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Wicked Little Things

Page 4

by Emma Dean

  “I can only do so much,” Mika warned her. “There are things that are out of my control.”

  “It’s not just on you, if that helps.” Emily shrugged. “It’s on Kenzie, Selene, Jessica…there are too many moving parts to really control, but Eisheth is at the center of most of them. He has prevented at least three separate apocalypses I know about just by making sure Kenzie and Ash lived to be adults. He made sure Jessica survived becoming what she is now, and what she is…she’s the kind of ally you’re going to need.”

  Mika chewed her lip and slipped one of her rubies from its casing. “And how exactly do you expect me to make the right choices? I’m ruler of nothing except maybe this eyrie. The Council plans to ignore me until I go away or put me out of my misery. Azrael…Azrael is taking his hate out on the Morrigan by murdering her children which may or may not include ravens. There is no obvious path, let alone multiple ones.”

  Emily hesitated and it was so brief Mika almost thought she imagined it. “Eisheth suggested I come here and help you, but to be clear it wasn’t your Eisheth…even though we are also friends.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “In this other reality, I was your raven and your general while you fought a war against a dark god – Selene…not Azrael. We almost lost after both sides nearly destroyed that entire plane of existence until you sacrificed yourself to destroy Selene.”

  Mika felt cold as she tried to imagine what that could possibly look like, and Selene? Selene was one of her best friends.

  “I’m only telling you so that you understand why that Eisheth asked me to check in with you, to maybe prevent the war that had occurred where he was from.” Emily sighed then and ripped the hair tie out of her hair so she could run her fingers through the strands. “I’m not here to seek either position from you, but just to warn you.”

  This was her raven in another reality? Mika studied Emily again and wondered why, why her? What had happened to Corbin there? Or had it simply been an accident of fate and Emily had been the one sent to guard her at the University?

  It didn’t really matter.

  “Before this war begins, you better know what the fuck you’re fighting for,” Emily cautioned. “If it’s even worth it, and what it will accomplish. That’s why I’m here. To find out what exactly it is you are fighting for.”

  Mika wasn’t sure she’d ever really thought about it like that. This whole time she’d been trying to avoid a war, but Emily seemed to think it was inevitable—if not one then another.

  “I don’t know,” Mika admitted. “Every step that brought me here was out of my control.”

  Did it really matter that she’d never wanted any of this? Mika had put herself between bullies and underdogs since day one when those high society bitches had picked on Audrey.

  In a way, each and every choice she’d knowingly made had put her right here, even if she’d never intended to hold a position of power on the Council.

  “I’ve always fought for my friends,” Mika confessed, picking at the string on the hem of her sweater. “I petitioned the university to include all paranormals, not just witches, and won. If I could undo everything Cassandra did…” she trailed off and looked out to the clouds when she remembered Emily probably didn’t know who that was.

  “Ravens have been…directionless, for a long time,” Emily told her, resting her arm over her knee as she stared into the clouds as well. “We embraced an emotionless existence to get through the years. When you live as assassins, everything can be bought and sold, including loyalty.”

  “You’ve been to other realities, where do you think this war will start?” Mika asked, summoning a blood beast. She needed comfort, but she couldn’t run into Ethan’s arms just yet. She trailed her fingers over the tiny thing’s spine as it shook itself out.

  Emily focused on the almost cat-like creature and offered her fingers palm up, letting it sniff her. “It’s so ugly, it’s kind of cute.”

  Mika snorted, scratching under its chin. “It looks slimy and gross, but it feels like a snake.” This one she’d created herself, one of her first. It was more cat-like than the others because of that she assumed—a reflection of her personality.

  The assassin ran her palm over the creature and smiled slightly when it arched into her touch. “You told the Council what you are. That’s going to cause two paths for them to take at the moment. Azrael is hunting you and your kind even before you revealed yourself, maybe mine too.”

  Emily was quiet for a moment as she thought.

