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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2

Page 8

by Ursula Lovelace

  She nodded. “It does. You know any place like this but a bit formal? I have a dress I’m trying to find an excuse to wear.”

  I chuckled. “Almost sounds like a date. Well, I know a few places that are dress casual.”

  Carmen smiled. “Dress casual it is.”

  I think we both liked the idea of going somewhere a bit more formal. It would be quieter than a diner. We could forget our work and enjoy each other’s company. There were quite a few well-reputed restaurants in the city. It had everything from steakhouses to sushi bars. I knew I’d find the right one for us.

  I tried to pay the bill but Carmen stopped. She got out her credit card and said. “Remember, I asked you out. Not the other way around.”

  She paid the bill and we took a cab back to the hotel. I walked her to her room. Hey, it was on the way to mine!

  Carmen leaned over and gave me a quick peck on my lips. “Thanks for everything.”

  I hopped over to my room with a spring in my step.

  The next day, I breezed through work. Even one of my clients saw the look on my face and said. “Must have been one hell of date!”

  Indeed, I was all smiles while meeting with clients. Being with Carmen had given me a shot of energy. I couldn’t believe I had gone for years without someone like her.

  It wasn’t just that she was beautiful. I felt so comfortable talking to Carmen. She seemed to listen to me in a way few other women ever did.

  When I got back to the hotel room, I showered before pulling out a dress suit. I took out a fresh pair of dress pants and a dark blue skirt. A blazer and a heavy coat finished the look. I wished I had brought another pair of shoes but my black loafers would do for now.

  On my way back to the hotel, I had picked up a small bouquet of flowers for Carmen. I carefully held it under my arm as I made my way to her room. The weather outside had taken a turn for the better. We wouldn’t have to deal with any thunderstorms any time soon.

  When I opened the door with my key card, Carmen kissed me and took the flowers.

  “They smell lovely,” she said, leaving them on a table. The woman had dressed to impress. She wore a red dress and carried a dark coat. It would make the Latin beauty stand out amongst the crowd. “Shall we go?”

  I helped her put on her coat and escorted her to our taxi. I even held the door for her like any good gentleman. I hadn’t experienced a real romance in quite some time. Most of my previous relationships while traveling had been one night stands.

  It made me realize that our meeting in the hotel lobby was a fluke. If I had been a minute late, then she might have rode up the elevator to her room by herself. We would never have met. Perhaps, she would have met someone else and had dinner with him. It was a humbling thought to process.

  Carmen even told me she had always been a bit of a loner. She became a web designer to avoid being face to face with people. It was only just recently that she started to be more outgoing. Nonetheless, our meeting felt like pure luck.

  Looking out the taxi’s window, she gave me a glance and said. “You look nice, Allen.”

  “Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself,” I chuckled. “Wait, aren’t guys supposed to compliment girls first?”

  She gave a half-smile and looked outside again. “I’m not like other girls.”

  “I hope you like the place we’re heading to,” I said. “I haven’t been to a fancy sit-down place in quite some time. Well, outside of work anyway.”

  Carmen laughed. “Back in Spain, that diner we went to would’ve passed for a fancy place. At least where I grew up.”

  “Well, I hope the Blue Room, that’s the place, is a step up.”

  Her eyes lit up. “I can’t remember the last time a handsome man treated me out.”

  I shrugged. “I’m sure you’ve had men take you out for a nice dinner before.”

  Carmen shook her head. That came as a surprise. I figured she had a line of suitors waiting for her. “No, you’re the first person I’ve dated in quite some time. I hope they have a nice selection of alcohol. Do you plan on drinking?”

  “It’s why I called a cab!”

  We talked about our families. Carmen admitted she hadn’t been in contact with them for a long time. She was thinking of getting in touch with them again once her work slowed down. I asked if she would introduce me to them.

  Carmen laughed. “They’ll think you’ve proposed to me!”

  “Just introduce me as a friend then.”

  She wagged her finger at me. “I wouldn’t mind a nice rock on this finger.”

  It was my turn to laugh. “At least let me treat you out for dinner once before we get to that point!”

  We arrived at the Blue Room, an esteemed fine dining venue. I had never actually been there but I heard good things about it from clients. Thanks to a reservation and a word from a close client, we didn’t have to wait long to get seated at a table.

  Once seated, a waitress asked us if we wanted any drinks.

  Carmen gave me a glance. “It’s a little too late for tea. Do you have a preference for wine?”

  I looked over the drink menu. Each concoction even had a little image of it in a glass. After finding a nice red wine, I told the hostess. “Get us the evening special.”

  I preferred whiskey but wine sounded more romantic. The wine I had chosen didn’t seem too tart or sour. I could always ask for a gin and tonic afterwards.

  My date remarked. “You seem to know your drinks.”

