Prodigal (Outcast Sons Book 1)

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Prodigal (Outcast Sons Book 1) Page 4

by Gem Frost

  He had to pull his friend back from the brink somehow. He had to.

  “No,” he answered at last, his voice very soft. “I don’t want to be fucked.” He paused and looked up into the golden eyes, trying to convey everything he felt with a single glance. “I want you to make love to me, Cae.”

  Chapter 3

  Caeden drew in a deep breath, inhaling the musky male fragrance of Jon’s arousal, the earthy scent of his precome, and the compellingly sweet scent of an omega. He looked down at the cock that throbbed in his hand like a living thing.

  He’d never held another man’s cock in his hand before, never slipped his hand up and down the shaft, never watched moisture spill out as it twitched against his palm, but it felt right. It felt perfect.

  It was by far the most exciting thing that had ever happened to him.

  He moved his hand, watching avidly, and another big pearl of precome rose to the tip as Jon arched his head back, moaning. Sweat broke out on his skin. The purely sexual scents of Jon’s body mingled with the sharp, acidic tang of city air, igniting a fire in Caeden’s blood.

  So Jon wanted the two of them to make love. Well, making love was just another term for fucking, as far as Caeden was concerned. As long as Jon was willing, he didn’t much care what they called it.

  He pulled down Jon’s jeans further, so the other man was bare-assed atop the hood of the old sports car, lying there, just waiting for him. Jon’s cock glistened in the moonlight and his chest rose and fell in rapid movements, and he was so clearly ready to be fucked that Caeden’s cock pulsed just looking at him. He’d never had sex with a man before—he’d never had sex with anyone before—but his imagination didn’t have any trouble filling in the few gaps in his knowledge. He had a pretty damn good idea what to do with Jon. But before he gave his friend what he wanted, he was going to make totally sure Jon wanted it.

  He leaned forward, bent, and stroked his tongue over the taut, wet head of Jon’s cock.

  Jon jerked and gave a sudden startled yelp. His eyes snapped open. “You can’t,” he gasped.

  Caeden understood what he meant. He might be a virgin, but he knew that alphas didn’t perform oral sex, ever. It was a service performed by lower-ranked wolves for the pleasure of higher-ranked wolves, which meant that what he was doing now was shockingly wrong. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care all that much.

  He did it again, reveling in Jon’s responses, the taste of his precome, the way his cock shuddered and spasmed against Caeden’s palm. Jon convulsed as if he were being consumed by ecstasy, and Caeden continued caressing his cock with his hand, moving up and down in a steady motion, as he licked Jon’s most sensitive flesh with long, thorough strokes of his tongue.

  His hand worked the hard, hot shaft, and his tongue stroked, caressed, tasted, driving Jon higher and higher with slow, steady licks. Jon’s hands reached down and tangled in his hair, clutching him with desperation, and his voice slowly rose from little whimpers of pleasure to long, gasping wails.

  Caeden was shocked to realize how much he loved the way the other man tasted, like wine and spices and moonlight all mixed together. He was startled to discover how much he enjoyed the wild, uncontrolled sounds Jon made, human moans and wolfish growls all mixed together. The smaller man’s cock was swollen and scaldingly hot, obviously right on the verge of climax, and his own erection pulsed against his jeans with a violent, compelling need.

  Something deep inside him wanted to fuck his friend, to dominate him, to be the alpha he’d been born to be. But he’d never had sex, despite his age, and he wasn’t absolutely sure he knew what he was doing. Even caught in the storm of whatever was happening to him, whatever was making him feral, he didn’t want to hurt Jon. Everyone else… but not Jon.

  The memory of Jon’s off-key voice singing “Happy Birthday” rose in his memory, and his chest tightened with an affection he couldn’t deny, even now, when rage and hatred were storming inside him and drowning almost every other emotion out.

  Lifting his head, he looked down at the other man. Jon’s golden head was flung back, his mouth open, his beautiful eyes shut tightly. Caeden discovered he wanted to watch his reactions, so instead of lowering his head again, he slowly began jacking Jon’s cock.

