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Love's Broken Vow

Page 23

by Honey

  “I don’t want to force him to choose between fatherhood and the priesthood. If he ever finds out about this baby, he will want to be a part of its life. The only way that’ll be possible is if he steps down from the pulpit. I don’t want this baby to be the cause of that, Z. Nicholas could live to resent me someday and blame me for ruining his life. I’m going to raise this baby alone.”

  “I disagree with you, but it’s your decision. I’ll have to respect it.” She kissed Royce on the forehead. “I’m going to bed now. Sleep well.”

  “Good night.”

  * * *

  “Damn it, Royce! Where are you?”

  Father Gregory walked down the three steps from Royce’s stoop, angry, confused, and frustrated. It was the third day in a row he’d hopped on his motorcycle and sped to her house. He couldn’t imagine where she could be. He had called her dozens of times and left countless messages on her cell phone, her land phone, and both job voicemails. He knew she was hurt because of their breakup, but she was taking her game of hide and seek a little too far.

  Father Gregory guided his bike to the pavement and mounted it. He sat for a moment, unsure of his next move. He thought about riding to the Royalty facility in midtown, but he quickly changed his mind. It was possible that she had banned him from both locations for life like she’d done Dr. Marlon Burrell. Father Gregory didn’t want to be dragged away from the building in handcuffs.

  He took in his surroundings. Royce had never spoken to him about any of her neighbors, so he didn’t think it was a good idea to bother them. Tyler’s face suddenly floated through his head. Surely, he knew where his aunt was, but he was out of the country. He hadn’t spoken to the boy since he’d left for Dominica, although Tyler did leave him a message assuring him that he and his family had arrived on the island safely.

  Father Gregory removed his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Tyler’s number.

  * * *

  The faint buzzing of the phone stirred Zora from her afternoon nap. She sat up on the sofa and looked around. Tyler had left his cell phone on the coffee table while he went swimming with his father.

  “Who the hell is calling him?” Zora picked up the phone and pushed the power button. Before she could greet the caller, he started talking fast and frantically.

  “Tyler, I’m so glad you answered. This is Father Gregory. I’ve been trying to reach your aunt for three days. I really need to talk to her right away. Do you have any idea where she is?”

  “My sister is here in Dominica with her family. What could you possibly want to speak with her about?”

  “Mrs. Benson, how are you?”

  “I’m wonderful now that Royce is no longer sleeping with you.”

  “I know I was wrong to get involved with your sister, but it just happened. The next thing I knew we had fallen in love. Things got complicated, and I ended the relationship. But I never stopped loving Royce and I never will. If I could just speak with her please, I would be appreciative.”

  He actually sounded sincere to Zora. He was practically begging for a chance to talk to Royce. But Zora wasn’t sure if she should allow it. She didn’t want him to say anything to Royce that might upset her. He claimed to love her sister, yet he had ripped her heart from her chest and left her pregnant. Zora decided to test the priest.

  “Do you really love Royce?”

  “Yes. I love her more than I love myself.”

  “What are your intentions at this point? You’re still a priest. You can’t marry Royce or even date her.”

  “I left the priesthood. I submitted my resignation to the archdiocese and to my church. I asked to be relieved of all my duties immediately. I had to follow my heart.”

  “Oh, my God! You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “I’m very serious. I can’t live without Royce. We were meant to be together. I’ve prayed about it and sought counsel. God has forgiven me and granted me His blessing to leave the priesthood so I can marry your sister. I’ll continue to serve the Lord as a layman in every way I can. There’s still a divine calling on my life, and I’ll fulfill it with my wife by my side.”

  “I think you should come to Dominica and tell Royce face-to-face about the decisions you’ve made. A man needs to look a woman in her eyes when he declares his love for her and asks for her hand in marriage.”

  “I’ll come as soon as I can. I’m in the process of moving out of the parsonage and into an apartment. I need your direct number so I can call you next week with my travel itinerary. I’d like to surprise Royce if it’s possible.”

