All He Needs: A MMM Romance (My Truth Book 1)
Page 17
I clapped Gabe on the shoulder as I moved past him and over to Caden, reaching out to take Gracie from him. Our gaze connected and Caden let out a choked laugh, throwing himself into my arms. Holding both of them tight, I kissed my man hard, his touch, his scent invading my soul and burrowing deep. Not that he needed help getting there; he and Mason were already firmly imprinted on me.
Mason joined us and reached for Gracie, taking her from between our two bodies. I couldn’t have been more grateful to him. Knowing how much I needed this and being willing to wait to say his own hello meant everything. But the man I was holding, the one clutching me like I was his lifeline, and who I was clinging to desperately as well, was all I could concentrate on. The warmth of Caden’s lean body pressed against mine had me sighing in relief at the same time as a raw hunger swept through me. I wanted him, needed him closer. We were never going to be apart for so long again.
Breathing him in, I tightened my grip on him, sighing into his throat.
“God, I’ve missed you,” Caden breathed.
“Me too.” I kissed the warm skin under his ear, sending a shiver through him. His taste was intoxicating—a little salty, a little sweet and all Caden. I couldn’t help sampling his skin again, kissing him slowly. “These last few months have felt like a lifetime. I can’t believe you’re in my arms.” I rested my forehead against his. “But Mason has been missing you too. Say hello to him.” I smiled, cupping his face. “And then we go home.”
He closed his eyes, a smile tilting his lips. “Yeah, home sounds good.” I pulled away but I couldn’t let him go far, keeping my hand at the small of his back as he made his way to Mason. The love in my man’s eyes as he held a giggling Gracie while he tickled her had butterflies taking flight in my belly. I was so damn lucky to be able to love these three people.
I took Gracie from Mason’s arms and looked into her green eyes, marveling at how much she’d changed in a few months. Damn, I’d lost that time with her, missed seeing so many things. Never again. I wasn’t missing any more. When she reached her little hand up and grabbed at my stubbled cheek, I grinned, hoping it meant she recognized me.
“Hi, tesora, I’ve missed you. You’ve grown so big.” I kissed her forehead and laughed when she put her open mouth against my cheek in a sloppy kiss, pulling away with the cutest face when my whiskers pricked at her lips. All the happy feels were sweeping through me; it was a high like no other.
I watched Mason and Caden together, wrapped around each other with their lips locked. Their kiss was passionate, desperate and hungry. They were rediscovering each other, and it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
Holding Gracie on my hip, I went to Gabe and embraced him, slapping him on the back. “It’s good to see you guys here.”
“It’s good to finally be here. That flight was murder.” He rubbed his face and smiled tiredly. “I can’t wait to see the lake. Caden was telling me how there are rapids to go white water rafting on, as well as loads of fishing. Are you near it?”
“A few minutes’ drive. Walking distance for sure. You looking at buying another boat?”
“When I eventually get set up, yeah, hopefully.”
I reached out and squeezed Caden’s shoulder as he and Mason broke apart but still held each other close. Motioning to the exit with my chin, I ran my free hand down Caden’s back and smiled at Mason over the top of our man’s head. We were finally together again. Best feeling in the world.
After picking up their luggage, we walked out of the airport together, watching the late afternoon sun sink behind the mountains towering around us. There was still snow on the peaks, but it would mostly melt in the next few months.
I couldn’t wait for summer. This winter had been hard, not because of the weather—that had been pretty mild—but the distance, the yearning and separation from my guys had stretched it into a never-ending nightmare. Short days and long, dark, lonely nights. I knew Caden and Mason were together, comforting each other, and for that I was so grateful. But then Mason came to me, needing to get his visa sorted, and Caden was alone. The guilt that ate at me had me in a constant state of conflict—how could I enjoy being with Mason when Caden was alone? Every time we came together, I had them both in my mind.
Now, as the crisp spring breeze from the mountains washed over me, I looked over my family and was grateful for every day I’d had to wait. Because now it was all the sweeter. Even the view was better—and not just the one of two sexy-as-fuck men carrying a baby before me. Even the range was spectacular. Rolling peaks capped in white were a stunning contrast against the deep blue of the sky, only intensified by the snow. Puffy clouds floated on the breeze, the new season’s grass viridescent.
