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Totally Intoxicated

Page 10

by Wanitta Praks

  “Did he tell you about that, too?”

  “No. Julian mentioned it all the time whenever Giovanni visited us in Miami.”

  “That’s right. I bet the whole world knows he’s looking for his childhood friend, and when he saw me, he proclaimed to the world that he’d found her.”

  “Why don’t you think you’re his childhood friend?”

  “Because I don’t have memories of us together. I have amnesia, you see. I can’t remember anything from when I was a kid.”

  “Who’s to say you didn’t know him. It’s because you have amnesia, that’s why you can’t remember.” Kimberly was all up and slurring her words now, too. We were like two drunken fools, conversing about our sordid love lives.

  “I did think about that possibility, too, but he mentioned giving me his dragon necklace, and I don’t have it.” I pointed out that lack of evidence, my eyes beginning to go hazy.

  “Mmm. You do have a point there.” Her hazy finger waved in front of me. “Here’s my advice.” She slumped her head on the counter. “Enjoy the moment. You don’t know what the future holds. Live life now. If you keep thinking about the past, and how you’re not the one for him, then who knows. You might end up losing him for real. He loves you, right?”

  “I don’t know. I hope he does. He calls me weird names, though, like coffee machine. And now I’m his beloved.”

  “I would consider those as pet names. I believe he loves you, Jenny. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bring you to meet us.”

  “Really?” Hope raised in my eyes.

  “Yes. Really.”

  “Oh, you’re so nice and kind. If only I was as beautiful and confident as you, everything would be great. I don’t usually concern myself with looks, but since becoming his lover, I am more conscious of myself. On second thought, is it because I’m so plain, that’s why Pa and my sister abandoned me?”

  “Oh, Jenny, don’t think like that. You are not plain. And confidence comes from within. You have got to be confident in yourself. This insecurity won’t do you any good. Fuck whoever says you are not. Whether it be your father or sister or Giovanni. You show the world what kind of girl you are. If Giovanni has enough of you, come to me. I’ll help kick his ass for you.”

  “Hahaha,” I laughed, spilling my drink on the counter. “I’ll definitely tell you first if that happens.” I took another gulp of liquor and felt my head spinning. Suddenly, my world tilted. I toppled, blinked, and right there was Giovanni’s captivating face.

  “Boss, is that you?” I slurred, wrapping my hands around his face and falling right into his arms.

  “Kimberly, you corrupted my little bunny,” that deep, hot, sexy voice said. Yes, it was him.

  “Ah! It’s Giovanni, the ass mafia,” I heard Kimberly say. I turned and saw her struggling to get up. If not for her boyfriend’s strong arms supporting her, she would have fallen already. But Kimberly didn’t like to be helped; she struggled to break free from his hold. “Let go, Julian. I haven’t finished talking yet.” She pinched and swatted his arms away until he let her go. She staggered to us then, Julian still lightly holding on to her waist to prevent her toppling over. Directing a finger at Giovanni, she pointed at his face. “You. Don’t go breaking Jenny’s heart, now. She’s a precious little thing. If I know she’s hurt because of you, I’ll have Julian kick your ass.”

  Ahhh, Kimberly. She’s a good friend.

  “Kimberly, that’s enough. Let’s go,” Julian said, a certain dangerous tone to his voice. Kimberly relented then, melting her soft body against his as he captured her waist and cradled her away like something precious.

  “Okay. Bye for now, Jenny. See you later.” She waved at me from behind Julian’s shoulder, right before they both disappeared out of the restaurant.

  “Bye bye. See you later.” I returned the wave, flinging my floppy arm backward and forward, until Giovanni caught my wrist.

  “That’s enough, Jay. Let’s get some air.”

  “Boss!” I mouthed, squeezing his cheeks. “Where are we going?”

  “Outside.” And he hauled me up in his arms as well, carrying me like I weighed nothing.

  “Am I precious, Boss? Are you going to carry me like a precious bundle, Boss?” I mumbled, stupidly rubbing my face against his soft whiskered cheek. “You need to shave, Boss. Your cheek is all rough.”