  Jon groaned, his hips rising, thrusting eagerly into Caeden’s hand. His skin felt hot, so hot it almost burned Caeden’s palm. He used his other hand to tease Jon’s balls, rolling them a little, and another frantic sound of pleasure escaped Jon as his body strained for release. Caeden moved his hand just a little faster, watching as precome trickled freely from the head, watching Jon’s fists clench into fists and his lips draw back in a wolfish snarl.

  Holy fuck. He’d made the wolf emerge, just a bit. Jon might be an omega… but an omega wolf was still a wolf. Still wild and primitive and savage, deep down, just like him. He thought of how it would feel to take Jon, to feel him going crazy beneath him, and he ached with hunger.

  He teased Jon, stroking slowly, watching as the other man writhed on the rusted hood of the old car, long, drawn-out sounds of need and desire coming from his throat, echoing in the silvered darkness of the night like wolf song. He could feel Jon’s cock jerking in his hand, and knew he was going to come any minute now. He thought about fucking Jon as he climaxed, how good it would feel, and the thought was almost enough to make him come in his jeans, right then and there.

  “Please.” Jon’s voice was a desperate whisper, the pleading of a natural submissive. “Please, Cae. Now.”

  God, he couldn’t stop himself. He had to watch, damn it. He moved his hand faster, jacking the other man hard and fast, and Jon surrendered totally, coming in a long rush, his voice raised in a long wail of pleasure, his hips rising and falling in a frantic rhythm. Hot come spurted all over his abdomen and chest, the white strands wetting his shredded t-shirt and his exposed skin in long bursts. Watching him, listening to him, feeling his cock jerk violently as it shot its load was so exciting Caeden had to grit his teeth to stop himself from coming along with him.

  At last Jon’s cries of pleasure died away, and he lay there, chest heaving, body trembling. He was slick with his own come from abdomen to throat, his pale skin glistening with it, and he looked so totally wrecked that it made Caeden hungrier than before.

  Caeden reached down, unzipped his jeans, and yanked out his own neglected cock. It was so swollen it hurt, so erect it almost pointed to the sky. He wrapped his hand around it, pushing it down a bit, and began stroking himself, while Jon watched, wide-eyed.

  He reached down and wet his fingers with Jon’s come, then spread the dampness all over the hard, hot shaft of his cock. The swollen dark head of it dripped with his moisture as well as Jon’s, and with every stroke of his hand he drew closer to coming. His breath came in rough pants, the earthy, spicy smell of Jon’s come filled his head, and he was so damn turned on he wasn’t sure he was going to manage to hold off his orgasm. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to try.

  He’d never realized he wanted Jon like this, never been aware he craved Jon in a sexual way. But right now, all he wanted to do was jerk off, hard and fast… and come all over Jon.

  Jesus Christ. Just the thought was enough to drive him to madness. The thought of his own come spurting over Jon’s cock and pubic hair and abs… the thought of marking Jon as his…

  He pumped harder, unable to stop the frantic sounds welling up from his chest. He had to come right now, damn it. He had to.

  But Jon had other ideas. He slid off the trunk of the old car and dropped to his knees in the tall weeds and grass in front of Caeden. His work-roughened hand wrapped around Caeden’s cock, grasping it and pulling it down a bit, and his velvety tongue slid out to stroke the swollen head.

  “Jesus,” Caeden gasped out, his eyes slamming shut, because it was the best thing he’d ever felt. “Oh, God, Jon, oh God…”

  “I would have done this for you,” Jon told him softly between licks, “any time you wanted. You could have had th
is any time in the past four years. You could have had it over and over again.”

  Caeden flung his head back, groaning. The thought of Jon doing this to him, kneeling at his feet and satisfying him every night, fulfilling every base need, every dark yearning of his body, made him weak with longing. He’d never realized he wanted it till now, but now…

  Oh, God, yes. Every night from now on, he’d have this.

  He’d have Jon. In every way possible.

