off against not a diminutive alchemist, but rather a former instructor of Dragon Temple itself, for once revealing the overwhelming presence of a Cultivator who walked the path of the Silver Naga.

  Alex couldn’t help but freeze up. The wind, redolent with the smells of forest and field, tussling his hair was all that moved.

  Looking down 15 feet of spear, this hidden fortress of a home just as well stocked with arms and armaments as the alchemist's home in the city, Alex saw his death in the older man's gaze. He could barely breathe.

  Rib cage Bruised. You are temporarily stunned. You have suffered a Medium Wound.

  Master Liu flashed a mirthless smile,
before uttering a powerful shout, and in a flash, Alex's spear was knocked aside and he was sent flying across the tiny glade that served as their training area, grateful that the soft loamy ground absorbed the impact, for all that his ribs suddenly ached something fierce.

  “And that, Alex, is the least of a true soldier’s powers. When one learns to cultivate, one does more than strengthen one’s body with an influx of purified Qi. One grows reserves of that spiritual energy that can be used to manipulate our bodies and the weapons we have become one with, in what some might consider miraculous ways. These are the least of our powers, of course, requiring no elemental affinities to master and thus perfect for even the most novice of cultivators, such as yourself.”

  Alex blinked. “You moved so fast I couldn’t even see you! Not until you had literally crashed into me, my cracking ribs the only clue I had you were there.”

  His mentor chuckled. “I know.” His brows furrowed. “You need to get stronger, Alex. If that blow alone could come so close to shattering your ribs, imagine how poorly you would fare against a competitor seeking to kill you.”

  Alex swallowed. “Understood.”

  “Good. Now unsheathe your gladius. Faster! Resheathe it. Now unsheathe it again. Again!”

  Hot eyes glared into Alex’s own. “Before I can teach you how to focus your power, you need to be one with your weaponry. You’ve finally achieved a semblance of that with ji and short spear. And before the week is over, I’ll see you achieve the same mastery with gladius, fist, and long spear! Are we clear?”

  Alex swallowed and nodded. The older man snorted.

  "Is the gladius any good to you still in its sheath? You need to be ready to draw and lunge in a heartbeat, Alex! No food until you can do just that."

  Alex groaned internally, for all that he secretly reveled in the fierce intensity of the pitiless master.

  And by the time he could finally do just that, his ribs had stopped hurting, thanks to his boosted Vitality as a Rank 3 basic cultivator along with his interface-enhanced recuperative abilities. Not that it had a chance in hell of saving him in a fight, but at least if he did survive, what should take months to heal and leave scars would take only days or weeks, with no scars at all, if Master Liu's grumbled comments over the last few days had been anything to go by.


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