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Irresistible Charms

Page 2

by Amelia Mia

  “I am not sure.” – I uttered in response. He kept silent, not wanting to interrupt my thoughts.

  “I just don’t know what to make out of all of this.” – for the first time, I told him the complete and unfiltered truth – that I simply did not know how to feel around him. Killian gave me a reassuring smile and took his glass of wine in one hand.

  “This is me laying my cards on the table and you, Evelyn, can play the game the way you want. I am leaving the rules to you.” – his lips parted so he could taste the tangy-sweet notes of the wine. His cryptic sentence had managed to pass the message to me clearly.

  “So, you will not stop me from leaving after we have signed the papers?” – I simply could not help myself but tease him with this question. Even though most of me was already sure of the course of my decision, I wanted to know his true intentions.

  “I would hate for you to do so.” – Killian stared in my eyes – “But no, I will not stop you.”

  A part of me thrived, knowing that my independency is being valued, the other part, however, felt disappointed as maybe I wanted him to say that he will, in fact, stop me.

  “I am sure that you remember, however, that the papers will be signed only after dinner.”

  I leaned back in my chair, noticing a waiter walking in our direction with two plates.

  “So not all cards were laid on the table now, were they?” – I asked rhetorically, digging my fork into the pasta, which made him laugh.

  “I supposed that you know by now – I always leave myself one trick up my sleeve.”

  Chapter 4

  The meal was delicious and even though throughout dinner Killian would occasionally ask me some questions, which I would laconically answer, I secretly enjoyed spending time in his company and getting to know his character little by little.

  “Tell me, Evelyn.” – Killian finally broke the silence. “You have been deflecting my questions all night and yet I feel like I know a lot more about you than you about me.” – the waiter placed down two beautiful martini glasses with tiramisu and a bowl of strawberries. “Maybe you would like to ask me something instead?”

  Killian brought the small silver spoon up to his lips and licked the cocoa powder off its back after finishing his bite of the tiramisu. Seeing his fingers play with the small spoon reminded me of how he used to twirl a lock of my hair between them.

  “Why are you doing all of this?” – I asked him, reaching over to the bowl of strawberries and getting one. He watched me place it between my pouted lips and I was sure he was envisioning me circle its tip with my tongue, which I most definitely did – only imagining it was not the strawberry I was licking.

  The game he was playing was for two and although unsure if it was because of the two glasses of wine, his charm, or my desperate and undeniable need for his attention, I was more than complied to play along and tease him the way he teased me.

  “I am a man who believes everyone should build their own path in life.” – Killian started. He stood up from his chair and walked to my end of the table.

  “But I also believe that finding you was not a coincidence.” – he leaned down to meet my eyes, one of his hands on the table in front of me and the other on the back of the chair – he had me cornered like a wild animal.

  “In fact, Evelyn, I think it was fate.” – He brought his thumb to his lips, licked its tip then gently brushed the corner of my lips.

  “Cocoa powder.” – he whispered and I touched the dampness with my fingers. Killian’s eyes were drinking in the sight of me like I was the most delicious drop of ambrosia.

  “I don’t believe in destiny.” – I stated, turning my attention to the glass of tiramisu. He brushed away the hair from my shoulders, revealing the skin of my neck, then traced the silver necklace with a circle pendant almost down to my cleavage.

  “Neither did I, until I met you.”

  I didn’t dare look him in the eyes again for I was unsure of my further actions. The traces of his touch left a vibrant mark in my mind and I was trying to devote my attention to the sweetness of the dessert instead. I watched him get the folder and bring it to his end of the table. He took the pen, traced the empty signature line with his eyes then, with no hesitation, signed the document.

  “You didn’t want to read it first?” – I asked almost in protest. He closed the folder and set it aside as if nothing had happened.

  “No need. I trust you know how to prepare a contract.” – his answer took me by surprise but left a pleasant note of satisfaction in me. Killian took his eyes off me when his phone rang. I wondered who it was so late. It made me even more curious when he left the table and went into the gardens. The coldness of the air coming from the open door was refreshing but at the same time, I felt as if it was the annunciator of a calamity.

  Killian returned shortly after and offered me a hand. I took it and he led me back through the garden and to his car. Everything seemed darker, even his mood.

  “I am sorry Evelyn; I have to get you home.” – I did not understand what had happened, but I certainly wanted to know. A strange feeling of uneasiness took over me – for a moment, everything felt possible, his words, his kind gestures, but now on the ride home, he was quiet and a bothersome look was written on his face, clouding his eyes and otherwise perfectly shaped features.

  The sudden change of events had vigorously shaken me into reality and once again I felt like a rose, covered with sharp thorns. Killian clenched his jaw and squeezed the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. He rested his head on the seat and turned to me.

