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The Secret Patient

Page 14

by Vaughan W. Smith

  “This just sounds worse and worse,” Elizabeth thought. The enormity of the situation she had gotten herself into weighed on her. But then she remembered her successes and perked up.

  “Well despite the effort they have gone to, not only have I found Nathan but I have access to his room. That’s gotta count for something,” Elizabeth said to herself. She wondered briefly about springing Nathan from the hospital, and dealing with the rest later. But it sounded too risky, and once he was out any evidence would be quickly destroyed. No, as long as it seemed safe they should keep playing along. And she had made a promise to Dean too. It was best for everyone if Nathan stayed put for the time being.

  Her next major lead was Dr Malberg. However before she moved on she thought a moment more about Charles Manfried. Because of his behaviour, he was clearly under the influence of someone. But it might not be just because of his situation. Maybe he also knew something vital. Maybe it was worth trying to find him and getting him to talk in a safe location? She decided to leave that thought kicking around to see if she had any good ideas later. But it definitely wasn’t something she could act on immediately.

  Elizabeth lay down for a while and rested. She watched some television but wasn’t really paying attention and didn’t notice what was on. She had a good opportunity to see Nathan tonight, but she wasn’t sure how to make the most of it. She needed to think about what he could tell her that nobody else could. Of course she could provide him support, but she had to make the visit count. There were no guarantees here, and despite her hard work every visit was still a risk.

  Her mind was being rather unhelpful, so she switched it off for a moment. She walked into the kitchen and looked through the cupboards, trying to work out what to eat. Everything fell into the ‘too hard’ or ‘don’t have the right ingredients’ baskets. So she eventually decided on a sandwich.

  “Hey a sandwich is a perfectly acceptable meal,” she told herself while assembling it. She sat down to her sandwich and water and watched the news. It was the usual mix of horror stories of attempted kidnappings, shootings and bizarre behaviour. She switched it off in disgust. Those stories were just horrible, and you didn’t learn anything from them. They were just a way to scare people with a cheap thrill.

  She thought about her own career as a journalist. Sure she had taken on some gruesome stories, but she always strived to find the insight or redeeming feature of the story. The story within the story. She didn’t see the point on just reporting all the atrocities that were out there. That only served to kindle people’s fears, or worse desensitise them. But she didn’t have an answer either. Hiding them was probably worse. Elizabeth put away her plate and glass and decided to have a quick shower.

  The length of the day and the stresses washed away with the warm water. She felt renewed after, and ready for the night that lay ahead. She dressed and checked the time. It was almost eight, so dinner service would be well and truly over at the hospital.

  “Time to say hello,” she said to herself and left. The drive to the hospital was particularly fast, as the peak traffic had died down and most people were already home. She decided to park around the corner from the hospital, to be less conspicuous. She walked through the main entrance as if everything was normal. There weren’t many people milling around the hospital, she had never seen it so quiet. Which made sense. She headed directly to the corridor with access to Nathan’s area, and quickly looked around. There was nobody in sight.

  She retrieved the key and put it into the lock. Remembering her previous experience she used a bit more force to turn the key, and struggled less. The locked turned for her, and she quickly opened the door and stepped inside. She closed the door as quietly as possible and continued walking.

  She paused after every few steps, to listen out for signs of movement. The corridor and adjoining area were deathly quiet. She stepped carefully, just in case there was someone around. However she didn’t notice anyone, and the area just returned the same silence that she expected. She arrived at Nathan’s door and gently pushed it open.

  “Hey there,” Nathan said once he could see her. He was sitting up in bed and the television was on.

  “Hey, I made it.”

  “Yeah, have any problems?”

  “Not that I know of,” Elizabeth said with a laugh. Nathan laughed too. He looked tired though.

  “How’s things here? Rough day?”

  “Yeah, the usual I guess. Looking forward to hearing what you are up to. What’s happening?”

  “I visited your apartment, and don’t worry I didn’t snoop around.”

  “I’m not worried.”

  “Found the number for Charles Manfried. So I gave him a call before I came here.”

  “How is he?”

  “Really spooked. He didn’t tell me anything, and couldn’t wait to get off the phone. I think somebody got to him, maybe even paid him off. Either way, unless I can get to him in person he won’t offer any clues.”

  “Wow, that’s crazy. Charles is a cool guy, generally quite chilled out. That’s actually pretty scary.”

  “Yeah, sorry to hear that. I guess it means that they are serious about this.”

  “Definitely. Did you want to visit him?”

  “It might be helpful. Do you know his address?”

  “No, but I remember where his house was. Let me think about it for a minute.”

  “Take your time,” Elizabeth said, watching Nathan stare off into the distance.

  “You know, do you have a pen? I’ll write down some directions.”

  “Sure,” Elizabeth said, retrieving a notebook and pen from her bag. Nathan started scribbling on the paper, pausing occasionally, before returning to write more.

  “Sure beats using a word jumble to communicate huh?” Elizabeth said.

  “Yeah, but oddly not as fun,” Nathan replied with a chuckle. He returned to the notebook and wrote a few final comments.

  “That should do it. No point talking you through, I think you’ll just need to give it a go. I hope he’s alright,” Nathan said.

