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Evidence of Love

Page 17

by Elisabeth Rose

  ‘I sure will.’

  ‘Make sure you do, darling. Now you take good care of yourself.’

  Brooke was enveloped in a hug and then passed to Lara for the same. She leaned into the car and kissed Petey goodbye.

  ‘Bye-bye, Booke.’ He waved both hands to her as she backed out and straightened.

  ‘Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.’ Her chin lifted. ‘Jasmine from work and I are going to take self-defence classes. She’s been really great since I went back to the café.’

  ‘Do you think she’s okay?’ asked Ellie on the way home. ‘She could have stayed with me if you didn’t want her there anymore.’

  ‘It wasn’t that, Ellie. Gosh! I didn’t throw her out.’ A pang of guilt hit Lara square between the eyes. ‘If she panics she can always come back.’

  ‘I suppose so. Just fancy — you were worried about taking her in and now look, she’s your best friend.’

  Lara slid Ellie a sidelong, smiling glance. ‘Apart from you.’

  ‘Hah! I told you that you needed friends your own age.’

  ‘She loves Petey.’ She screwed around to smile at him in his seat. He was looking out the window burbling and singing to himself.

  ‘You’ll miss her.’

  ‘We will but I’m going to start art classes next week and Brooke will mind Petey for me. We’ll keep in touch.’

  ‘Art classes. Where? I didn’t know you painted.’ Ellie glared at Lara. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

  ‘I’ve never told anyone until recently. Keep your eyes on the road.’ Lara grinned. ‘A gallery in Leichhardt runs classes. I’ve always liked drawing but I’ve never done anything structured. Not since school. Brooke saw my drawings by accident and really liked them. So did Nick.’

  ‘Nick, the policeman?’ Ellie’s pencilled eyebrows rose till they disappeared under the bouffant blonde hair. ‘What has been going on next door?’

  If only she knew what had gone on last Wednesday night! And the phone calls since because Nick hadn’t had time to get away from work owing to a violent robbery and bashing at a liquor store. She’d have to get used to that — odd hours, broken dates, last minute call-outs. Not that it had been much different married to Tony. He did what he wanted when he wanted and rarely bothered to keep her informed unless he required her involvement somehow.

  The difference, marvellous and incredible this time, was Nick loved her and didn’t pretend otherwise. Claimed he’d fallen for her at first sight. Even when she was prickly, suspicious and downright rude.

  ‘What are you smiling at?’ demanded Ellie. ‘I know that look.’

  ‘What look?’ Were her cheeks red? Probably. But it was a warm day, that could explain an overheated face.

  ‘The look of love,’ warbled Ellie in a high soprano.

  ‘Even if I knew that song I’d never recognise it,’ said Lara but she smiled because she couldn’t help it. And she didn’t deny the charge.

  Ellie continued singing at the top of her cracked voice with Petey laughing and singing along in the back and Lara glowing with heat and love in the front.


  Lara’s extraordinary revelation preyed on Nick’s mind for the next few days but he had no time to follow up, what with criminals running amok. His immediate boss — deceptively jovial-looking but in reality cranky — moonfaced Tom Jervis began asking searching question to do with still open cases. Usually he kept out of their way in his office, letting the team get on with it while he worked on career maintenance and enhancement but now he was on the prowl. Pressure from above must have been applied. Not enough results.

  He materialised in front of Nick’s desk wearing a scowl which made him look like a bad-tempered Humpty Dumpty.

  ‘Where are you with the home invasion case, Nick?’

  ‘We’re following up some leads but it’s slow going. No-one wants to talk.’

  ‘I want a result and I want it yesterday. If people won’t talk, make them.’

  ‘We’re on it, sir. There could be a link with Melbourne gangs.’ Was he suggesting they use similar techniques to that used on the family of the victims?

  The scowl deepened. ‘That’s all we need. What about this new thing, the bottle shop?’

  ‘We have some very strong leads there. Marie and Rob are out on it at the moment. Got some good prints and good descriptions from two separate witnesses.’

  ‘Hmmph. Keep me up to date on it, Nick. I feel you’re keeping me out of the loop and I don’t like it. I want to know everything that happens.’