  “She’s going to be surprised all right.” And you will be too, Zora wanted to add, but she kept it to herself. She smiled because she now had a secret . . . a very pleasant secret.

  Chapter Forty-three

  “I’m going to miss you, Father Gregory.” Father Rivera threw his short, meaty arms around his former fellow priest. He released him and took a backward step. “What will you do now that you’ve left the priesthood?”

  “I could always teach at the college level. I’ve thought about writing my memoires. I’m a former Roman Catholic priest who left my flock to get married to a woman I’ve been involved in an affair with for several months. It sounds like a New York Times bestseller to me.” He grinned.

  “Will you keep in touch with us?”

  Father Gregory nodded and stuffed more items inside the nearly full box. “I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t. I’ll be right here in Atlanta. You, Father Schmidt, and I will get together for pool and drinks from time to time.”

  “I would like that.”

  “I’d rather learn how to ride your motorcycle,” Father Schmidt announced as he entered the master suite.

  “I’ll give you lessons, although I don’t think you’ll need them. Riding a Harley is easy.”

  “You’re one brave and lucky man, Father Gregory.”

  “How so?”

  “You’ve done what many of us have contemplated but lacked the courage to do. I know your decision didn’t come easy, but you took God at His word. He promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He’ll be with you in your new life because He loves you.” Father Schmidt patted Father Gregory’s shoulder. “I wish you well, sir.”

  “Thank you. And from now on, I want both of you to call me Nicholas.”

  * * *

  The small clinic on Ross University School of Medicine’s campus had closed two hours ago, but Eric, Zora, and Tyler still hadn’t returned home. The sun’s brilliance had been replaced by the darkness as the stars appeared one by one scattered around the moon. Royce waddled to the huge bay window in the parlor and opened the blinds. The slow-paced lifestyle of the native Dominicans left their tiny neighborhood quiet and uneventful. There was no one walking up or down the street, and the children had retreated indoors for the evening after playing outside. She left the window and returned to the comfortable recliner to watch television.

  Royce gasped and rubbed her protruding belly in response to her baby stirring in her womb. The tiny kicks fascinated her every time. It was an amazing feeling that Royce didn’t think she’d ever grow tired of. Regardless of her present circumstances, her baby was a blessing from God that she was grateful for. Her little girl or boy would always remind her of the one and only man she had ever truly loved. Nicholas Gregory had given her the most precious gift ever, although he was clueless to the fact.

  The sound of a car’s engine and flashing bright lights startled Royce. She was relieved that the Benson crew had finally decided to come home. They’d probably gone out to dinner at the Purple Turtle, their favorite restaurant on the island. Eric had no doubt devoured a few lobster tails. He loved them prepared in the Dominican spices.

  Royce frowned at the round of light taps at the door. Everyone had been given a key to the house by the landlord the first day they moved in. Even Tyler had placed one of the keys on his Atlanta Hawks ring. The tapping continued, irritating Royce to no end. She was comfortable and didn’t want
to leave the recliner. She struggled to her feet, hurried to the door, and snatched it open.

  “Royce,” the familiar, rich baritone timbre rumbled.

  A pair of long arms enfolded her. She wiggled free from his embrace with her mind reeling from shock. It had to be a dream or maybe an apparition even. There was no way the love of her life, the father of her unborn child, was standing before her.

  Royce’s eyes locked with Nicholas’s. He smiled at her, and she nearly fainted. His eyes left her face and traveled lower to her new curves. She saw the astonishment in his deep ebony orbs the instant realization kicked in. Royce couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. She watched Nicholas lower his body to one knee. The feel of his hands caressing her belly brought out deep emotions she couldn’t contain. Teardrops streamed down Royce’s face as the baby kicked and squirmed in response to its father’s gentle touches.

  Nicholas massaged and kissed Royce’s belly repeatedly before he stood again. “We’re having a baby?” he asked with his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

  Royce, much too overwhelmed to speak, simply nodded and covered her tearstained face with both hands.