  “I had planned so much for this night, but I have to go now.” – I shook my head and got my bag, ready to leave.

  “Killian, you do not owe me any sort of explanation. This was just a business meeting, nothing more.” – I lied, every word sounding even more bitter than the previous one. I did not know what else I could say so I reached for the door handle and opened the door, but his hand snuck around my neck and turned my face to him.

  His lips found mine and he kissed me so deeply and hungrily. It did not last long, but I could feel the passion burning through me.

  “This should not have happened that way. I was supposed to take you out for a walk after dinner, kiss you once I was sure that you are ready.” – he paused and closed his eyes. His lips found my trembling ones for another peck – my whole body was shaking on the inside from the shock and sudden need to feel more of him.

  “Instead, I had to kiss you in the car, like a complete fool.” – my dizzy mind could not comprehend his words properly, not even when he said again that he had to go.

  And so he drove away, leaving me all alone with my scattered thoughts and drumming heart.

  Chapter 5

  In the next couple of days, I could not bring myself to be productive, so instead, I stayed in bed and enjoyed the company of some ice-cream and my favorite series. Anne and Becca wanted to have a chat, but I was definitely not in the mood and instead preferred to lay down and read a book. Today, however, I have to meet with the electrician as the lights in the office bathroom on my floor stopped working again.

  I did not have anything else to do, besides write some emails to the head office in New York as the office actually will open in a week, so I dressed pretty casually in jeans and a black blouse. With my trusted car, I was at the office in no time and the electrician came not too long after. He was a man with a big smile, probably around his fifties. Asked what the problem was, of course, I tried to explain to my best possible ability, but he said it would be best if he checks it himself.

  I was waiting outside the bathroom when he asked me how to find the fuse box for the building. I was not too sure about that and thought that maybe the estate agent should know.

  “Please wait here, I will call the estate agent now. Would you like some coffee?” – the electrician accepted my offer and so I headed over to the kitchen and quickly turned on the coffee machine. The estate agent said he wo
uld come to show me in about fifteen minutes, which left me and my current companion enough time to chat and finish our coffee.

  Sometime later I heard footsteps on the stairs so I turned to the electrician.

  “That must be the agent, I will go down to meet him so he can show me where the fuse box is.” – the electrician said that meanwhile, he would go to the top floor to the check power sockets there as I mentioned that one of them was actually pulled out of the wall; he was not upset that I had forgotten to mention it, although he did make sure that I know that any additional parts will be included in the final price if he had to change the socket.

  I skipped down the stairs, expecting to greet the agent when Killian’s figure showed from around the staircase corner. I froze in place, tightly gripping the railing for support.

  “What are you doing here?” – he stood still in front of me as I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

  “I was with the estate agent when you called, he had something else to take care of so I offered to come and help instead.” – I nodded in false agreement, not entirely sure if I were to believe him or not. Too many coincidences lately.

  “Very convenient.” – I murmured under my breath. Killian’s blue orbs traced my silhouette up and down; once again I felt exposed under his gaze, even when dressed in the most casual outfit.

  “Shall we?” – I asked eagerly and he led the way. He opened a locked door with the spare key from the agent. It was a closet with some old monitors, shelves, and other things that should be disposed of. The fuse box was on the wall right above the staircase. I took a special interest in the electrician after showing him the box, tried to follow the course of his work and even asked questions.

  Killian was pacing around me, but I was too occupied playing busy so I did not spare him a second glance. The screwdriver slipped through the electrician’s fingers and since he was up on the ladder, I offered to get it for him. It had rolled out of the bathroom somewhere under the nearest desk, so I had to bend over and find it by feeling the ground.

  “Evelyn. A moment?” – Killian growled. I stood up and handed the screwdriver over, then told the handyman I would be in my office on the next floor if he needs me. Killian and I quietly climbed the stairs and he opened the door to my office. As soon as I was inside, he shut it close.

  “What the hell were you thinking, bending over like that? Do you know how he looked at you like a fresh piece of meat on the market?” – his words and tone of voice got me by surprise, leaving me speechless. The feeling of anger took over me soon after and I could not contain my emotions any longer.

  “Who do you think you are, yelling at me like that?” – I raised my voice and narrowed my brows at him. “And so what if he looked at my ass? It is not yours to claim!” – I stated, pushing his chest with my index finger.

  “Don’t play angel with me.” – I continued angrily. “You probably shamelessly checked me out too, but are you going to mention it – no!” I put my hands on my hips and scoffed at his face.

  “You have been playing these weird games then calling it fate – kissing me and leaving without saying a word is not the perfect description of fate, Killian.”

  He watched me wave my hands in the air and then run them through my hair.

  “What are you doing?!” – I shouted when he pulled me closer. I crashed in his chest like a wave in the coastline. His lips hungrily devoured mine, but I was not going to have it this time.