  ‘I’ll call you when Marie and Rob come in, sir.’

  ‘You do that.’

  ‘We could do with another detective,’ said Nick without much hope. He periodically asked for more staff and always received the same response.

  ‘No money.’

  Jervis spun about and strode in the direction of his office. Nick sighed. That’s all they needed, time wasted filling him in on stuff he had no need to know just so he could pretend to be on top of things. If Jervis really wanted to be useful he could lobby his high-powered mates for more people on the ground or he could get off his fat bum and help the ones who actually did the work. As it was he, Marie and Rob worked nonsensical hours. Crippling for anyone with a family. Or for someone with a new love in their life.

  He still couldn’t believe what had happened on Wednesday night. Even now, on Friday, he had trouble coming to terms with the fact Lara felt the same way he did. Not that she had said so, but a girl like Lara didn’t allow a man to kiss her the way he had without feeling strongly herself. She’d been so hurt and so humiliated in the past it was an extraordinary step for her to take and one he knew should be treasured. Honoured, he was honoured to be not only the man she trusted but the policeman she trusted.

  Now it was damned frustrating not to be able to see her. Phone calls were a pale substitute for holding her in his arms and kissing her even though her voice was nectar to his soul. She’d endured such a horrible marriage — even thinking about it raised his blood pressure to the point where he thought his heart might burst from the rage. Pointless of course, because she was free now, the monster was dead and she’d come though strong and independent.

  But what about that other man? First name Cam, middle name Bastard, last name Rogers. That’s all she knew about him. What sort of man, undercover cop or not, uses a vulnerable, highly susceptible young woman to get at her husband? He must have known she was a victim of spousal abuse and known the consequences for her if the relationship was discovered. Known and didn’t care? Surely he must’ve also discovered quite swiftly Lara, or Maja as she was then, knew nothing? He’d justify his actions to himself as the ends justifies the means. He’d assume she was as tainted as the rest of them.

  But for Lara to turn away and profess not to care about his fate sent an uneasy chill through Nick’s body. The man could be dead. Was she so ruthless and callous, vengeful even, or was this still her in self-preservation mode? A vestige of her years of living in fear and subsequent betrayal by a man she loved and trusted. He suspected the latter because if it was the former his heart had no defence.


  That evening when the phone rang Lara ran to pick up, expecting to hear Nick’s voice.


  ‘Hello, Maja.’ The way he said her name was like a punch to the stomach, dragging her straight back to the horrors of that other life. But Tony was dead. This voice was familiar but she couldn’t identify it. ‘Who is this?’

  ‘Surely you remember me, Maja, your old friend Lucas?’

  ‘Lucas? I thought…’ Thought he was dead. Hoped he was dead or at least gone from her world completely. The third of Tony’s bodyguards, the one who’d disappeared after the Petrovic empire crumbled. Quiet, watchful, with hard grey eyes, shaved head and a cruel thin-lipped mouth.

  ‘Thought I was dead?’ He laughed. That, she remembered — a high-pitched cackle almost a giggle. ‘No, no. I’m very much alive. I’ve been rein
carnated. Mackenzie is my name now, Jason Mackenzie.’

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘Just a friendly call, Maja. Old friends should keep in touch, don’t you think?’

  ‘I don’t remember us ever being friends.’

  ‘I understand that your new friend is a policeman. Fancy that. Tony must be spinning in his grave.’ Another laugh, this time humourless.

  ‘What do you want?’ Her lip curled, her hand gripped the phone so tightly her fingers ached. She wanted to hang up on him but didn’t dare. He was trained by Tony and no-one hung up on Tony. She was trained by Tony. The tentacles reached beyond the grave.

  ‘Just a friendly hello, Maja.’

  How did he get this number? Branko! The rotten little worm. Of course. The same way Ivan had. Someone would have had a friendly little chat to Brooke, dropping in to the café for coffee with the ‘we have a mutual friend’ line. They’d have used a woman for that.

  ‘My name is Lara.’

  ‘I know and I also know how much you love your son. Peter, isn’t it?’

