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Love's Broken Vow

Page 11

by Honey

  She was so beautiful and kind. He loved her, and that was all there was to it.

  * * *

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come? I’ll be extra careful and quiet. We won’t get caught.”

  “It’s not a good idea. I just don’t feel comfortable with you visiting while Rico is here. He’s like a nephew to me. He roams around the house freely just like Tyler. Can you imagine what would happen if he got up in the middle of the night to go to the kitchen to get something to drink and found you here?”

  Father Gregory tossed the scene around in his head a few times. “We would have a lot of explaining to do.”

  “Correct. That’s why we can’t risk it. We can hook up this weekend. Glenda will return from her business trip Thursday night. She wants Tyler to come over after school Friday. He’ll be there until Sunday evening.”

  There was a knock at Father Gregory’s office door. He covered the mouthpiece of the phone with his hand. “Come in.”

  Sister Ellen Marie walked in smiling and carrying a stack of mail in her hands. She stood in the middle of the floor, facing his desk.

  “I need to take care of something right now. I’ll call you as soon as I get home.”

  * * *

  “Have a good weekend, Tabatha. And please don’t call me unless there’s an emergency.”

  “I won’t, boss lady. I’ll have everything under control.”

  Royce strolled out into the parking lot with pep in her step and a smile on her face. Tyler was spending the weekend with Rico and his mother, and she would have the house to herself. Last night during their pillow-time phone chat, Father Gregory had promised to visit her at eight o’clock sharp. The thought of spending time with him alone gave Royce an adrenaline rush. By the time she reached her designated parking space, she was humming an oldie but goodie R&B hit by the O’Jays. It was a love ballad that her Uncle Duke used to play on the stereo and sing loud and off-key whenever he’d drunk too much whiskey back in the day. The song perfectly described Royce’s situation with Father Gregory. He definitely had his hooks in her.

  He’d promised her an unforgettable weekend, and she was looking forward to every minute of it. Royce got inside her luxury SUV and peeled out of the parking lot, humming and counting down the hours until her date. That morning before leaving the house for the office, she’d selected the perfect outfit to wear and decided to order Caribbean cuisine from Masai’s on Peachtree. All of their delivery guys knew her well. One of the gentlemen would arrive at her house within an hour after she’d placed her order, and the food would be piping hot.

  The only item Royce needed to pick up on her way home was a bottle of wine. She and Father Gregory had finished the entire bottle the other night while they talked about their families, friends, and futures. Royce had enjoyed their conversation, but she’d wanted him to make love to her. Strangely, he didn’t put the moves on her, though. He’d kissed her lips often and embraced her, but nothing else. His actions or lack thereof had surprised her. She had agreed that they would practice abstinence, but she never expected them to really discontinue their sexual relationship. It wasn’t possible as far as she was concerned. By some miracle, they had stuck to the plan the other night, but Royce wasn’t interested in a repeat performance tonight at all. She wanted to be loved, and she refused to be denied.

  Chapter Twenty

  “I’m coming!” Royce ran to the door with the cordless phone in her hand. She grabbed the brass handle and pulled.

  “You look beautiful.” Father Gregory leaned in and kissed her forehead. He looked down at her sock-covered feet. “You need to put some boots on.” He handed her a motorcycle helmet and entered the house.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s protection for your head. You can’t ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet. It’s against the law in the state of Georgia.”

  “I don’t want to ride your bike. It’s too cold out there. I was about to order Caribbean food. And I have a bottle of Riesling in the refrigerator. The fire is blazing in the living room. Let’s stay in.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “We stayed in the other night. I want to take you out. Get your coat, a hat, and some gloves. I’m sure you have some boots. Put them on. Go on now. Your chariot awaits.” He swatted Royce playfully on her backside when she walked past him, rolling her eyes.

  Father Gregory laughed out loud and took the helmet and telephone Royce had shoved in his chest on her way to the staircase. He sat at the bottom of the steps to wait for her. It was chilly outside, but in his opinion, it was never too cold to go for a motorcycle ride. There was nothing more invigorating than the wind blowing in your face as you took in the sounds and sights of nature from the seat of a Harley. The speed and thrill of it all was an adventure.

  “I’m ready,” Royce announced from the landing above a few minutes later.

  Father Gregory turned and looked over his shoulder in time to see Royce stomping down the stairs like a spoiled brat. He smiled at her defiant body language and the scowl on her pretty face. She was covered in winter gear more suitable for a blizzard than a simple ride on a motorcycle in mid-March. She had tucked her long braids underneath a colorful toboggan and put on a pair of thigh-high riding boots over the legs of her jeans. Her full-length black leather coat made her look mysterious and sexy. Father Gregory watched her descend the steps at a snail’s pace. Her bottom lip was poked out like a pouting toddler on the verge of tears.

  “We’re going to have fun, sweetheart. I promise. Let me take you for a ride and out to dinner, please.”

  Royce shot him a suspicious glare. “How far do you plan to take me on that motorcycle of yours? There’s no restaurant around here where you can wine and dine me without running the risk of us being seen together.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Trust me,” he insisted, taking her by the hand. He kissed the back of it. “I promise to show you a good time.”

