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Page 23

by Golden Angel

  Connor's lips quirked, lifting his hand to curve his fingers around the back of Ella's neck. "Try that again, sweetheart, and this time remember where we are."

  Ella's eyes flared, as if she wanted to argue with her dom. She could brat with the best of them, but she kept her focus. "Sorry." She smiled sweetly at Kawan. "Can Melody come to the ladies' room with us, Master Kawan?"

  Leaning in, Connor whispered something in her ear, and her cheeks flushed with pleasure.

  "Yes, she may," Kawan said. Ella couldn't know it, but he was grateful for the brief separation. He'd been hoping to talk to his friends privately at some point this evening.

  "Come right back," Alexander ordered as Sienna stood up.

  "Yes, Daddy." She leaned over to kiss him, grinning widely, her tone on the border of sassy.

  Kawan patted Melody's bottom as she joined her friends, making her giggle, before he took one of the empty seats. The trio immediately linked arms, already chatting and laughing as they walked away.

  "I swear, there's something in the water tonight," Connor murmured, turning slightly to watch them go, as if he didn't quite trust they'd behave themselves. "Ella's been toeing the line like she's looking for a spanking but isn't quite ready to commit."

  "I think it's all the silk," Alexander said, shaking his head. They all looked around the room, and Kawan had to admit that there did seem to be a different feel in the air, a slightly softer one. As if the lack of leather and latex had changed something intangible.

  Or maybe it was just Kawan who had changed. Since he didn't know how much time he had, he just went right into what he wanted to talk to them about.

  "How did you know that Sienna and Ella were 'the one'?" he asked.

  Two heads swiveled around to face him, like owls zeroing in on their prey with laser focus. Alexander's eyes gleamed with amusement, while Connor seemed more surprised than anything else. Of course, he and Ella had been traveling a lot the past weeks, so they hadn't been around to see the admittedly fast growth of his and Melody's relationship.

  The swiftness with which everything was happening was the cause of his concern. He'd been sure about Krissy too, and while he knew Melody was nothing like Krissy, he was starting to think that maybe he was the problem. Falling too hard, too fast. Which was especially scary this time because he already felt far more for Melody than he ever had for Krissy.

  Did that mean that she was the one though? Or did it just mean he was the kind of guy who jumped into the deep end without thinking, and someone needed to smack some sense into him? If it was the latter, he couldn't think of anyone better suited to the task than Alexander and Connor. And, conversely, he couldn't think of anyone better to ask about love. They'd both fallen hard, fast, and successfully. So far he had two out of three and he'd really like to add the third.

  "Isn't it kind of soon to be asking that question?" Connor asked.

  "That's exactly what I'm concerned about," Kawan admitted. He shrugged with one shoulder, the corner of his mouth tipping up in a rueful smile. "But... I can't imagine time changing my mind."

  Alexander nodded. "I think I knew the night I met Sienna. At least, I knew she was special. The potential was there, even if I wasn't about to propose immediately." Now it was his turn to shrug. "I just can't imagine my life without her, and I don't want to. Even when we're arguing or hit a rough patch, I'd still rather work things out than lose her. She makes my days worth waking up for."

  "Oh, now she's going to be sorry she missed hearing you say that," Connor teased, grinning. He turned to Kawan. "He's not wrong though. I feel the same way about Ella. Well, now I do." He rubbed his chin. "That actually happened pretty quickly too. One night at Black Light and I saw her completely differently."

  That made Kawan smile. "So, you're saying that in comparison to you two, I'm going slowly."

  "I understand why you're hesitant," Alexander said, smiling although his eyes were serious. "After Krissy, you should be. But Melody's different. You're different with her, in a good way. With Krissy you always seemed on edge, a little anxious, and you frowned a lot more than you smiled. Now you're always smiling, you're settled, and you seem fulfilled."

  Slowly, Connor nodded his agreement. "It might be fast, but Alexander's right. You look good. And I like Melody." He shrugged. "I knew Ella for years before anything happened between us, but that was our timeline. Everyone's is different. If it's right, then there really is no such thing as 'too soon,' is there?"