  Nicholas turned around and lifted his suitcase from the porch and closed the door. “Come. Let’s sit and talk. There’s so much I need to say to you.”

  Royce allowed him to lead her to the sofa. They sat quietly for a few moments, each obviously sorting through their thoughts and emotions. Royce had a million questions to ask him, and she knew he had just as many for her.

  “Why did you come here?”

  “I wanted to apologize for hurting you. It tore a hole in my soul the day I ended our relationship. I haven’t enjoyed a moment of peace since that night. Please forgive me.”

  “I accept your apology, but I was partly to blame for the mess we made. I didn’t enter the situation blindly. I knew you were a priest and you always will be.”

  “I left the priesthood. I resigned from all my duties. I couldn’t live that lifestyle anymore, sweetheart. My season in ministry had come to an end. Many people will never understand or accept my decision, but I don’t care. I’m at peace with it, and I’m at peace with God.”

  “I never would’ve asked you to choose, Nicholas. There were more times than I can count that I wanted to, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

  “You don’t ever have to worry about that again. I’m free to love you completely the way Christ loves the church, if you’ll have me as your husband.”

  “I love you, Nicholas. You know that. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  “Thank God! I never dreamed I would have a wife and a child. It’s hard to believe this is really happening to me.”

  Royce wrapped her arms around her man’s neck and kissed his lips. “How long will you be here?”

  “I’ll be here long enough to get married and have a honeymoon. Then I’ll take my beautiful pregnant wife back to Atlanta where we’ll wait for the arrival of our baby. I’ll have to look for a new job, of course, and learn how to be a father. But right now I would love to practice for the honeymoon.”

  Royce giggled like a silly schoolgirl. “We can’t. I’m expecting Eric, Zora, and Tyler any minute.”

  Nicholas gave Royce a smile so sexy that her heart skipped a couple of beats. He shook his head. “The Bensons aren’t coming home tonight. As a matter of fact, they went to Roseau for the weekend. We have the house all to ourselves thanks to your lovely sister.”

  “Who? Zora? I don’t believe you.”

  “She’s my new best friend. By divine intervention, we spoke on the phone two weeks ago. We had a serious conversation about everything concerning you and me. At the conclusion of the matter, she gave me her blessing to come here. We’ve been in constant contact ever since. You’re fortunate to have Zora for a sister. She would move heaven and earth for you.”

  “I love her too, even though she gets on my nerves sometimes.”

  Nicholas rubbed Royce’s belly. “Let’s go to bed.”

  * * *

  Nicholas tossed the magazine on the nightstand when Royce entered the bedroom. She was voluptuous and sexy as hell with a bright prenatal glow. He couldn’t remember her looking more desirable. Without warning, she lifted the pastel pink caftan over her head and allowed it to fall to the floor. Her naked pregnant body was exquisite. Nicholas opened his arms to her, and Royce did not disappoint him. She stretched her body out fully on top of his, and he cradled her to his chest.

  “Am I dreaming or are you really here with me?”

  “I’m here, baby.” He kissed her passionately to prove it and pulled back. “I have something for you,” he said, reaching toward the nightstand. He opened the drawer and picked up a small jewelry box. “After all of the excitement of seeing you again and learning about the baby, I failed to give you a proper proposal.” He opened the box, revealing a humongous emerald-cut diamond surrounded by a halo of small round diamonds set high on a platinum band. “Royce Dominique Phillips, will you marry me?”

  “Oh, Nicholas, it’s the prettiest ring I’ve ever seen in my life. You chose well, baby. Thank you. And yes, I will marry you.”

  He took her left hand and eased the stunning piece of jewelry on her ring finger. “It’s a perfect fit just like you and me.” He sealed the official proposal with another sizzling kiss.

  Royce returned his passion in the heated manner she always had whenever they were together. Her soft body, familiar but yet so new, shuddered under his caresses as he reacquainted himself with every inch of her smooth flesh. Too many days and moments in time had kept them apart. The reunion with the woman he loved, now the mother of his unborn child, was sweet.

