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The Secret Patient

Page 16

by Vaughan W. Smith

  “My pleasure. Can I go now?”

  “In a moment. Wait here while I get Nod for you. Goodbye Elizabeth,” Don said. He stood up and removed his cap, performed a sarcastic bow and twirl of his cap, before leaving the room. But all Elizabeth really noticed were his eyes. There was a keen intensity to them that never wavered.

  Once he had left the room she let out a sigh. She had played tough, and it had worn her down. It was easy because she was angry, but that didn’t decrease its toll on her. Things just got a lot harder. She had been careful, but not careful enough.

  “That conversation would have been a lot more awkward if they had found the blood sample,” Elizabeth thought. She didn’t buy his story of looking for Nathan, more like looking for any people looking for Nathan. It was possible he was a government official of some kind, but there was no way to know. What she did know though, was that he had access to people and technology and had tracked her down since she called Charles. And he had gone to great pains to make sure that she understood what he could do. She had to be very careful with her future movements.

  Within a few minutes she heard footsteps and saw Nod step through the door. He was still wearing his balaclava.

  “Here to escort me out?” Elizabeth said.

  “Yes,” Nod said in a gruff voice and turned to leave. Elizabeth followed close behind. She was keen to get out of wherever she was.

  “Is Charles leaving too?” Elizabeth asked as they walked.

  “Already gone.”

  “Good,” Elizabeth said. That made her feel a bit better. It also confirmed her idea that he was just there to get information out of her. They continued to walk up a flight of stairs and down another corridor. Nod stopped in front of a door and waited.

  “Blindfold or sleepy time?” he asked. Elizabeth didn’t need to ask what sleep time was, she had already experienced it.

  “I’ll take the blindfold this time.”

  “Sure,” Nod said in what was little more than a grunt. He fished a dirty black cloth from his pocket and walked over to Elizabeth. She closed her eyes and let him wrap it around her head, just leaving a small gap for breathing. He roughly grabbed her arm and guided her through the door.

  “Stairs up,” he said. And they walked up slowly, one step at a time. Elizabeth could feel the light increasing, as they emerged outdoors. She heard her feet crushing gravel as they walked and then the two beeps of a vehicle as it unlocked. She was guided through a door and then pushed down onto what had to be the back seat. She heard the door close and footsteps walk around the car. She heard another door open and slam shut. Next the car spluttered on and the engine started to hum.

  The drive was uncomfortable, as Elizabeth tried hard not to roll off the back seat. She tried to listen out for audio cues, but couldn’t really come up with anything useful. After a while she just gave up.

  After what felt like an hour, the vehicle slowed and finally stopped. She heard the engine switch off and the door open. The footsteps around to the back of the vehicle sounded cleaner, probably concrete. Elizabeth was gripped by a sudden panic.

  “What if they were just lying to me? Maybe this is it?” she thought. But she calmed herself just enough to avoid panic, and decided to see what happened. She felt him roughly pull her into a seated position. Then he started unwrapping the black cloth from her head.

  “Ok this is promising,” Elizabeth thought. She waited for him to finish and kept her eyes closed for a few seconds more. Gradually she opened them and adjusted to the light. They were parked in a parking lot in an industrial area. But nobody was around, the place looked deserted.

  “Out!” Nod said. Elizabeth awkwardly shuffled out of the car and looked around.

  “Your car is around the corner. Goodbye,” Nod said, pointing Elizabeth to the nearest corner. Then he entered the vehicle and then threw out her bag before driving away. Elizabeth looked for a number plate but it was obscured by something and unreadable.

  “That figures,” she said to herself. She walked over and picked up her bag, looking inside. Everything seemed to be there, although it was obvious her bag had been searched.

  “Well I have my freedom, and my things. Hopefully I also have Nathan’s sample,” she thought to herself. She walked out of the lot and onto the street. She didn’t recognise where she was, so continued walking to the nearest corner. She saw what looked like her car a block away, and started walking.

