Love's Broken Vow

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Love's Broken Vow Page 24

by Honey

  Tyler wasn’t concerned about Nicholas cheating or being mean to his aunt. He believed he truly loved her and would always respect her and treat her like a queen. That was the promise he had made to Tyler the evening he and Royce had sat him down to tell him about their engagement and the baby. At first, he was totally confused and upset, but by the end of the conversation, during which the boy had asked a ton of questions, he understood that sometimes certain things in life don’t turn out the way we plan them. And he learned a valuable lesson about love. Royce and Nicholas had explained that it was a powerful emotion that often made strange things happen that we can’t even begin to understand.

  Tyler breathed a sigh relief when Nichols was released from the corner unharmed. He made a lightning path to the bar where his stepfather, Max, sat nursing a drink. Tyler wanted to run over and talk to him to make sure he was okay, but he figured it wasn’t a good time. Nicholas more than likely needed to spend some time with his stepdad, and he probably could use a drink too.

  The small reggae band suddenly broke out into an upbeat tune. The lead singer invited everyone at the reception to the dance floor. Tyler jumped up, snapping his fingers and bobbing his head to the funky beat. He noticed Andra standing alone, wiggling her hips to the rhythm of the music. He half walked and half danced across the room and took his older cousin by the hand. Together they joined their family members on the dance floor. Tyler smiled when he looked to the front of the room and saw his aunt and brand-new uncle in each other’s arms, swaying from side to side with smiles on their faces. They were happy, and Tyler was too.

  * * *

  “Be totally honest with me, Nicholas. Do you have any regrets?”

  “Absolutely not,” he answered without hesitation, shaking his head. “I didn’t plan it nor did I foresee it. But if I had to do it all over again, I would do almost everything the same.”

  “Oh, yeah? What would you differently?”

  “I would have gone to my superiors the day I realized I’d fallen in love with you. In the back of my mind and deep in my heart I knew we would end up together, but I fought it. I was stupid to think I could live in two worlds for the rest of my life. And it was so unfair to you. But I was afraid, Royce. I didn’t want to fail or be ostracized.”

  “Do you believe God is disappointed or angry with you?”

  “No, I don’t. A very wise, holy man assured me that God knows my heart and He had ordered my footsteps even before I was born. You, our child, and the life we now share were all a part of His plan. My destiny has come to fruition. God loves the spirit of love, Royce. God is love. He loves you. He loves me. And He loves the love we have for each other.”

  “So you’re not going to hell?”

  Nicholas laughed and massaged his wife’s back. “No, I’m not going to hell, and neither are you.”

  Royce rested her head on her husband’s chest and listened to his strong heartbeat. She allowed his words to settle deep in her spirit. It had been her fear since the first time they made love that they had brought a curse upon themselves without any hope for salvation. She had actually been more concerned about the man she loved than herself. After all, God’s expectations and requirements of him were far greater than those of an ordinary person like her. But it didn’t matter now. Their days of lies, fornication, and secrecy about their relationship were now a part of the past. They were happily married and bound by the vows they had made to each other in the presence of God and their families. It wasn’t a fairy tale, but it was the life Royce had always envisioned. She had a husband who adored her, a baby on the way, and a supportive family. Business was booming. Her third fitness and health center was only weeks away from its grand opening. What more could a girl ask for?

  “Our mothers want to know the gender of the baby,” Royce announced out of the blue. “How do you feel about that?”

  “We don’t want to know. It’s our baby and our decision, sweetheart. Case closed.”

  “Are you comfortable living in this house? We could move and find another one together if you’d like.”

  “We shared our first kiss in this house. I received my one and only adult spanking in this very room. Our child was more than likely conceived in this bed. Why would I ever want to move? There are too many unforgettable memories in this house, honey. If you don’t mind, I’d like us to make many more right here in our house.”

  * * *

  Nicholas folded the single sheet of paper and slid it back inside the envelope. It was a letter from Darius, the young theology student he’d met last spring. There was a “save the date” card inviting Nichols to his ordination next year enclosed in the envelope as well. The young man was on the path to a life in the priesthood. Nicholas was happy for him. He’d obviously made the decision he believed was best for him and the young woman he’d been involved with.