  Well, that was a very good point.

  Going to the bathroom with Ella and Sienna was actually the first time Melody had wandered through any part of Black Light without Daddy next to her. She felt a little odd and a little more vulnerable without him right by her side. Although, her friends were also protection in and of themselves, as was the silky pink ribbon Daddy had tied around her neck in lieu of a collar.

  "I love the shorts and camisole look," Ella told her, eyeing Melody's outfit as they walked through the club. "I wish I'd thought of that."

  Melody had to laugh. "I wish I'd been able to talk Daddy into letting me wear something more like what you have on."

  The silky robe was nearly floor length and made Ella look like she should be lounging on a chaise somewhere, sipping a cocktail. Possibly while someone fanned her with a gigantic palm leaf. Probably not Master Connor though. Melody couldn't imagine him being the one to fan her.

  Ella's eyes lit up with mischief. "I'm actually in a wee bit of trouble for wearing this... Connor was running late so we met here instead of at home."

  "Brat," Sienna teased, laughing, as they walked into the ladies' room. Melody giggled.

  As things went, wearing something that followed the letter—although not the spirit—of the theme night wasn't exceptionally bratty. She was sure Ella would pay for it in a mutually satisfying manner.

  She'd have to remember that for the future, if she was ever in the same position to choose her own outfit without Daddy changing her before they even got out the door.

  They all exchanged greetings with the other women they knew who were in the room and then Sienna and Ella went into their respective stalls. Since Melody didn't actually have to go to the bathroom, she primped in front of the mirror, messing with her pigtails and the bows Daddy had put in them.

  "So, you and Kawan are officially living together now, huh?" Ella asked, emerging from her stall. She grinned at Melody, which helped relieve some of Melody's immediate tension at the question. Even though Daddy had made it clear that he wanted her there, she still worried a little bit about what other people would think. Especially his friends. "That's exciting."

  "It is," she replied, leaning her hip against one of the sinks as Ella went to wash her hands. "I didn't really think I'd have time for a new relationship right now, but he's made it easy. And it feels right."

  "Have you said the 'L' word yet?" Sienna asked, coming up to one of the other sinks. Her eyes were bright with interest.

  "No." Although she felt it. Had felt it. But it was so soon, and she was afraid to say it in case he didn't say it back. Or worse, if he said it back because he didn't want to hurt her feelings but didn't actually mean it. Not that she thought she could gather the courage to say it first anyway.

  "Oh, don't look so down." Ella wrapped her arm around Melody's shoulders. "He totally does. It only takes one look at him to know that. It's the way he looks at you."

  "It's true." Sienna smiled at her reassuringly. "I've never seen him happier than he has been since he met you."

  "That might just be the rampant sex," Melody pointed out, making the other two laugh.

  "I'm sure that doesn't hurt either," Ella teased, steering her back to the door to the club.

  On her first step back into the club, a flash of something bright caught Melody's eye. Was that... fire? Holy crap it was! A submissive was tied down to a table, arms above her head, and the Dom—holy shit, it was Elliott. Elliott!—was setting her on fire!

  "Ooo, never see
n fire play before?" Sienna asked from behind her, startling Melody and making her realize she was just standing there, staring, and blocking Sienna and Ella's exit from the bathroom. "Want to go take a closer look?"

  She did, she really did but... "Aren't we supposed to go right back?"

  All three of them turned to look as one at the bar where their dominants were sitting. The men appeared to be deep in conversation, none of them paying attention to their immediate surroundings, much less keeping an eye on the restroom.

  "We'll just go take a little peek," Ella said, her tone a little wheedling. "I've always wanted to see one of the demonstrations. We'll be so quick, they won't even notice."

  As much as Melody wanted to be a good girl, she had to admit, she felt a little rush of excitement at the idea of being a teensy bit sneaky. It wasn't like they were going to hurt anyone by taking a tiny detour, after all.

