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Highlander's Forbidden Soulmate

Page 30

by Lydia Kendall

  Closer to the fire was a vanity with a mirror that shone like new. A beautifully upholstered stool had been pushed beneath it, out of the way, so a large copper tub would fit in front of the hearth. A simple wooden chair sat next to the tub, with a towel, wash rag, and bar of soap all laid out for her.

  “He really planned ahead, didn’t he?” She wondered aloud as she crossed the room to the tub and slid her fingers into the water, gasping at how hot it still was.

  Amazing! Was his planning just that precise? She mused in her head and glanced back at the door. How long would it be before the woman he told her about would arrive?

  It had taken her and her maid Alice quite a long while to get her into this dress. Getting out of it on her own would likely be a nightmare. However, she decided that she would try.

  Idle hands and all that. She laughed dryly at that thought, and her shoulders sagged as she reached behind her back to tug at the laces of her dress.

  It took her nearly ten minutes of struggling and grasping at small bits of ribbon to finally free the last section of her dress. “Yes! I’ve done it,” she gasped in success, the dress loosening around her shoulders enough so that she could slip it down her arms, and then kick it away from her ankles.

  “It might be pretty but it’s a death trap,” she grumbled to herself. But her relief was short lived as she still had to free herself from her stays, which would be equally as difficult, if not more so.

  A loud knock sounded at the door but before she got a chance to respond to it, the door swung open and a heavy-set woman, likely in her thirties, came barreling through it with a load of clothes under one arm and a tray of food tucked under the other.

  “Hello, m’dear!” the chipper woman with dark blonde hair and glowing green eyes chirped, quickly shutting the door behind her and turning to face the girl in the room. “I’m sorry, lassie. I dinnae expect ye tae be gettin’ undressed already. Would ye like some help?” Dana offered, setting the tray of food down on the table and draping the clothes she’d brought on the bed.

  “Y-yes, please,” Jane admitted sheepishly, her cheeks flushed from embarrassment. She was used to being unclothed in front of her own maids but these were her captors. Even though this woman seemed nice enough she was uncertain. Yet the filth and grime from traveling was disgusting. Bathing took precedence in this moment.

  “Hald still, child. I’ll hae ye out o' that damned thin’ in no time,” Dana promised, coming up behind Jane, deftly undoing the knot in the stay laces and tugging the tightly cinched item loose.

  Jane gasped in relief when the garment went slack around her waist and she could finally inflate her lungs to their full capacity. “Oh, thank God,” she whimpered and laid her hand on her sore stomach as the stays fell down past her waist and landed on the floor with a soft thud.

  Glaring down at the hated piece of clothing, Jane kicked it away from her to join her dress in a pile in the corner. She glanced over her shoulder at the woman who had come to her aide.

  “Thank you. You must be Dana?” Jane asked quizzically while eyeing the woman and peeling the layers of her skirts away from her body, finally stepping out of them and adding them to the growing pile of material in the corner.

  Dana grinned at Jane and nodded her head, “Aye, that I am. The Laird mentioned tae me when we passed that yer name is Jane. I’m tae make sure ye bathe, eat, an' get some rest after yer long journey. The Laird wants tae make sure yer cared fer.”

  “I’m a hostage, aren’t I? Why does he care if I eat or bathe?” Jane muttered darkly under her breath. She slipped out of her chemise and stockings, her underclothes following moments later. She climbed into the tub and sank down in the hot water with a hiss of satisfaction, until her shoulders were completely covered.

  The hot water felt so good on her aching muscles and sore thighs that she couldn’t stifle the rather obscene moan that escaped her lips. With a whimper of pleasure, she sank just a little lower until the water brushed against her chin.

  Dana had politely turned away while the younger girl finished stripping and had gotten into the tub, only turning back when she was sure the girl was ready.

  “The Laird might detest any an' all English but he kens ye had no part in yer uncle’s machinations, so he wants tae make sure ye are well taken care o',” she explained in a temperate voice while coming up behind Jane, drawing the girl’s matted hair away from her neck to begin removing the pins that held the tangled mass together.