  “Either he gets taken down or you die. I’m not sure how that affects everyone else yet. As for the ravens…a lot of them won’t want to bow to you, and others will see that as a betrayal. Some of them will see Azrael hunting you down as a threat to what is theirs—you. And then there are those out there who share our blood. Will Death seek out the banshees? What about the necromancers?”

  “All I care about is Azrael,” Mika admitted. “The rest…the rest don’t really matter as long as they leave me and mine alone.”

  Emily nodded and picked up the beast who screeched at her in indignation before becoming large enough the raven had to drop it. It huffed before wrapping around Mika’s body and resting its head on her lap.

  “Well, fine then you brat,” Emily hissed. “I was just trying to be affectionate.”

  The beast huffed before ignoring her.

  Mika grinned and stroked the top of its head as she wondered if she would have to fold in on herself like Corbin to shift, or if it would be something else entirely.

  “You may not care about the rest, but you seem to have my Commander’s loyalty,” Emily murmured. “Which means he will help you with Azrael.”

  Mika had hoped so, but she wasn’t exactly comfortable about it since it meant she had to then accept this eyrie and everyone in it as hers. Which meant she had to figure out how to keep them all safe.

  “I can’t protect them from Death. I can’t let this shitshow fall onto the ravens, and this one eyrie if none of the others decide to give up their freedom.”

  “You don’t need to protect ravens from death.” Emily stroked the top of the blood beast’s head and shrugged a shoulder. “We are death. What you need to worry about is finding a way to beat him.”

  “Can you even kill Death?” Mika asked, looking down as far as she could. She still couldn’t see the forest below except the tops of the trees when the wind shifted the clouds.

  Emily didn’t answer and Mika didn’t expect her to.

  To the ravens, death was kind, death was merciful. It would wait for them with open arms. Mika wondered then, what happened when that kindness turned cruel? When the one who was Death, turned his back on everything he stood for?

  But then again, the ravens didn’t look to Azrael, they looked to the Morrigan.

  For some reason it all reminded her of the cemetery back on Morgana Island and the mysterious inscriptions on each of the stones.

  Blessed are the dead.

  She only hoped that was true, and that Jessica and Lucifer would find a way to leash Azrael before he sent their entire reality spinning out of control.

  He wasn’t the only Death, and Mika knew the universe was more complicated than one being controlling all of death. So, what exactly was she supposed to do about it? Hell wasn’t her domain.

  “They know what I am now. The Council will be the first to come for me,” Mika said, resting one hand on the beast’s head – the thumb of her other hand turning her ring over and over as she thought.

  “Let them come.” Emily stood and looked down at Mika with a wicked smile. “We’ll finally see if they have the balls to step foot in an assassin’s keep.”

  Mika watched as Emily folded in on herself, making the beast’s head rise up to track her as she flew toward the ground where Corbin probably was. A single command and the beast was back in its cage.

  She would sleep, and then she would figure out what to do with the Council, because Emily was
right. There was only so much she could do alone.

  But she’d staked her claim on that seat and now she had to deal with the consequences and pray to the Fates whatever choices she made didn’t set them on the path toward an apocalypse.


  When she finally woke up it was dark. Mika had no idea how long she’d been out, but her body was sore and tight. She stretched, reaching up high and curling her toes to get out the last of the aches.

  She froze when her elbows hit two different bodies.

  “Thought you were going to sleep forever,” Lucien murmured, nuzzling her neck with his nose and curling his long body around her.

  Ethan, by the smell of him, wrapped his arms around the both of them and pulled until she was on top of his chest and Lucien was curled into his side. Surprisingly, he didn’t say anything, and Mika tucked her head under his chin, gripping his shirt tight as she breathed him in.

  “I thought this was my bed,” she muttered, hiding her smile as Ethan’s arm tightened around her at the same time Lucien’s did.

