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Grumbler's Ride: Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2

Page 15

by Manda Mellett

  The men, mostly tall, intimidate me. When they catch my eye, their expressions are friendly, but it’s the sheer number and the aura of masculinity which makes me pull my back and shoulders straighter.

  “You see Eva?” Grumbler asks a man who looks particularly scary.

  “Yeah. She and Patsy went upstairs with the kid. Think they’re in Prez’s room.”

  Grumbler raises his chin in thanks, then, placing his hand in the small of my back, starts to guide me across to a staircase which leads up.

  “Grumbler?” a voice calls out. “Today’s ride is off.”

  Absorbing the information with just a grunt, Grumbler encourages me up the stairs. Once at the top, he leads me down a hallway with doors leading off to either side and stops at one at the end and knocks.

  The door is opened. A woman, who doesn’t look much older than I am, opens it.

  “Mom?” A small voice addressing me serves as my introduction.

  “Mary?” At my nod, the woman continues, “I’m Patsy, I’m the prez’s old lady. Er…”

  “I know what an old lady is,” I confirm.

  “Come in.” She holds the door ajar. “We’ll take it from here,” she addresses the man behind me.

  My daughter is on the bed, another woman is sitting next to her. Alicia’s eying me warily, her teeth worrying her lip.

  “This is Eva,” Patsy informs me, waving her hand at the other woman. “She’s a nurse.”

  “A nurse?”

  “I’m not here in my professional capacity,” Eva explains hurriedly. “I, well, I have a lot to do with the club. Grumbler called me in as he thought I could help.”

  I just want to talk to my daughter. I step forward and hold out my hand. “Come on, Alicia. Let’s go home.”

  Patsy steps between me and her. “We think it might be best for you both to stay here—at least for now.”

  My brow furrows. “Why?”

  Patsy’s hand rubs at her temples before continuing, “I know a thing or two about bad men, which might be making me overcautious. But according to your girl, the photographer behind this knows her details, her home address as that’s how he was going to get the modelling fee to her.”

  I go still, thinking, yes, he does. Didn’t see anything wrong with it when I signed the modelling release for her.

  “But surely,” I lower my voice considerably, “he’s got what he wanted. There’s no reason to come after her.”

  Patsy takes my arm and leads me to the furthest corner of what is actually a large room, twin aspects, one half set up as a bedroom, and the other as a living area. “You want this film found and destroyed, don’t you?”

  Of course I do. My nod tells her so.

  “Alicia had a message to keep the Devils out of it. But as far as I can see it, they’re your only hope.”

  “The threat was that they’d make her life miserable—distribute the film on social media.”

  Patsy shakes her head. “More likely it will be via some porn network, but who knows what twisted assholes would watch it.”

  “Then we’ll go to the police.” Yes, that’s what I should be doing.

  Patsy tilts her head in consideration. “They could go after him for statutory rape due to her age, but it’s the photographer that’s behind this, I’m sure of it. The man who did that to her was working for someone. Alicia was very specific his message was ‘they’, and that the Devils should steer clear of the man she modelled for.”

  “The boys will be having a meeting if I’m any judge. Why don’t you stay around until they’ve decided what they’re going to do?” Eva, approaching, asks. She leans in close. “Alicia is scared shitless of what you’re going to say. I know how kids and parents can butt heads when they’re alone. Why don’t you hang around here for a while? We can be a buffer for both of you.”

  Undecided, I leave the woman and go to my daughter. Sitting beside her, I don’t use words, I just hold out my arms. When she falls into them, I hug her close giving her the comfort only a mom can. When she sobs, I ignore her tears dampening my top, and just smooth her hair.

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I’m sorry.”

  I continue my stroking action, a tactile reassurance. She might have gone against everything I warned her to be careful of, might have lied as I’d never have let her go out last night if I’d known the truth, but it’s only disappointment that I feel, heavily tinged with my failings to keep my daughter safe. It’s her who’s hurt, and her who’ll have to carry the burden.

