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Voxx: Book Two in the Mastered by the Zinn Alien Abduction Romance Series

Page 9

by Alana Khan

  I glance down and see her looking up at me. Her eyelashes are spiked with water, her eyes are vivid blue, but the look on her face. The look on her face screams that there’s nowhere else she’d rather be. Nothing else she’d rather do in this moment. I release into her, with the joy of this knowledge.

  Although the water’s pelting down on her, doing its own job of rinsing me, she dips her head and licks my balls, cleaning me as I ordered her before.

  A pang of lust and desire and ownership travels through me with hot intensity. I watch as my cock hardens again, wanting more. More of her.

  I shouldn’t. I should give her a rest. I woke up this morning promising myself there would be nothing more than obligatory inoculation sex today. She needed to recuperate. Instead, here I am ready to impale her less than five minutes after her mouth gave me such bliss.

  I lift her up, turn off the water and as soon as we dry ourselves I order, “Bed. Ass position.”

  She runs to our bed and scrambles to get into position. “Higher!” I bark as I saunter in, fisting myself and enjoying her stance.

  “Are you going to tell me what you’re hiding?” I want to know every thought in her head. I don’t like her keeping things from me.

  “I’m not hiding anything, Sir. It’s no secret I like your purple cock.”

  A red-hot bolt of anger slices through me like a whirlwind. One moment I’m sane, and the next I experience an overwhelming urge to punish her. I’ve never met this part of myself before—an animal need to own, to possess, to control.

  “Were you a good girl, Victoria?” I bite out, all amusement has drained from my voice.

  “No, Sir.” Her voice is calm, she has no idea playtime is officially over.

  “What rules did you break?”

  “I told you what to do, Sir. I forgot you were the Commander and I’m the submissive. I didn’t answer one of your questions. I withheld from you. Forgive me,” she speaks confidently to the back wall as she maintains the perfect position.

  “Knees wider apart.” She complies. With alacrity. “What question did you evade?”

  “Why I was so desperate for your cock, Sir.”

  “You said that in the past tense. Were you desperate, or are you still desperate?”

  She has to know better than to lie. Her pink petals are perfectly open and exposed in this position. It will be hard for her to deny she’s dripping wet for me.

  “Still desperate, Sir.”

  “Ass higher in the air. Why?”


  I’ve given away so much of myself since I’ve been on board this ship. I’ve given away clothes and stability and any semblance of propriety. I’ve bowed to Voxx and sucked his cock and swallowed his sperm and truth be told I fucking loved it. I’m not proud of that. But it’s a fact.

  But admitting this? Admitting that I really like him? That would upset this insane, odd power imbalance in a way I’m not prepared for. I can’t do it. I just can’t. I can’t let him know I’m crazy about him.

  “I guess I’m just a horny female, Sir. Desperate for cock,” I inform him casually.

  The room is quiet. So fucking quiet. I feel the hum of the engines, it’s really not a sound, just a vibration. Other than that? Silence. I don’t hear him breathe, but I’m panting now. In fear.

  “You’ve created a monster, Sir.” I make a miserable joke, trying to lighten the mood, maybe avoid the punishment that must be coming. He’s never been so quiet for so long.

  He stalks out of the room. I want to believe he’s going to leave me here to think about my transgressions. Maybe he’s busy updating star charts. But that’s just wishful thinking. He’s walking up and down in front of the wall of pain. Right this minute he’s choosing which implement to use on me.

  I hate pain. Nothing about this interesting power exchange has altered that.

  He enters the room and slips a black cloth hood over my face. This is serious. Weren’t we just laughing and joking a few minutes ago? Didn’t I suck his cock in the shower showing him with my body what my mouth isn’t ready to tell him? How did things devolve to this in the span of a few minutes?

  My senses heighten as I listen for clues. I’m panting in fear, my eyes flared wide in the darkness. Icy terror slices along my veins. My hands are trembling. What is he going to do?

  “Scoot this way.” His voice has never been this harsh, this tough. There’s a tight fist clutching my heart.

  I move to the side of the bed, following the sound of his voice.

  “Ask for your punishment, Victoria. Tell me you need to learn how to follow the rules.”

  “I love following your rules, Sir. Teach me how to follow them better.” My voice is an octave higher than usual in sheer panic. Dear God, is keeping this secret worth it?

  He lifts me off the bed to stand on the floor, then I hear his weight dip onto the bed. He pulls me over his lap.

  Shit. He’s definitely going to hit me. I can’t avoid it. I had my chance, but I can’t admit my attraction to him. Maybe after whatever he’s going to do to me, I’ll be less attracted, therefore less at his mercy.


  I’m on his lap. My wise mind, what there is left of it, tells me he can’t be using an implement of destruction. This isn’t how you use a whip or a cane, right? Then I remember the assortment of paddles hanging on the wall. Yeah, this is going to hurt.

