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Branded (An Otherworlders Series Novel Book 1)

Page 25

by Lena Moore

  Draven knew the exact moment his best friend was defeated. His posture went slack and slightly hunched over. He nodded once, his face shadowed by his scruffy hair.

  This plan wasn’t foolproof, but it was all they had. Aliyah’s parents would only be a bargaining chip for so long before Gorgon was fed up. When that happened, her parents would be just as disposable as Aliyah to that fucking demon.

  Jadis broke the tension that encompassed them. “Aliyah, I need your blood.”

  “Huh? Why?”

  “Because if you are truly related to him then your blood is the key. I can use it to track him.”

  Aliyah’s gaze flickered to Draven’s as if seeking permission. “Do it. The sooner we get John and Jill back the better.”

  They spent the better part of the day forming a strategy and some contingency plans to keep Aliyah safe once they found where her parents were hidden. The spell Jadis alluded to only lasted fifteen minutes. It would be abrupt, aggressive and messy. They all knew that now.

  Draven watched, intrigued by how the women’s blood mingled together in the small copper bowl. The crimson liquids mixed with each other and the other ingredients, most of which he was unsure what they were. Jadis’s eyes glazed over while she hummed a mantra of some kind, and then her forest greens came back. She knew where they were. Jadis and Aliyah had tracked down where Gorgon was hiding out.

  The demon was holed up in a small warehouse close to Lafayette Cemetery. Gorgon was right under their nose, as if goading them.

  Draven felt the angst and apprehension crepitating around them. Everyone in the room had something to lose, someone to lose.

  Aliyah and Draven needed to feed before they went in with all guns blazing. He wanted to dig himself underneath her skin and stay there. That wasn’t going to happen, not tonight.

  Draven and Aliyah head back to his place to quell their blood lust. He needed to taste her; he needed to feel her body flush against his; he needed to know this was real—that they were real and would make it through this alive.

  It was nearing crunch time for them to leave and begin this treacherous journey into the unknown. He wanted more time. He wanted to tie her up, spank her, eat her perfect little mound until she was shuddering and begging him to stop. However, time wasn’t on their side.

  Once Draven closed the door, he pushed Aliyah against the wall. The buttons on her jeans popped and flew around as he tore them from her legs. Their lips fused in a demanding, heated kiss that did nothing to subdue his hunger for her. His stubble chafed her lips but she opened up for him. She needed him as much as he needed her.

  Draven lifted Aliyah up. Her legs wrapped around his torso as he deepened the kiss. He reached down unbuttoning his jeans before slamming into her in one quick succession. Aliyah gasped from the sudden invasion even though she was more than ready to accommodate his throbbing cock.

  They moved in unison, fucking each other like it may be the last time. No. Draven refused to think like that. He had her here with him. The Goddess wouldn’t be so malicious to take her away from him so soon. He had to believe that.

  She moaned, grinding into him, her pussy cinching around his thick length, drawing him closer to climax like a compulsion.

  “Feed!” His voice left his throat in a guttural groan.

  Aliyah looked at him, lust enveloping those violet hues as her canines came down quickly.

  Eyes penetrating each other’s, their bodies slapped together. Sweat trickled between them, the momentum only increasing.

  Breathless, Aliyah said, “Feed with me, please. I need to feel your teeth sink deep within my skin. I need to feel you. Don’t you see what you’ve done to me, Draven? You’ve ruined me. I am irrefutably yours. Now and forever.” She moved his dreadlocks from the small of his clavicle and submerged her canines into his flesh.

  “Fuck, Aliyah.” Then he mirrored what she’d done, taking his fill.

  The room was heady and smelled of sex. Their combined arousals and scents permeated the air, the familiar current flowing through them as her sweet nectar nourished him. Dark chocolate, wine, and vanilla popped onto his tongue with a hint of whiskey. He lapped up every last drop, feeling Aliyah clamp down on his cock.