  They left the house, and twenty minutes later they were cruising south down Interstate 75. Royce rested the side of her head against Father Gregory’s back to shield her face from the sting of oncoming wind. She was holding him around his waist with her fingers interlocked together. He relished the feel of her soft body pressing against him as the night’s cool air wrapped all around them. Stolen moments like this particular one tempted him to question God, his religious beliefs, and the vocation he’d chosen. But the night was young and promising, and he didn’t want to think about any of that. The woman he loved was with him, and nothing else mattered.

  As planned, he guided the Harley off the interstate, taking exit 185 into the small town of Forsyth, Georgia. And as he’d expected, Royce raised her head to check out their surroundings. He couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking as he coasted along. He was from the big city of Chicago. He didn’t know a lot about Georgia and even less about cities outside of Atlanta. But there they were in Forsyth.

  It was a tiny city with a small population his internet search had led him to. Father Gregory’s intention was to spend time with Royce in a safe setting without interruption and away from the eyes of anyone who knew either of them. It was a date, the first one for him since his senior prom. The excitement over that memorable formal event couldn’t compare to what he felt at the moment. A simple dinner at a quaint restaurant in a small town with the woman who had captured his heart meant the world to him.

  “Where are we?” Royce shouted over the motorcycle’s roar.

  “We’re in Forsyth, Georgia. It’s a little town I discovered online.”

  Father Gregory guided the bike into the parking lot of Shoney’s, a popular down-home eatery in the small community. He could only imagine the look on Royce’s face. It was a long way from five-star dining, but it would have to do. He whipped the motorcycle into a parking space and killed the engine.

  Royce threw her heard back and laughed. “I ate at a Shoney’s restaurant in South Carolina once.”

  “So, you approv

  “I would’ve preferred takeout from Masai’s and a bottle of wine in front of the fireplace, but I guess this is okay. I like the company I’m with.”

  They took off their helmets and dismounted the bike. Father Gregory laced his fingers through Royce’s and escorted her into the restaurant. A hostess seated them in a corner booth right away. Less than a minute later, the server, a heavyset chick with bright red hair, approached their table and took their drink orders. When she returned with two glasses of lemonade and straws, she took their dinner orders.

  “Are you going to be able to eat a triple-decker bacon cheeseburger?”

  Royce grinned. “Watch me. I’m going to try your steak and shrimp, too. I’m starving. I don’t eat beef often, but whenever I do, I go all out.”

  “Don’t overdo it. I don’t want you to get sick.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “I wanted to take you to one of those fancy restaurants downtown Atlanta where there’s live music, elegant décor, and gourmet entrées that have names I can’t even pronounce. That’s what you deserve, but I can’t do that.”

  “I deserve you, and I’ll take you anywhere and anyway I can. If we have to sneak away to a hick town and eat dinner at a not-so-fancy restaurant for privacy, I don’t mind.”

  “Thanks for understanding. Most women wouldn’t put up with me and my complicated life.”

  “I’m not like other women. I would never place unfair demands and expectations on you. I didn’t walk into this situation blindfolded. I made a decision of my own free will to become your special friend, and I accept whatever you can offer in this relationship.”

  “And I love you for loving me in spite of my circumstances. But I feel so selfish and inconsiderate. A woman like you is worthy of being loved and cherished openly for the whole world to see. Look at us. We’re hiding and sneaking around like a pair of runaway teenagers.”

  “I don’t care. I just want us to be together as often as we can. If that means we’ll have to hook up at my place after dark or leave the city every once in a while, I’m cool with it.”

  “You’re cool with it for now.” He reached across the table and took Royce’s hand. “What about on special occasions and holidays or other times when people who’re in love usually come together? Will you be fine then?”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

  “Sweetheart, there will come a time when you’ll no longer be satisfied with the way things are between us today. You’ll grow tired of the secret visits and phone calls. They won’t be enough anymore. You’re going to want more from me, and I won’t be able to give it to you.”

  “I will take whatever you have to offer me because I love you and there is no other man anywhere in the world for me. I’d rather have a piece of you than ten other men at my beck and call.”

  “What about the celibacy? How long do you think you’ll be able to handle that?”

  Royce removed her hand from his and looked out the restaurant’s window and into the sparsely filled parking lot. “For you, I’ll be as chaste as a nun.”

  “A triple bacon cheeseburger and fries for the lady,” the server announced in her deep Southern drawl as she placed a plate on the table in front of Royce. “And I have a medium-well T-bone steak, fried shrimp, and a loaded baked potato for the gentleman. Can I get either of y’all anything else?”

  “We’re fine.”

  “No, thank you,” Royce said, nibbling on a French fry.

  “Enjoy your meal.”

  Father Gregory looked into Royce’s eyes. “Promise me something.”


  “Promise me that you’ll let me know when you become unable to deal with me and our friendship. I want you to be honest with me, Royce. I love you, and I want you to be happy. But if I can’t make you happy, I want you to be with a man who can. I’ll die an old and lonely heartbroken man, but I’ll be at peace knowing you’ve found love and happiness.

