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Brave and Bold; Or, The Fortunes of Robert Rushton

Page 12

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Though he had a weapon in his hand, many boys in Robert's situationwould have been unnerved. He was a mere boy, though strong of his age.Opposed to him was a tall, strong man, of desperate character, fullyresolved to carry out his dishonest purpose, and not likely to shrinkfrom violence, to which he was probably only too well accustomed. Fromthe old man he was not likely to obtain assistance, for already Paul'scourage had begun to dwindle, and he regarded his nephew with a scaredlook.

  "Lay down that gun, boy!" repeated Ben Haley. "I know you. You're theboy that rowed me across the river. You can row pretty well, but you'renot quite a match for me even at that."

  "This gun makes me even with you," said Robert, returning his lookunflinchingly.

  "Does it? Then all I can say is, that when you lose it you'll be in abad pickle. Lay it down instantly."

  "Then lay down the gold you have in your pockets," said our hero, stillpointing his gun at Haley.

  "Good boy! Brave boy!" said the old man, approvingly.

  "Look here, boy," said Haley, in quick, stern tones, "I've had enough ofthis nonsense. If you don't put down that gun in double quick time,you'll repent it. One word--yes or no!"

  "No," said Robert, resolutely.

  No sooner had he uttered the monosyllable than Haley sprang toward himwith the design of wresting the gun from him. But Robert had his fingerupon the trigger, and fired. The bullet entered the shoulder of theruffian, but in the excitement of the moment he only knew that he washit, but this incensed him. In spite of the wound he seized the musketand forcibly wrested it from our hero. He raised it in both hands andwould probably in his blind fury have killed him on the spot, but forthe sudden opening of the outer door, and entrance of a neighboringfarmer, who felt sufficiently intimate to enter without knocking. Thischanged Haley's intention. Feeling that the odds were against him, hesprang through the window, gun in hand, and ran with rapid stridestowards the river.

  "What's the matter?" demanded the new arrival, surveying the scenebefore him in astonishment.

  "He's gone off with my gold," exclaimed Paul Nichols, recovering fromhis stupefaction. "Run after him, catch him!"

  "Who is it?"

  "Ben Haley."

  "What, your nephew! I thought he was dead long ago."

  "I wish he had been," said Paul, wringing his hands. "He's taken all mymoney--I shall die in the poorhouse."

  "I can't understand how it all happened," said the neighbor, looking toRobert for an explanation. "Who fired the gun?"

  "I did," said our hero.

  "Did you hit him?"

  "I think so. I saw blood on his shirt. I must have hit him in theshoulder."

  "Don't stop to talk," said Paul, impatiently. "Go after him and get backthe gold."

  "We can't do much," said the neighbor, evidently not very anxious tocome into conflict with such a bold ruffian. "He has the gun with him."

  "What made you let him have it?" asked Paul.

  "I couldn't help it," said Robert. "But he can't fire it. It isunloaded, and I don't think he has any ammunition with him."

  "To be sure," said Paul, eagerly. "You see there's no danger. Go afterhim, both of you, He can't hurt ye."

  Somewhat reassured the neighbor followed Robert, who at once started inpursuit of the escaped burglar. He was still in sight, though he hadimproved the time consumed in the foregoing colloquy, and was alreadynear the river bank. On he sped, bent on making good his escape with themoney he had dishonestly acquired. One doubt was in his mind. Should hefind a boat? If not, the river would prove an insuperable obstacle, andhe would be compelled to turn and change the direction of his flight.Looking over his shoulder he saw Robert and the farmer on his track, andhe clutched his gun the more firmly.

  "They'd better not touch me," he said to himself. "If I can't fire thegun I can brain either or both with it."

  Thoughts of crossing the stream by swimming occurred to him. A sailor byprofession, he was an expert swimmer, and the river was not wide enoughto daunt him. But his pockets were filled with the gold he had stolen,and gold is well known to be the heaviest of all the metals. Butnevertheless he could not leave it behind since it was for this he hadincurred his present peril. In this uncertainty he reached the bank ofthe river, when to his surprise and joy his eye rested upon Robert'sboat.

  "The boy's boat!" he exclaimed, in exultation, "by all that's lucky! Iwill take the liberty of borrowing it without leave."

  He sprang in, and seizing one of the oars, pushed out into the stream,first drawing up the anchor. When Robert and his companion reached theshore he was already floating at a safe distance.

  "He's got my boat!" exclaimed our hero, in disappointment.

  "So he has!" ejaculated the other.

  "You're a little too late!" shouted Ben Haley, with a sneer. "Just carryback my compliments to the old fool yonder and tell him I left in toogreat a hurry to give him my note for the gold he kindly lent me. I'llattend to it when I get ready."

  He had hitherto sculled the boat. Now he took the other oar andcommenced rowing. But here the wound, of which he had at first beenscarcely conscious, began to be felt, and the first vigorous strokebrought a sharp twinge, besides increasing the flow of blood. Hisnatural ferocity was stimulated by his unpleasant discovery, and heshook his fist menacingly at Robert, from whom he had received thewound.

  "There's a reckoning coming betwixt you and me, young one!" he cried,"and it'll be a heavy one. Ben Haley don't forget that sort of debt. Thetime'll come when he'll pay it back with interest. It mayn't come foryears, but it'll come at last, you may be sure of that."

  Finding that he could not row on account of his wound, he rose to hisfeet, and sculled the boat across as well as he could with one hand.

  "I wish I had another boat," said Robert. "We could soon overtake him."

  "Better let him go," said the neighbor. "He was always a bad one, thatBen Haley. I couldn't begin to tell you all the bad things he did whenhe was a boy. He was a regular dare-devil. You must look out for him, orhe'll do you a mischief some time, to pay for that wound."

  "He brought it on himself," said Robert "I gave him warning."

  He went back to the farmhouse to tell Paul of his nephew's escape. Hewas brave and bold, but the malignant glance with which Ben Haleyuttered his menace, gave him a vague sense of discomfort.


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