  He smacks my ass on one cheek with his hand.

  “One,” I squeal.

  Ouch. Despite the fact that one arm has me pressed to his thighs, I writhed to get away from the pain.

  My cheek stings. I want to beg him to stop, but I bite my bottom lip hard and breathe through my nose. Maybe I should say ‘red’.

  Why did I willfully disobey? But I have to keep some semblance of myself. I’m Tori Franklin and I’m allowed to have my own thoughts. I clamp my teeth together and wait for the next spank. I can do this.

  His big hand rubs my ass cheek. It soothes the burn a bit. Every muscle is still on high alert.

  He’s still caressing my ass, somehow relieving my pain. It’s been minutes since he struck me. Maybe this is part of his diabolical plan, just keep me on edge, waiting for the next blow all night long.

  I realize I’m crying. Upon this realization, I cry harder. Even though he’s the one who administered the pain, all I want is to be in his arms. And I haven’t even thought of him as a purple asshole once through the whole ordeal.

  I knew the rules. I broke them. I had choices, and this was the consequence.

  He lifts me up, scooches me over, lays me down, and slides next to me. He’s on his side, I’m lying on my front. I’m lying perfectly still, trying to follow his orders. He pulls the hood off my face and I feel the relief of the cool breeze on my face.

  I don’t know the protocol. Maybe I should apologize? Or thank him for training me?

  “I’m sorry, Sir. Thank you for—”



  What the fuck am I doing? My hand stings. I turn it over to see it’s a darker shade of purple than usual. If my hand hurts, what have I done to Victoria’s tender bottom?

  I was furious. I don’t know if I’ve ever experienced that level of rage. We were having fun. It was a perfect day with the female who’s consumed my daytime thoughts and my nighttime dreams for two years. And then she withheld from me and I went berserk.

  I thought I was a calm male. Nothing has ever incurred my anger to this extent . No, it wasn’t anger, it was betrayal. I believed she withheld to hurt me. My hurt sparked my fury.

  I rub her gently from shoulder blades to thighs, my hand trying to say what my mouth can’t. Dear Gods, why would I want to inflict pain on the female I love? I swear to all the Gods I will never touch my zara in anger again.

  Leaning over, I kiss her head. Lots of little kisses. Hundreds of them.

  “Victoria. I’m the Commander,” my voice is still tight—it probably scares her. I take a breath, exhale slo
wly through my lips, and order my voice to express my true regret.

  “Yes, Sir. Absolutely, Sir.”

  “Commanders command.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m going to say something that will never be mentioned again. Do you understand?”

  “Never mentioned again, Sir. I get it.”

  “I am telling you…”

  I pause. I have to get this right—for myself as much as for her. I take all the time I need to calm myself, erase the anger in my voice, and make certain the words come out perfect. My hand keeps caressing from her shoulders to her thighs, giving extra attention to the little cheek I just punished.

  “No…” I amend.

  More stroking, more kisses, now to her shoulders and neck.

  “No, zara, I’m vowing. I will never hurt you in anger again.”


  My eyes fly open, then slam closed. My big Zinn did not just say that, did he? My dad only spanked me four times when I was a kid, and I remember all of them like it was yesterday. After he finished the first time, he said “that hurt me more than it hurt you.” Even at the time, I thought it was a crock of shit. But what Voxx just said probably cost him his ‘man card’ on Zinn. He didn’t say those words lightly.

  I want to flip around and curl into his chest and apologize, but he ordered me not to move.

  “Voxx?” I whisper. “Sir? I’m sorry.”

  He keeps petting me but says nothing.

  “Sir? I’m begging now. Can I turn around and kiss you, Sir? I’m sorry. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. I’m so sorry. I fucked up.”

  He lies still for a while, then turns me toward him and nestles me onto his pec.

  “I don’t accept your apology because you have nothing to be sorry for. I’ve taken so much from you. I will leave you with your thoughts. They’re private. I have no right to them.”

  “But I want to tell you, Voxx. As soon as you can tolerate looking into my eyes, I’ll tell you,” I say with a sense of urgency.

  “It can wait. It’s been a long day. If you feel the same way tomorrow, you can tell me then.”

  I snuggle next to him. No, that’s not the right description. I burrow into him, as close as two people can get.

  Something is happening between us that is so unexpected, so spectacular, that I’m in awe. I think… we’re building a real relationship. The Dom/sub thing is just trappings. Odd, sexy accoutrements of the substantive thing that underpins it all.

  What just happened signals growth. He didn’t just talk like a commander. He spoke like a… lover. This isn’t how you treat your chattel. This is how you work things out with your mate. Could it be possible that I’m falling in love?

  For a second I thought the warm feeling in my chest was a response to the ‘L’ word, but it didn’t take long for me to realize that it’s happening again.


