One Hundred And Twelve Days
Page 14
“From her starring roles in skin-flicks perhaps?” Cleopatra asked, lighting up.
“There’s that, bit, we think it’s a lot closer tae hame. We’re looking at whether that director boss ae hers, yer pal that ye mentioned earlier, Sleazebag Donald, wid’ve hid any idea who it might be. So far, he’s denied knowing anywan, including members ae his ain family. He claims he’s no intae violence, despite being a sexual deviant who’s intae producing S & M films fur export. We’re certain that he might know who’d be capable ae shooting somewan like McCaffrey, despite the fact he’s no known fur hivving any connections wae any ae the organised boys in the toon…in fact, according tae him, he disnae mix wae anywan, as he’s too busy,” The Murder Supremo explained, as everywan smiled. “As awready stated, if that wisnae bad enough, later oan in the efternoon, at aboot approximately 4.20 pm, Inspector Duggie Dougan wis shot in the back wae baith barrels ae a sawn-aff shotgun oan the tap stairheid landing ae 43 Lawrence Street, Hillheid. We’ve still no exactly established why and in whit capacity he happened tae be up the closemooth. It his since been revealed that he’d been hivving an affair wae a young WPC fur a number ae months previously, who wis the sole occupier ae the flat that he was shot ootside ae. Fae whit we kin gather, Duggie hid broken aff the affair. According tae Priestly, the young WPC wisnae happy wae the situation efter the inspector informed her a few months previously that he wis ending the affair. Apparently, he’d decided tae try and work things oot between him and that wife ae his. We think he wis concerned aboot the state ae the WPC’s mind, as previously, she’d made an unsuccessful suicide attempt by trying tae top hersel by jumping aff a wee stool wae a rope tied roond her neck in her kitchen. We think that he might’ve gone roond tae her flat tae try and speak tae her. He wis clearly concerned aboot the commotion she could cause him, baith in the station and wae that wife ae his. She isnae a suspect…at this stage. He’d been under a lot ae strain since his brother-in-law goat run o’er by a wagon up oan the Kirkie Road a few months earlier. While we’ve goat an open mind aboot the hit-and-run and who wis behind the wheel, Shane Priestly claimed that Duggie believed Wan-bob Broon wis behind it. The wan puzzling aspect aboot him being up that closemooth is that there wis a big heavy ten-inch monkey-wrench lying oan the stairheid landing beside him.”
“Perhaps he meant to use it to bludgeon the young female officer’s head in,” Cleopatra volunteered, as the men roond the table failed tae hide their shock at the insinuation.
“Maybe. Duggie Dougan wis a lot ae things, bit wanting tae murder a young polis officer…and a wummin at that?” Mr Intelligence replied stiffly, keeping his anger in check, clearly no hivving considered that possibility. “Back o’er tae yersel, Bob.”
“Right, as everywan knows, oan Saturday morning the 25th October, the morning efter Duggie Dougan and Honest John McCaffrey wur murdered, the black butcher baron fae Possil, Black Pat McVeigh and his wife wur discovered, shot tae death, execution style, in their car at the remote farm that they owned oot near Campsie Glen, Dunbartonshire. Their bodies wur discovered by the postie oan his delivery roond at approximately 7.25 am. Black Pat’s wife hid been shot through the tap ae her heid and lay sprawled backwards across baith ae the two front seats. Black Pat hid been clubbed oan tap ae his heid wae a blunt instrument as he exited the driver’s side ae the vehicle, before being shot by the same weapon that killed his wife. We believe there wur two killers involved. Baith victims wid’ve died instantly fae their gunshot wounds. Oan the same day that Black Pat and his wife wur discovered, Willie Commotion wis clocked driving erratically, at approximately 10.25 am, alang Dumbarton Road in the direction ae Anniesland. It looked like he wis getting oot ae the toon fast. Whether he’d heard or knew whit hid happened tae Black Pat is anywan’s guess. He hisnae been seen since. Oan the Friday night, again the same day as Duggie Dougan wis shot and Black Pat and that missus ae his heided oot ae the toon, John McClure, or John The Haun, as everywan knew him, another member ae the black butcher partnership, wis seen by a couple ae his neighbours entering his hoose at number seven Hayburn Crescent, Partick Hill at approximately 6.30pm, nearly two hours efter Duggie wis gunned doon. We don’t know where he’d been during this period. The last sighting ae him wis the following day, oan the