  I smirked. “My clients are the real boozehounds. As a salesman, I have to know how to butter them up before springing an offer. It’s part of the job application, really!”

  “I can believe that,” she giggled. “How did you become a salesman, anyway?”

  “It’s a long story, Carmen…”

  Chapter 3

  Over dinner, I told her how I had graduated with a major in supply chain management. However, the company I was interning for went down under. I took a sales job while looking for other work. I found out l liked being a salesman and moved up the ranks to my current position.

  Once our drinks arrived, we placed our orders. I ordered a chicken dish while Carmen went with some seafood. The mellow wine was a perfect match for our meals.

  Over dinner, we talked about work. It helped me distract myself. I knew our romance was living on borrowed time. In a few weeks, we would part ways from the Hilbert Hotel. I wasn’t sure if we could ever meet again.

  “Well, enough about my work,” I said, nearly done with my chicken. As good as the food was, I liked the conversation with my date better. “Tell me about what you do for a living.”

  Carmen shrugged and poked her lobster. “You practically know everything about me.”

  “Not everything,” I protested. “I don’t know much about your life in Spain.”

  “There’s not much to say,” she replied. “I barely remember my life in Spain. So much had changed when I arrived here. I was… a different person back then.”

  “We all change over time,” I offered. “I thought I was going to be stuck in an office with middle management for the rest of my life. Now, I’m traveling the country as a salesman.”

  “It’s a good thing we’re both travelers,” Carmen said with a grin. “So where to begin with my family?”

  She began with her siblings. Carmen was the middle child of nine siblings. She was the only girl of the family. Her parents were strict Catholics and she grew up attending several religious schools. College was the first time she had a secular education.

  “Wow,” I said, listening to her story. “So you were the only girl in the family? I can’t imagine having eight brothers.”

  She hesitated before nodded. “Yes… it was quite an experience.”

  Carmen certainly had an interesting family life. As a Spanish woman, family was important to her. It wasn’t easy attending college half a world away from them.

  Without the structure of family life, she felt alone and lost in America. Only fo
cusing on her studies kept mind of things. Carmen found out she had a knack for web design. It let her work from behind a computer screen and avoid meeting people.

  Over time, Carmen worked out the courage to face her clients. I couldn’t imagine why she was so timid. The woman was gorgeous and could win anyone over with her eyes alone. Perhaps, the woman lacked confidence in her looks. She might not have been aware of her innate feminine wiles.

  Still, I loved hearing her talk like this. Carmen was so intelligent and charismatic. I could listen to her chatter away for hours. It helped keep my mind off the fact that we would be leaving each other soon.

  Perhaps, there was a way we could still keep in contact with each other. We could exchange emails and phone numbers. However, our work would pull each of us away from the other. We could lose touch with each other over time.

  Finally, after another round of drinks and dessert, I paid the bill and we left. As we waited for the taxi, I leaned in close to Carmen. Her lips were so close to mine.

  Then, she moved up to kiss me.

  It was warm and passionate.

  When we broke way, she asked. “Want to come to my room?”

  “Your room?”

  She smiled. “It’s on the way to your room.”

  We had another long kiss just as the taxi arrived.

  The ride to the Hilbert Hotel was quiet. I held Carmen in my arms. I felt her steady heartbeat against my body. I didn’t know how she could be so calm when I was a bundle of nerves.

  We rode the elevator up and went to her room. I wanted to stop by my room and take a shower and spruce myself up but I decided against it. Carmen opened the door and told me. “Make yourself at home, Allen. Want anything to drink?”

  I chuckled. “I think I’ve had enough wine to last me a lifetime.”

  Carmen replied. “I can’t remember the last time I had dinner with someone like that.”

  “Me neither,” I agreed. “Fancy lunches and dinners were always about the sales pitch. I could never stretch my legs and enjoy myself.”

  She smiled. “I appreciate you not trying to sell me an ice-cream maker over dinner.”

  “Hey, the night is still young. I got plenty of time to upsell you on an industrial grade expresso machine, Carmen.”

  “Well, I do run on coffee,” she joked. “I might have to take you up on the offer. How about a discount for a friend?”

  I laughed. “Hey, I’m not allowed to even give my mother a discount!”

  She pouted her lips and squeezed my arm. “I’m sure a dashing gentleman like yourself could work out an exception for me?”

  I couldn’t help but take deep breath before joking. “I can always use my employee discount. Just promise not to tell anyone.”

  Carmen wrinkled her nose and fell into my arms. “Oh, my salesman in shining armor.”

  She fell on top of me on the couch before sitting beside me. I held her tightly and admitted. “Let me make a confession.”

  That caught my ear. “About what?”

  “I’m not that scared of a thunderstorm,” she admitted, placing her hand on mine. “That night, I… just wanted an excuse to come over to your room.”