  "Okay," she heard herself saying, taking another quick glance over at her Daddy, who was listening earnestly to something Alexander was saying. "Real quick."

  The girls were taking too long.

  Frowning, Kawan turned his head over toward the restroom. No Melody, Sienna, or Ella. Seeing his movement, Alexander and Connor looked over too.

  "They might just be talking, like us," Alexander murmured, but his tone had hardened. Deepened.

  Like hawks, all three of them swept their gazes around the room, seeking out their prey.

  In her soft pink lingerie, Melody was easy to spot, even if the fire play demonstration hadn't drawn his eye. The moment he found her, he relaxed slightly, although he also had to shake his head. Naughty baby girl. If she'd wanted to watch the fire, she should have come and let him know, not walked over by herself.

  "Well, I believe that ends the talking portion of the evening," Connor said, pushing back his chair and getting to his feet. "It looks like I now have two good reasons to punish Ella tonight."

  Kawan didn't ask what the other reason was, although he suspected it had to do with the long, covering robe Ella was wearing. He grinned though, standing and moving quickly enough that he was leading the pack of them as they strode across the club floor, heading for their naughty little girls. As if sensing the danger, Sienna's head turned. Her eyes widened and she grabbed the other two by their hands.

  They looked at her and then immediately jerked around to see their doms—their Daddies—bearing down on them. Three pairs of wide eyes in three excited but fearful faces.


  "Fire, hmm?" Alexander asked, as soon as he reached Sienna, one hand wrapping her ponytail around his fingers and using her hair to draw her closer. "I believe I know what puts fire out."

  "Daddy, no!" But he was already dragging her away.

  Connor didn't even bother saying anything to Ella, just lifted her up over his shoulder in one swift movement and kept going. She let out a little squeak as she was carried off like a barbarian's prize.

  Standing in front of his own baby girl, Kawan put his hands on his hips and lifted his eyebrows at her. He didn't say anything, just waited. Master Elliott had only paused for a moment to see what was happening, but now he was continuing his demonstration. Melody didn't look back as the flames flared behind her again.

  "Sorry, Daddy," she said, teeth scraping over her plump lower lip like a nervous tic. "The fire just looked really neat and..." Her voice trailed off when his expression didn't change one iota.

  "I'm sure it did look neat," he finally said. "But you should have come right back to the table the way you were supposed to and then we could have come over and watched together. Instead..." She squealed as he flipped her over his shoulder, mimicking Connor's move, but he added to it by smacking her bottom right on the tender sit spot which was revealed by her shorts riding up. "You're going to get a demonstration on what it's like to have Daddy set his naughty little girl on fire."

  "Pretty sure I already know," she muttered, and by happenstance there was just enough of a lull in the noise around the club that he managed to hear her.


  She shrieked, wriggling, when he spanked her other sit spot.

  Spotting a free alcove, Kawan adjusted his course. She hadn’t been very naughty, but he was going to enjoy giving her a thorough spanking.

  By the time Daddy had wrangled Melody over his knee, the crotch of her silky shorts was soaked with her juices. The two swats she’d already taken to her backside had stung, but that heat had quickly morphed into arousal. Now her nipples were puckered buds, stimulated by the silken fabric of the camisole as her breasts swayed beneath her.

  Her shorts were pulled swiftly down to her mid-thighs, baring her butt. Not that the thin fabric would have offered much protection anyway, but her face flamed because she knew anyone looking in this direction would now have a completely unobscured view of her upturned bottom and her creamy pussy. That kind of embarrassment wasn’t enough to safe word over though, and she knew it was likely part of her punishment to be put on display like this.

  Not exactly a harsh punishment, since the bit of exhibitionism also sent a thrill up her spine.

  “Now, naughty girl,” he said, his voice almost silky with the salacious threat. Melody’s pussy clenched at being called a naughty girl. She liked being naughty just as much as she liked being good. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Being questioned made her squirm uncomfortably. She was all too aware of his hand caressing her ass, drawing out the anticipation before her spanking.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she said, wiggling her bottom enticingly.