Saturday, efter he staggered oot ae The International oan Maryhill Road. While there wis plenty ae people remembered seeing him in the pub, nowan saw him efter he left jist before closing time in the efternoon, aroond aboot 2.20 pm. None ae this pair hiv turned up at any ae their known haunts in the toon since. Sam’s boys in The Flying Squad hiv joined in wae ma boys in turning the toon upside doon looking fur them. Oan Wednesday the 29th ae October, five days efter Black Pat’s demise, Streaky John McGinnis, another wan ae oor notorious black butchers, also a partner ae McVeigh’s, who’d awready been questioned aboot the murder oot in Campsie, wis discovered slumped o’er his desk in that big fancy hoose ae his up oan the Kirkintilloch Road by his wife, when she came doon the stairs fae the bedroom at 9 am in the morning. He’d been shot in the back ae the heid. The boys across in ballistics hiv confirmed that the gun that wis used tae kill Black Pat and his wife also did the damage tae the back ae Streaky John’s heid. It appeared that he’d been sitting, aboot tae fill oot a cheque, when he’d been shot, which tends tae suggest that he knew the assassin or assassins and hid let them intae the hoose himsel, as there wis nae evidence ae a forced entry. At this stage ae the enquiry, we believe these four wur behind the murder ae Inspector Dougan.”
“Willie Commotion and John The Haun? We need tae get oor hauns oan them and quick, although, Ah’m getting a real sense ae déjà vu here, given the history ae these type ae people disappearing,” the assistant chief constable said.
“Aye, Ah’ve a bad feeling aboot whit’s become ae them as well. We’ve also established, due tae Superintendent Munro’s interrogation ae Priestly, that Inspector Dougan hid been receiving back-handers fae the black butchers fur well o’er ten years, bit that o’er the past six months, Dougan hid upped his demand fur McVeigh tae increase the weekly payments,” Sam Bison confirmed. “Apparently, McGovern met wae Charlie Hastie oan a number ae occasions regarding the squeeze being put oan McVeigh. Hastie repeatedly warned McGovern tae tell Duggie Dougan tae back aff and that McVeigh widnae be paying the inspector any extra money. He also threatened tae waste Dougan oan mair than wan occasion.”
“His McGovern himsel confirmed any ae this?” the acting chief constable asked, face tightening.
“Naw. Aw this his come fae Priestly. McGovern his refused tae co-operate and is sticking tae his lawyers well-worn script that he wis nothing other than a dedicated polis officer, working under pressure tae keep the citizens ae Possil safe in their beds at night. McGovern’s goat plenty ae evidence tae substantiate that claim. The black butcher operations o’er the past few months hiv declined substantially due tae pressure being applied by the two sergeants, at the behest ae Dougan. The arrest and conviction rate ae black meat traders o’er the past three months his increased by o’er fiver hunner percent. The trade his noo totally collapsed efter Superintendent Munro’s new inspector took up post in Possil recently. Despite guilty pleas by the street traders oan their activities up in court, not wan ae them his implicated either Duggie Dougan or his two sergeants in being oan the make.”
“Who’s benefitting from aw this, Sam?” the acting chief constable asked the heid ae Crime and Intelligence?”
“We hiv two ae the city’s biggest gangsters in custody and the black meat trade in the north his collapsed. Who stands tae benefit?”
“There’s nae evidence…so far, that The McGregors ur in there. Two known street dealers wae links tae Harry The Horse, wan ae the McGregors’ main heroin dealers fae Govan, wur caught dealing in The Sloop doon oan Jamaica Street two days ago. They wur caught wae jist o’er three grams between them, in five quid paper wraps, bit other than that, there’s been nothing. Despite the manpower pressure, we’ve increased oor survei
llance oan whit’s happening across in Govan and there’s nae indication that The McGregors hiv been dabbling oan this side ae the water. The two arrested street dealers ur currently up in The Bar-L oan remand, although we expect they’ll be oot oan bail soon, if they urnae awready. Despite offering them deals, they jist laughed at us.”
“Hiv we any evidence that links heroin being sold oan the streets tae any ae Wan-bob Broon and Charlie Hastie’s boys?”
“Coke and hash, bit no any ae that gear.”
“Back tae Honest John McCaffrey, Bob. Whit progression dae we hiv wae his murder…Ah mean, is there anything tae suggest his death is linked tae the black butcher wans?” the assistant chief inspector asked.
