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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 2

Page 23

by Ursula Lovelace

  “Tell me who you really are!”

  I recalled my lines. It felt more like the truth than mere line-reading. “I’m not a man. I’m your little girlish slut, Mistress June.”

  “Let’s begin, my little slut,” she replied, pointing to the bed. Her other hand steadied the strap-on between her legs. “Get on all fours, right now!”

  Without a word, I scrambled to down on the bed like some animal. Hiking up my short skirt, June pulled down my panties and exposed my ass. Then, she began to lube up my rosebud. “What a lovely ass, Jenny. But I’ll fuck your mouth first to wet my cock.”

  She mounted the bed and got in front of me. Like an obedient dog, I leaned forward and swallowed the thick plastic phallus. I groaned when she buried her shaft deeper into my mouth.

  Soon, June began to steadily fuck my mouth.

  June began by playing with my ass. The tip of her dildo teased my lips. After a minute of pleasurable torture, she moved in. The plastic of her strap-on rasped against my cheeks as I suckled her.

  The dildo grew wet from my saliva. Its tip hit the back of my throat. June knew just the right amount of distance to go without activating my gag reflex. It was no wonder she could do this for a living.

  After a minute of deep throating her, June pulled out and said. “It’s time for me to fuck you, Jenny.”

  Mounting me from behind, my asshole immediately clamped down on the dildo. I immediately moaned from the power of her intrusion. June responded with a cry of passion of her own. I knew the strap-on ground against her pussy whenever she thrust forward.

  My Mistress gave me no mercy. Her dildo filled up my ass to the brim. My knees shook from the impact of her thrusts.

  With time, June broke out into a fucking frenzy. Heat and friction built up between our bodies. As hard as I was, I knew her clit was getting a workout as well.

  I was so close to coming. She was hitting all the right spots with her dildo. My prick was becoming just as rigid as the one pounding me. Likewise, June felt the pressure build up between her legs as the strap-on grazed her cunt.

  “Oh fuck!” she groaned, thrusting wildly into my ass. Both of us were on the verge of orgasm. “I’m going to come!”

  I shared in her groaning as I ejaculated hard onto the bedsheets. June drilled into my ass as her pussy came. We were locked in this erotic dance. I turned to see her reach down to her count and stroke it. The bed grew wet from the fluids leaking from our bodies.

  Finally, we fell onto the bed in complete satisfaction and exhaustion. My cock was completely drained. I didn’t know how porn stars could do this over and over again in a single day.

  “And cut!” the director yelled enthusiastically. From the expression on his face, it almost looked like he had come just as hard as I did. “That was fucking amazing, Jake! I can’t believe we got it all in one take.”

  June laughed and draped a robe around me. “I told you he was a natural.”

  As the crew closed up the set, I had coffee with her in the dressing room. “I guess I’m officially a porn star. The funny thing is that I’m not the slightest bit embarrassed.”

  She kissed me on the cheek. “You should be proud of your performance. You’re going to take this industry by storm.”

  I chuckled softly. “I’m going to need someone to teach me… more advanced techniques if I want to make it in this business. Jumping out of a building is one thing but becoming a woman is something else entirely.”

  June smiled. “Let’s head back to my apartment, Jenny. I have much to teach you.”

  I smiled when I imagined all the wild stunts we would pull off in the privacy of her bedroom. “With pleasure, Mistress.”

  Chapter 1

  “Your paperwork looks to be in order, Mr. Grayson,” she said with a smile. Behind her glasses, the doctor’s intelligent eyes lit up like the display on a cash register. There was a lot of money to be made in the pharmaceutical industry. Nonetheless, she wasn’t the only one seeing dollar signs from this deal. “And your blood work came in without any problems. You’ve got the green light.”

  “Call me, Alex,” I said with a smile. The hard part was over. With a clean bill of health, it was just smooth sailing from here. “I guess I’ll be visiting here from time to time. We might as well be on a first name basis.”

  “As you are aware, this drug trial is strictly confidential,” the doctor continued. Everything about this place was hush-hush. I had to sign more non-disclosure agreements than I could count. You would think that this place was Fort Knox instead of an office for a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company. “If you leak any details of these trials and procedures, then we will be forced to terminate our contract with you. In addition, we may be forced to pursue legal charges against you.”

  I made a zipping motion near my lips. “Sure thing. I won’t say a word to anyone.”

  “There is also the risk of… side effects, Alex. Unwanted side effects since the drug is experimental. You’ll have to catalog everything and give it to us.”

  I had heard the same spiel a thousand times before. Drug trials inherently carried a risk of dangerous side effects. After all, the doctors only had conjectures about what an untested drug would do to the human body. I had heard countless lectures about the risks of participating in these trials.

  I knew much of it was an over-exaggeration. These drug companies were just covering themselves from any potential lawsuits. Besides, a runny nose or a tummy ache was a small cost compared to the profit.

