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Dancing With Redemption (Barre To Bar Book 5)

Page 9

by Summer Cooper

  “Roxie? Are you okay, Roxie?” A voice broke into Roxie’s examination of the back of the woman’s head, and she smiled when she saw a familiar face in front of her.

  “Kai?” Roxie was confused. Why was Kai here?

  “It’s okay, Roxie, we have you,” Kai said with a smile in Roxie’s direction. “We need to head straight to the nearest hospital with her.”

  “We do. Roxie, can you hear me, honey?” The voice she’d longed to hear for hours, days maybe, finally spoke and Roxie turned her head away from Kai.

  “Lincoln?” She asked, her eyes narrowing to make sure it was him. She felt the relief of her wrists and ankles being released from the cuffs, but it didn’t compare to hearing his voice.

  “It’s me, baby. We’ve got you.” He threw a blanket over her just before he picked her up. “I’m taking her in my car. Can somebody take care of this mess?”

  “I got this, it’s the least I can do,” a voice that Roxie didn’t recognize said, and she looked around to see a handsome man with black hair walking in. He stared down at the woman’s body in distaste before he kicked a shoulder. “Yep, that’s her. At least this shit is done now.”

  Roxie’s eyes closed but she understood on some level that this must be the boy that the woman was so pissed about. Has she said his name? Roxie didn’t know, couldn’t stay in the world long enough to remember if she had.

  Everything went kind of fuzzy after that.

  A few seconds of consciousness told her she was in a car, before she blinked and the world disappeared again. Another moment of awareness and she heard Lincoln’s voice explaining he didn’t know what had happened, he’d found her like this in a building that was on fire. After that, there were points where she felt pain, a sting here, an ache there, the sensation of more pins in her toes, another needle in her scalp, so many little moments of pain, but then there was oblivion, real oblivion. At least she was still alive. She was fairly certain of that much.



  “She’s what?” Lincoln shouted at his sister, blinking at her with confusion.

  “Pregnant. She was going to tell you, but shit kept happening,” June said, reverting back to an old habit of swearing when she was uncomfortable.

  Lincoln stared at his sister for a long time, not sure how to take this news. “I see.”

  “You see? You see? Maybe you should tell the fucking doctor, bonehead! If she’s bleeding down there, then something is wrong. Tell the damn doctor, Lincoln!” June was all but jumping up and down now, her fury something to witness.

  “I will.” He put a hand on June’s right shoulder. “Don’t have a hissy fit. Let me go tell them.”

  “Finally!” June threw her hands up and went to sit with the rest of the faces in the waiting room, waiting for news about Roxie. June had arrived an hour after he’d brought Roxie into his former step-father’s hospital, the only place Lincoln knew he could bring her without too many probing questions.

  “Um, excuse me? Nurse? My sister told me Roxie’s pregnant,” he said when he didn’t see the doctor.

  “Oh, we know. We do tests on all female patients that need x-rays but aren’t conscious. The Ob/Gyn has been in to see her. The baby is fine, there’s just some damage to the patient’s…” the nurse carried on speaking, but Lincoln didn’t hear the rest.

  He was too busy looking at Roxie. He didn’t know what had happened to her hair but what was left was patchy with a lot of stubble. Her head was covered in cuts, and her face was swollen now. There were bruises underneath both of her eyes, and her bottom and top lip were busted and swollen. Then there was the rest. Her hands and feet were covered in bandages to protect the damaged skin of her nail beds. She’d probably lose all of her toenails, even though the needles beneath them had been removed.

  Her right hip was fractured but it was a hairline fracture, nothing the doctor could do there but let it heal. The rest of her was hidden by a white blanket, and Lincoln was almost happy it was there. He hoped the blood had been cleaned away from her. He’d seen it and it had frightened him when they first found her, but the good news was, he was here with her. He could make sure she got the best care available.

  There was no doubt the Bennets would ensure that, all three of them. She’d had every exam the hospital could provide, there were three bottles dripping medicine into the IV plugged into her right forearm, and her skin was warm, but not hot. She was as comfortable as she could be.