  Royce didn’t respond. She took a long sip of her lemonade and looked out the window again.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  A much lower temperature and chilling winds greeted Royce and Father Gregory when they stepped outside of the restaurant. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her body snuggly against his side as they walked to his motorcycle.

  “I’m freezing.”

  “I know. The temperature dropped drastically while we were eating and talking. The wind picked up, too. I don’t think we can ride back to Atlanta in this kind of weather. We’ll turn into a pair of icicles before we ride half a mile.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “We’ll find a motel or maybe a hotel and check in for the night.”

  Royce smiled on the inside, and her body began to tingle. Mother Nature had done her a huge favor without her even making a request. She was smart enough to know that God would never have put her and Father Gregory in a compromising situation. Some things just happened. In this particular case, the weather had become too severe to handle, and because of it, she had an opportunity she otherwise might not have had.

  They got on the motorcycle and rode to a convenience store across the street. Fortunately, the kind cashier directed them to a hotel less than five minutes away in the opposite direction. Royce’s teeth chattered as they sped toward the hotel. Her leather gloves did nothing to shield her hands from the icy weather. She pressed the side of her head against Father Gregory’s back and closed her eyes. She was grateful when he turned a curve and slowed the motorcycle down. He parked and killed the engine.

  “Come on, baby. Let me get you inside so you can get warm.”

  They dismounted the bike and removed their helmets. Hand in hand they walked into the lobby of the Holiday Inn Express. Royce took a seat in a big, comfortable chair and watched CNN while Father Gregory registered for a room. She sneaked a quick peek at him, and the back view of his body was sweet on her brown eyes.

  Dressed in his usual all black, his firm butt looked good in a pair of loose-fitting jeans. Royce thought about how she had palmed it each time he’d made love to her. She hoped she would get a feel of it tonight. He no doubt had every intention of keeping his jewels to himself, but she had another plan. She was already a sinner anyway, sleeping with a priest of all men. Both times had been a mutual decision on their parts, but tonight would probably be different. If Father Gregory did not come on to her, Royce would be forced to seduce him.

  “Your room is on the third floor, ma’am.” He turned and smiled, waving the key card as he walked in her direction. “I’ll ride up with you and check it out to make sure it’s okay before I leave you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He smiled. “I have my own room, sweetheart. I’ll be a few doors down the hall from you.”


  “There were no double rooms available, so I got us a room apiece. We both have a king-sized bed and premium television channels.”

  They walked into the elevator in complete silence. Royce was livid. How could she make him melt under her seductive heat if they weren’t sharing a room? He was taking the abstinence issue a little too seriously for her liking. She knew that fornication was a sin, especially for a priest, but it wasn’t like they hadn’t already done it before. One more time wasn’t going to overflow their sin cups.

  Father Gregory opened the door to Royce’s room and allowed her to enter first. She tossed her motorcycle helmet on the bed. He flipped on the light and walked around, inspecting the cozy space a few steps behind her. She could feel his body heat. He was torturing her, and she didn’t appreciate it. Maybe he thought he could go cold turkey, but she was going to teach him a very valuable lesson in human sexuality.

  “I’m tired. I’m going to shower and turn in. Good night.” Royce turned around and removed the key card from his hand. She walked past him and went to the door. She opened it wide.

  “Well, um, I’m about to brave the weather one more ti
me and go back to that convenience store. I need a razor, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. I’ll get deodorant, too. Can I buy anything for you? I used to shop for my sisters all the time. I’m quite familiar with all the girlie stuff.”

  “I’ll be fine. I just want to go to sleep. Good night.”

  Father Gregory stood quietly in place for a few seconds. Royce had just thrown him a curveball. He was more than likely confused, but she didn’t give a damn. She was playing by his rules, but it appeared that he wasn’t so sure if he wanted her to. It was too bad, because he would be thinking about her in the middle of the night now that she had flipped the script on him.

  “Good night, Royce.” He reached out to hug her.

  She did a smooth side step out of his reach while still holding on to the doorknob. “That’s not a good idea. Remember, we’re in love, but we’re celibate. Hugging in a room with a bed in it could tempt us to do something we both will regret in the morning.”

  * * *

  Father Gregory looked at the condoms one more time, inwardly debating with his conscience over whether he should buy them. The items he had gone to the store to buy were in his handbasket already. All he needed to do was make his purchases and leave, but his feet wouldn’t move, no matter how many times his brain ordered them to. He was torn between pleasing God and satisfying his flesh. Royce was probably asleep by now, but he couldn’t get her off of his mind. She was freshly showered in her room, lying in that great big bed all alone. He wondered what she was wearing, since she didn’t have a nightgown or any other loungewear.

  “Self-control, Nicholas,” he reminded himself, closing his eyes. “You’ve got to be strong and yield not to temptation.”

  Father Gregory walked away from the condoms and headed for the checkout, feeling empowered. He would deliver the toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant he was about to purchase for Royce to her door and leave. He could resist her just like he had the other night. All he had to do was stay in the hallway and not touch her. God would give him the strength to do just that.


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