  Lara’s lungs seized.

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘You did very well out of Tony’s death, didn’t you? All that property he put in your name, the bank accounts...’

  Lara sucked in a short sharp breath. How did he know about bank accounts? Did he know about all of them?

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘You know perfectly well what I’m talking about.’ Long-suffering and bored. ‘How much do you have now? Five million? Ten? You can’t have blown the lot already. Does your friend know where your money comes from? I’m sure if he did you wouldn’t be friends for long. Would he visit you in prison, do you think?’

  ‘There’s nowhere near that much money. Why would I go to prison?’ My God! If he knew all that did he know about her back-up, her ace in the hole if everything turned completely to mud? The money that was Petey’s. Set up for him by a doting first-time father.

  ‘That money is tainted, the fruits of crime, you know that.’

  ‘Those accounts are in my name, same as the property was,’ she growled.

  ‘You’re splitting hairs.’

  ‘It was all legally earned money from Tony’s legitimate businesses.’

  ‘Is that what he said?’

  ‘Yes he did.’

  ‘Why would Tony sign his legally obtained money over to you?’

  ‘He did and when he died that money was investigated and cleared. So was I.’

  Her grip on the phone relaxed. Lucas was fishing. He was trying to frighten her and gain some sort of leverage but he wasn’t as smart as Tony, nowhere near it.

  Lucas said, ‘Have a nice weekend, Lara.’

  The click sounded in her ear and adrenalin flooded her body. She threw the receiver down and ran for Petey’s bedroom, gasping and sobbing as terror clawed at her. Her baby. Was he safe? She had to protect him.

  At his door she stopped, breathing hard. The night-light glowed softly and he slept, darling face pressed into the pillow, one arm flung over his head. She tiptoed across and laid her cheek against his, while thoughts charged like mad elephants through her head.

  Petey stirred and she straightened, dropped a kiss on the smooth skin and stood staring down at him. How could she protect him? Run? Lucas would have that covered. Someone would be watching the house. That someone was probably the intruder Brooke had seen that day. If Lucas thought there were free millions at stake he’d do anything to get his filthy hands on it. And if he knew about that other account…her brain froze. What could she do?

  That money was Petey’s. Tony had set it up for him and no way was she letting that scum rob him of his inheritance. She’d paid in blood and pain and tears for the treasure that was her son and the money was his due.

  But what could she do? Tell Nick? But tell him what? Lucas hadn’t said anything in particular. And did he actually know where she lived? She’d made that assumption in her fear but would Brooke tell anyone after her recent frights? Was she panicking for no good reason? Maybe Lucas didn’t know much at all but was doing what he did best — frighten people. Tony always said frightened people were useful to him and he never knew when someone would come in handy.

  She locked Petey’s window then went to the front and back doors and slid the chains on.

  The phone rang, startling her. Nick? She drew in several deep, steadying breaths and went to answer.

  ‘Hello Lara, it’s Susanna, Ivan’s wife.’

  ‘Susanna!’ Blank, her mind went completely blank, but Susanna was going on about Sunday lunch.

  ‘I know it’s short notice but is there any chance you’re free? Bring Brooke along, of course.’ Her voice was all eager innocence.

  A floodtide of questions surged through Lara’s head.

  Was Ivan involved with Lucas? If he was, Susanna had no idea, she was positive.

  Was it through Ivan rather than Brooke that Lucas had her phone number? Did he know Lucas had just phoned? What was this invitation really about? A way to get at Petey? If she took Petey to Ivan’s would it be walking into the spider’s web?

  ‘Lara? Are you there?’

  ‘Sorry — Brooke isn’t staying with me anymore. She’s gone home. She wants her life back.’

  ‘Oh. Was she ready to go home?’

  ‘She thought so.’

  ‘But you can still invite her. Ivan’s taken quite an interest in her well-being since he spoke to her that time and discovered you were taking care of her. He has a very protective streak. That prowler you mentioned worried him.’

  ‘He doesn’t need to be concerned. Brooke’s very determined.’ And now she had another insight into where that prowler might have come from. Did Ivan? Was this an elaborate charade for Susanna’s benefit?