“The problem is fear. Because ae who he is and his associations, nobody’s coming forward and talking. There’s a hunner and wan reasons and jist as many people Ah could come up wae, who wid’ve wanted tae see him gone. Between his murder, the black butcher’s and Duggie Dougan’s, we’ve goat o’er a hunner and twenty officers working twenty-four-seven oan them. We’ve transferred people in fae other divisions tae assist. The motorbike used wis found burnt oot oan spare ground beside the canal, jist aff Balmore Road up in High Possil. Despite door-tae-door enquiries, including talking tae aw the local kids, nowan saw anything. It wis jist allowed tae burn oot. Nowan called the fire brigade tae report it oan fire either. We’ve goat Bill Henderson leading Duggie Dougan’s case and Big Jake Taylor oan McVeigh’s. Although they appear connected, we’ve decided tae come at them fae two different angles, jist in case. Jake’s liaising wae the Dunbartonshire boys oot in Campsie. Baith Bill and Jake ur co-ordinating Honest John’s investigation between them, despite being stretched tae the limit. It would be good if we could get somewan wae experience tae take the lead oan that wan. It’s a pity we lost Bobby Mack and Sally Burke. They wid’ve come in handy jist noo, so they wid’ve.”
“What about Sergeant Wilma Thain?” Cleopatra asked, ignoring the dig. “She’s an excellent detective.”
“It’s a rank ae inspector we need. Somewan tae take control and be able tae dispense orders withoot them being questioned,” Mr Murder replied.
“Oh, I think Sergeant Thain has the experience and authority to lead. I’ve had dealings with her recently and I was very impressed by her dedication and resolve. She’s recently been transferred into the north, so wouldn’t be bringing baggage with her. I believe there’s a few personal domestic issues that a promotion up to inspector would help resolve.”
“Well, Ah widnae hiv any problems wae that. Ah agree wae ye, she’s pretty good and his earned her spurs.”
“Shane Priestly, Murdina? What’s the current plans fur his safety?” the assistant chief constable wanted tae know.
“We have his signed statement and he’s agreed to co-operate as our star witness. I thought about placing him under armed guard in a small hotel in Argyle, but felt that three men suddenly appearing in a small locality would raise curiosity and start gossip. I’ve spoken with Barry Lemmon, his lawyer, and he reluctantly agreed that the safest place for Priestly to be is where he is now. I’ve spoken with the prison governor, Mr Bob Grump, who I had dealings with in the past, when he was the governor of Craiginches Prison in Aberdeen. Before the arrests of our police officers, I visited Barlinnie and was reassured by the arrangements to keep them away from the other prisoners. He’s segregated them in the hospital wing, above the main gate. No-one, apart from prison officers, can gain access to them there. There’s a small dormitory, including shower facilities, and a day room, where they eat, read and play cards. All meals are dropped off outside in the corridor before they’re taken in to them. Priestly is aware of the precarious situation he’s in and has reluctantly agreed with the arrangements. It would also keep more feet on the ground out here, where they’re required.”
“Whit kind ae deal ur we offering him, Murdina?” Sam Bison asked.
“As he’s agreed to turn Queen’s Evidence, we’ll be dropping the conspiracy to murder charge in the death of Rose Bain. His brief is demanding that all charges against his client are dropped, but we’re holding back to ensure Mr Priestly sticks to his commitments, although we’re prepared to be open to negotiation.”
“Right, I think we’ve covered enough fur wan day,” the assistant chief constable said, closing o’er his folder. “We need to keep a tight lid on this. Nowan his tae talk tae the press withoot official sanction. Any officer caught speaking, oot ae class, will be suspended instantly and thereafter sacked. I’ve asked Superintendent Munro tae be the co-ordinating officer between the different investigative teams on the ground,” he continued, as the eyebrows ae the two chief superintendents jumped skywards. “I can assure you both, this won’t affect your overall responsibility, but we require someone to be able to flit about. There’s too many connections with the deaths of these gangsters…”
“Despite Wan-bob Broon and Charlie Hastie being locked up oan remand, they’re the wans behind this,” Bob Mackerel interrupted him. “Black Pat orders his boys tae get shot ae Inspector Dougan. Wan-bob gets shot ae him and they boys ae his fur taking oot an inspector. That’s whit we’re dealing wae here, so it is. We need tae focus oor resources oan that pair up in Barlinnie, sir.”