  As she drew closer she recognised the car. She remembered about her keys and rummaged through her bag and found them. Feeling relieved she walked with the keys in her hand, about to open the car. She stopped next to the car and had a think. She was in two minds. She desperately wanted to grab the blood vial to make sure she didn’t lose it, but also didn’t want to tip off anyone watching.

  “It’s a low risk, I can’t afford to leave it there,” Elizabeth thought and kept walking. She approached the bush and garden and had a quick look. She couldn’t see anything hidden underneath it, which was probably a good thing. If her makeup bag was still there. She quickly scanned the street to look for people, but nobody was around. So she knelt down and reached under the bush, hoping that her makeup bag was still there. She found it, and stuffed it back into her handbag.

  Elizabeth then returned to her car. She didn’t dare check the bag yet, deciding to drive home first. It was still very early in the morning, after a hot shower and some breakfast she could pretend it was a normal day.

  The drive home felt like it took forever. She kept glancing back at her makeup bag, wondering if the blood vial was still there. But she refrained from checking, even though tempted. When she arrived home, she parked and practically bounded up the steps to her apartment. She fumbled with the keys and opened the front door, locking it behind her and pulling the chain across too. Then she leaned back against the door and let out a big sigh. She was home safe at last.

  Elizabeth walked over to her couch, sat down and then opened her bag. She pulled out the makeup bag and looked at it carefully. It appeared to be undisturbed. She slowly unzipped the bag and sifted through the contents. She couldn’t find the vial, and a dread feeling crept up from the pit of her stomach to her spine. After thirty seconds of looking she finally found it and a huge wave of relief poured over her.

  “This is it, the key to finding out some answers for Nathan. Even if it’s as simple as what drug they are feeding him, it’s important,” Elizabeth thought. She now had the problem of finding someone to test it for her that she trusted. She ruled out the hospital, nobody she could trust there. She didn’t have any contacts at blood testing labs, although she did have some contacts in the police. The police did their own lab testing as well.

  “I’ll have to go with that option. It’s my best chance,” she decided. She had an excuse to visit the police station as well: the statement from Emma. She said that the police were not interested in the missing persons report. She wouldn’t push hard on that angle, because there was no value in it. But it would be good to get a statement for her story, and while she was there she could look up one of her old contacts.

  But that still didn’t solve the issue of Dr Malberg and Dean’s treatment. She had confirmation that he was involved in the program, but hadn’t done any investigation yet. It was something that worried her. He didn’t have a lot of time, and maybe it was too late. But he wanted closure, and she could understand his frustration. The idea that there might be a treatment out there that he wasn’t allowed, it was maddening. How would it feel thinking that you weren’t considered worth treating?

  Elizabeth fought away the desire for sleep and dragged herself over to her laptop. She opened the lid and did another search for Dr Malberg. She found confirmation of where he got his degree, and his current position. But nothing useful.

  “What are you trying to find,” she whispered to herself. Searching aimlessly was not likely to hit on anything. But the truth was she didn’t know what she was looking for. She paused for a moment, and dug into
the problem.

  She needed a way to have an honest conversation with Dr Malberg, without mentioning Lucy Margot. She needed to find out about his treatment program, and then provide that information to Dean. Or convince Dr Malberg to take on Dean too.

  “I’ll just make an appointment with him. If he did it for Lucy, I’ll just pretend to be representing a celebrity client,” Elizabeth thought. It was as good a plan as any, and it might provide some valuable information.

  She shut the laptop and put it away. Then she dragged herself over to her room and flopped on the bed. She had been riding things hard, and her abduction hadn’t helped. She felt like she had managed it well, but it had taken a toll. Her body was sluggish and drained, and she needed to rest. So she let herself rest. Tomorrow was another day, and there would be plenty more to do. She needed to be switched on, because there were plans to make. Any and every move she made would be watched.