  Jane did not argue with the woman’s actions. Her eyes slipped closed and she simply held her head still as Dana’s skilled fingers expertly untangled her hair. It was nearly twenty minutes before Dana could freely run a comb through the curly brown tresses, and finally they were tangle-free.

  Satisfied with her work, Dana washed Jane’s hair and rinsed it using a basin by her feet and a bucket of warm water sitting nearby. Once the hair was free of suds she wrapped it up in a towel and rubbed it dry, humming softly while she did so.

  It was almost enough to lull Jane to sleep, but when she felt herself dozing she jerked slightly in the water and her eyes snapped open. For a moment she had forgotten where she was and had imagined that it was her maid, Alice, washing her hair. Unfortunately, that was just a day-dream.

  Sagging back into the water, Jane heaved a disappointed sigh and closed her eyes once again, with her arms wrapped around her knees, as Dana dried her hair.

  “Thank you for being so kind to me,” Jane whispered softly, opening her eyes and glancing over her shoulder at the woman who sat on a chair behind her.

  “Dinnae ye worry ‘bout a thin’,” Dana whispered and gave the girl’s hair another rough rub before removing the towel and draping it over the chair. “It’s tha way o' our people. We take care o' those in our house. Whether they are here willingly or no’,” she explained and lightly patted Jane’s cheek.

  Flashing her a bright smile, Dana dried her hands on her apron and turned to the door, “There are some dresses on tha bed, with some unnerthin's, an' a few night gowns. I’m gonnae trust ye tae finish washin’ up, put on a night gown, eat some food, an' go tae sleep. I’ll check back in on ye later tae see if ye need anythin’, but I want ye tae rest. There’ll be plenty tae keep ye busy here once yer used tae everythin’. We dinnae want ye gettin’ bored now,” Dana teased and headed for the door.

  Pulling the door open, Dana slipped out of it and called back into the room once more, “Have a good rest, Jane.” Then the door closed and the room was quiet once more.

  Glancing over her shoulder at the now closed door, Jane sighed and sat up straighter. The water was still warm but it was getting colder by the minute and she knew she had better hurry.

  It only took her five more minutes to scrub and rinse every part of her body. She stepped from the tub and dried off with the towel that was draped over the chair. Picking out a night gown was difficult, as she’d been provided with three beautiful ones that were almost as soft as a fluffy rabbit.

  After much deliberation while standing naked next to the bed, slowly freezing to death, she picked a pink nightgown and slipped it over her head, snuggling into the soft and warm material.

  She ate sparingly as she didn’t feel all that hungry.

  You’re a hostage, Jane. Eating isn’t really a priority, she told herself, though she forced herself to down some food, if only so she did not arouse Dana’s ire. When she felt she could eat no more, she crawled up into the bed and wiggled herself down beneath the furs.

  The bed was warm and inviting, and before long Jane had drifted off into a land of handsome warriors and mighty dragons, where romance and revenge ran wild.

  Want to know how the story ends? Tap on the link below to read the rest of the story.

  Thank you very much

  Also by Lydia Kendall

  Thank you for reading Highlander's Love in Captivity!

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  Some other best sellers of mine:

  Highlander’s Love in Captivity

  The Highlander’s Secret Maiden

  The Highlander's Enigmatic Bride

  Falling for the Highlander

  Also, if you liked this book, you can also check out my full Amazon Book Catalogue HERE.

  Thank you for helping me doing what I love!

  Lydia Kendall

  About the Author

  Lydia Kendall has always been passionate about medieval romance. Having traveled to the Scottish Highlands several times as a young girl, she has always been drawn to their unparalleled beauty and history. A history that inspired stories of love and passion, mixed with tradition in the most appealing way for every hopeless romantic - much like herself.

  Born in Denver, Colorado, Lydia Kendall has a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, and over the last decade she has been writing non-stop for several clients - that is until she decided to start publishing her own work. When she isn’t writing, Lydia loves spending her time on the beautiful outdoors with her loving husband and baby daughter.

  Follow Lydia on this sensational journey of hot highlanders, bonny lassies and fierce passion...and find sheer pleasure in the magnificent world of the Scottish countryside - one that will sweep you off your feet and keep you begging for more!




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