  Draven was on the precipice of orgasm and he sensed Aliyah was too. His thrusts were more violent than before as he sucked on her neck. She screamed into his neck and a gurgling sound resonated around the room because of the blood in her mouth. That’s what tipped him over the edge. He growled out his climax, knowing that he was the one who provided her the sustenance to live. His blood would replenish her and provide her with vigour.

  He owned her mind, body and soul. Nothing would stand in their way. They would conquer the darkness within themselves. They would be one.

  Draven’s legs were shaking as Aliyah unwrapped hers from around his waist and slid down the wall to her feet. Her eyes remained trained on his pair. Blood still pooled in the corner of her mouth. Her violet hues slid down until they fixated on his mouth.

  Tentatively, she raised up on tippy toes and licked the blood off his lips. He shuddered, opening his mouth to her. Aliyah slipped her tongue inside, slowly exploring every inch of him. The kiss was hot as fuck. Promising, yet laced with worry and anxiety. Draven felt it, too. It hung thick in the air like the sex they’d just had.

  He pulled back from the kiss. “Baby, we are going to make it through this. We are going to be ok.”

  “But what if we don’t? What if…” She didn’t finish her sentence. Thick tears cascaded down her face.

  Draven was choking up and knew exactly what she was feeling because he felt it too. Worry gnawed at him and he wished more than anything they could stop Gorgon without stepping a foot out of their private sanctuary. But that was impossible. He was dreaming a wish that would never be fulfilled.

  “We will get your parents back, one way or another. Then we will work out what we need to do with the rest of the bullshit circling us. The goddess said we are stronger together, and I have to believe that she wouldn’t bring us together only to tear us apart. I have faith, Snowflake. Trust me like I trust you. We can do this.”

  Draven wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb, waiting for her reply.

  “I do trust you. I–I just can’t lose you. Even though you believe you’re the darkness, you’re the only light in me. I won’t survive if anything happens to you, Draven.”

  Melancholy bled heavily through the room. “I’m not going anywhere. Come on, we need to get this night over with. Quick shower then we walk to Jadis’s,” he said reluctantly.

  “I need you to promise me something. I need you to promise if something happens to me, you won’t stop living. You won’t allow the darkness and anger to swallow you, resenting everyone who breathes. I will love you even in death, Draven, you will always be my forever after,” Aliyah finished on a sob.

  How could she even say something as disastrous as that? He couldn’t promise her something that he would never adhere to. Instead, he picked her up, her legs circling him once more as he kissed her hard while walking to the bathroom.

  Draven had no idea what they were stepping into. For all he knew it was a trap. Hell, it more than likely was. But there was one thing he knew for certain, he would give up his life in the blink of an eye knowing she would be safe. Fuck the fact he would end up exactly where he had vanquished his mother before her return. Draven would go willingly, subjugating to Neferity if need be, just to know Aliyah wouldn’t be harmed. He would enter the gates of purgatory a happy Otherworlder.

  However, for them to ever accomplish sending Aliyah to purgatory they would need a gold laced diamond dagger, and Draven didn’t believe they had one. Sure a diamond dagger would cause some discomfort, the healing process taking longer than any normal wound, but he wouldn’t worry about that now. As far as he knew he was the only one to possess a gold-laced, diamond dagger infused with ancient magic in this realm.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

Draven ~

  Nightfall fell. Anxiety permeated the narrow tunnels as they made their way to the Quarter. All five of them were wrapped in black clothes from head to toe, including Dany, because he insisted on going with them regardless of being a mortal. Draven didn’t think it was a good idea but Jadis cloaked him, assuring everyone that he would go unnoticed. That did little to assuage Aliyah. Her fear was palpable whilst they stalked the tunnels.

  Before reaching the surface, he handed each of them a diamond dagger, keeping the gold laced one attached to his waistband for himself. He quickly explained how to use it and where to strike.

  Aliyah looked at the blade with something that resembled awe. “So pretty,” she said more to herself than anyone else.

  Hitting the streets, it was crowded as usual. An unfamiliar vibe hung eerily in the air, though. The energy wrapped him up in a ball of anxiety.