  Carmen seemed embarrassed for the first time since I met her. “I didn’t mind one bit. In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that ride up the elevator, Carmen.”

  She nestled her head against my arm. “I liked the way you held me.”

  I placed an arm around her shoulders. “And I liked holding you.”

  She nuzzled her nose against my hand. “Allen, do you like me?”

  “Like?” I chuckled. “I love you, Carmen.”

  Without a word, Carmen moved up to kiss me. Like always, her were lips soft, moist, and warm. I could sense a spicy aftertaste that seemed appropriate for a Latin woman.

  I kissed back and locked my arms around the back of her neck. We were locked in this tight embraced as our tongues went to work. She pressed her breasts against me. Her leg hooked around mine. I moved down to kiss her chin and throat.

  Her lips parted and she moaned. “Oh, Allen… I’ve been dreaming of this…”

  So had I.

  I moved back for another round of passionate kissing. I went under her skirt and grabbed a fistful of her thighs. Her muscles were toned and powerful. I heard her whisper to me in Spanish but I was too lost in the moment to understand.

  I began to unbutton her skirt. When it came loose, I used one hand to cup her buttocks. Her backside was plump under her thong. I heard the sound of Carmen’s breathing grow ragged as she swung her leg over to my side. The woman straddled my lap as we stared into each other’s eyes.

  The pent up attraction in us had exploded like a supernova. Carmen returned the favor by opening up my shirt and taking it off along with my undershirt. I felt the cool air touch my exposed skin.

  I reached out for Carmen’s clothed breasts as she moaned. “Oh God!”

  I wanted to lick this sultry beauty’s nipples. I wanted to make love to her. This wasn’t going to be just another one night stand.

  However, Carmen stopped me by placing a hand on my bare chest. “I’m sorry, Allen. But we can’t.”

  Chapter 4

  Startled at her reaction, I asked. “Why not?”

  She looked away without leaving my lap. “Allen… I’m not like other women.”

  I laughed. “It’s why I liked you in the first place.”

  “No, I really am not like other women,” Carmen said, looking serious. She ground her groin against mine. I distinctively felt a small bump on her crotch. “Now do you see?”

  It explained everything. I knew why she had been so reluctant to talk about her family. Something big had happened that had caused them to separate. It also explained why she wasn’t so interesting in the dating scene. “You were a man…”

  “I took hormone treatments to become a woman,” she tearfully admitted. It was a complete and utter shock to me. At the same time, I knew my response. “After being struck by lightning, I knew I had to make a decision about who I was. I understand if you don’t want to-”

  I began to take off her bra. “I don’t care.”

  Carmen’s shock turned to pleasure as I played with her hard nipples. My other hand went under her thong. My probing fingers found a pair of balls. That part of her was still a man.

  When her body stiffened at my touch, I told Carmen. “Relax…”

  Man or woman, I knew I was in love with her. Carmen was utterly gorgeous. Cock or not, my body felt compelled to make love to her. I pulled her in close to me and kissed her deeply. One of my hands caressed her breasts while the other cupped her balls.

  Carmen got into the mood when she realized her sexuality didn’t matter to me. The woman held me tightly as I made love to her. Between all the kissing, we managed to take each other’s clothes off.

  My lover was quite a sight. Her nipples were just as hard as her cock. I felt is brush against mine. Carmen was hungry for my body from the way she kissed my chest.

  She knelt between my legs and pushed them apart. I watched her finely manicured nails trace a path up and down my thighs. I groaned as my cock grew harder and harder. Carmen was getting pretty rigid herself. I saw the head of her shaft flare up.

  Carmen stroked my shaft and whispered. “Damn, you’re hard as a rock.”

  I smiled as I glanced at her erection. “You too.”

  To my surprise, Carmen leaned down to swallow my shaft. I felt her soft tongue brush over every inch of it. She certainly knew what she was doing with the way she let her lips slid around my erection. Her movements were slow and deliberate. I even felt her nose touch my abdomen as her mouth engulfed my cock.

  I rested my hands on her head and beckoned her own. Carmen slowly bobbed up and down the length of my shaft. Her movements were delicate as if she was savoring a fine bottle of wine. It was too much for me and I groaned. “Oh Carmen…”

  I felt her hands touch my chest. I didn’t know how long I
could last under her skillful touch. I felt compelled to pull her off of me since I risked going off too early.

  It gave a moment to admire her body. Carmen had curves in all the right places. Her breasts might have been a relatively new addition but they looked large and natural. As for her cock, it was moderately long and rested against her thigh.

  I reached out to stroke her erection. Carmen smiled and submitted to my touch. It was almost like she was in a trance as I touched her. I leaned down to plant a kiss on the tip of her shaft. Finally, I let my lips envelop her prick. I sucked harder and harder when I heard her moan. “Yes, that’s it Allen!”


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