  “I’m here, Roxie,” he whispered as he pulled up a chair to sit next to her bed. He took her left hand in his, not wanting to wake her up, but sure that he wanted to touch her. To make sure she was real.

  How was he going to explain this to Lily? he wondered. Mommy got a really bad haircut and fell down?

  Lincoln frowned, hating any kind of lie, but he’d have to explain something to the girl in a way that wouldn’t traumatize her.

  And there was another baby on the way?

  His heart swelled in his chest, a sensation that took his breath away. Fuck, this was bad. Well, no, it was good, but how was he going to explain this to the guys? He’d sworn he’d never marry or have a girlfriend for so long that even Kai had wondered if he was actually gay a time or two. He’d been adamant about it for so long, but now? He was never going to let her out of his sight again, if he could help it.

  If she’d ever forgive him for everything that he’d said the last time they were together. And if she’d forgive what a dick he’d been to her.

  “Lincoln? Has she woken up yet?” June’s soft voice broke the silence and Lincoln turned his head.

  “No, not yet. She needs the rest.” Lincoln spoke softly, not wanting to wake Roxie up.

  “Okay. Are you hungry?” She waited until he shook his head before she came in and sat down in the chair next to his. “I’ll go get you something if you are, you don’t have to leave her.”

  “No, I’m fine. Really. I just want to watch her for a little while.” Lincoln’s eyes were already on Roxie’s bruised and battered face. “If you want to go home, you can. Check on Lily for me. It might be good for her aunt to make an appearance.”

  “It’s still so amazing to me that I’m an aunt.” June smiled shyly and looked at Roxie rather than her brother. “She’s amazing, you know?”

  “Lily or Roxie?” Lincoln asked absently, too busy smoothing out a slight frown that had formed on Roxie’s face.

  “Both of them.” June sighed out the answer, and Lincoln looked back at her. “She’s been through so much, but she keeps fighting, doesn’t she?”

  “She’s always been amazing like that,” Lincoln answered, thinking about a younger version who went by the name Chloe, who would glare at him angrily and screech at him about how much she hated him. He’d loved her even then, though she hadn’t known. He hadn’t let himself feel it, not after she ran away, and maybe not when he’d found her again. Oh, his heart had felt what it bloody well wanted to, but he hadn’t let himself feel it. He’d tried to fight it. Too bad for him he’d lost that fight.

  Or maybe it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Especially if there was another baby on the way.

  “I’ll see you at home later. If you come home. I know they’re keeping her tonight, so maybe I’ll see you in the morning. Try to rest.” June put her hand on his head, ran her fingers through his hair for a moment, and blinked away a sudden case of tears. “I love you, big brother. I’m so glad you all found her for us.”

  “I love you too, little sis. Be careful going home.” Lincoln smiled warmly at his sister, one of the few people he could say he loved without feeling like a liar. That circle was expanding now that he’d met Roxie for the second time in his life, he thought, as his sister left. It was a much bigger circle now that included a daughter, a woman as old as his own mother, and a few more.

  “June, before you go, can you call her friend Wendy and tell her what’s going on? I’m sure she’s worrying. She’ll want to know Roxie is okay,”
Lincoln called out as softly as he could.

  “Sure, Lincoln. See you later.” June waved as she walked out of the door and left Lincoln alone with the only woman he’d ever loved as a part of himself. “I’m never going to let this happen ever again, Chl…Roxie.”

  He’d almost called her by her old name. But that wasn’t who she was anymore. She was Roxie and always would be, from now on.

  She’d earned that name after years of hardship and this shit today. She was like a rock, strong, breakable, but able to make something new out of the pieces that were left. She’d emerge from this as something new, Lincoln knew that, but it would be something that he’d love just as much as he loved her now.

  “Lincoln?” Another voice came from the doorway and Lincoln turned to look at the owner.

  “Hi, Matteo. How are you?” Lincoln stood up to usher the man out, but Matteo walked in.