  Whatever the risk, it paid to be a human guinea pig. The payment rose alongside the risk factor. This meant that highly experimental drugs with little practical data gave the biggest payout. It just so happened that the drug I was signing up for had never been tested on a live subject until now.

  I took the signed paperwork from her. “I understand all the risks, doctor.”

  She smiled and pointed across the hall. “Just enter the door to your right at the far end of the hallway, Alex.”

  I got up to leave. “Thanks.”

  As I walked through the facility, I saw other potential test subjects being interviewed for the trials. I noticed that all of them were adult men in their prime like me. I didn’t see any women signing up. The only females here were the doctors and nurses.

  I wondered if the drug was for male pattern baldness. There was good money in finding out a cure in pill form for hair loss. Most treatments involved expensive hair transplants. It would explain why all the patients were men. Then again, I had a head full of hair.

  I knew that most scientific experiments were divided into a control group and an experimental group. The human body was smarter than what most people gave it credit for. If a person knew he was receiving treatment, then his body would prepare for it. If they were giving a fake drug with no effects, then the scientists could account for this natural response in their data.

  However, I didn’t dare tell the staff that I was so knowledgeable about the scientific process. A smart test subject could easily ruin the experiment. I didn’t mind acting dumb and docile if it gave me an easy paycheck. I just wondered which test group I was in. The placebo control group was essentially a risk free pay day.

  The questionnaire itself was more interesting than what I usually saw. They made me answer questions about my sexuality and my sex life. They were looking for red-blooded heterosexual men. When they presented me with a set of Playboy magazines, I passed the test with flying colors.

  Perhaps, they were working on a new type of Viagra. I knew a few men my age had some difficulty getting it up. A cure for young male erectile dysfunction would be a license to print money. I just hoped I didn’t walk away from here with a never-ending erection in my pants. In the past, the worst thing that happened to me was an upset stomach.

  The pharmaceutical company funding this venture hadn’t spared any expense in this project. I was making a lot more money with this drug trial than any other experiment I had signed up for. I wouldn’t need to do any
real work for the next six months.

  Coming here, I saw a few sports cars in the parking lot. The doctors here were making serious cash as well. The best thing was that they were sharing the wealth with me. An easy pay day was perfect for a slacker like me.

  When I reached my destination, I was corralled into a room full of men. I immediately knew this was a test group. The only question was whether we were getting the real deal or a placebo.

  Finally, a doctor came and gave us our instructions. “This pill is flavorless and can be eaten with or without food. It’s taken twice a day. Once in the morning and one more time in the evening.”

  A nurse handed out a bottle of pills to each of us. They looked fairly innocuous enough. I wouldn’t be able to tell if they were the real deal or not. I could always go to a chemist and have a professional take a look at it but such an action was against my non-disclosure agreement. Perhaps, it was better not knowing what was inside this thing.

  Pocketing the bottle, I took my leave of the place. I’d receive weekly refills in the mail. The experiment was simple enough. I took the pill as per the instructions and recorded how I felt. Periodically, I would meet with the doctors for a checkup and some blood work.

  Once I got home, I opened up the bottle and took out a pill. It was chalk white and had a long serial number on each casing. They didn’t look any different from the other drugs I had tested in the past. There was no way of knowing what its purpose was until I started taking them.

  I could always drop the bottle in the trash and lie during the checkups. Of course, I’d probably get kicked off the trials if this wasn’t a placebo and the blood test came back negative. Besides, they wouldn’t give me something that was so untested that it was life-threatening. Sure, we had signed an agreement not to sue them but the bad press alone would kill them.

  There was no way these pills were dangerous or so much as severely changed my body.

  With that in mind, I took a pill before sleep and washed it down with water. The pill itself was flavorless which wasn’t unusual for test drugs. I couldn’t take any illegal drugs during the trial but stuff like alcohol was okay. It was one of the few downsides to signing for this but I wasn’t going to spend time fooling around with drugs. Still, I couldn’t complain about going on a few months of temperance in exchange for a nice paycheck.

  When it was time for sleep, I went out like a light. I had a blissful sleep. By the time I awoke, I was completely refreshed. Most experimental drugs gave me a slight headache. Maybe this miracle drug cured insomnia or gave you a good night’s worth of sleep. I knew I would buy a subscription once it got approved for mass production.

  I felt a burst of pure energy flowing throughout my body. Usually after a night of sleep, I wanted a cup of coffee to recharge my batteries. Now, I felt like I could sprint for a mile. I couldn’t wait to head to the gym.

  Whatever the hell this was, this pill definitely wasn’t a placebo.

  Stranger still, I felt a little frisky in the morning. I wished I hadn’t broken up with my girlfriend. My groin tingled with a bit more intensity than the usual round of morning glory. Perhaps, this was a side effect.

  I had experienced worse from my previous trials. An erection was preferable to vomiting. This time, I really could’ve gone for a fuck. I’d just have to make do with my hands.