  Her tears slowly begin to dry. I try to tilt her head up so I can look into her face, but she turns away and won’t meet my eye.

  “Eva and I are going to get some dinner on for tonight. I like to make sure the guys have edible food at least once in a while.” Patsy winks at Eva, sharing a private joke. “Why don’t you and Alicia come down to help? Many hands make light work as they say.”

  I’m not sure about entering that crowded clubroom again.

  “I’ll check that the men are in church.” Eva seems to read my mind. She does so by sending a text and instantly getting a response. “Yeah. Tits says they’re in a meeting.”


  I open my mouth to query the strange name, when I hear a barely suppressed giggle from my side. In that moment, I realise anything that can make Alicia smile today is worthwhile, even though I’m not certain I want to meet a woman of that name. Mind you, I’m projecting it’s a woman at this point. I suppose it could be a big-chested man.

  Chapter Eighteen



  It seems that Salem has updated Lost as I hoped. After his shouted instruction, the prez is storming into the meeting room with his face as black as thunder. He might not have kids of his own, but has taken on two, admittedly older, already being in their twenties, who came with his old lady. Patsy’s daughter is expecting their first grandchild in three months’ time, and Lost couldn’t be prouder if it were going to be of his blood. We’ve all been subjected to the ultrasound picture. His regard for Connor has to be more tempered as the just turned twenty-three-year-old is our prospect now, and Prez can’t afford to show any favours. Point is, Lost may not have sired kids, but I’ve always suspected it was something he’d wanted though his path led down another route.

  As they enter, brothers move to their chairs fast, indicating it wasn’t only the prez Salem had updated.

  Lost kicks off the meeting without wasting time. “It will come as no surprise that the ride out today is cancelled.” He pauses, waiting for objections, but none come. I hadn’t expected any, club business comes first. I’ve made Alicia mine, and thereby, by extension theirs. “You all know why we’re here? Anyone need updating?”

  If Alicia were my daughter, would it upset me that everyone already knows what’s happened to her? Maybe I’d be embarrassed on her behalf, but the outcome would be the same. I need my brothers’ support to put her world, as far as it can be, back to rights. As no one looks puzzled or raises their hands to request more information, I’m pleased we don’t have to go back over the details. Hearing them was hard, explaining what had gone down to Mary worse. I don’t want to go through it again. I raise my chin to Salem who lifts then dips his jaw.

  “No blame attaches to her. The kid was duped by a man who turns out to be seven years’ older. A practised liar by the sounds of it.” Niran, having heard the story first-hand, puts up a defence in case anyone was still on the fence.

  “Is he working alone or with somebody?” Bones asks.

  “He must be working for Devon Starr,” Salem interjects. “It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  “Or, he’s working with him as a model, but the porno business is his own initiative,” Brakes states.

  “We need info. My suspicion is that this Owen fucker wasn’t working alone, but we need more to go on before discounting that he was.” Prez looks pointedly at Token.

  Token shrugs. “I got into the hotel’s database. A room for Owen L
eesom was reserved and paid for by a Brandon West. Either there’s a third man in play, or that’s Owen’s real handle, or maybe even Devon’s. I’m trying to track back on the credit card details, but those databases are tough to crack.”

  “Getting help on that, Brother?”

  Token nods at the VP. “Mouse has asked Cara to look into it, but her family is having political problems right now. They can’t afford an international incident. She’s hoping to get her activity cleared, but it might not be in time.”

  Cara’s a hacking expert but is married into a ruling Arab family. As such, her illegal activities have to be kept under the radar.

  Lost grimaces. “Finding Owen is one thing. As far as I can see, finding that video and destroying it comes top of the agenda. I know we all want our pound of flesh but stopping that before it starts circulating has to take priority. Grumbler’s kid does not deserve to have her reputation destroyed by one fuckin’ mistake.”

  “I’m just one fuckin’ man, Prez.” Token moans, putting his head in his hands.