We headed straight home, only a few minutes from the airport. Pulling up at the only set of lights between the two, I looked at my man in the rearview. Squashed between Gracie’s car seat and his dad, Caden’s exhausted smile was broad.
“Love you,” I mouthed to him. When he said it back, I was left grinning like a damn fool.
“Rick, can I borrow your car tomorrow? I need to get Gracie some diapers and basically everything else.” I could see Caden mentally ticking off the things he’d need for her. I just hoped the setup Mason and I had going on was good enough.
“Sure, no problem.”
He smiled and nodded, closing his eyes as I started driving again.
Pulling up at the house a few minutes later, we piled out and headed in, Mason taking the baby girl he’d fallen head over heels in love with while I helped with the luggage. Delicious smells of tomato and oregano filled the air and reminded me how hungry I was. Mason and I had been cooking before we left for the airport, and Reef and Ford had brought over extras. We’d left the back door open so they could let themselves in, and I could hear them shuffling around in the kitchen.
“Oh hell yeah, that smells awesome,” Caden moaned after breathing deep.
“Welcome home,” Reef shouted from the kitchen before sticking his head around the corner and smiling at his friend. Arms open wide, he strode over and hugged Caden hard while Mason fist-bumped Ford and went on to introduce Gabe. Reef clapped Caden on the back, adding, “I’m so glad you’re here, that you’re staying.”
“Me too,” Caden replied. “It’s a little surreal actually, knowing we aren’t going back. This is our home base now.” He grinned happily and my heart thudded in my chest.
“You’ll love it.” Reef smiled warmly. “And I’m so happy you gave that dumbass another chance.” He motioned to Mason, grinning when my love narrowed his eyes playfully at him.
“How could I not?” Caden flashed a boyish grin at Mason, then aimed his happy laugh at me. “I love both of them.”
My insides lit up and I couldn’t help myself from reaching out for him. The butterflies in my gut had taken full flight, and my heart was doing flip-flops in my chest. I wanted to wrap him up and adore every inch of him until he knew the feeling was entirely mutual.
Taking him into my arms, I sighed at his warmth and how he melted against me. He gripped me in a tight hug, leaving me with no doubt of his physical strength, but it was his inner core of steel that drew me in. His heart had been torn to shreds and yet was still filled with enough love that he could give it in spades. To Gracie, his dad and to Mason and me. Laying a soft kiss on his lips, I hugged him tight, never wanting to let him go, though I had to when Ford approached, wanting to greet the man in my arms.
“Happy to see you back here, mate,” Ford said as he hugged Caden. “And Gracie is so damn cute. We’ll sit for you guys anytime.”
“She’s pretty adorable, isn’t she?” He smiled fondly at his baby girl, who was staring at Mason like he’d hung the moon for her. Mason was smitten too; the absolute adoration on his face said it all. I slipped in behind Caden, wrapping my arms around his waist as he continued to speak with Ford. He relaxed back in my arms and I sighed happily. “But she didn’t like that flight. Cried for hours after we took off, then star
ted again as soon as they started to lower altitude.”
“Yeah, the change in pressure can be rough on kids’ ears,” Ford replied. They spoke more about feeding Gracie and the earplugs Caden had used until I couldn’t wait any longer.
“Baby, can Mason and I show you something?” I dropped a kiss on his cheek, prickly against my lips from his five o’clock shadow. His smile made my heart hammer and his nod had me reaching for Mason, closing my hand around his. I motioned to the stairs, and he excused himself from the conversation with Ford before handing Gracie to Reef.
With Mason leading the way, we walked up toward the room we’d made Gracie’s. Standing just outside the threshold, I was nervous—sweaty palms and my heart hammering I hedged, “If it’s not okay, we can change anything and everything.”