  They stopped to grab something quick for Dany and Dolph to eat before making their way to the cemetery in Draven’s car. He parked the 57 two minutes away from the cemetery where Gorgon was holed up, and they approached the rest of the way on foot.

  Aliyah didn’t release her hold on Draven as they trenched their way toward the unknown, toward the formidable. He stroked the inner part of her palm with his deft fingers, sending a reassuring vibe to her. Well, that’s what he was aiming for even though he felt more strung out than a junkie searching for their next hit.

  Draven laughed on the inside. He’d been on that side of the fence, been the junkie craving the next fix. The only difference was his wasn’t in powder form. It was in the form of a thick vermilion liquid—blood. He shivered and pushed the memories aside. Now was not the time to think of that bullshit. None of them knew what they were stepping into.

  Approaching the warehouse, Draven signalled for them to wait. He wanted to scout the perimeter before heading in fangs blazing. The timing was crucial, especially since the magic would only protect Aliyah for fifteen minutes.

  Draven sent a silent prayer to the Goddess hoping she’d hear it. Minutes ticked past as he lurked in the shadows mapping out their best vantage point.

  The air shifted around him and a strange hum sung in the atmosphere. His body turned rigid when he turned to face one of the oldest ghosts from his past. Her hair was as dark as night, her red eyes rimmed in black and amethyst speckles. He’d know that face anywhere. Efah, his mother.

  The only way Draven could describe what he saw was she looked more like a mirage than actually standing in front of him. The image was watery and fluctuating, as he stood rooted to the ground unable to move.

  Am I imaging this? The fuck is going on?

  “Of course they know we’re here. Isn’t that what you wanted, Gorgon?”

  “Don’t act superior with me, Efah. Do you know where they are? Do they have Aliyah?”

  “I don’t know where they are, but they won’t be far. My sources notified me of Jadis’s presence in the Quarter.”

  “That means absolutely nothing! Maybe the witch needed something from her store.”

  “No. I know my son. If Jadis has blown her cover, there is a reason for it. After all, she is the most powerful witch I know. The high witch of New Orleans mean nothing to you?”

  Gorgon growled, “Such a petulant little vamp-demon, aren’t you. Ready the demons. We can’t risk a surprise attack.”

  Their words disappeared when Draven fazed back into his body. The vision, or whatever it was, must have been caused by the latest gift Kaltemis had bestowed upon him and Aliyah. How else would he have managed to witness their conversation while having no control over what was happening in that moment. Or not being seen.

  The demon Melantha wasn’t lying: Efah was definitely here. The familiar black tendrils were making their entrance, slowly creeping in to blanket him with their cruelty. He wouldn’t capitulate, not yet.

  Draven knew he needed to maintain his level of awareness and control since he wasn’t sure if he would be able to pull himself out of the abyss that was his darkness.

  His feet were moving before he even registered it. They needed to act now before more demons were summoned from the pit of purgatory.

  Draven’s vamp speed had him standing in front of the others in seconds.

  “Woah! You scared me, asshole.” Aliyah held her hands over her chest like her heart was about to jump out.

  “Sorry baby. They know we’re here. Well, not here, but they think we’re on our way.”

  “What do you mean? How would you know that?” Jadis intercepted.

  “The Goddess’s gift. I don’t know how it happened. One minute I was standing surveying the area and the next thing Efah was standing in front of me. She didn’t sense me like Gorgon sensed Aliyah, though. Efah was conversing with him. They know you’re involved, Jadis,” he rushed on.

  Draven stopped to take a breath and looked around at the stricken faces circling him. He didn’t think any of them were scared of the fight. It looked like what frightened them all was the possibility of losing someone they loved if things went wrong.

  Aliyah demanded that Dany stay hidden in the bushes closer to the car because he was mortal. Draven handed him his keys, reluctantly, urging him to leave if they weren’t back in half an hour. He saw the hesitation in Dany’s eyes, but to his credit, he didn’t argue. He did however turn around and wrap Jadis in his arms and kiss her longingly before leaving. Dolph’s demeanour was hard as armour. Draven sensed the man hated that about Dany, the way he could show Jadis his true emotions. Although Dolph seemed to like him enough not to kill him, which Draven thought was ironic.