  I feel for him and know he’s trying his best. It’s time that’s against him. I’ve no doubt in his abilities to track everything down, but can he do it fast enough, that’s the question.

  “I was coming to that.” Prez stares at him. “I think it’s time we called in reinforcements.”

  “The brothers who can get into Fort Knox?” I breathe out. As my eyes meet those of my prez, I know how much that will cost him. I’d rather we left it to the experts we know, Token, Mouse, Cad in Colorado and Keys from Vegas, but they haven’t got the computing power of Utah. My objections are that I don’t trust that chapter, but are they valid, and should they take priority over Alicia’s future?

  “I know I objected last time when it was helping us find one man, but this has escalated, and I think we should involve them.” Dart rubs at his nose. “They’ve got the ability. This isn’t passing off a task that we can do easily. We’re up against time on this one, and they’ve got more than one Token.”

  Prez nods. “My view is that we split the investigation. Token can concentrate on finding Owen and Devon. They’re local, and up to us to deal with. Alicia’s problem is a different issue. Once a video like that gets posted, it can go viral.”

  Reboot’s holding up his hand. “I might not be in Token’s league, but I know my way around a computer. If he wants help, I’ll work with him.”

  “If you can avoid switching everything on and off, I’d be grateful, Brother.”

  Bones sniffs loudly. “Any help you need dissecting the financials, send shit my way.”

  Token gives a chin lift toward the treasurer.

  “Soon as you’ve got a name and location, give it to me,” Salem growls.

  My eyes shoot a laser beam at him. He’s doing nothing without me, that’s for certain.

  Lost raps the table. “No need to waste time. Salem, you get a team together, ready to head out. It’s a case of when, not if, we find them. Leave no stone fuckin’ unturned, you got that?”

  “I’ll be with you.” They’re not leaving me out. The way Salem’s eyes go up and then down show my words were unnecessary.

  “First, I want you with me, Grumbler, when I put the call into Snatcher.” Prez’s words explain why he hadn’t immediately named me. “You can present a personal perspective that maybe I can’t.”

  “Going to bring Drummer in on the call?” Dart narrows his eyes. “I think he should know what we’re asking. He may be interested in Utah’s reaction and whether they’re going to play nice with another chapter.”

  Prez considers it, then nods. “Yeah, I already warned him we might need assistance. He’ll want to hear what Snatcher has to say. We can have a three-way.” Then his eyes narrow at the man who’s just laughed. “And you, Kink. We’ve got visitors in the clubroom, one who’s underage. You keep your fuckin’ pets out of sight, you hear me?”

  “Or suitably clothed,” I warn him. “And that doesn’t mean fuckin’ collars and leashes.”

  For an answer, Kink just winks at me. I hope he’ll keep everything PG.

  Salem waggles his hand. “We start lifting rocks, I’m not sure what we’ll find under them. I suggest we need the woman and the kid to stay on the compound. Just for a few days, until we find out what we’re dealing with. Alicia was told not to involve Grumbler, and thereby us. If they find out, they might want retribution.”

  “You really think they’d hurt them?” Deuce asks.

  “Could be,” Kink, now serious, answers. “The video may just have been to silence Alicia, but why? To cover up a scam to cheat models? That doesn’t make sense, it’s too elaborate. Our supposition the video will be used whatever they say is far more likely. And that brings more problems. The porn business is serious fuckin’ money. Alicia is not only a victim, but a key witness. Would they take the risk she might go to the cops? Someone might decide she’s better out of the way. Permanently.”

  Prez nods. “I’ve already given the heads-up to Patsy. She’ll be trying to persuade them to stay, and it might take your help, Grumbler, to get them to see sense. They can stay in my room, it’s bigger.” He waits for me to acknowledge his suggestion, then he bangs the gavel. “We know what we need to do. Find that motherfucker and erase those images. Grumbler? You’re with me. My office. Now.”