  He fondled her growing and noticeably more sensitive breasts until the nipples hardened. He licked each rigid peak repeatedly, and Royce whimpered out her pleasure. He eased her onto her back and kissed a path from her bosom to her stomach bulging with his child. His finger found the hairy, wet spot at the apex of her thighs. The heat between its folds was hotter than normal, and it caused more blood to rush to his already erect penis. It throbbed with anticipation to be buried deep inside of Royce as he slid his fingers in and out of her drenched vagina, teasing her stiff clit with every stroke. Their foreplay released the distinct aroma of sex into the air inside the small bedroom. The glow from the full moon shining through the window washed over their naked bodies.

  Royce rolled over onto her left side with her knees bent, and she raised her right leg. “We’ll have to do it this way because—”

  “I understand. We can’t hurt the baby,” he whispered, fully comprehending.

  Nicholas positioned himself at an angle behind Royce and penetrated her slowly with care. He stroked her gently and cupped her full breasts, kneading them to heighten her pleasure. She pushed backward into his body to meet his thrusts in a moderate and easy rhythm. And even as the pace quickened and the urgency intensified, his motions remained smooth and tender.

  “Ah . . . I love you, Royce.”

  She cooed and hummed out her response and continued rocking her hips and rubbing the large hand massaging her right breast. The rhythm of their lovemaking increased. They continued feeding each other’s passions until their bodies were completely satisfied and energy had betrayed them both.

  * * *

  Just before dawn, Royce woke up and discovered she was in bed alone. She sat up and looked around the room and smiled when saw her fiancé staring out the window. “Come back to bed.”

  He turned to face her. “Your body needs a break. I don’t want to overdo it and end up harming you or the baby.”

  Nicholas’s concern for her and their baby warmed Royce’s heart. “I wanted to ask you a question many months ago,” she began, “but I was too embarrassed.”

  “Go ahead, sweetheart. You can ask me anything.” He sat on the bed next to Royce, took her by the hand, and kissed her palm.

  “You had never made love to a woman before I came along, so how did you know what to do the fir
st time we were together and every other time after that?”

  Nicholas threw his head back and belted out a laugh. “I was a pretty good biology student in high school and college. And although I was going to be a priest, it didn’t stop Max from giving me the classic lecture on the birds and the bees. And like you once said, some things just come natural.”

  Chapter Forty-four

  A love that had endured more sorrow, complexities, controversy, and limitations than most was rekindled and reaffirmed that night under a Caribbean moonlight. It was a forbidden romance deemed punishable by hell’s fire and damnation in the hearts of millions all over the world. Not even the sanctity of marriage could validate Nicholas and Royce’s coming together as one. A sacred vow had been broken, and for that, love could offer no spiritual or moral excuse according to the Roman Catholic Church. But for the two lovers, love indeed was the ultimate justifying premise that superseded the traditions and interpretations of God’s law by mere mortal men.

  * * *

  Tyler sat and watched his father and grandfather escort Nicholas to a corner in the small reception hall. From the looks on their faces, he could tell the conversation they were about to have with his buddy wasn’t going to be a very friendly one. Sure, both men had smiled through the rehearsal dinner and appeared touched by Nicholas’s sweet and romantic vows he’d recited to Royce with tears in his eyes during the wedding ceremony. But now they reminded the boy of a pair of vicious thugs prepared to do bodily harm. Tyler actually felt sorry for his mentor.

  The child squinted, trying to read his grandfather’s lips as he talked and jabbed his finger forcefully in the air only inches away from Nicholas’s nose. Tyler believed he could see beads of sweat forming on his poor friend’s forehead. Whatever his father was whispering in Nicholas’s ear had caused his face to turn a fiery shade of red. It had to be a threat. Tyler could feel it in his gut. Knowing his dad, he’d probably promised to break both of the man’s legs if he wasn’t a good husband to Royce. And the flash in his eyes said he meant every threatening word.


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