  Burning fire races along my veins. The pain is immediate and all-consuming.


  He has to know from my tone what’s happening.

  A deep groan rips from my throat. This is worse than last time. It’s faster and hotter and my head feels… mushy. My thoughts are swimming and I can’t think of… words.

  “Zara!” the man shouts. Who’s this man? Who’s zara? Am I in a Star Trek dream?

  My eyes are so hot they feel like they’ll catch fire and bubble out of my head. It’s everything I can do to keep from scratching at them.

  On the outskirts of my thoughts, I notice the lights are on and the man is fisting his cock. Does he know he’s purple? I’ll think of his name in a minute. Just give me a moment to think.

  I’m not sure why the big, purple guy would choose this moment to fuck me. He has to know I’m in pain.

  “Victoria, I’ll fix this.” How does he know my name?

  I don’t think I can bear the pain. Placing my palms on my cheeks, I check to see if my skin is bubbling.

  “Kill me,” I plead. He’s raping me, maybe he’ll finish me off. That would be nice.


  By the time I release inside her, she’s passed out. I think my sperm is helping because at first she was moaning in pain even though she’d lost consciousness. At least now she’s not whimpering.

  I am a purple asshole. What was I thinking, punishing her like that? Why would I punish the female I love? And for not telling me her deepest thoughts? I have no right to her thoughts. And she’s so sick. Why would I discipline her when she’s been through so much?

  I need to jettison everything I learned in any book out the garbage chute. My relationship with Victoria is ours and ours alone. This beautiful female doesn’t need punishment, she needs tutelage under my loving care.

  I stroke her forehead. She was burning up a minute ago, but she’s chilled now. I wrap her in the blanket and carry her to the bridge, settling her onto my lap.

  I’m only a few hours from Zinn. It’s not against the Interstellar Compact to take her there. She’ll still be able to make a choice on Choosing Day. In the meantime, she needs immediate medical attention on my planet.

  The last two times she had a reaction, she stayed conscious, she was just tired and needed to sleep. Now, though, she’s blacked out and unresponsive. I clutch her more tightly, worrying if she’ll wake up.

  “Dr. Plenn says the antidote is almost ready. We’ll be there soon,” I whisper to her even though she can’t hear a word I say.

  Day Nine


  I believed my guilt was all-consuming last night after I spanked her. I know some Dominants do this, but it’s not for me. I’m a Dominant, not a sadist. She said she doesn’t like pain, her statement should have been enough.

  But the guilt I felt last night is nothing compared to what I feel right now. She’s been comatose for hours. I tried inoculating her again, which did nothing other than make me feel like a sex pervert. On Earth, they call it necrophilia when someone has sex with a corpse. That’s how it felt ejaculating into my precious zara’s unconscious body.

  All I wanted was what my parents had—the love, the connection. Now, look at what I’ve done.


  Dr. Plenn is a serious male who has a perpetual frown. Although he looks old enough for retirement, he inspires confidence with his novel ideas about her treatment. He told me he’s been fascinated by the Zinn Rejection Syndrome for years and has done research in his spare time. I wondered how he came up with this theory on such short notice.

  Within two hours, Victoria’s been infused with a complex compound derived from the distilled DNA of all twelve Zinn founding families. Plenn theorizes that some latent qualities of my genes may have caused the problem and that other more potent strains of Zinnian DNA might be better suited to inoculate.

  After injecting her with the genetic material, he places her in a chryso-chamber so the different oxygen ratio on Zinn doesn’t negatively affect her healing. In addition to the slightly different oxygen to nitrogen ratio in this room, she’ll be kept isolated from any stray pathogens. She doesn’t have the strength to fight off exposure to even the most benign microorganisms.

  I elect to stay with her in this ten by ten room. It has metal walls on three sides, the fourth wall is glass so the subject can be monitored at all times. There’s a small private restroom adjacent to the main room. The air pressure here should be perfectly suited to Victoria. It’s the same as what I provided on the Drayant.

  The staff roll in an extra bed for me. I push it next to Victoria’s bed so I can be right here if something happens. Now that we’re locked in, the staff will have to enter through an airlock, which will take precious minutes if anything goes awry.

  There’s nothing to do but wait. Dr. Plenn says he has no idea how long it will take. No one is mentioning that this treatment is an experimental longshot and she might die.

  She’s attached to several monitors, and there’s a constant readout over her bed as well as at the nurse’s sta
tion. For all I know, the doctor might have injected her with something that might make her worse. If she has another episode, I don’t know how she could survive it.

  “Voxx,” Dr. Plenn’s voice interrupts over a comm. “Her temperature’s better. Her coloring has changed. Does it look more like it did when she was healthy?”


  “These are good signs, although I don’t want to get your hopes up.”


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