  I waste no time getting to my feet and following him to his office conveniently located next door. Once inside, he rounds the desk taking his normal seat, and I pull up a spare chair just as he places his phone in the middle of the desk. He taps at a few keys.

  “You got Drummer.”

  “Got a situation here, Drum. Need to ask a favour of Utah. Got an urgent situation to deal with and need their expert help. Thought you’d want to be aware.”

  Drummer doesn’t hesitate. It’s a sign of the regard in which he holds Lost. “Sounds urgent. Get Snatcher on the call. You don’t want to go over everything twice.”

  Lost is fast, clearly used to making multiple connections on his device while it would take me time, and probably a visit to Token to know what to do.

  The phone rings once, twice and then a couple more, and just when I think we’re going to need to call back, it’s answered.

  “Snatcher here.”

  “Snatch. Lost here. Drummer’s on the call too.”

  There’s a brief silence from the Utah end, followed by a cautious, “Yeah?”

  “I got a problem, Snatcher. Needs your expertise on it if you’ve got the time.”

  Snatcher sighs as if Lost’s call was what he was worried about all along—a frivolous request taking them away from the important work that they do. “We’re quite busy, but let me know what you need, and I’ll see what we can do.”

  Now I’m glad Lost got the mother chapter prez involved, when Drummer jumps in. “If this isn’t up your street, then I’ll see what Mouse can do.” His voice is decidedly chilly.

  “Mouse is already helping us, Drummer. He needs Cara’s help, but she’s not been given the go ahead.”

  A sigh from Snatcher comes down the line. “Give it to me.”

  Lost does. He leaves out the history about how I got involved, something I’m grateful for, but the gist of his summary involves a dodgy photographer, a model who’s older than he’s led people to believe, both with fake identities, and a film of an underage girl which has no business being distributed for perverts to watch.

  “Names that you know, aliases or not, that will do for a start.” Snatcher’s interest is obviously caught.

  Lost rattles off all that we know.

  “This something Utah can help with?” Drummer’s voice sounds tight. Even the headlines that Lost had given make hard hearing.

  “Yes,” Snatcher confirms fast. “Only thing that worries me is what rabbit hole we might be falling into. This isn’t something that’s started overnight. It sounds too practised to me. Might end up a full-on job for us, but if there’s an illegal porn trade going on, I promise you we’ll put a sto
p to it.” He thinks for a moment. “I’ll get Honor and Duty trying to track down your suspects, and Swift can start delving into where that video might have ended up.”

  “Token’s already trying to find Owen, or this Brandon, whatever his handle is.”

  “He’ll have to break into a credit card database. We can probably get the results faster. It’s our bread and butter, Lost.”

  I’d like to defend my brother, but I know Utah’s probably more skilled in this type of work.

  “Get your members to call Token to get an update on where he is. I’ll square it with him.” Lost sees the benefit as I do.

  I lean forward. “Need to get this video off the web before it starts circulating. I don’t want Alicia’s life ruined by one mistake.”

  Snatcher comes back quickly. “You get that hotel room checked out?”

  I go cold. It hadn’t occurred to me.

  I hear his sigh down the line. “Might mean Honor flying down there, but we’ll see if the room is still empty, and if it is, book it out for a few days so we can do our investigation. If it’s been let out, there’s probably not much point. The equipment will have been removed, but there might be clues we can trace. They could have gotten the video out via the hotel’s network.”

  This is why we needed the experts. Utah appears to think more like cops, whereas we’re men of action.

  “Honor would be welcome at the clubhouse,” Lost confirms.

  “Well, we’ll check the hotel records and see whether he can help. Grumbler?”

  “Yeah?” I answer Snatcher.

  “We’ll deal with the tape, but this might be the tip of the iceberg. You come across Owen or Devon before we do, don’t do anything too drastic. Break arms, legs, but nothing to stop them talking. Not until we’re satisfied we don’t know anything else. Then,” Snatcher pauses for effect, “after that, you can fuckin’ castrate them.”


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