  Another Confrontation

  Elizabeth woke before her alarm. She felt like she had slept for days, but at the thought of getting up she still craved more sleep.

  “No time for that,” she told herself. She quickly ate breakfast and showered, getting ready as soon as possible. She had a lot to cram into the day. Not to mention pretending to do her job.

  “Going to the police station is my job actually,” she thought. She could mention the Museum robbery as well. Once she was prepared she looked up the phone number for Dr Malberg.

  “Time to get the ball rolling,” she whispered. She dialled the number and waited. It rang out and the call was redirected.

  “Royal Monterey Hospital, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, I need to make an appointment with Dr Malberg rather urgently. I tried calling his listed number but it rang out.”

  “Oh yes, Dr Malberg is rarely in his office. There’s an assistant that manages his appointments though, if you’d like to talk to her?”

  “Yes please that would be great.”

  “You’re welcome. Transferring you through now,” the woman said. Elizabeth waited while the call transferred.

  “Research Department, this is Emily. How can I help you today?”

  “Hi Emily, I need to make an appointment with Dr Malberg today quite urgently.”

  “What is it about?”

  “I’m calling on behalf of a VIP who needs to see Dr Malberg about treatment. It’s very urgent.”

  “I see, what’s the treatment for?”

  “Stomach Cancer.”

  “Ok, well urgency is best for that. Can I ask who it is?”

  “I’m sorry no, it’s confidential. I need to meet with Dr Malberg first to find out more, before the patient reveals himself.”

  “Certainly, that’s not too unusual. I’m looking at his diary now, I can squeeze you in at three. Is that ok?”

  “That’s perfect. Where do I go?”

  “Just come to the research department and I’ll direct you. What’s your name?”


  “Thanks Stephanie, we’ll see you at three.”

  “Thanks, see you then,” Elizabeth said and hung up the phone. She felt good about finally making a move to help Dean. With any luck she would learn something useful and get him another chance. With that done, she could move on with her next appointment.

  Elizabeth drove directly to the Police Station rather than phone ahead. Her contact there was a man named Frank, and she hadn’t really talked to him since her work on the Mayor story. She thought it would be better if she just showed up and blindsided him. He might say no if he had time to think about it. It was certainly an awkward request, turning up with a blood sample and asking for analysis under the radar. But he was an older detective with a lot of connections, and she just felt like he would bend the rules a little.

  Elizabeth parked around the corner and walked over to the Police Station. It was so busy, she was almost pushed over by people leaving. There were phones ringing, people talking, yelling and complaining, and officers darting around everywhere.

  “This could be harder than I realised,” Elizabeth thought. She remembered that the detectives were all upstairs, so she tried going straight to the stairwell. A uniformed officer was standing there, sending people back.

  “Good morning,” Elizabeth said, smiling at the officer. He seemed like he was a fresh recruit.

  “No access, sorry,” the officer said. Elizabeth didn’t notice any hesitation in his voice. Clearly he had been well briefed. She decided to play on his confidence.

  “Of course, I understand. I just need to talk to Frank.”

  “Frank who?”

  “Frank Melvillen, the detective.”

  “Who is asking?”

  “I’m a reporter, Elizabeth Edmonds. I’ve worked with him before.”

  “He didn’t clear you, I can’t let anyone upstairs without an escort or prior approval.”

  “Kid, let her through,” Frank said, coming down the stairs. The officer stepped aside and Elizabeth continued up the stairs to meet Frank.

  “It’s been a while Elizabeth. I’m thinking we should grab a coffee,” he said.

  “Sure,” Elizabeth said. The two of them walked outside and headed to a nearby cafe.

  “You know I’ve been around the block a time or two. I’ve seen a lot of things. Why is it that I’m anxious when I see you turn up on my doorstop unannounced?”

  “Because you’ve been around the block a time or two, and you’ve seen a lot of things,” Elizabeth said with a laugh.

  “So, what do I have to worry about this time?”

  “Hold that thought. How do you like your coffee?”