  “I’m sure it is just intimidation tactics. But I’ll let you know how I go. So one other question, your computer. Anything I can use on there?”

  “I don’t think so. I used my phone for anything important like numbers, appointments and messaging. Although I think my phone calendar might be synched up with my computer. You could probably see my appointment on there,” Nathan said, his voice raising in excitement as he continued talking.

  “Ok, so you made yourself a calendar appointment on your phone for the doctor appointment here, the one which you never returned from?”

  “Yes, I’m sure of it. That’s proof that I came here and didn’t go anywhere else.”

  “Yeah, that’s good. Not enough by itself, but very useful. How do I get into your computer?”

  “My username is ‘nathan’. The password is ‘qwertyiscool’ no spaces.”

  “Great, I’ll give that a go. Got my fingers crossed we get something there.”

  “Yeah me too, damn these bastards. They are going to pay for this.”

  “Don’t worry they will. But remember we need to act cool and use this advantage while we can. They don’t know that I know you’re here and that we can talk. That’s a huge thing.”

  “Yeah, I get it. It can be really frustrating though.”

  “I know, I wondered about just getting you out. But it’s too risky and we’ll blow our chance. Just be patient and trust me.”

  “Yeah, I trust you.”

  “Thanks. Now I wanted to ask you about Dr Malberg. Have you seen him again recently?”

  “Now and then he turns up for my morning review. Spouts the same old crap about reviewing my case with the other doctors, but you can tell he’s not interested in anything other than me staying here indefinitely.”

  “Has he mentioned anything that you found interesting? He’s from the research department you know.”

  “Research? Maybe they’
re testing stuff on me. I can’t explain it, but I feel tired all the time. This can’t be normal. I’m not that old or unwell, I just know they’re doing something to me.”

  “It’s possible. Hang on, maybe we can look into that. Do the nurses leave any equipment here?”


  “Well, maybe if we can get some of your blood, I can get it tested by someone. That way we will at least get an idea of what they are doing.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense. I don’t think so, they always bring in a little tray full of supplies when they take blood. You would have to find one of their supply cabinets.”

  “Ok, leave it to me. I’ll find something. Because you’re in this area by yourself, they probably have something nearby. It’s more convenient that way. Let me go have a quick look now, while I’m here.”

  “Yeah sure. Come back before you go, even if you find nothing.”

  “Of course,” Elizabeth said and left the room. She noticed a definite chill once she left the room. She shook off the shiver and started walking. She had already found one open door on a previous visit, but there had only been old paperwork there, not supplies. So she walked down the length of the corridor and checked all the rooms. But she couldn’t find anything useful. As she was leaving the last room she heard footsteps.


  The Not So Simple Sample

  Elizabeth quickly stepped back into the room and pulled the door shut as quickly and quietly as possible. She leaned back against the wall, next to the door and strained her hearing. She analysed each footstep, trying to judge if they were continuing on as normal, or if they were coming over to investigate her location. She heard the footsteps right outside her door, and tensed herself. Then she heard a door open and the footsteps disappear inside. The person must have entered another door and she had misjudged the noise.

  Nathan looked up and started to speak and stopped himself. It was not Elizabeth walking in the door. It was a nurse instead, and his least favourite one. It was Annabelle and she only ever came for one thing: blood. He sighed inwardly and starting mentally preparing himself.

  “Surprised to see me?” Annabelle said.

  “Yes, I don’t think you’ve come in the evening before,” Nathan said, trying to give a reasonable explanation. She was an odd nurse, and had a very suspicious attitude. He didn’t want to give her any real ammunition.

  “Well yes, but I don’t ask questions I just carry out what the doctors ask for.”

  “Which doctor asked for this?”

  “Dr Malberg. It’s all above board Nathaniel.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it is,” Nathan said. He didn’t have to feign any frustration. Annabelle carried on, readying her implements on the little tray she was carrying. Seeing it made Nathan realise that was exactly what he was after. But maybe he could go one step further, and use Annabelle to help him.

  He waited patiently and let her prepare and take the first vial of blood. She put it aside with care and continued. Nathan let her finish, preparing himself. Once she was done and had removed the needle he moved his arm suddenly, pretending that he had a spasm. He managed to knock over the tray containing all the blood and implements she had been using. However he did manage to grasp one of the vials in his hand.

  Annabelle reached out to try and catch the tray, but it tipped over and the contents fell onto the floor. The glass vials shattered from the impact and his blood went all over the floor. Nathan used the commotion to hide the vial amongst his sheets. He peered out over the scene, the fact that he had given blood and saw it splashed out below made him feel sick.

  “Urgh,” he said and tried to lean forward.

  “You idiot!” Annabelle said, once she had surveyed the damage.

  “What have you done?” she yelled out.

  “I don’t know what happened,” Nathan said.

  “You know I’ll have to take it again. What a waste.”

  “I know you need to, I’m not happy about you having to come back either.”

  “I’ll have to talk to the doctor and work out how soon I can return.”

  “Dr Malberg?”