  Nicholas was certain that Darius had not arrived at his decision without lots of prayer and extensive consideration. Nevertheless, he had chosen to stay on the course he had begun as a teenager. According to his letter, he was excited and ready to serve God and the Catholic Church. He had fully embraced the divine calling on his life and turned his back on love and marriage. Nicholas was proud that Darius had decided to do what he believed was right instead of what he desired. His prayer was that he would honor the vow he had made and become a priest who would honor God and His people forever.

  * * *

  “Royce, are you ready, baby girl? There’re a whole lot of people out there. Tabatha said the program will start in exactly seven minutes. Your mama and I are going out there to claim our seats with the rest of the family before somebody steals them.”

  “Okay, Daddy, we’ll be out there soon.” She inhaled and exhaled as her husband stood above her chair, quietly massaging her back and shoulders.

  Estelle Phillips leaned over and pushed her daughter’s long braids away from her face. She pecked her on the cheek. “I’m so proud of you, sweetie. You were always ambitious when it came to your professional life. Now you have everything you’ve ever wanted. You almost gave me a heart attack by the way you came about it. But I’m fine now because I realize how happy you and Nicholas are.”

  “Thank you, Mama.”

  “Knock! Knock!” Zora drawled out as she suddenly appeared at Royce’s office door at the new Royalty location in Stockbridge, Georgia. “It’s almost that time,” she announced. “The mayor, the chief of police, the fire chief, and several TV cameras are here. The room is jam-packed. You did it, sis!” Zora blew Royce a kiss and then vanished into the hallway.

  Mr. and Mrs. Phillips smiled and waved to their daughter and son-in-law before they left the office to join the crowd that had assembled for the grand opening of Royalty Fitness and Health Center and Spa’s new south location.

  “Are you okay? You look like a million bucks, but you seem tired, sluggish even. How is your back?”

  “I feel fine. I’m a little nervous, and your baby refuses to be still. But overall I’m having a good day.” Royce stood with her husband’s assistance. “The crowd is waiting for us. Let’s go and cut that ribbon, Mr. Gregory.”

  Chapter Forty-five

  “Mrs. Gregory, I am so impressed with your facility. Your staff, the modern state-of-the-art equipment, and the services you offer are absolutely amazing. This is just the kind of health club I’ve been looking for since I relocated here from Los Angeles.”

  “Thank you. I hope you’ll take advantage of our new membership enrollment specials. The twenty-five percent discount is valid until New Year’s Eve.”

  “You better believe I did. I signed up for the platinum membership plan. I’ll be here early Monday morning for a consultation with my new personal trainer and nutritionist before I head to the studio to tape my show. I’ll be discussing the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law currently on books in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, and sixteen other states, including my home state, Michigan. Too many unarmed brown boys and men are losing their lives for no good re
ason at all.”

  “That’s true. I’ll make sure I tune in.”

  “Great. Again, congratulations on your grand opening. It was nice meeting you.” The stylishly dressed woman offered Royce her hand.

  “The pleasure was mine,” she said, shaking the offered hand firmly.

  As soon as the woman walked away, Royce turned to Nicholas. “Do you know who that was?”

  He shook his head. “Nope.”

  “That was Kyra Alexander! She’s a major talk show host. And the sista gives lectures all over the country, empowering women and youth. She’s like the new Oprah. I can’t believe she came to my grand opening and she joined my center.”

  “That’s wonderful, and I’m excited for you,” Nicholas said, rubbing Royce’s back. “But it’s time for me to take you home. You’ve had a full day, and now it’s time for you to get some rest.”

  “I just need a few more minutes to greet some other people and check in with Tabatha.”

  “You have ten minutes, baby, and not a second more.”