  Somewhere in the distance I heard Giovanni sigh. “You are really drunk, my beloved.”

  Chapter 13

  Like the Sun and the Earth and the Moon

  It was supposed to be cold in New York, so why was the weather so warm and musty tonight? Oh, right, we were still in Singapore. When did we arrive? I was so lost right now. A second ago, I was with Kimberly drinking gin and tonic, and now here I was, seeing the billions of stars brightening up the night sky. My head toppled, and the next instant, a hand cradled my head to rest on strong shoulders.

  “You are very drunk, Jay. How much did you drink?” A far away voice drifted into my ear.

  I turned and locked eyes with that very person who always made my heart pound.

  Giovanni. My mafia boss, my lover. Oh, how I loved him.

  Through my mushy brain, a burning question emerged. “Do you like me?”

  I watched those midnight eyes enlarge. They were so dark, they sucked out my entire soul.

  After what felt like an eternity, he answered. “Yeah.”

  Did he say yes? Or was it my imagination?

  I shook my head to clear that fog, but everything just looked so blurry. I wound my arms around his neck and dragged him to my level. I claimed his face with both hands, squeezing it until his lips popped out like a goldfish, then smacked my lips against those pouts. He was delicious. He intoxicated me. Or maybe it was the alcohol talking.

  “You’re so cute, Boss. I love you a lot. I hope I get to stay close to you forever and ever and ever. Will you stay beside me forever and ever and ever?”

  He wound his arms around my naked shoulders, pressing me against his solid chest. He smiled, his eyes sparkling like those midnight jewels up in the sky. “Yes, I’ll stay beside you.”

  “I think you’re lying.” I pouted, turning away from him.

  “Why would I lie?” he asked.

  “I know when the real Jennifer comes along, I would be nothing but your little toy.” I grabbed his hands and wound them around my body, nestling my head at the crook of his neck, searching for his warmth. I needed his warmth. I wanted his warmth.

  “Jay, you think too much.”

  “Do not.” I tilted my head and pointed to the stars. “Look at those stars...” The alcohol must be playing in my system because the whole scenery just looked so beautiful. Thousands of bright, colorful lights illuminated the black background. Red, orange, blue, various colors blending together to form one giant orb. “Can you see it, Boss?”

  I waved my hand in the air, directing his eyes to those stars.

  “Those are city lights. Up there, those are the real stars.” He tilted my chin up and up until I saw the few stars twinkling against the night sky.

  “Oh, hahaha.” I laughed. “Those city lights sure fooled me. But those real stars, though, aren’t they beautiful?”

  “Yeah. I guess so. What about them?”

  “They are like you, Boss. You’re as beautiful as those stars, hot and mesmerizing, just like our sun.”

  “Well, I can’t deny I’m hot material.”

  “That’s my whole point, Boss. You’re too beautiful for me. My eyes hurt when I look at you. I feel so plain standing next to you. Why couldn’t we be more compatible? At least make me look like those movie stars. They’re beautiful. You know I envy them.”

  “They get plastic surgery.”

  “Not all of them. If only I was a bit more beautiful, then maybe we could at least stand shoulder to shoulder.”

  “There’s no way we could stand shoulder to shoulder. You’re shorter than I am. Your head only reaches up to my chest.”

“That’s not what I mean.” I was about to thump him on the shoulder when he caught both my arms and kissed me on the lips, stilling me into shock. And somehow, my head became a little clearer.

  “I know what you mean, Jay,” he said, his eyes going soft, devoid of that usual playfulness. He asked, without his usual trace of arrogance, “Did Kimberly spout some shit into your ear? Why are you suddenly like this?”

  “No, she didn’t say anything.” My eyes became a little teary, and in that instant, he let my hands go.

  “Ahhh, fuck!” He combed both hands through his hair in frustration. “I thought it was a great idea to let you meet my friends, but this has turned out to be a fucking disaster.”

  “I’m sorry, Boss. I ruined your evening.” Somehow, the pressure was too much, and I didn’t know what had overcome me, but my eyes started brewing with tears.