  “That wasn’t very sincere, but don’t worry, baby girl. We’ll get there.” The promise made her arousal spike. Then Daddy’s hand lifted and she tensed just before his hand landed.


  Ouch! Sometimes in between spankings she forgot how much Daddy’s hand could hurt. The hard swat wasn’t his full force, but it stung enough to not be purely erotic either.


  As he began to pepper her bottom with firm, even swats, Melody squirmed on his lap, the heat in her skin beginning to build. He moved his hand all over, so that she couldn’t anticipate where each blow was going to land. Tears began to sting the back of her eyes as each smarting stroke added to the overall burn. His hand landed all over, from the top of her curves to her sensitive sit spots, making her writhe as she started trying to avoid the rain of painful smacks.

  “Ow! Daddy, I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!”

  The spanking stopped, making her slump… but her relief was mingled with disappointment. A small part of her wondered that was it? Daddy’s hand roughly caressed her bottom, making her whimper and her pussy spasm in response. The heat beneath her skin spread through her lower body and she moaned when his fingers dipped down to her slick pussy.

  “That sounded a little more sincere, but I don’t think we’re quite there yet.”

  A quick dip of his fingers into her pussy and then he retreated. Melody was ready for the next swat. What she wasn’t ready for was where it landed.

  She shrieked, the fiery sting shooting through her, her pussy throbbing from the unexpected strike. While Daddy hadn’t used the same amount of force as he had on her bottom, her swollen nether lips were far more sensitive and the stinging bite much more severe.

  A second swat followed the first, so quickly that it took her breath away. It wasn’t until the third painful slap was applied to her puffy, aching pussy, his fingers snapping against her pulsing clit, that she managed to cry out.

  “I’m soooorry, Daddy!”

  Two more hard slaps to her pussy left her writhing in lustful agony, panting for breath at the intense sensations, and closer to orgasm than she would have thought possible.

  Melody’s sweet juices coated Kawan’s fingers. He’d never spanked her pussy before, but he’d wanted to see how she reacted to it. The apology she uttered was far more sincere than the first, impish one she’d offered, and yet she became wetter and wet
ter with each swat. Her sensitive, swollen lips were now dark pink and glistening with her juices, her bottom was rosy from her spanking, and she was wriggling on his lap with arousal. His cock pressed against her soft side, aching and ready to take her.

  It took but a moment to tug her shorts completely off and drop them to the floor. Pulling her up, he had her straddle his lap, leaving her pussy spread and vulnerable. Tears were gathered in her eyes and the moisture trickled down her cheeks in the new position, making her look very much like a sorry little girl. Sliding one hand between her thighs and the other hand around her neck, Kawan drew her in for a kiss, simultaneously pressing his fingers against her wetness. She moaned as he slid two fingers inside of her heated pussy, stroking her gently, his hand rubbing against her sensitized flesh.

  Muffling the small noise with his lips, Kawan deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and mimicking the movement with his fingers. Melody squirmed, her pussy clenching around his fingers. Her hands came down on his shoulders, helping her to hold position while he began to fingerfuck her.

  When she mewled against his mouth, he pulled away, ending the kiss and slowing the movement of his fingers.

  “Daddy, please,” she whimpered, tightening her pussy around him and arching her back, seeking the stimulation she needed to come.

  “Please what, baby girl?” he asked, languidly pumping his fingers. His thumb circled her clit but didn’t touch it, and she shuddered, arching again in desperate need.

  “Please, may I come?” The plea was appealingly heartfelt, but Kawan shook his head.

  “Not until you’re on my cock, baby girl.” Pulling his fingers completely free from her body, he grinned wickedly at her whimper.

  It took just a small amount of shifting to free his dick from the silky confines of his pants, and then he pulled Melody forward by her hips. They both groaned in unison as she sank onto him, her pussy tighter than usual in this position, although she was slick enough that it didn’t matter. Gravity pulled her down, until his cock was fully embedded in her body.


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