  Royce waddled around her new, magnificent building, shaking hands and mingling with her supporters. Once in a while, she would turn to look at her husband to assure him that she was aware of the time limit he had placed on her. The clock was ticking. With moments to spare, Royce made her way to the office area. She found Tabatha talking to one of the facility’s maintenance engineers.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I wanted to let you know I’m about to leave. The hubby says I’ve been on my feet too long. He’s a bit overprotective. I don’t know why he insists on treating me like I’m a fragile porcelain doll. I feel great with the exception of a little back pain here and there. Anyway, I’ll see you early tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll be here no later than seven forty-five. Take care.”

  * * *


  His eyes popped open the moment Royce nudged him and whispered his name. He sat up in bed and instantly turned on the lamp on the nightstand. He looked down and studied Royce’s face. She appeared to be in pain. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know,” she moaned through choppy breaths. “The baby is moving a lot, and it hurts. The pain is unbearable. I feel wet, too, but I can’t be in labor. It’s too early. I have eight weeks to go.”

  “I’m calling Dr. Ayobami,” he told Royce and snatched the cover from their bodies. “Oh, dear God!”

  The sight of bright red blood covering Royce’s lower body and the bedsheets terrified Nicholas. He was paralyzed briefly, but he quickly shook it off and sprang into action. He called 911, gave the dispatcher the details of the emergency, and demanded an ambulance in a composed yet insistent voice while holding Royce’s hand. Then he got dressed with lightning speed.

  “They don’t want you to move, baby. Try to breathe and stay calm until the medics arrive. You’re going to be fine. The baby is going to be fine,” he assured her, although he had no idea if his words were true.

  After a brief span of time, Nicholas heard the ambulance’s siren wailing as the vehicle drew closer to the house. He ran downstairs to let the medics in.

  “Where is your wife, sir?”

  “She’s upstairs. Follow me.”

  * * *

  Nicholas left his seat in the waiting area as soon as he saw Eric emerge from the double doors. Zora followed him.

  “What’s happening? How is Royce?”

  Eric raised both hands. “She’s stable, but—”

  “But what, Eric? Just tell us. How is my sister?”

  “Placental abruption is a very serious condition. Although the separation is partial, Royce has lost a lot of blood. She’s undergoing a transfusion right now. She’s strong, healthy, and in tip-top shape, so I’m sure she’ll pull through this.”

  “What about the baby?”

  Eric sighed and scratched his head. “I’ve got to give it to you straight, Nick. The baby may not make it. If Royce were closer to her due date, the baby would be bigger, stronger, and further developed. Right now, it’s in distress. The heartbeat is weak, and its oxygen level is nowhere near where it should be. It’s touch and go. After Royce’s blood transfusion, Dr. Ayobami will perform an emergency Cesarean section. A neonatal specialist and his team will begin critical neonatal care on the baby as soon as it’s born. If anyone can save your child’s life, it’s my buddy, Dr. Felix Murat. The dude is a genius.”

  Zora broke down in tears, but Nicholas remained cool. He stood in place quietly as Eric tried to comfort his wife. The situation was scarier than his worst nightmare. Royce was young and physically fit. With the exception of her nightly bowl of ice cream, she had been very conscious of her diet during her entire pregnancy. They’d walked their tranquil neighborhood four evenings a week, every week since returning home from Dominica as husband and wife. This wasn’t supposed to be happening!

  Sin . . . The broken vow . . . The departure from the priesthood ...

  Those thoughts and a million others floated through Nicholas’s psyche like a parade of bad words. Guilt assaulted him. It was his fault that his wife and baby were fighting for their lives. Royce’s only transgression had been falling in love with him, a priest. But their baby, conceived in love yet through willful fornication, was totally innocent. The tiny, pure, and perfect little boy or girl did not deserve to die because of the sins of its father. And death was too harsh of a punishment for a woman who’d only done what had become natural at the beginning of time when Eve offered her body and soul to Adam in the Garden of Eden.

  Royce was worthy of bearing a child and nurturing it until adulthood even though she’d conceived it out of wedlock with a priest who had been overcome by lust. If anyone deserved to die, Nicholas believed it was him.

  “How soon will Dr. Ayobami deliver the baby?”