  Giovanni saw the damage he’d done and tried to stop it in time, but it was too late. Large teardrops fell from my eyes like twin broken dams.

  “God damn. No. No. You didn’t ruin anything, Jay. Don’t cry. It’s me. It’s my fucking fault. I didn’t consider your feelings.” He wiped my tear-stained cheeks and kissed each side softly, hugging me so tightly until my tears finally stopped.

  A while later, after collecting myself somewhat, I apologized. “I’m sorry, Boss. I don’t mean to be this emotional.”

  “Are you on your period?”

  I looked up at him with quizzical eyes. “Yes. How do you know?”

  “You’re very much more sensitive than normal.”

  “Were you monitoring me?”

  “I live with you. Of course, I can sense when you’re not yourself.” He was back to his usual teasing self again, flicking my forehead with his finger. I winced and rubbed the sore spot before he took my forehead and kissed the pain away. Then he enveloped me with his big teddy bear hug.

  He rested his chin at the nook of my shoulder, then pondered, “What I don’t understand is, what made you think you are plain? I get that you are more emotional than usual because of your period, but that doesn’t really hold water. There must be something else that caused you to be in this emotional state. If it’s not Kimberly’s doing, it must be the alcohol. How much did you drink, Jay? You’re more honest than usual.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe a few.”

  “Why did you drink?”

  “Because I want to be your ideal girl.”

  Giovanni threw his head back and laughed. All at my expense. The big doofus!

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “What kind of pathetic excuse is that? What made you think you’re not my ideal girl?”

  “Because like I said before, I’m plain. You’re like the mesmerizing sun, whereas I am more like the Earth. I orbit around you. But in the end, that’s all I will ever be to you, your admirer, your fan. I could never fully stay beside you. Throughout eternity, I can only gaze at your aura as you provide me with sunlight and warmth. It’s the kind of love and comfort I could never call my own.”

  “The fuck, Jay, why are you being so poetic?”

  “Because it’s the truth.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ! I feel like since living with you, I just can’t keep up with your little stories and analogies. But since we’ll be living together for a long time anyway, I’ll come up with my own analogy, too. You say I’m like the sun and you orbit around me, right? Well, I say I’m more of the moon. See that moon right there?’

  He directed my gaze, and right there was the moon.

  “Wow. So big and bright. How come I didn’t see it before?”

  “Of course, you didn’t. Your eyes only focused on those tiny miniscule stars. Like when you keep spouting on about how beautiful and hot I am, comparing me to the stars, and how plain and boring you are, comparing yourself to the Earth. That’s one of your traits I find annoying. You only see what you want to see, not what’s really in front of you. If I didn’t direct you to see the moon, would you have commented on how bright it is?”


  “See. My point exactly. If you have a problem with something, say it out loud. I don’t play the fucking mind game. I’m a guy, Jay. I think more with my cock. I can’t understand what you’re thinking. Until you start acting weird like this. Sad like this. And it makes me fucking mad that I just can’t understand you better. Mad that I just can’t do anything in my power to make you smile again. Especially like now, when you’re on your period. I should have taken more care of you. Instead, I fly you across the ocean so you could meet my friends. How fucking amazing is your lover, huh?

  “But I can’t do anything now to change the past, so let me try to make you feel better by clarifying a few misunderstandings here. Listen up well, Jay, cause I’m only saying this once. You say I’m the sun and you’re the Earth. Well, you’re wrong. That moon there is me. Do you know why I say this? Because that moon can’t get enough of this Earth. It orbits around the Earth every twenty-seven days. Over and over, again and again, until eternity. You say you’re the Earth that orbits around the sun; well, I say I’m the moon that orbits around you. Don’t you dare say you’re not beautiful. You are the planet that produces life. You are the gravitational force that pulls me in to you. You draw me in until I can’t orbit around the planet. You think you are plain and boring and a guy like me wouldn’t notice you?? Well, to me you are the most beautiful and interesting human being to exist in this world. If you didn’t have that charisma, that spellbinding effect on me, I would have kicked you out by now. I wouldn’t even let you be my maid.”