  “My wife said she’d kill me if I didn’t check on her cousin. Marie’s stubborn like that, and I believe her when she tells me I’ll die.” Matteo smiled the smile of men destined to obey their wives on certain whims. “How’s Roxie?”

  “She’s getting there, I guess. The doctor hasn’t been in to explain anything yet, and the nurse left soon after I came in. Her vitals look okay, though.” Lincoln pointed at the machine and Matteo nodded.

  “I won’t trouble you too much then. I just wanted you to know we took care of that trouble with my Aunt Celeste. And the two men that worked with her are being handled as we speak,” Matteo paused, his face dark and troubled. “I know this doesn’t mean much, but she took me from my parents when I was young. Wanted me to take her place when the time came. I knew she was fucked up but had no clue it would get this bad. She’s been trying to kill my wife and she went into hiding. I thought she’d run off to Italy and would leave us all alone. If I’d known this would happen, I’d have taken care of her long before today.”

  “It’s not your fault, man. She was unstable, obviously,” Lincoln said, still not sure what exactly tied Roxie to Matteo or that woman.

  “I suppose you don’t know the story. I didn’t tell you. It seems my wife’s mother was Roxie’s aunt. He used to send them money, her father. Marie was my aunt’s husband’s lover.” Matteo looked befuddled for a moment and then nodded. “Yeah, that’s right. He wasn’t my uncle except by marriage. Anyway, there was bad blood between my aunt and Roxie’s family. She wanted me to take over my uncle’s family and it made her blow a fuse when I wouldn’t end Marie’s life. She tried on her own, but, well, we ended up here.”

  “That sounds like a story you’ll need to explain with more detail later, but I know you want to get back to your wife. Thanks for filling me in.” Lincoln sat back down in his chair and Matteo took the one beside him, to Lincoln’s surprise.

  “My, uh, my wife had a question for you, for Roxie when she wakes up.” Matteo started but waited for Lincoln to nod before he continued. “She’d like to meet her, meet Roxie that is. They’re second cousins, you see? And Marie’s family doesn’t have a lot to do with her, because of her mother, and she’d like to get to know Roxie.”

  “I’m sure Roxie will be happy to meet up with any family that she might have, once she’s healed up,” Lincoln said, not sure that was true, she could be prickly sometimes, but that was a defense mechanism. “I’d like our daughter to have some kind of family too, so we’ll arrange something, alright?”

  “Yep. That’s good. You have my number if you need anything.” Matteo stood up with a curt nod of his head. “Take care. I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, but I’m glad it’s all over.”

  “Same here. You go take care of your wife. I’ll get in touch soon.” Lincoln held his hand out and Matteo shook it with a firm shake before he left.

  Well, this day was seriously fucked up, but it was almost over now. And he’d done the one thing he set out to do. He’d brought Roxie home for Lily. And for himself too, he had to admit that, or he’d be a liar. He needed Roxie in his life, needed her like he’d never needed anyone before.

  He could admit that now. He’d known it before he thought she was missing but he’d gone about getting her back in his life the wrong way. Maybe saving her from a torturous early death wasn’t the best way either, but he hoped she’d listen to him, once she woke up and had time to recover.

  “What’s going on?” Her sleepy voice had him looking up instantly. He hadn’t realized his head had fallen, her hand once again in his.

  “You’re in the Bennet’s hospital, Roxie. Everything is okay.” He spoke with calm, hoping to relay the best information first.

  “Everything?” She asked, pulling her hand away from his to look at the bandages. “How can they still fucking hurt so much?”

  “Shit, sorry. I didn’t even think about your nail beds.” He felt his cheeks flush and guilt gnawed at him.

  “No, I think it’s the bandages. They feel like they’re throbbing.” Her voice grew faint, and her eyes closed again. “And that woman?”

  He’d thought she was falling back asleep, but her question disproved that. “That woman is dead, honey.”

  “Good.” She gave a short nod before her eyes opened again, slightly out of focus but present. “I’m glad that’s over with then. Will I have to answer a bunch of questions?”