  Eric, still hugging Zora and trying to console her, peered at his brother-in-law over his shoulder. “Thank God Royce was still alert when she arrived. She was able to tell the medical team her blood type and everything else important they needed to know. Because of her, the emergency physician was able to start the blood transfusion right away. Dr. Ayobami is prepared to begin the C-section as soon as he’s given clearance. In my professional opinion, that should be in an hour or so.”

  “I’ll be back,” Nicholas told Eric. “I want to be in the operating room with Royce when our baby is born. Do whatever it takes to make it possible,” he insisted, walking away.

  “Hey, man, where’re you going?”

  “Nicholas, come back here! What am I supposed to tell my sister when she asks for you? Please don’t leave! Come back!”

  Nicholas completely tuned them out. He had to ignore them because time was not on his side. He followed the directional signs to the hospital’s chapel, where he had met with the grieving Strozier family when its patriarch was transitioning to eternity. It was the most sacred place in the building. Nicholas knew he wasn’t the best Christian in the world, and he believed his sins had come full circle. But he was holding on to the words of Father Kyle. “Our God is a very loving and forgiving God. He will love you regardless of the decision you make. His love for us has no end, and His mercy endures forever.” Nicholas could hear the elder priest’s voice as if he were right there with him.

  He rode the elevator down to the first floor. When he stepped out, he rushed inside the chapel where a few people sat scattered in the pews, praying and meditating. Nicholas took a seat in the very last pew on the left side of the aisle. If he had learned nothing else from his years as an altar boy growing up in the Catholic Church, he knew how to pray. And he would rely on the same faith that he had studied, nurtured, and affirmed over the course of his days in seminary and as a priest.

  “God, please spare Royce’s life and let our baby live. Neither of them deserves to be punished. I abandoned the priesthood and reneged on my oath and calling to you and the church. I knew what I was doing was against your will, but I was too weak and sinful to abstain. I
believe in my heart that you have already forgiven me and you’ve blessed me with two special gifts I’m unworthy of. Please, I beg you, don’t take Royce and my child away from me. I will do anything if you allow them to pull through this crisis, anything, God. I would give my life for them. Just tell me what to do. Give me a sign or show me in some way, please. I promise I will do anything you want me to do if you’ll have mercy on me one more time.”

  Nicholas wiped his tears away and sat quietly thinking about Royce and their baby. His burden was so heavy. He felt totally helpless. Never in his wildest imagination had he ever entertained the thought of becoming a father. But now that he had come so close to welcoming his child into the world, his soul ached at the possibility that death would rob him of holding his son or daughter.

  “I’d rather die.” He whispered his heartfelt sentiment.

  The chapel door swung open. Nicholas turned around and saw Eric.

  “Hey, man, I figured you were in here. Royce is asking for you. Zora is trying to keep her calm, but she wants you. We’ve got to hurry so you can scrub up and change. Dr. Ayobami will begin the procedure in thirty minutes.”


  Two Years Later

  “Good morning, my brothers and sisters.”

  “Good morning.” The congregation returned its pastor’s greeting in unison.

  He smiled and lifted his Bible in the air. “This morning I want you to join me in reading one of my favorite scriptures on forgiveness. Please flip to the one hundred and third division of Psalms. We will concentrate on verses eight through twelve. I’ll give you all a few moments to locate that passage.”

  “Daddy! Daddy!” The angelic voice of a little girl rang throughout the sanctuary over the faint sound of pages turning.

  The congregation erupted with laughter. Many of the members looked at the toddler sitting on her mother’s lap and smiled affectionately.

  Reverend Nicholas Gregory smiled also and lowered his head. “You all will have to forgive my two-year-old daughter, Nicolette, for her outburst. She’s her daddy’s number one fan. Everything I do seems to excite her. Even when I’m delivering a sermon in the pulpit, she feels the need to cheer for me. My wife and I hope she’ll settle down when her baby brother arrives in three months. Then again, I’m a realist. Nicolette is our miracle baby, and she has way too much spunk. She had to fight to survive a very complicated premature delivery, and she spent several weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit. I think you all better prepare for more outbursts until she grows out of her rambunctious stage.”


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