  “What if in the future you find out I’m not the real Jennifer? Would you kick me out? You, yourself, know I don’t have that memory from the past.” I still needed answers for that particular question that brewed in my heart.

  “Jay. Is that the root of the problem? Is that what made you so upset?”

  I nodded, meekly replying, “Yes.”

  His hands came to cradle my cheeks. I lifted my eyes to see his concerned face.

  “Jay. Why do you constantly make me worry? Why do you always make my heart race? You break my wall little by little until I don’t have a protective barrier around me anymore. My soul is bare to you. You’re the only one who gets to see my real self, so I’ll tell you this now, so you don’t have to think about those stupid silly thoughts again. Jennifer may shape my past, but you are my present and future. You are what captures my attention now. You are what’s most important to me now. Even if Jennifer happens to be some other random girl, then it’s too late anyway because you have totally captivated my heart. You are the one who has totally intoxicated me, and you are the only one I will be totally devoted—”

  I took his mouth, stopping him mid-sentence, kissing him with all I had. That was enough. He had declared his love for me. I didn’t need to hear anything further.

  His scent was so consumingly intoxicating, I inhaled it and went high. He definitely was my drug. And I was so high up in the sky, I didn’t know what had come over me. I started tracing my lips down his neck until I reached that piece of flesh where his pulse hid. Right there was where I sucked, while mumbling words of delicious croissants and hot chocolate.

  “What the fuck are you spouting again, Jay?” I heard his deep raspy voice ask.

  “It’s you, Boss. You taste like those sweet croissants from Café Love Sick. I want you, Boss. I want to taste you again. Feel your skin against my tongue. Lick you up like those frothy bits from the top of my café latte. Why do you have to be so delicious? Why do you have to be so intoxicating, saying those words that makes me want to love you more and more?”

  His voice rasped into my ear again. “You silly girl. Why do you have to spout that lame shit? My heart is already melting because of you.”

  And he devoured me then, bringing my lips back to his mouth. Licking. Tasting. Teasing. My nerves went haywire, my body writhing in response. Then I was tipping, slowly at first, until my world completely toppled. And then...

nbsp; I blacked out.

  Chapter 14



  Giovanni had many plans running through his head that day. He’d planned to make love to Jay until the early hours of the morning, both their bodies writhing in the act of lovemaking. But it came to a surprising halt when Jay suddenly fell asleep in his arms, like a comfortable wee baby in a cradle. Not to mention that she was on her period.

  Fuck his plan! Fuck himself, too, because right now, he was so turned on, his cock was already standing at half-mast.

  This girl was really playing with his heart and body. Then again, Jay wasn’t just any girl. She was his beloved. And she could do whatever the fuck she wanted with him. But what to do right now about the massive tent in his pants?

  The thought of Bobby making out with his boyfriend, substituting said boyfriend’s face with Heath, had his cock deflating instantly.

  Tugging Jenny into a comfortable position, he carried her like a precious bundle back into their penthouse on the top floor of the hotel, laying her ever so gently at the center of the king-size bed. He sat on the edge, watching her sleeping face and worrying himself silly.

  Jay, his beloved, what the fuck was she thinking, drinking herself stupid like this? Did she think he would find her desirable if she got herself drunk? He might have to have a word with Kimberly about corrupting his girl.

  Could she even drink, though? He’d never seen her drink before. She was so bloody innocent. His beloved had been a virgin, for fucking sake. No girl was a bloody virgin these days. Although it was pretty amusing seeing her drunk. She had been purring like a feline cat, nipping at his throat, wanting to get a good taste of him.

  Jay shouldn’t let other people affect her self-esteem. What she verbalized was pure garbage. Comparing him to the sun, comparing herself to the Earth, saying how plain and boring she was, saying how they were not compatible because of their looks. Everything was just pure garbage. Didn’t he tell her that beauty was in the eye of the beholder? And to him, Jay was the embodiment of beauty. Yeah, she had freckles, but who wouldn’t find that adorable and cute.


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