“What have you guys done?” Caden asked with a curious smile. Mason opened the door and stepped aside, letting Caden stick his head into the room. Painted mauve with white trim, the rich caramel-colored flooring that continued into the room gave it a warmth that only timber could. The old blinds had been replaced with white shutters, and purple gauzy curtains shone in the last of the evening’s light. The bright purple rug sat on the floor over to the side of the room where we’d set up the reading corner, a nook bordered with the purple bookshelf and filled with matching throw cushions in white and silver. Gracie’s cot and changing table were on the other side of the room, white furniture with purple linen for both. The white trunk of a tree painted on the wall was rooted in the reading corner, its branches spanning out along two sides of the room. Blossoms ranging from buds to full flowers covered the branches, and a kaleidoscope of butterflies of every color imaginable ran around the walls and over to the windows. Pictures of Gracie’s family—her mom and her nan, as well as Caden and Gabe—hung off the branches.
Caden stepped through the door but didn’t say a word. I held my breath as he took in every detail, his gaze wandering slowly along the walls, his fingertips tracing the white timber railing on the cot. His back to us, he let out a breath and his shoulders sagged. Disappointment surged through me. Damn it, he hates it. I shifted my gaze to Mace and he looked shattered, lips turned down and eyes sad.
“It’s… I don’t even know what to say.” Caden blew out a breath and turned to us, his eyes glassy with unshed tears.
“Baby,” I breathed, taking him into my arms, Mason cuddling him from behind. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, pulling back from me. “No, I… it’s perfect. I can’t believe you did this, that you guys gave Gracie her own space. You’ve given her a home.” He took a shuddering breath and clung to us, burying his face in my throat. Love, unrelenting and pure, washed over me as I held both my men tighter. I had them in my arms, and I didn’t care what it took, I’d fight to keep them there forever.
As if reading my thoughts, Caden whispered, “I never thought I’d be lucky enough to have you. Everything you do, it’s… it’s everything.”
“We love you, baby,” I murmured. “It’s stupid how much.” His puff of laughter brushed across my cheek, and I reached up to pull Mason’s face down to mine.
I pressed my lips against his softly, a whisper of a promise. “I love both of you.” I moved to Caden and took his mouth again, my tongue touching and tasting his. I captured his soft moan and pulled him closer to me, my other hand still at the back of Mason’s neck, kneading the flexing muscles there.
I tried to ignore the throat being cleared in the background, but when it came louder a second time, together with a knock on the door, I pulled back just far enough to cast a glance sideways, Reef standing there smirking. “Your brother’s here.”
“He can wait.”
“You want us to disappear for a few hours?” Reef was serious and it made me smile.
Caden’s pupils were blown, his lips red and wet from my kiss. Mason’s stare was heated, making me want to strip them both and worship every inch of their bodies. Damn, the offer was tempting, but I couldn’t. My parents may have been horn dogs, but they’d taught me enough manners to know I needed to put the needs of my dick second.
“S’okay,” I groaned, adjusting myself. “We’ll be down in a minute.”
I trailed my fingertips over Caden’s cheek and smiled, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
My belly full after a huge dinner, we sat cuddling on the sofa together, our friends and family surrounding us. It was a picture I wanted to grow old seeing, happiness permeating every cell of my body.
“You should’ve seen his move.” Angelo laughed. “Perfect going down the bowl, but on the curve up something went wrong and he lost it. Did the most awkward fall you’ve ever seen and face-planted in the snow. Total belly flop.”
I was laughing so hard I snorted soda up my nose. Coughing and choking only made me laugh harder, my belly and cheeks hurting from the story. It was at Trent’s expense, the poor guy blushing something fierce, but he was a good sport about it too.
“We could talk about the day you slipped on the green run, you know,” Trent added, smirking.
“I was lugging around cameras and a bag of lenses trying to take shots of a couple who’d just said their vows and wanted to run off to their honeymoon before I’d even had a chance to take any damn photos. Who does that? Leaves their photographer in the dust?” Angelo pouted playfully and I sighed, holding on to my belly as I wiped away the tears rolling down my cheeks.
Ford grinned, adding to the ribbing. “You grew up in a ski village. All you did during winter was ski and you fell over on a beginner run. That’s pathetic.”