  Jon continued licking him all over, his tongue exploring every bit of the sensitive head, just as Caeden had explored him, and then he took it a step further, opening his mouth and taking Caeden’s cock between his lips, suckling on the tender flesh. It felt impossibly good. It was an entirely new sensation for Caeden, one he’d fantasized about endlessly but had begun to think he might never experience. He wanted to make it last, wanted it to go on forever, but he just couldn’t hold back any more.

  He was lost.

  He rocked his hips forward, surging into the depths of Jon’s mouth, exulting in the heat and the moisture and the sheer physical baseness of the sensation. Release and delight swirled in his veins, bringing him to unbearable heights of pleasure, and then sending him spinning into the vortex.

  He gave a hoarse shout of pleasure as the first rush of climax hit him, hot and intense and incredibly good. And then his voice rose in a long roar as he came in eager spurts down Jon’s throat, hard and fast, his body shaking with an ecstatic explosion of heat that almost sent him to his knees.



  Chapter 4

  Afterward, Cae sank down on the hood of the old rusted car and gathered Jon into his arms. Jon put his arms around his chest and pressed his face into his old friend’s shoulder, breathing in the reassuring scent of him. Cae’s scent, at least, hadn’t changed all that much, although Jon could smell something more masculine and dark that overlaid it. Sweat, perhaps. Come, definitely. But beneath the odors of sex and exertion, the warm, musky smell of his skin was still almost the same.

  Among their people, scent mattered a great deal. Every one of them possessed a far more acute sense of smell than any human. Jon would have known Cae’s scent anywhere, but he could also smell that there was something different about him. Something frightening.

  Well, he knew that already, didn’t he? He’d watched his friend, who’d always been basically decent and gentle despite his innate alpha arrogance, attack a man, take pleasure in hurting him, and talk cheerfully about killing him. Cae obviously had serious problems. It didn’t take a lupine sense of smell to know that.

  Something was wrong, very wrong, with Cae… and yet Jon couldn’t stop himself from wanting him.

  Despite the impossibly good climax that had racked him, Jon still burned for the other man, deep inside. Cae evidently wasn’t totally satisfied either, because his big hand reached up under the tattered remnants of Jon’s t-shirt and began exploring, stroking across the muscles of his back, then caressing his chest. When Cae’s fingers began stroking his nipple, Jon felt the sensitive nub of flesh go rigid instantly, and he squirmed.

  “You still want me to fuck you.” Cae’s voice was low and hoarse.

  Jon would have liked to lie about it, to claim he really wasn’t all that interested, but he knew his scent betrayed him. Anyway, he was incapable of lying to an alpha. “I still want you to make love to me,” he answered.

  “Jon…” Cae gave a long, heavy sigh. “I think you ought to know I’m not the same person I used to be.”

  “No shit, Sherlock.” Jon lifted his head and nuzzled the other man’s chin, a gesture of submission as well as affection among their people. “That’s why your dad sent me to find you, because we heard some rumors about what was going on with you. More than rumors, really. The human cops got in touch with your father, and the things they told us—well, we were worried. And I guess we were right to be.”

  “Did my father tell you to give me a blow job?”

  Cae’s voice was low and dangerous. Jon bristled, and spoke as sharply as he was able.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Brave words, from such a timid guy.” Cae’s voice lowered even further. “I mean it, Jon. If he told you to bring me back by any means necessary…”

  “Don’t be any stupider than you have to be. You and I both know perfectly well your dad wouldn’t have wanted me to do this. Alphas don’t—well, they just don’t. And when I go back, he’ll smell you on me, and he’ll probably tear me to pieces.”

  “So don’t go back.” Cae’s arms tightened around him. “Stay here.”

  “Stay here and do what? Watch you prance around the city and drink and beat up guys? No, thanks. Doesn’t sound like my idea of fun, actually.”

  “I thought this—” Cae squeezed his nipple—”was your idea of fun.”

  Jon barely restrained the unnnnhhhh that rose to his lips. “Look,” he said instead, fighting for coherent speech, “I’ve wanted you for a long time. You know that. Hell, everyone knows it. But you never wanted me before tonight. I’m an asshole for taking advantage of whatever state this is you’re in, and… well, I probably deserve to be ripped apart by your dad. But I just want you to come home, so we can help you. Please, Cae. Come home.”