  The four of them hashed out their plan. Jadis would cast the spell and Aliyah would walk over the threshold toward the warehouse. She was certain their scents were masked so they could go in undetected, allowing them the freedom to search for her parents. Aliyah, however, would not be masked. That’s what would draw them out—she was the bait.

  In all honesty, Draven despised the plan. There was no other way to do this, though, and he needed to try and rescue her parents before it was too late. For Aliyah.

  Jadis slashed into the palm of her hand as an offering to the elders, as a simple act of gratitude for providing her with the spell and for allowing her to lean on them to harness more magic from their ancient souls.

  Her hands reached to each side and rose above her head then she started chanting. The air around them turned frigid. Jadis’s eyes were greener than he’d ever seen them before. Draven had a difficult time trying to interpret what she was saying, not that he really gave a fuck anyways. All he cared about was Aliyah’s safety.

  A golden hue glinted around Aliyah. Her faery magic was powerful but rendered stagnant because she didn’t have anyone to teach her. She looked like something out of one of his wet dreams and he chided himself because this was certainly not the time to think with his dick and returned his attention to his Snowflake.

  When the spell was done, she gave Draven a quick kiss, her tongue darting in slightly before withdrawing. Draven sensed that like him, she didn’t want the kiss to end.

  “Fourteen minutes, go!” Jadis yelled after stepping back from him.

  He noticed her pallor wasn’t as vivacious as it’d just been. Whatever this spell was, it took a lot of her energy and power.

  Aliyah’s vampire tendencies were flourishing before his eyes as she stood at the front of the warehouse.

  Draven opened up his energy and listened intently for any inclination someone was around. A slight shuffling told him one, possibly two, were close. The metal door creaked open on the warehouse. Long dark hair, red slits for eyes and a scar marred his odious face: Gorgon. He sniffed the air and his beady eyes scanned the area before returning to Aliyah. His stance showed mistrust yet triumph.

  “You came alone. Impressive—yet stupid,” Gorgon snickered. “I’m surprised Draven let you out of his sight.”

  “He’s not my keeper,” Aliyah replied nonchalantly.

  Draven winced upon h
earing those words leave her mouth. Regardless that she was playing her role magnificently, it still pained him.

  “Could have fooled me.” Efah slunk out from the shadows behind Gorgon.

  Efah and Gorgon hadn’t noticed the shift in Aliyah’s body language, but he had. She knew that was his mother. The dark energy thrummed around her. Draven focused and tried to project to her mind.

  “Patience, baby.”

  It worked. Aliyah visibly relaxed.

  “I’m not here to play nice or get to know either of you. Where the fuck are my parents?” she hissed.

  “Feisty. You don’t disappoint do you? I guess my son would know all about that now wouldn’t he?” Efah’s voice dripped with venom.

  Gorgon interjected. “Your supposed parents, they’re here, and they’re happy. You could be too, if you come with me willingly. You are MY daughter, after all.”

  Draven watched Aliyah take a small step back before recovering. She shouted, “Do you hear yourself? You’re fucking deranged! I don’t give a fuck who you think you are to me or whether we’re blood or not. You’re going to give me my parents back before I do something you’ll regret.”

  “So much spunk. But then again, nothing I wouldn’t expect from my daughter.”

  Aliyah’s stance turned severe: both hands fisted beside her and her jaw clenched. Immediately Draven saw the ambiguity plaguing her on whether she should believe him or not—whether she should strike or not.

  Time was running out. He looked to Jadis, she mouthed nine minutes.

  Gorgon advanced on Aliyah. Fear gnawed on him as he watched the demon close in and Draven flew from the shadows, tackling Gorgon to the ground.

  “Run Aliyah, go!” She didn’t move.

  “I knew you were hidden somewhere around here and wouldn’t stay away from your precious little cunt. She’s just like Delilah, isn’t she. I’m going to enjoy murdering her like I did your first love,” Efah cackled.


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