  My fingers trailed under my boxers. My skin brimmed with this strange erotic heat. Instead of heading down to my cock and balls, my fingertips stopped at my abdomen. The skin there felt more sensitive than usual. This drug was making me appreciate the nooks and crannies of my body.

  I couldn’t help but murmur. “What the hell?”

  The mere act of touching myself made me feel aroused. My hands trailed away from my groin as I touched my torso. I began to appreciate how lean my body was. I had never been broad-shouldered or particularly big looking in my life. Nonetheless, my fingers liked how my shouldered curved into my arms.

  It was almost a psychedelic experience. Maybe this pharmaceutical company was trying to replace recreational drugs with something even wilder yet legal. I had experimented with a variety of drugs in my youth but nothing had made me as high as this experience. It wasn’t an out of body experience like the time I took LSD. Instead, it felt like my body was transforming into something else.

  My body reacted to the slightest touch. I couldn’t remember the last time I got so hard without laying a single finger on my shaft. My fingertips explored every inch of my body as if it were a brand new present on Christmas Day.

  With little warning, my body arched and I came hard beneath my bedsheets. I writhed with ecstasy upon my bed as a powerful orgasm shook me to the core. Reaching down to milk my cock, I groaned as I milked my balls of their payload.

  Strangely enough, my cock still had some room to grow. I chalked off the lukewarm erection as another side effect. Whatever this miracle drug was, I wanted more of it.

  Reeling from my climax, I submitted to the strange sensations I was feeling. I had never experienced such an explosive orgasm. The wind had been knocked out of me. I didn’t what the hell this drug was!

  Was it a new form of Viagra?

  Was it an energy booster?

  Was it a pill to enhance sexual experiences?

  Was it a new form of LSD?

  Was it all of these things?

  This reaction was too intense to be a mere placebo effect.

  I remembered that I had to fill out a report during the trial period about my experience. Furthermore, I had to submit a weekly questionnaire. While the paperwork was usual, the drug itself wasn’t anything like I had ever experienced before.

  After cleaning up, I began reading the survey out loud. “This survey will record your experience with the test drug and give us valuable feedback. First question, how enjoyable has been your experience with the test drug been so far?”

  That was an easy question to answer.

  Chapter 2

  “Anything unusual, Mr. Grayson?” the doctor asked, readying his pen. It could’ve been my imagination but he seemed very interesting in what I had to say. “Itchy skin? Rashes? Stomach cramps? Loss of sleep?”

  This past week had been some of the best days of my life. I couldn’t remember the last time I was so virile and happy. I had some pretty damn powerful climaxes during the past week. Strangely enough, my cock wasn’t as hard as usual when I came.

  “Just the opposite,” I said with a smile. These pills were a wonder drug when it came to sleep and sexual pleasure. They had also given me an energy boost. I could do my typical workout routine blindfolded. “I feel like a million bucks. What’s in this stuff?”

  He smiled at my inquiry. “It’s a secret, Mr. Grayson. Anything unusual? Your survey said your skin felt more sensitive than usual. Furthermore, you described a change in your voice.”

  My voice’s pitch felt a little higher than usual. I had even recorded myself and played it back. It almost sounded shrill as if a woman was speaking instead of me. “Yeah, it’s a little weird. It feels like I’ve up an octave or two.”

  “It’s nothing to get worried about,” he chuckled. “Do you notice any other side effects? Slower growth of facial hair? Change in sex drive?”

  Now that he mentioned it, I couldn’t recall shaving the past week. I was sure it was nothing. I could never grow a thick beard if my life depended on it. “I wrote about the changes in my sex drive in the survey.”

  “Excellent,” he said gleefully. The man jotted something down in his notes. He then checked the survey again. “You’ve also noted changes to your muscle tone.”

  “I don’t know if I’m imagining things but my body feels lean,” I replied, rolling up a sleeve to show him my bicep. “It reminds of when I went on a diet back in college and put on some lean muscle. I don’t mind the look but should this be happening?”

  “Like I said, I can’t tell you,” he answered. “You’ve been taking the pills regularly?”

  I nodded. “Twice
a day. Should I change the dosage?”

  “Try two pills per session,” he replied to my surprise. Most drug trials tried to keep you on a steady dosage. Maybe this was a placebo and my mind was playing tricks on me. For that matter, the doctor could be playing with me as well. “I’m interested in your reaction to a heavier dose. Please, record your findings, Alex.”

  After the checkup, I went home and opened up a fresh bottle of this miracle drug. I popped two pills into my mouth with a glass of cool lemonade. They went down with a smile.

  Whatever was happening to my body, I knew it wasn’t dangerous. This pharmaceutical company could open itself up to bad press and litigation if it started killing test subjects like me. They could lose billions.

  Over the next few weeks, my life fell into a familiar pattern. Each day, I would take a total of four pills. They made me feel like I was invincible. I couldn’t believe I was being paid a small fortune to take part in something I would’ve done for free.


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