  “Yes. Now be quiet while I clean this up. I am too furious for words,” Annabelle said and Nathan took the hint. He didn’t want her anger or attention. It was worth wasting his blood, for more reasons than one. He had something for Elizabeth to go test, and he loved seeing Annabelle angry like this. It was like a small revenge for the way he was treated. Ultimately he would pay a price too, but for this one time it was worth it.

  Annabelle cleaned up the floor, and moved all the waste into a special bin.

  “I’ll be back with a mop,” she said before leaving.

  “I hope Elizabeth is careful,” Nathan thought. If she came back while Annabelle was getting a mop, there would be trouble. There would be no way to explain her presence if discovered.

  Elizabeth remained perfectly still in the room, listening out for any sounds. She figured that it was most likely a nurse visiting, and that she would not stay long. Elizabeth just had to wait it out. The silence was stifling, as Elizabeth didn’t know what to think. All she could do was wait.

  She heard a loud crash and was startled by the sound.

  “What’s going on in there?” she whispered to herself. Surely that was not a normal occurrence.

  “Does he need my help?” Elizabeth thought. But she decided that things were probably alright, and the best move was to follow the plan and remain hidden. Once she was spotted in this area, at best they would increase the security and it would be very hard to come back. At worst they may even identify her and make things very difficult.

  Suddenly she heard a door open and footsteps stomp out. Elizabeth waited until the footsteps were no longer audible, and then carefully opened the door. She looked out at the corridor, assessing the safety. The corridor was empty and quiet, as it always was. But something didn’t feel right. What had happened in Nathan’s room wasn’t routine, and she sensed the anger in the footsteps of the nurse. Her gut was usually right, and it told her not to venture out yet. So Elizabeth went back into the room and waited some more.

  The wait was painful for Nathan. He knew Annabelle was coming back, but he dreaded the door opening. If the door opened and Elizabeth came through, he didn’t know what he would do. He had already taken a massive risk, he didn’t want to lose their advantage. Despite his best efforts, he kept nervously looking back at the door. He wanted it to open, to see Annabelle there. But he was scared it might be Elizabeth.

  After an agonising wait he saw the door opening slowly.

  “No, Elizabeth don’t come in,” he thought. The door inched open and then he noticed a mop bucket coming through the door. He felt such incredible relief, that he had to stop himself from falling out of the bed. The tension had been incredible.

  “What are you so happy about?” Annabelle asked when she entered the room.

  “Maybe it’s the loss of blood making me a bit loopy. But I’m happy that everyone is ok, and that you’re helping me out by cleaning this up,” Nathan said. He meant every word of it too, not that Annabelle would understand his true meaning. She looked him over suspiciously, but then focused on the mop and bucket.

  “You’re an odd one Nathaniel,” Annabelle said and set about cleaning the floor. First she sprayed something special on the ground, and rubbing that in before mopping. The smell of the chemicals caused Nathan to almost gag. But he resisted.

  “Smells great doesn’t it?” Annabelle said, as if she had anticipated his reaction. She seemed to enjoy his discomfort, her own revenge.

  “I guess she’s entitled to that,” Nathan thought. He didn’t really think that Annabelle was a bad person, just following orders. She certainly didn’t make any effort to make his life easier though. Not like some of the others, for example Robin.

  Nathan waited patiently while Annabelle worked, and then spoke up as she finished.

  “All done? Thanks for cleaning up my mess there.”
/>   “You’re welcome, had to be done.”

  “I hope the rest of your night goes a bit better,” Nathan said, giving her a big apologetic smile. She returned a look that wasn’t a glare.

  “I hope so too. Goodnight Nathaniel,” Annabelle said. Nathan nodded and watched her leave. He felt relieved once she was out the door, and also hopeful. Things were looking up. He sneaked a glance at the recovered vial of blood. He hated seeing his blood like that, but it also had some potential to get him some answers.

  Elizabeth had waited long enough, and was about to leave. Her feelings of impatience and the tension were overcoming her intuition about the danger. She had convinced herself that it was fine, and otherwise she would be sitting in the room all night. She grasped the door handle and began to turn it when she heard a weird sound. She paused and listened further.

  It was a familiar squeak that she couldn’t place. It irked her that she didn’t know what it was. But she knew it was the sound of movement nearby, so she released the door handle and waited. The squeak was also paired with footsteps, probably a nurse. Likely the same one that left in such a whirlwind before. The steps were fast and decisive, the rhythm of their steps echoing through the hallway. However Elizabeth concentrated on the squeaking sound. That was the key.

  She heard it again and again, she knew that sound and had heard it before. But she couldn’t conjure up the image of what it was. She was even tempted to peek through the door, but restrained herself. Suddenly it clicked.

  “That’s a mop bucket, and the wheel hasn’t been oiled,” she whispered to herself. The realisation made her chuckle softly. She started to piece together what she had been hearing. The crash, the footsteps storming out, and the mop bucket returning. Some sort of accident had happened, but it was probably fine.

  “Lucky I didn’t go back into the room,” Elizabeth thought. Once again her instincts had been right. She felt a surge of relief, as her mind imagined what would have happened if she had been in that room when the nurse returned. She discarded the mental image, and waited for the footsteps to end. Once they did, she knew that the nurse was inside.


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