  ‘That’s good. So can we expect you and your little boy? I’m dying to meet him.’

  Lara bit at her lower lip as she considered.

  On the surface Susanna was being friendly and trying to create a family from the remnants she had at her disposal. Some people were like that. Kind and guileless. And others weren’t. Was Ivan behind this, using his new wife as a front the way Tony had used her on occasion? Something attractive to deflect attention from what was really going on? Window dressing?

  But Susanna was a smart woman and the gut feeling she’d got from their first meeting was of an equal partnership. Ivan said things she’d never heard him say before. He even looked different. Could she trust him? Should she take this invitation at face value? Would he use Susanna that way and would he really put his nephew’s life at stake?

  She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she ploughed through the minefield. What if Ivan was completely unaware of Lucas’s machinations and wanted to start afresh? What if this call was as innocent as it sounded?

  They were Petey’s relatives too, she mustn’t forget that. Cutting him off from his aunt and uncle and possible future cousins might not be such a good thing. At the moment the only relative he had was his mother and if something happened…if she did get knocked off her bike by a bus...

  ‘All right. Thanks, Susanna. Can I bring something?’

  ‘Just yourselves. Ivan’s doing a barbecue so it’s all very simple.’ She sounded so excited and pleased they were coming, guilt for doubting her gave Lara a momentary spasm.

  But Ivan was far from innocent. He might not have served time like their brothers, but that was a technicality. Morally he was as corrupt as any of them — he was just smarter and he had a business degree to prove it. But why would he involve Lucas in something like this? It was unnecessary. If he knew about that account, which was quite possible, considering Ivan was his business advisor he could have acted on it already. Maybe he wasn’t involved, in which case he could be an ally.

  She said goodbye to Susanna and went to the kitchen. She wouldn’t let Petey out of her sight. They’d take a taxi and she’d tell Nick where she was going. He’d be angry but that couldn’t be help

  If Ivan had a protective streak the way Susanna maintained, he’d kept it well hidden, but that streak could now belatedly be applied to her.

  Chapter 15

  Nick turned up unannounced on Saturday afternoon. Lara and Petey were weeding the new garden bed and he came down the driveway to the backyard as he’d done that first time when she’d been annoyed by the intrusion and suspicious of his motives. Petey dropped his small spade and ran to greet him at the gate.

  ‘Hello, Nick. I’m digging again.’

  ‘Hello, Petey. Helping Mummy. That’s good.’

  ‘We’re digging weeds.’

  ‘You don’t want weeds in the vegetable patch.’

  ‘No. Come and watch me, Nick.’

  Lara straightened and rubbed her lower back then ran a hand across her brow. Hot and getting hotter as the afternoon wore on. Summer had arrived. She smiled at the two people she loved most coming across the grass towards her; one chattering nonstop, the other with his eyes fixed on her and a smile creasing his mouth.

  Her heart did a high-speed pitter-patter at the memory of Lucas’ call, before settling into a steady rhythm again. She’d play it cool with Nick. Not let on anything was wrong. She’d had enough practice at that.

  ‘Hope you don’t mind me just dropping in on you,’ he said and leaned down to brush her lips with his.

  ‘Not if you’ve come to work.’ She resisted the urge to follow up with something far more passionate, eyed his jeans and T-shirt then met his soft gaze. ‘Looks like you have.’

  ‘Tell me what you want me to do.’

  ‘You have to dig up the weeds,’ piped up Petey. ‘Like us.’

  ‘You’d better show me, mate.’ Nick grinned at Lara then turned his attention to Petey.

  ‘You have to only dig weeds not vegables,’ Petey said. He squatted down and pointed to a clump of parsley. ‘That’s a vegable.’

  ‘Okay.’ Nick studied their patch of garden. ‘Looking good.’

  ‘I know, I’m so impressed. I didn’t think anything would grow but it has.’ That was the truth. She’d never tried to grow anything before and here before her was a thriving patch of little green plants, some grown from seeds, others from seedlings, all expanding and growing bigger by the day. She’d already harvested and eaten some of the parsley and the lettuces were close to ready.


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