  “No, we’re in the Bennet’s hospital. There aren’t any police involved.” Lincoln looked around but couldn’t see anyone. It might be his family’s hospital, but that didn’t mean they could speak freely forever. “We still need to keep some of this stuff to ourselves until you’re out of here, honey.”

  “That’s fine with me. If I don’t ever have to think about any of it again, that’ll be just fine.” Her eyes closed again, and she took a deep breath. “And has the doctor told you anything, Lincoln?”

  “About the baby you mean?” He asked tentatively, worried she’d be upset that he knew. He knew she was when she made a sour face at his question. “He didn’t, June did before the doctor could.”

  “For fuck’s sake. Yes. I wanted to tell you. I wanted to be the one who told you this time.” She paused, tears filling her eyes. “Shit happened.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what June said. You mean I happened. I’m sorry about all of that, by the way. I won’t be ripping your daughter away from you. I shouldn’t have been such a dick to you, even if I was pissed. This is probably something I should save for later, but I promised myself I’d apologize to you as soon as I could. And I mean it, Rox. I’m really sorry about everything.”

  “We can talk about it all later, Lincoln. I just want to close my eyes for now, okay? I don’t hate you, I’m just so tired.” She looked incredibly sad, and he had to wonder if she was saying more than she wanted to right now.

  “Sure, yeah. Later’s good.” He nodded like an idiot, completely terrified now that later would bring a heartache unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

  “Thanks, Lincoln. For saving me, for understanding. For everything.” Her eyes closed then and he wanted to beg her to stay awake but that would just be selfish. She needed to rest. Later she could break his heart, if that’s the choice she’d made after all of this. And who could blame her if she had? He deserved it, really.



  The pain had receded, but the memories of that night were still too fresh. It had completely shaken Roxie that she’d set a trap for herself like that. That crazy bitch hadn’t had to do anything. Roxie, certain in her fierce independence and capabilities, had made herself a prize that could not be resisted, and that had shaken her belief in everything she thought she knew about herself.

  They were all still in the Bennet children’s mansion, but Roxie was in her own room this time. She shared that room with Lily most nights, unwilling to let the child sleep in her own room. It wasn’t fair to Lily since Roxie often woke up from nightmares, but she did all she could to keep from waking her daughter. Lily didn’t know exactly what had happened, none of them had
been quite willing to explain it in detail to the little girl, but she knew her mother had been in an accident and was recovering.

  Roxie didn’t keep Lily in her room at night for moral support though, she kept her there to make sure she was safe. That crazy bitch, Celeste, Roxie now knew her name was, had threatened Lily next. And even though she’d seen the hole in the back of the woman’s head, even though Lincoln reassured her every day that the woman was nothing but ashes now, Roxie woke up every night reaching for Lily.

  It was another morning in New York. Later in the day, Lincoln was taking Lily, Aunt Katie, and Roxie back to Myrtle Beach, but for now, Roxie had a meeting to get through. She looked at the faded bruises beneath her eye, the faint line of one of the splits in her lip, and decided makeup wasn’t worth bothering with.

  She was about to meet a stranger. A distant cousin, but still a stranger. And apparently one of the reasons Celeste was so damned crazy. The child of Celeste’s dead husband and the woman who’d turned his head was on the way to visit her. They had more in common than that since Celeste had admitted to trying to kill Marie too.

  Roxie had spoken with her on the phone but hadn’t met her yet.

  “I think this is the one you wanted.” June came into Roxie’s room without a knock, the formality unnecessary between the two friends, especially when the door was already open. In her hands, June carried a box without a name, just a symbol.

  The symbol didn’t matter. What was inside did. “Let me see?”

  Roxie smiled at her friend and took the box once June had removed the gold lid. Inside was a wig, a blonde wig, a chin-length bob that was out of character for Roxie. It was girlish though, and fun. Something that Roxie needed more of, especially while her hair grew back, and her scalp recovered. It would be a long time before she could do anything but let her hair grow, and what had already started to creep out of her skill was blonde, so Roxie decided to keep up the trend with a blonde wig that June had gone out to the boutique to buy for her.


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