  “No one said it wasn’t, little witch.” Lucien’s breath tickled the back of her neck and Mika shivered, her grip tightening on Ethan’s perfect white shirt. “You were asleep for almost two days and missed all those important little appointments you were supposed to have. Don’t worry, we made sure they didn’t wake you up.”

  “Oh well.” Mika lifted her head to look into Ethan’s eyes and he stared back with a dark gaze that made her stomach clench in anticipation. “I’m sure it won’t be the end of the world.”

  Those hands on her waist tightened and Ethan grinned down at her suddenly, grinding against her. “Feel better?”

  Her nails dug into his chest and Mika had to admit she wanted—no, she needed him. She needed Lucien.

  “Still in it for the long haul?” she asked, a bit breathlessly. It would have been embarrassing if the sound didn’t make Ethan’s smile widen.

  “Don’t make me tell you twice,” Ethan murmured against her hair before his hand yanked on her ponytail just hard enough to feel good. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her small moan had Lucien growling before it even ended, and suddenly Ethan was gripping Lucien’s hair just like hers and Mika watched open-mouthed as Ethan turned and kissed the fox first.

  Mika had never felt so turned on in her entire fucking life. Even if she was the type, she never would have even thought to fantasize about something like this, but now that she’d seen it…

  There was nothing she wanted more.

  Lucien’s groan when Ethan used his hair to angle his head away to nibble on his neck—Mika nearly bit through her own lip as she watched. It instantly flipped a switch in her body, and she could feel just how wet she was.

  When Ethan turned to her, still holding onto Lucien’s hair, she licked her lips, not sure what to expect. With a sharp yank her throat was exposed. “What will convince you, Mika, that we aren’t going anywhere?”

  She swallowed as she looked up at him, not sure how to respond to that. “Did you have something in mind?”

  “I think you should let Lucien claim you,” Ethan murmured, running his thumb down her neck.

  Her heart started beating hard enough she was sure Ethan could feel it, and Mika studied Lucien whose eyes were glowing gold as he looked at her, chin still angled up toward Ethan.

  “I’m not opposed to that,” Lucien murmured, reaching for her throat. His gentle caress made her shiver in anticipation. “But I’d rather have that blood bond.”

  “A blood bond would certainly prove our point,” Ethan agreed. He released both of them at the same time and smiled down at her. “Can’t get rid of us then.”

  Mika squirmed, not sure what she wanted more – sex, or a fight. Ethan seemed to be ready for both and she had to admit she liked the edge of violence she could feel from him.

  “I don’t ever plan to get rid of you,” she told Ethan, sitting up so she was straddling him. It gave her the space she needed to try and gather her thoughts. “But I do worry about you.” Mika leaned down and kissed one side of his face, and then the other before turning to Lucien.

  She kissed those soft lips and felt her body go weak when he pulled her on top of him, placing her hands in his soft hair. It felt so good to touch him, kiss him, and then Ethan’s hand slid up her spine and Mika arched into his touch.

  “Don’t stop,” Ethan murmured into her ear, pressing his whole body against her back.

  Mika could feel every muscle, how hard he was, and most of all she could feel his love and dedication as he wrapped his arms around her. She could feel Lucien’s adoration when his hands gently held her waist, and the sharp tips of his canines that raked against her tongue.

  All she wanted was to be like this with them for the rest of her life.

  This was what she was fighting for.

  For Lucien, Ethan, Corbin, Malachi and even Dagon.

  The five of them couldn’t be more different, with wildly diverse backgrounds, yet somehow, they’d found a way to work together, to love her and give each other the space and time they needed to spend with her, and it gave Mika hope. If they could come to an agreement, then maybe the rest of the world could figure their shit out too.

  Ethan lifted her sweater up and over her head, breaking her kiss with Lucien. The fox growled his irritation, but those hands slid up and unclasped her bra faster than humanly possible and she felt his mouth on her nipple before the sweater was even all the way off.

  Her bra slid down and Ethan tossed it to the side before sinking his hands into her hair. Mika leaned back into him, gasping when Lucien started sucking on her other nipple, sharp canines grazing the sensitive skin.