  “I like being alone.”

  “Bull,” Jon said succinctly. “You’re not the lone wolf type. Alphas never are. You need a Pack to watch over, and eventually a mate and cubs. Maybe…” He sniffed Cae. “Maybe it’s the isolation that’s making you crazy.”

  “No.” There was a bitter note in Cae’s voice. “I was going crazy before I came to the city. In fact, that’s why I ran away from Wolf Green. I could feel myself… slipping.”

  “Slipping how?”

  “You saw me tonight.” Cae’s voice fell almost to a whisper. “I’m not safe around people, Jon. Sooner or later, I’m going to kill someone. And I couldn’t let it be someone in the Pack.”

  Jon tried to think back to how Cae had been before he’d run away. Cae had seemed okay that last night, if a little subdued, but that hadn’t been surprising, all things considered. Giving him a quiet birthday party had seemed like a kind thing to do, but in retrospect it seemed likely that it was what had pushed him over the edge.

  The thought that Cae had been suffering, and that he might have made things worse for his friend, slashed into his heart like a machete.

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I didn’t know you were that unhappy.”

  “I was miserable. And I was angry. And that night, when I was walking home in the moonlight, it all just kind of boiled over. That’s why I ran.”

  Jon hardened his heart against the aching pain and sorrow in his friend’s voice. “So… what?” he challenged, in a forceful tone that didn’t come naturally to him. “You figured it was better to come here and murder off members of the human Pack? They’re people too, Caeden. They don’t deserve it any more than our people do.”

  “I didn’t know what else to do,” Cae snapped. He lifted his head, looking dark and dangerous. “I’ve changed, Jon. Not the change, but that night… something happened to me. I’m strong. Fast. Humans can’t touch me.”

  “Yeah. I noticed that.” Jon stroked the dark hair gently, trying to calm the other man down. He trusted his old friend with his life, but he wasn’t quite so sure about the new Cae. Where his old friend had been solid, reliable, and steady, the new Cae was filled with fire and rage and hostility. “I have a theory.”

  “Let’s hear it.”

  “Well, you know there isn’t a human alive as strong as any fully grown male wolf—”

  “Which I’m not, as I’ve never changed. I’m still a cub.”

  Jon looked at the other man’s massive shoulders and broad chest, and snorted. “Yeah, right.”

  “You know it’s true. You changed on your twenty-first birthday, just like you were supposed to, but I…”

  “I know,” Jon said gently, stroking the midnight-black hair again, “and I
think that’s the problem. Every wolf is supposed to turn at twenty-one. It always happens that way. And when you didn’t turn… when you even went past that age without changing… well, you know, when the change first happens, the body is flooded with all these hormones. And when your change didn’t happen, I think it all slowly built up in your bloodstream, and started to mess with your biology.”

  “Maybe my biology was already fucked up, and that’s why I can’t change.”

  Jon understood the bitterness in his voice. Cae was caught between adolescence and lupine adulthood, a situation that to Jon’s knowledge, none of their people had ever been trapped in before. It was enough to piss anyone off. “Maybe. But look—whatever happened on your birthday, it changed you some, but not enough. So now you’re strong and quick, like an adult wolf. In fact you’re stronger and faster than most. Just like an alpha.”

  Cae looked sour. “Like a grown alpha. But I’m not grown.”

  “Not grown, my ass. I think you’re ready to change, Cae. Past ready, really. It’s just that something is holding you back.”

  “You think I haven’t tried?” Cae’s voice lowered to an ominous growl. “I’ve tried to change so many times, Jon. But I can’t.”

  Jon spoke very cautiously. “I think maybe biologically, you can.”

  “I think maybe you’re full of crap. You’re not a fucking doctor. So quit acting like you know what’s going on with me, because you don’t.”

  The deep voice was intractable, edged with fury, and Jon sighed, giving up. For now. “Okay. But listen, Cae, if you ran away because you’re, you know, a…”

  He trailed off, and Cae narrowed his eyes. The moonlight silvered the angles of his face and turned his eyes dark, and suddenly he looked very dangerous. “A cub?”


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