“Aye, Ah’m aware ae that, Bob, bit Superintendent Munro believes there’s ootsiders at play here.”
“Ootsiders?” baith chief supers exclaimed thegither.
“The McGregors,” Cleopatra confirmed.
“The McGregors?” the singing twins repeated.
“Where’s the evidence?” Sam Bison demanded tae know.
“There’s never been a retaliatory strike from organised gangsters against a serving police officer in the city. Neither Pat Molloy nor One-bob Brown would ever sanction something as stupid as that.”
“Black Pat McVeigh would never strike out on his own without the nod from Brown or Hastie. I don’t believe McVeigh was responsible for the murder of Inspector Dougan.”
“The wee WPC?” Bob Mackerel snorted derisively, surprise in that voice ae his.
“No…and WPC James has been promoted to sergeant, for your information. Everything points across to Govan. The McGregors are the ones to gain from all this. Yes, I believe One-bob Brown ordered the murders of the black butchers. McVeigh and his wife were murdered within hours of his and Hastie’s arrest and Inspector Dougan’s death. I believe that it was probably a reflex reaction.”
“And Honest John?” Sam Bison asked.
“I’m not convinced there’s a direct connection between his demise and the murders of the others. Yes, McCaffrey is inter-connected with the criminal activities of One-bob Brown and Charlie Hastie, but I haven’t come across any evidence to suggest Honest John McCaffrey has links to Inspector Dougan or the black meat market in the north of the city. There have been rumours circulating that The McGregors have been using the services of McCaffrey’s tills for money laundering purposes.”
“Eh?” Sam Bison, heid ae Crime and Intelligence said. “That’s the first Ah’ve been telt.”
“It’s only rumours at this stage, nothing else, sir,” Cleopatra said quickly.
“There ye go then,” Mackerel interjected. “There’s yer motive fur Wan-bob tae get shot ae him at the same time as McVeigh and his henchmen.”
“As I understand it, the rumours have been circulating for some time. If there was a conflict of interest, Brown and Hastie would have responded before now,” she replied, glad ae Mackerel’s interjection.
“We’re currently gaun through McCaffrey’s paperwork, matching up his stock wae his sales o’er the past year. He’s clearly goat mair stock than whit his invoices ur showing up, which shouldnae come as a surprise. The Clydeside Bank has seconded wan ae their branch managers tae go through the piles ae papers fur us. The guy they’ve put oan tae help us his plenty ae axes tae grind. He’s been held up mair times than Ah’ve hid hot breakfasts. His name’s Harold McMillan. Seemingly, the nephew or gr
andson ae that auld prime minister. Poor basturt. It wis him that goat robbed ae the Springburn Engineering College staff wages recently. Goat aff wae o’er nineteen grand, so they did. Ended up getting the back ae his napper stitched up. Hauf the wee thieves in the toon hiv been supplying McCaffrey wae knocked-aff gear, especially that Snappy Johnston and his crew ae hijackers fae Springburn,” the heid ae Serious Crime And Intelligence said.
“Which brings us around to The Mankys,” Cleopatra purred, lighting up a panatela.
“Ah wis wondering when that wee rabid bunch ae arseholes’ names wur gonnae pop up,” Mackerel growled, as the assistant chief constable relaxed back in his chair, making nae move tae go, despite announcing the meeting wis o’er.
“There has been bad blood between The Mankys, or rather, Simon Epstein and Honest John McCaffrey, for quite some time. Seemingly, McCaffrey ripped Epstein off over a carpet deal a few years ago. As I understand it, the issue has never been resolved…until now. The whispers on the street suggest that it was Epstein or one of his thugs who attempted to murder McCaffrey last year as he stepped out of his car beside his shop on Dumbarton Road.”
“Bit, there wis nothing concrete, Murdina. That suggestion originated fae Mick The Maggot, a well-known perjuring piece ae shit. Nae polis team in the toon wid accept anything fae that weasel fur fear ae being compromised in court. It widnae be the first well-meaning polisman that wis sent doon tae the cells in The High Court because ae that fork-tongued basturt’s lies,” Mackerel growled, getting a supportive nod fae his counterpart, who’d jist lit up another fag, while stubbing oot his last wan.
“Yes, but does that mean everything he says out with the witness box should be dismissed? Epstein is a well-known psychopath who has been suspected of being involved in a string of murders.”