  “Black, no sugar.”

  “I’ll be right back,” Elizabeth said. She walked up and ordered two coffees, paid for them and took a number back to their table.

  “So why am I here? There’s the reason I’ll say if anyone asks me, and there’s the real reason.”

  “Let’s ease in with the reason that won’t make me lose sleep at night.”

  “Sure. I’m investigating a museum robbery, one that they never reported to the police.”

  “That’s the easy one? I should have known. Let me guess, it’s that guy over at the Egyptian Antiquities, Albert?”

  “How did you know?”

  “Not the first time this has happened. He’s got a bit of a reputation around the station, very secretive guy. But it’s not against the law to not report things missing, so nobody ever looked into it,” Frank said. He was interrupted by the waitress delivering their coffees. Elizabeth scooped some foam off her cappuccino before talking.

  “Yeah I haven’t worked Albert out yet. Thanks for the background info, that helps put things in perspective. Now the real reason I’m here is this,” Elizabeth said. She took out a brown paper bag and slid it across the table to Frank. He peeked inside and then looked back up at Elizabeth.

  “What have you gotten yourself into this time?” Frank said with a sigh.

  “It’s complicated, I can’t bring you in on it. Let me just say that I need that tested thoroughly. All your drug tests, anything weird. The full package.”

  “What do you expect to find?”

  “I don’t know. I just have a guy who’s not sure what’s going on with him. And there’s a reasonable expectation of foul play.”

  “I gotta tell you Elizabeth, you’re playing a dangerous game. Is there any chance of a real case out of this?”

  “I think there should be, a massive one.”

  “Doing this kind of stuff is going to blow your case if it gets out. You should get some help on this, run it through the precinct.”

  “I don’t trust you guys enough, sorry. Not you personally, the rest of them.”

  “All the more reason to bring it in. If you think it’s that sensitive, you can’t fly solo.”

  “Sorry Frank, but it has to be this way. Can you help me?”

  “I’ve got a guy. He’s brilliant and owes me a favour.”

  “Are you sure you can trust him?”

  “Yeah, don’t worry. If there’s anything to find he will find it, and he won’t blab to anyone. His work is so specialised that he flies solo, so it’s safe.”

  “Alright, thanks. That makes me feel better, I went through a lot to get this.”

  “I’m sure you did. I know what your answer will be, but I have to ask: do you need help?”

  “Probably, but no. And thanks for asking.”

  “You’re welcome. I really hope we can avoid what happened the last time. At least tell me if it’s as big a story.”

  “As big, might be bigger. I’ll let you know.”

  “Yeah right. I have your number, I’ll call when I have something. Is your phone secure?”

  “Not sure, I hope so. Just in case, when you call or leave a message reference the museum story.”

  “Sure, easy. Take care Elizabeth, I’ll be in touch.”

  “Thanks Frank, I’ll do my best. Talk soon,” Elizabeth said. She stood up and left Frank with the brown paper bag. He watched her leave, then started drinking his coffee.

  It was too early for Elizabeth to meet Dr Malberg, so she instead went into the office. She sat down at her desk to start organising her thoughts, and began to write some notes concerning the Museum story.

  “Elizabeth do you have a minute?” George said.

  “Sure,” Elizabeth said, and walked over to George’s desk.

  “This way,” he said, and crossed the office to enter one of the printing offices. This early in the day it was empty.

  “So, what’s going on?”

  “Well I’m continuing my investigation.”

  “I’m aware of that. Which one?”

  “Well like you said, focusing on the Museum story.”

  “Is that why you were at the Police Station this morning?” George said. Elizabeth was stunned, but managed to recover quickly.

  “Yes, I met up with an old contact.”

  “Frank, was it?”

  “Yes, where is this going?”

  “I want some explanations. I’ve got eyes at the Police Station, and you made quite a fuss getting in to see Frank. So enquiring minds followed you, and you know what they saw?”


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