  “No, Killian!” – I yelled with a hand over my lips. “This is getting out of control.” I said no more, just backed away from him, and sat down on the desk behind me. He ripped off his tie and threw it across the room. I watched him pace around until he finally spoke.

  “Evelyn, I did not want to leave that night! I had a call and you must have learned by now what it was about as it is all over the papers.” – I shook my head and this puzzled him. He breathed out and leaned against the window.

  “My brother was arrested for driving under influence – I had to bail him out.” – he turned around to meet my eyes again; his were filled with tranquility and sorrow.

  “I knew you felt uncomfortable that night and I wanted to make you feel better. I wanted to take a walk with you on the beach, let you feel safer and only then maybe even kiss you.” His head hung low for a moment, but he faced me again and did not shy away. Instead, he looked at me and reached to move a lock of hair from my face and behind my ear; then gently stroked my cheek.

  “You did kiss me.” – I said more out of instinct as the mere mention of it brought back the sweet memory of his lips on mine during that night.

  Killian chuckled, playing with my hair.

  “I could not resist.” The flame inside me was growing stronger by the second. I had been denying my heart’s desires for too long, but hearing him now turned their whispers into a clear melody. It drove me to do what I had been lying to myself that I did not want to. But this lie faded and it was about time I replaced it with the truth.

  “Please, don’t ever resist.”

  I cupped his face in between my hands and kissed him deeply. An explosion of happiness erupted inside me. His arms pulled me to his chest, so close I could barely imagine that we had ever been apart.

  Chapter 6

  Killian’s soft touches were slowly bringing me out of my wonderful dream. My eyes were still tightly shut, but I could feel his breath tickle my skin. A quiet giggle escaped past my lips when I felt him trace his fingertips on my belly. It made me flutter my lashes – the bright sunlight blinded me for the next few moments, but after that, it revealed his half-naked form lying next to me on the bed.

  He placed gentle kisses on my shoulder and brought them down my arm.

  “What time is it?” – I asked sleepily; he dangled one arm around me and let me feel the warmth of his body.

  “Does it really matter?” – he whispered in my ear. It made me smile when I felt him suck on my earlobe. I moaned and twirled around as he bit on it.

  “I suppose not.” – we found ourselves lost in a heart-melting kiss. Killian snuck his hand under the covers; it roamed all over my body and stopped at my chest.

  “Come take a shower with me.” – he pinched my nipple when I told him I will be right there and demanded I should not keep him waiting, to which my answer was to simply bury myself under the covers and let him think I might as well change my mind and not even go.

  The distant sound of the water hitting the tiles sounded too appealing. With nothing else but an overlarge t-shirt and my panties on, I quickly skipped over from the bedroom to the steamy bathroom, the door of which he had left wide open.

  The hot air had clouded the shower screen, but I could still easily make out his silhouette. Killian noticed me and reached out before I could protest. I found myself under the hot water with him. I gasped when I felt the difference in temperatures strike me. My clothes were fully drenched, but it did not stop him from exploring my body.

  Killian lifted my wet t-shirt over my head and tossed it on the ground. His lips kissed my breasts all over, hands squeezing tightly on my waist. He pushed me back against the cold tiled floor. His tongue left a trail south of my navel – with a quick glance up, he buried his face between my thighs. I moaned out tangled my fingers in his hair.

  My hips were involuntarily rocking up and down, while he was making sure not to leave any spot untouched. The tip of his tongue was flicking over my love bud, driving me positively insane. I screamed out his name in despair, wanting to feel him inside me more than ever. I pulled him up and tasted myself on his lips – Killian let out a loud grunt when I bit his then groped his throbbing member.

  The hot water was pouring over me, leaving me breathless as I was bobbing my head up and down his long shaft. Killian had my hair wrapped around his wrist, guiding me, taking my mouth just the way he liked it. Pleasuring him was maddening and delicious. Soon enough, he had me pressed against the shower screen, palms leaving smeary marks on the glass.<
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  He pushed himself inside me, sending me into oblivion. One hand around my waist, making sure there was no space left between our bodies; the other one toying with me in between my legs. I let out moans one after the other, head pushed back, lips clashing, breath hitching – a perfect symphony of passion.


  I wrapped my hair with a towel and put on a new pair of comfortable clothes. Killian asked me to make him coffee, so I quickly made my way into his kitchen, the familiar track of my favorite song playing in my mind. I was humming and dancing around, waiting for the coffee to get ready. With a mug in hand, I turned around.

  “What happened?” Killian shouted from the bedroom. The sight of a beautifully dressed, elegant woman sitting calmly on the couch startled me and I dropped the mug on the ground. She eyed me up and down carefully and stood up only when Killian entered the room. He was still wearing only a towel around his waist; drops of water rolling down his muscular chest and back.


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