  Ethan tied her hair up and out of the way before sliding his hands down her back and then around to slip inside the front of her pants. Mika bucked against him, holding onto Lucien when the fox nipped her neck gently—too gently.

  They were making her crazy, dragging this out and taking their sweet fucking time. Need filled every single pore and Mika shook as she tried to keep from exploding, to stop herself from using her new strength to make them quiver.

  When Ethan’s long fingers brushed against her clit, she moaned, wrapping one leg around Lucien’s waist. She wanted more, she wanted them everywhere until she was surrounded and filled.

  “Fuck,” Lucien murmured, lifting his own shirt over his head.

  Mika ran her hands up his bare chest, riding Ethan’s hand the entire time, desperate for more. She whispered the incantation, trying not to lose focus when Ethan bit down on her shoulder and Lucien reached for Ethan.

  On the last word she felt her pleasure spike and instantly their clothes were gone and sitting in a hasty pile on the floor. Mika didn’t have the mental fortitude to hide them in the pockets of the universe as Ethan slid two thick fingers inside her.

  “So impatient,” Ethan murmured, pressing his hand against her, but he held still, holding the friction that she needed so badly hostage.

  She reached for Lucien. Her fingers wrapped around his cock and she rubbed the tip against her wetness. Mika couldn’t help her smirk when Lucien’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he muttered under his breath before kissing the hell out of her.

  His tongue slid into her mouth and danced with hers. Mika stroked him, pressing her ass back into Ethan, feeling the hot brand of his dick on her ass. It pressed into her hard enough she knew he needed this just as badly as she did.

  Then she felt Ethan’s hand over hers, helping her stroke Lucien and the fox pressed into their grip, cursing and shaking as Ethan forced her to pick up the pace, to grip harder with his other hand still inside her.

  “Not like this,” Lucien practically begged, nipping her neck, her jaw, and then her bottom lip. Before she could respond he flipped her over onto her back.

  Mika shivered at Ethan’s chuckle, but she only had eyes for Lucien. The way he looked down at her, his hair partially covering his face – but it was the glowing
gold that mesmerized her. She couldn’t look away even if she wanted to.

  Reaching up she gently held his face, running her thumb across his lips. Lucien leaned into her touch, closing his eyes and she felt tears prick her eyes.

  This is who she was fighting for – had been since day one. Mika had fought for his right to attend the university as a fox, and now she would fight for his right to live whether it be beside her or not.

  “If you’re sure, I think I’m ready for the blood bond,” she murmured, pressing a hand to his heart. Mika could feel the blood pumping, she could hear it speed up when his eyes snapped open. “I just…worry. That one day you’ll wish you’d waited to find your true mate.”

  “You are my true mate, Mika,” Lucien growled, sliding inside of her.

  She gasped, eyes rolling into the back of her head at the delicious sensation.

  As Lucien thrust inside her, she felt Ethan suck a nipple into his mouth and she groaned, turning her head to look at him, barely able to comprehend how this was real. How had she gotten so lucky?

  Her pleasure was building fast and she yanked Ethan’s face toward hers, kissing him hard enough she could taste her own blood and still it wasn’t enough.

  Ethan pulled back with a sharp grin on his face, and then he turned to Lucien, resting a hand on his waist as he brushed back his long black hair. “I don’t think you understand, Mika. We don’t want anyone or anything else but you, no matter what that looks like.” Then he kissed Lucien’s neck.

  Her pleasure spiked through her and Mika’s hands fisted in the sheets as she watched, back arching into Lucien. The fox was just as affected as she was, but he didn’t stop or slow down. If anything, he sped up, snaking his arm around her waist to lift her until he was kneeling on the bed and she was straddling him.

  Instinctually her arms wrapped around his neck and Mika held on as he grinded into her. Before she could catch her breath from the first orgasm, Lucien had her shuddering from a second, making her scream.


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