Reef smirked at Mace and then at Caden before shaking his head at the rest of us. “You guys are amateurs—”
“Ah, hello,” Angelo interrupted, laughing again. “We are amateurs.”
“I remember when Reef was trying to master that backward five-forty and tail grab.” Caden grinned at Reef. “There was a lot of eating snow then. Funny as fuck watching you fall out of the sky and slide down the slope.”
“Getting winded totally harshed my buzz.” Reef shook his head, laughing. “But you had a few good landings too, you know.”
Caden nodded, smiling fondly. “I miss it—the snowboarding, not the competition.”
“You do too, don’t you, sweet?” Ford mused, pulling Reef close. Mason had done the same to Caden, wrapping his arm around his shoulders and pressing a kiss to his temple while I took Caden’s hand in mine, squeezing his fingers. The warmth of his grip, his presence had me smiling at him, happy that our friends were there celebrating his arrival, but wanting them to leave at the same time.
Gabe stood up and started collecting dessert bowls. We all followed, tidying up the table and dumping the dishes on the countertop.
“Just leave it all. I’ll clean up later.” I waved them away and tried to herd everyone out of the kitchen. It was getting late. I’d put Gracie to sleep a couple of hours ago and I could see Gabe fading, but more than anything I needed some alone and naked time with Mason and Caden.
Angelo got the message and placed a hand low on Trent’s back. The other man stiffened infinitesimally but moved out of the room.
I ground my teeth together at his reaction. I hated that even though their friendship had lasted for years, Trent was still uncomfortable when my brother touched him.
“We’re gonna head off, then,” Angelo said awkwardly, his hands now stuffed in his pockets. “I’ll speak to you tomorrow, Rick.”
I nodded and flicked my eyes to Ford, who was shaking his head at Trent. The other man was oblivious, his back to us as he put on his leather jacket.
“We’ll leave you to it as well.” Reef grasped Ford’s hand and tugged him into his arms, whispering something in his ear. Ford blew out a breath and nodded.
“Thanks for coming, guys,” Caden called, coming to stand between Mason and me at the front door. He reached out, hugging both of us close, and we wrapped him up between us.
Kissing his throat, I smiled when his breath hit
ched. I kicked the door closed, not waiting for our guests to leave before we went inside. A chuckle sounded behind us and I broke away, feeling guilty that Gabe had to witness his son getting it on with his boyfriends.
“I’m pretty tired, so I might head off to bed.” He paused and smirked. “I’ll be wearing headphones, so you’ll need to keep an ear out for Gracie.”
I flushed with embarrassment when Dad walked away, laughing to himself. Then Mace grabbed me, lifting me off the ground, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I looped my arms over his shoulders before grinning at him and leaned down to kiss his lips as he walked effortlessly up the stairs. He opened immediately, his tongue tangling with mine, moving together in a sensual dance. I broke away on a moan and Mace trailed his lips down my throat, sucking gently on the skin below my ear. A shudder passed through me and I clung tighter to him, his hard body pressing closer and rubbing me in all the right places.
The chub I’d been sporting from Rick teasing me kept filling until I was as hard as a fence paling. Shamelessly, I rubbed my cock against Mace’s washboard abs. He massaged my ass, his fingers getting awfully close to my hole. I was primed, already on edge from a simple kiss—not that there was anything simple about Mace’s kiss. Every time I touched either of them, it was like a lightning strike igniting a wildfire in me.
He lowered me to the bed, staying between my legs until we were both prone. Pressing his weight into me, Mace kissed me while Rick took off my Chucks and socks. Six thuds followed, each of our shoes falling to the floor, the sound so damn erotic. I dug my fingers into Mace’s shoulders as he ground himself against every inch of my body. Rick straddled our legs and slid his hands under Mace’s tee, his fingers pressing into the dips and curves of firm muscle as Mace arched into me, his breath catching. Rick quickly stripped off his shirt, and when Mace came back down onto me, I couldn’t help but explore his broad body. Defined muscles quivered when I trailed my lips over them, tensed when I licked him and flat-out vibrated when I bit his pec.